blob: ff4904ede55fb967a4b76cba71eafde7c538fb96 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
Command prefix is C-b.
Commands: d detach
c create new terminal
n next terminal
p previous terminal
r refresh screen
t set window name
0-9 select window
There is one default server process per user which puts its socket in
/tmp/tmux-UID. It is created the first time tmux is run and subsequent
invocations will connect to the same server. The server holds multiple
sessions, call tmux with "-n <session name>" to create a session or attach to
an existing session. All the sessions may be listed with -l, or the windows of
a single session with "-ln <session name>". Sessions are destroyed when no
windows remain attached to them.
Another server process can be used by specifying an alternative socket path with
"-s <path>" but it shouldn't normally be required.
You can set the window title (listed in -l), using the \e] escape sequence. For
$ echo -n \\033]0;My Title\\007
There is currently no method for setting the window name (what will eventually
be shown in the status bar).
You might get message "couldn't find server" after a crash, in this case you
must remove the /tmp/tmux-`id -u` file manually.