blob: 9ef9f30f1e9ac5149078fe7fd0d77081b32d863f [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex
set -o pipefail
# Check if homectl is installed, and if it isn't bail out early instead of failing
if ! test -x /usr/bin/homectl ; then
echo OK > /testok
exit 0
inspect() {
homectl inspect $1 | tee /tmp/a
userdbctl user $1 | tee /tmp/b
cmp /tmp/a /tmp/b
rm /tmp/a /tmp/b
systemd-analyze log-level debug
systemd-analyze log-target console
NEWPASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl create test-user --disk-size=20M
inspect test-user
PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl authenticate test-user
PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl activate test-user
inspect test-user
PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl update test-user --real-name="Inline test"
inspect test-user
homectl deactivate test-user
inspect test-user
PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s NEWPASSWORD=yPN4N0fYNKUkOq homectl passwd test-user
inspect test-user
PASSWORD=yPN4N0fYNKUkOq homectl activate test-user
inspect test-user
SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug PASSWORD=yPN4N0fYNKUkOq NEWPASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl passwd test-user
inspect test-user
homectl deactivate test-user
inspect test-user
PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl activate test-user
inspect test-user
PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl deactivate test-user
inspect test-user
PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl update test-user --real-name="Offline test"
inspect test-user
PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl activate test-user
inspect test-user
PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl deactivate test-user
inspect test-user
! PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl with test-user -- test -f /home/test-user/xyz
PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl with test-user -- touch /home/test-user/xyz
PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl with test-user -- test -f /home/test-user/xyz
PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl with test-user -- rm /home/test-user/xyz
! PASSWORD=xEhErW0ndafV4s homectl with test-user -- test -f /home/test-user/xyz
homectl remove test-user
systemd-analyze log-level info
echo OK > /testok
exit 0