blob: 456f7ba2e58bb14d4a35b3419a8ba93a6178aa14 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
.TH ctid.conf 5 "1 Oct 2013" "OpenVZ" "Containers"
\fIctid\fR.conf \- configuration file for an OpenVZ container.
This is a configuration file for a container. It is stored as
\fB@VPSCONFDIR@/\fR\fICTID\fB.conf\fR, where \fICTID\fR
is the numeric ID of the given container.
Configuration file consists of lines in the form
All parameter names and values are case-sensitive. Quotes surrounding a
\fIvalue\fR are required if value contains spaces, and are optional otherwise.
Extra spaces are not allowed. All unrecognized lines will be ignored.
The meaning of most parameters are described in \fBvzctl\fR(8), so here only
the appropriate \fBvzctl set\fR option names are given.
.SS Miscellaneous parameters
.IP \fBNAME\fR="\fIvename\fR"
Corresponds to the \fB--name\fR option.
.IP \fBDESCRIPTION\fR="\fIstring\fR"
Corresponds to the \fB--description\fR option.
.IP \fBONBOOT\fR="\fByes\fR|\fBno\fR"
Specifies whether this container will be started during system boot.
Corresponds to the \fB--onboot\fR option.
.IP \fBBOOTORDER\fR="\fInumber\fR"
Specifies the CT boot order priority. Corresponds to the
\fB--bootorder\fR option.
.IP \fBOSTEMPLATE\fR="\fItmpl_name\fR"
Corresponds to the \fB--ostemplate\fR option.
.IP \fBVE_ROOT\fR="\fIdirectory\fR"
Corresponds to the \fB--root\fR option.
.IP \fBVE_PRIVATE\fR="\fIdirectory\fR"
Corresponds to the \fB--private\fR option.
.IP \fBMOUNT_OPTS\fR="\fIoption\fR[,\fIoption\fR...]"
Corresponds to \fB--mount_opts\fR option.
.IP \fBDISABLED\fR="\fByes\fR|\fBno\fR"
Corresponds to the \fB--disabled\fR option.
.IP \fBORIGIN_SAMPLE\fR="\fIname\fR"
Name of container sample configuration which the container is based on.
.IP \fBSTOP_TIMEOUT\fR="\fInumber\fR"
Corresponds to the \fB--stop-timeout\fR option.
.SS Resource management parameters
Corresponds to the \fB--numproc\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--numfile\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--numflock\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--numpty\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--numsiginfo\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--numtcpsock\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--numothersock\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--privvmpages\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--vmguarpages\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--oomguarpages\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--lockedpages\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--shmpages\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--kmemsize\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--tcpsndbuf\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--tcprcvbuf\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--othersockbuf\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--dgramrcvbuf\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--dcachesize\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--numiptent\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--physpages\fR or \fB--ram\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--swappages\fR or \fB--swap\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--vm_overcommit\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--cpuunits\fR option.
.IP \fBDISK_QUOTA\fR="\fByes\fR|\fBno\fR"
Corresponds to the \fB--diskquota\fR option.
If this is set to \fBno\fR, disk quota is not set up for this CT.
.IP \fBDISKSPACE\fR="\fIsoftlimit\fR[:\fIhardlimit\fR]"
Corresponds to the \fB--diskspace\fR option.
.IP \fBDISKINODES\fR="\fIsoftlimit\fR[:\fIhardlimit\fR]"
Corresponds to the \fB--diskinodes\fR option.
.IP \fBQUOTATIME\fR="\fIseconds\fR"
Corresponds to the \fB--quotatime\fR option.
Corresponds to the \fB--quotaugidlimit\fR option.
.IP \fBCAPABILITY\fR="\fIcapname\fR:\fBon\fR|\fBoff\fR\ [...]"
Corresponds to the \fB--capability\fR option.
.SS Network related parameters
.IP \fBIP_ADDRESS\fR="\fIaddress\fR\ [\fIaddress\fR\ ...]"
Specifies the \fIaddress\fR the container will be assigned. Several addresses
are divided by spaces.
Corresponds to the \fB--ipadd\fR option.
.IP \fBHOSTNAME\fR="\fIname\fR"
Corresponds to the \fB--hostname\fR option.
.IP \fBNAMESERVER\fR="\fIip\fR\ [\fIip\fR\ ...]"
Corresponds to the \fB--nameserver\fR option. Several name server addresses
are divided by spaces. If set to \fBinherit\fR, values from host system's
\fB/etc/resolv.conf\fR are used.
.IP \fBSEARCHDOMAIN\fR="\fIdomain\fR\ [\fIdomain\fR\ ...]"
Corresponds to the \fB--searchdomain\fR option. Several search domains
are divided by spaces. If set to \fBinherit\fR, values from host system's
\fB/etc/resolv.conf\fR are used.
.BR vzctl (8),
.BR vzcfgvalidate (8),
.BR vz.conf (5),
.BR .
Copyright (C) 2001-2010, Parallels, Inc. Licensed under GNU GPL.