| " tmux.vim - Set xterm input codes passed by tmux |
| " Author: Mark Oteiza |
| " License: Public domain |
| " Description: Simple plugin that assigns some xterm(1)-style keys to escape |
| " sequences passed by tmux when "xterm-keys" is set to "on". Inspired by an |
| " example given by Chris Johnsen at: |
| " https://stackoverflow.com/a/15471820 |
| " |
| " Documentation: help:xterm-modifier-keys man:tmux(1) |
| |
| if exists("g:loaded_tmux") || &cp |
| finish |
| endif |
| let g:loaded_tmux = 1 |
| |
| function! s:SetXtermCapabilities() |
| set ttymouse=sgr |
| |
| execute "set <xUp>=\e[1;*A" |
| execute "set <xDown>=\e[1;*B" |
| execute "set <xRight>=\e[1;*C" |
| execute "set <xLeft>=\e[1;*D" |
| |
| execute "set <xHome>=\e[1;*H" |
| execute "set <xEnd>=\e[1;*F" |
| |
| execute "set <Insert>=\e[2;*~" |
| execute "set <Delete>=\e[3;*~" |
| execute "set <PageUp>=\e[5;*~" |
| execute "set <PageDown>=\e[6;*~" |
| |
| execute "set <xF1>=\e[1;*P" |
| execute "set <xF2>=\e[1;*Q" |
| execute "set <xF3>=\e[1;*R" |
| execute "set <xF4>=\e[1;*S" |
| |
| execute "set <F5>=\e[15;*~" |
| execute "set <F6>=\e[17;*~" |
| execute "set <F7>=\e[18;*~" |
| execute "set <F8>=\e[19;*~" |
| execute "set <F9>=\e[20;*~" |
| execute "set <F10>=\e[21;*~" |
| execute "set <F11>=\e[23;*~" |
| execute "set <F12>=\e[24;*~" |
| |
| execute "set t_kP=^[[5;*~" |
| execute "set t_kN=^[[6;*~" |
| endfunction |
| |
| if exists('$TMUX') |
| call s:SetXtermCapabilities() |