| /* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ |
| |
| #include <fcntl.h> |
| #include <poll.h> |
| #include <pthread.h> |
| |
| #include "sd-event.h" |
| |
| #include "fd-util.h" |
| #include "json.h" |
| #include "rm-rf.h" |
| #include "strv.h" |
| #include "tmpfile-util.h" |
| #include "user-util.h" |
| #include "varlink.h" |
| |
| /* Let's pick some high value, that is higher than the largest listen() backlog, but leaves enough room below |
| the typical RLIMIT_NOFILE value of 1024 so that we can process both sides of each socket in our |
| process. Or in other words: "OVERLOAD_CONNECTIONS * 2 + x < 1024" should hold, for some small x that |
| should cover any auxiliary fds, the listener server fds, stdin/stdout/stderr and whatever else. */ |
| |
| static int n_done = 0; |
| static int block_write_fd = -1; |
| |
| static int method_something(Varlink *link, JsonVariant *parameters, VarlinkMethodFlags flags, void *userdata) { |
| _cleanup_(json_variant_unrefp) JsonVariant *ret = NULL; |
| JsonVariant *a, *b; |
| intmax_t x, y; |
| int r; |
| |
| a = json_variant_by_key(parameters, "a"); |
| if (!a) |
| return varlink_error(link, "io.test.BadParameters", NULL); |
| |
| x = json_variant_integer(a); |
| |
| b = json_variant_by_key(parameters, "b"); |
| if (!b) |
| return varlink_error(link, "io.test.BadParameters", NULL); |
| |
| y = json_variant_integer(b); |
| |
| r = json_build(&ret, JSON_BUILD_OBJECT(JSON_BUILD_PAIR("sum", JSON_BUILD_INTEGER(x + y)))); |
| if (r < 0) |
| return r; |
| |
| return varlink_reply(link, ret); |
| } |
| |
| static int method_done(Varlink *link, JsonVariant *parameters, VarlinkMethodFlags flags, void *userdata) { |
| |
| if (++n_done == 2) |
| sd_event_exit(varlink_get_event(link), EXIT_FAILURE); |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static int reply(Varlink *link, JsonVariant *parameters, const char *error_id, VarlinkReplyFlags flags, void *userdata) { |
| JsonVariant *sum; |
| |
| sum = json_variant_by_key(parameters, "sum"); |
| |
| assert_se(json_variant_integer(sum) == 7+22); |
| |
| if (++n_done == 2) |
| sd_event_exit(varlink_get_event(link), EXIT_FAILURE); |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static int on_connect(VarlinkServer *s, Varlink *link, void *userdata) { |
| uid_t uid = UID_INVALID; |
| |
| assert(s); |
| assert(link); |
| |
| assert_se(varlink_get_peer_uid(link, &uid) >= 0); |
| assert_se(getuid() == uid); |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static int overload_reply(Varlink *link, JsonVariant *parameters, const char *error_id, VarlinkReplyFlags flags, void *userdata) { |
| |
| /* This method call reply should always be called with a disconnection, since the method call should |
| * be talking to an overloaded server */ |
| |
| log_debug("Over reply triggered with error: %s", strna(error_id)); |
| assert_se(streq(error_id, VARLINK_ERROR_DISCONNECTED)); |
| sd_event_exit(varlink_get_event(link), 0); |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static void flood_test(const char *address) { |
| _cleanup_(varlink_flush_close_unrefp) Varlink *c = NULL; |
| _cleanup_(sd_event_unrefp) sd_event *e = NULL; |
| _cleanup_free_ Varlink **connections = NULL; |
| size_t k; |
| char x = 'x'; |
| |
| log_debug("Flooding server..."); |
| |
| /* Block the main event loop while we flood */ |
| assert_se(write(block_write_fd, &x, sizeof(x)) == sizeof(x)); |
| |
| assert_se(sd_event_default(&e) >= 0); |
| |
| /* Flood the server with connections */ |
| assert_se(connections = new0(Varlink*, OVERLOAD_CONNECTIONS)); |
| for (k = 0; k < OVERLOAD_CONNECTIONS; k++) { |
| _cleanup_free_ char *t = NULL; |
| log_debug("connection %zu", k); |
| assert_se(varlink_connect_address(connections + k, address) >= 0); |
| |
| assert_se(asprintf(&t, "flood-%zu", k) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_set_description(connections[k], t) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_attach_event(connections[k], e, k) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_sendb(connections[k], "io.test.Rubbish", JSON_BUILD_OBJECT(JSON_BUILD_PAIR("id", JSON_BUILD_INTEGER(k)))) >= 0); |
| } |
| |
| /* Then, create one more, which should fail */ |
| log_debug("Creating overload connection..."); |
| assert_se(varlink_connect_address(&c, address) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_set_description(c, "overload-client") >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_attach_event(c, e, k) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_bind_reply(c, overload_reply) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_invokeb(c, "io.test.Overload", JSON_BUILD_OBJECT(JSON_BUILD_PAIR("foo", JSON_BUILD_STRING("bar")))) >= 0); |
| |
| /* Unblock it */ |
| log_debug("Unblocking server..."); |
| block_write_fd = safe_close(block_write_fd); |
| |
| /* This loop will terminate as soon as the overload reply callback is called */ |
| assert_se(sd_event_loop(e) >= 0); |
| |
| /* And close all connections again */ |
| for (k = 0; k < OVERLOAD_CONNECTIONS; k++) |
| connections[k] = varlink_unref(connections[k]); |
| } |
| |
| static void *thread(void *arg) { |
| _cleanup_(varlink_flush_close_unrefp) Varlink *c = NULL; |
| _cleanup_(json_variant_unrefp) JsonVariant *i = NULL; |
| JsonVariant *o = NULL; |
| const char *e; |
| |
| assert_se(json_build(&i, JSON_BUILD_OBJECT(JSON_BUILD_PAIR("a", JSON_BUILD_INTEGER(88)), |
| |
| assert_se(varlink_connect_address(&c, arg) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_set_description(c, "thread-client") >= 0); |
| |
| assert_se(varlink_call(c, "io.test.DoSomething", i, &o, &e, NULL) >= 0); |
| assert_se(json_variant_integer(json_variant_by_key(o, "sum")) == 88 + 99); |
| assert_se(!e); |
| |
| assert_se(varlink_callb(c, "io.test.IDontExist", &o, &e, NULL, JSON_BUILD_OBJECT(JSON_BUILD_PAIR("x", JSON_BUILD_REAL(5.5)))) >= 0); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(json_variant_string(json_variant_by_key(o, "method")), "io.test.IDontExist")); |
| assert_se(streq(e, VARLINK_ERROR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND)); |
| |
| flood_test(arg); |
| |
| assert_se(varlink_send(c, "io.test.Done", NULL) >= 0); |
| |
| return NULL; |
| } |
| |
| static int block_fd_handler(sd_event_source *s, int fd, uint32_t revents, void *userdata) { |
| char c; |
| |
| assert_se(fd_nonblock(fd, false) >= 0); |
| |
| assert_se(read(fd, &c, sizeof(c)) == sizeof(c)); |
| /* When a character is written to this pipe we'll block until the pipe is closed. */ |
| |
| assert_se(read(fd, &c, sizeof(c)) == 0); |
| |
| assert_se(fd_nonblock(fd, true) >= 0); |
| |
| assert_se(sd_event_source_set_enabled(s, SD_EVENT_OFF) >= 0); |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { |
| _cleanup_(sd_event_source_unrefp) sd_event_source *block_event = NULL; |
| _cleanup_(varlink_server_unrefp) VarlinkServer *s = NULL; |
| _cleanup_(varlink_flush_close_unrefp) Varlink *c = NULL; |
| _cleanup_(rm_rf_physical_and_freep) char *tmpdir = NULL; |
| _cleanup_(json_variant_unrefp) JsonVariant *v = NULL; |
| _cleanup_(sd_event_unrefp) sd_event *e = NULL; |
| _cleanup_(close_pairp) int block_fds[2] = { -1, -1 }; |
| pthread_t t; |
| const char *sp; |
| |
| log_set_max_level(LOG_DEBUG); |
| log_open(); |
| |
| assert_se(mkdtemp_malloc("/tmp/varlink-test-XXXXXX", &tmpdir) >= 0); |
| sp = strjoina(tmpdir, "/socket"); |
| |
| assert_se(sd_event_default(&e) >= 0); |
| |
| assert_se(pipe2(block_fds, O_NONBLOCK|O_CLOEXEC) >= 0); |
| assert_se(sd_event_add_io(e, &block_event, block_fds[0], EPOLLIN, block_fd_handler, NULL) >= 0); |
| assert_se(sd_event_source_set_priority(block_event, SD_EVENT_PRIORITY_IMPORTANT) >= 0); |
| block_write_fd = TAKE_FD(block_fds[1]); |
| |
| assert_se(varlink_server_new(&s, VARLINK_SERVER_ACCOUNT_UID) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_server_set_description(s, "our-server") >= 0); |
| |
| assert_se(varlink_server_bind_method(s, "io.test.DoSomething", method_something) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_server_bind_method(s, "io.test.Done", method_done) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_server_bind_connect(s, on_connect) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_server_listen_address(s, sp, 0600) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_server_attach_event(s, e, 0) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_server_set_connections_max(s, OVERLOAD_CONNECTIONS) >= 0); |
| |
| assert_se(varlink_connect_address(&c, sp) >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_set_description(c, "main-client") >= 0); |
| assert_se(varlink_bind_reply(c, reply) >= 0); |
| |
| assert_se(json_build(&v, JSON_BUILD_OBJECT(JSON_BUILD_PAIR("a", JSON_BUILD_INTEGER(7)), |
| |
| assert_se(varlink_invoke(c, "io.test.DoSomething", v) >= 0); |
| |
| assert_se(varlink_attach_event(c, e, 0) >= 0); |
| |
| assert_se(pthread_create(&t, NULL, thread, (void*) sp) == 0); |
| |
| assert_se(sd_event_loop(e) >= 0); |
| |
| assert_se(pthread_join(t, NULL) == 0); |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |