blob: 74728b91e3aa7ef49d3c3cb4cb13666d0cf29eae [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
# START tmux completion
# This file is in the public domain
# See: for how to write more.
# Usage: Put "source" into your .bashrc
local cur prev opts
opts=" \
attach-session \
bind-key \
break-pane \
capture-pane \
choose-client \
choose-session \
choose-window \
clear-history \
clock-mode \
command-prompt \
confirm-before \
copy-buffer \
copy-mode \
delete-buffer \
detach-client \
display-message \
display-panes \
down-pane \
find-window \
has-session \
if-shell \
join-pane \
kill-pane \
kill-server \
kill-session \
kill-window \
last-window \
link-window \
list-buffers \
list-clients \
list-commands \
list-keys \
list-panes \
list-sessions \
list-windows \
load-buffer \
lock-client \
lock-server \
lock-session \
move-window \
new-session \
new-window \
next-layout \
next-window \
paste-buffer \
pipe-pane \
previous-layout \
previous-window \
refresh-client \
rename-session \
rename-window \
resize-pane \
respawn-window \
rotate-window \
run-shell \
save-buffer \
select-layout \
select-pane \
select-prompt \
select-window \
send-keys \
send-prefix \
server-info \
set-buffer \
set-environment \
set-option \
set-window-option \
show-buffer \
show-environment \
show-messages \
show-options \
show-window-options \
source-file \
split-window \
start-server \
suspend-client \
swap-pane \
swap-window \
switch-client \
unbind-key \
unlink-window \
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}))
return 0
complete -F _tmux tmux
# END tmux completion