| /* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */ |
| |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <unistd.h> |
| |
| #include "alloc-util.h" |
| #include "fd-util.h" |
| #include "macro.h" |
| #include "mountpoint-util.h" |
| #include "path-util.h" |
| #include "rm-rf.h" |
| #include "stat-util.h" |
| #include "string-util.h" |
| #include "strv.h" |
| #include "tests.h" |
| #include "util.h" |
| |
| static void test_print_paths(void) { |
| log_info("DEFAULT_PATH=%s", DEFAULT_PATH); |
| } |
| |
| #define test_path_compare(a, b, result) { \ |
| assert_se(path_compare(a, b) == result); \ |
| assert_se(path_compare(b, a) == -result); \ |
| assert_se(path_equal(a, b) == !result); \ |
| assert_se(path_equal(b, a) == !result); \ |
| } |
| |
| static void test_path_simplify(const char *in, const char *out, const char *out_dot) { |
| char *p; |
| |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| p = strdupa(in); |
| assert_se(streq(path_simplify(p, false), out)); |
| |
| p = strdupa(in); |
| assert_se(streq(path_simplify(p, true), out_dot)); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_path(void) { |
| _cleanup_close_ int fd = -1; |
| |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| test_path_compare("/goo", "/goo", 0); |
| test_path_compare("/goo", "/goo", 0); |
| test_path_compare("//goo", "/goo", 0); |
| test_path_compare("//goo/////", "/goo", 0); |
| test_path_compare("goo/////", "goo", 0); |
| |
| test_path_compare("/goo/boo", "/goo//boo", 0); |
| test_path_compare("//goo/boo", "/goo/boo//", 0); |
| |
| test_path_compare("/", "///", 0); |
| |
| test_path_compare("/x", "x/", 1); |
| test_path_compare("x/", "/", -1); |
| |
| test_path_compare("/x/./y", "x/y", 1); |
| test_path_compare("x/.y", "x/y", -1); |
| |
| test_path_compare("foo", "/foo", -1); |
| test_path_compare("/foo", "/foo/bar", -1); |
| test_path_compare("/foo/aaa", "/foo/b", -1); |
| test_path_compare("/foo/aaa", "/foo/b/a", -1); |
| test_path_compare("/foo/a", "/foo/aaa", -1); |
| test_path_compare("/foo/a/b", "/foo/aaa", -1); |
| |
| assert_se(path_is_absolute("/")); |
| assert_se(!path_is_absolute("./")); |
| |
| assert_se(is_path("/dir")); |
| assert_se(is_path("a/b")); |
| assert_se(!is_path(".")); |
| |
| assert_se(streq(basename("./aa/bb/../file.da."), "file.da.")); |
| assert_se(streq(basename("/aa///.file"), ".file")); |
| assert_se(streq(basename("/aa///file..."), "file...")); |
| assert_se(streq(basename("file.../"), "")); |
| |
| assert_se(fd >= 0); |
| assert_se(fd_is_mount_point(fd, "/", 0) > 0); |
| |
| test_path_simplify("aaa/bbb////ccc", "aaa/bbb/ccc", "aaa/bbb/ccc"); |
| test_path_simplify("//aaa/.////ccc", "/aaa/./ccc", "/aaa/ccc"); |
| test_path_simplify("///", "/", "/"); |
| test_path_simplify("///.//", "/.", "/"); |
| test_path_simplify("///.//.///", "/./.", "/"); |
| test_path_simplify("////.././///../.", "/.././../.", "/../.."); |
| test_path_simplify(".", ".", "."); |
| test_path_simplify("./", ".", "."); |
| test_path_simplify(".///.//./.", "./././.", "."); |
| test_path_simplify(".///.//././/", "./././.", "."); |
| test_path_simplify("//./aaa///.//./.bbb/..///c.//d.dd///..eeee/.", |
| "/./aaa/././.bbb/../c./d.dd/..eeee/.", |
| "/aaa/.bbb/../c./d.dd/..eeee"); |
| test_path_simplify("//./aaa///.//./.bbb/..///c.//d.dd///..eeee/..", |
| "/./aaa/././.bbb/../c./d.dd/..eeee/..", |
| "/aaa/.bbb/../c./d.dd/..eeee/.."); |
| test_path_simplify(".//./aaa///.//./.bbb/..///c.//d.dd///..eeee/..", |
| "././aaa/././.bbb/../c./d.dd/..eeee/..", |
| "aaa/.bbb/../c./d.dd/..eeee/.."); |
| test_path_simplify("..//./aaa///.//./.bbb/..///c.//d.dd///..eeee/..", |
| ".././aaa/././.bbb/../c./d.dd/..eeee/..", |
| "../aaa/.bbb/../c./d.dd/..eeee/.."); |
| |
| assert_se(PATH_IN_SET("/bin", "/", "/bin", "/foo")); |
| assert_se(PATH_IN_SET("/bin", "/bin")); |
| assert_se(PATH_IN_SET("/bin", "/foo/bar", "/bin")); |
| assert_se(PATH_IN_SET("/", "/", "/", "/foo/bar")); |
| assert_se(!PATH_IN_SET("/", "/abc", "/def")); |
| |
| assert_se(path_equal_ptr(NULL, NULL)); |
| assert_se(path_equal_ptr("/a", "/a")); |
| assert_se(!path_equal_ptr("/a", "/b")); |
| assert_se(!path_equal_ptr("/a", NULL)); |
| assert_se(!path_equal_ptr(NULL, "/a")); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_path_equal_root(void) { |
| /* Nail down the details of how path_equal("/", ...) works. */ |
| |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| assert_se(path_equal("/", "/")); |
| assert_se(path_equal("/", "//")); |
| |
| assert_se(!path_equal("/", "/./")); |
| assert_se(!path_equal("/", "/../")); |
| |
| assert_se(!path_equal("/", "/.../")); |
| |
| /* Make sure that files_same works as expected. */ |
| |
| assert_se(files_same("/", "/", 0) > 0); |
| assert_se(files_same("/", "/", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) > 0); |
| assert_se(files_same("/", "//", 0) > 0); |
| assert_se(files_same("/", "//", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) > 0); |
| |
| assert_se(files_same("/", "/./", 0) > 0); |
| assert_se(files_same("/", "/./", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) > 0); |
| assert_se(files_same("/", "/../", 0) > 0); |
| assert_se(files_same("/", "/../", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) > 0); |
| |
| assert_se(files_same("/", "/.../", 0) == -ENOENT); |
| assert_se(files_same("/", "/.../", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) == -ENOENT); |
| |
| /* The same for path_equal_or_files_same. */ |
| |
| assert_se(path_equal_or_files_same("/", "/", 0)); |
| assert_se(path_equal_or_files_same("/", "/", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)); |
| assert_se(path_equal_or_files_same("/", "//", 0)); |
| assert_se(path_equal_or_files_same("/", "//", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)); |
| |
| assert_se(path_equal_or_files_same("/", "/./", 0)); |
| assert_se(path_equal_or_files_same("/", "/./", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)); |
| assert_se(path_equal_or_files_same("/", "/../", 0)); |
| assert_se(path_equal_or_files_same("/", "/../", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)); |
| |
| assert_se(!path_equal_or_files_same("/", "/.../", 0)); |
| assert_se(!path_equal_or_files_same("/", "/.../", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_find_binary(const char *self) { |
| char *p; |
| |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| assert_se(find_binary("/bin/sh", &p) == 0); |
| puts(p); |
| assert_se(path_equal(p, "/bin/sh")); |
| free(p); |
| |
| assert_se(find_binary(self, &p) == 0); |
| puts(p); |
| /* libtool might prefix the binary name with "lt-" */ |
| assert_se(endswith(p, "/lt-test-path-util") || endswith(p, "/test-path-util")); |
| assert_se(path_is_absolute(p)); |
| free(p); |
| |
| assert_se(find_binary("sh", &p) == 0); |
| puts(p); |
| assert_se(endswith(p, "/sh")); |
| assert_se(path_is_absolute(p)); |
| free(p); |
| |
| assert_se(find_binary("xxxx-xxxx", &p) == -ENOENT); |
| assert_se(find_binary("/some/dir/xxxx-xxxx", &p) == -ENOENT); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_prefixes(void) { |
| static const char* const values[] = { |
| "/a/b/c/d", |
| "/a/b/c", |
| "/a/b", |
| "/a", |
| "", |
| NULL |
| }; |
| unsigned i; |
| char s[PATH_MAX]; |
| bool b; |
| |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| i = 0; |
| PATH_FOREACH_PREFIX_MORE(s, "/a/b/c/d") { |
| log_error("---%s---", s); |
| assert_se(streq(s, values[i++])); |
| } |
| assert_se(values[i] == NULL); |
| |
| i = 1; |
| PATH_FOREACH_PREFIX(s, "/a/b/c/d") { |
| log_error("---%s---", s); |
| assert_se(streq(s, values[i++])); |
| } |
| assert_se(values[i] == NULL); |
| |
| i = 0; |
| PATH_FOREACH_PREFIX_MORE(s, "////a////b////c///d///////") |
| assert_se(streq(s, values[i++])); |
| assert_se(values[i] == NULL); |
| |
| i = 1; |
| PATH_FOREACH_PREFIX(s, "////a////b////c///d///////") |
| assert_se(streq(s, values[i++])); |
| assert_se(values[i] == NULL); |
| |
| PATH_FOREACH_PREFIX(s, "////") |
| assert_not_reached("Wut?"); |
| |
| b = false; |
| assert_se(!b); |
| assert_se(streq(s, "")); |
| b = true; |
| } |
| assert_se(b); |
| |
| assert_not_reached("wut?"); |
| |
| b = false; |
| assert_se(!b); |
| assert_se(streq(s, "")); |
| b = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void test_path_join(void) { |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| #define test_join(expected, ...) { \ |
| _cleanup_free_ char *z = NULL; \ |
| z = path_join(__VA_ARGS__); \ |
| log_debug("got \"%s\", expected \"%s\"", z, expected); \ |
| assert_se(streq(z, expected)); \ |
| } |
| |
| test_join("/root/a/b/c", "/root", "/a/b", "/c"); |
| test_join("/root/a/b/c", "/root", "a/b", "c"); |
| test_join("/root/a/b/c", "/root", "/a/b", "c"); |
| test_join("/root/c", "/root", "/", "c"); |
| test_join("/root/", "/root", "/", NULL); |
| |
| test_join("/a/b/c", "", "/a/b", "/c"); |
| test_join("a/b/c", "", "a/b", "c"); |
| test_join("/a/b/c", "", "/a/b", "c"); |
| test_join("/c", "", "/", "c"); |
| test_join("/", "", "/", NULL); |
| |
| test_join("/a/b/c", NULL, "/a/b", "/c"); |
| test_join("a/b/c", NULL, "a/b", "c"); |
| test_join("/a/b/c", NULL, "/a/b", "c"); |
| test_join("/c", NULL, "/", "c"); |
| test_join("/", NULL, "/", NULL); |
| |
| test_join("", "", NULL); |
| test_join("", NULL, ""); |
| test_join("", NULL, NULL); |
| |
| test_join("foo/bar", "foo", "bar"); |
| test_join("foo/bar", "", "foo", "bar"); |
| test_join("foo/bar", NULL, "foo", NULL, "bar"); |
| test_join("foo/bar", "", "foo", "", "bar", ""); |
| test_join("foo/bar", "", "", "", "", "foo", "", "", "", "bar", "", "", ""); |
| |
| test_join("//foo///bar//", "", "/", "", "/foo/", "", "/", "", "/bar/", "", "/", ""); |
| test_join("/foo/bar/", "/", "foo", "/", "bar", "/"); |
| test_join("foo/bar/baz", "foo", "bar", "baz"); |
| test_join("foo/bar/baz", "foo/", "bar", "/baz"); |
| test_join("foo//bar//baz", "foo/", "/bar/", "/baz"); |
| test_join("//foo////bar////baz//", "//foo/", "///bar/", "///baz//"); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_fsck_exists(void) { |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| /* Ensure we use a sane default for PATH. */ |
| unsetenv("PATH"); |
| |
| /* fsck.minix is provided by util-linux and will probably exist. */ |
| assert_se(fsck_exists("minix") == 1); |
| |
| assert_se(fsck_exists("AbCdE") == 0); |
| assert_se(fsck_exists("/../bin/") == 0); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_make_relative(void) { |
| char *result; |
| |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| assert_se(path_make_relative("some/relative/path", "/some/path", &result) < 0); |
| assert_se(path_make_relative("/some/path", "some/relative/path", &result) < 0); |
| assert_se(path_make_relative("/some/dotdot/../path", "/some/path", &result) < 0); |
| |
| #define test(from_dir, to_path, expected) { \ |
| _cleanup_free_ char *z = NULL; \ |
| path_make_relative(from_dir, to_path, &z); \ |
| assert_se(streq(z, expected)); \ |
| } |
| |
| test("/", "/", "."); |
| test("/", "/some/path", "some/path"); |
| test("/some/path", "/some/path", "."); |
| test("/some/path", "/some/path/in/subdir", "in/subdir"); |
| test("/some/path", "/", "../.."); |
| test("/some/path", "/some/other/path", "../other/path"); |
| test("/some/path/./dot", "/some/further/path", "../../further/path"); |
| test("//extra.//.//./.slashes//./won't////fo.ol///anybody//", "/././/extra././/.slashes////ar.e/.just/././.fine///", "../../../ar.e/.just/.fine"); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_strv_resolve(void) { |
| char tmp_dir[] = "/tmp/test-path-util-XXXXXX"; |
| _cleanup_strv_free_ char **search_dirs = NULL; |
| _cleanup_strv_free_ char **absolute_dirs = NULL; |
| char **d; |
| |
| assert_se(mkdtemp(tmp_dir) != NULL); |
| |
| search_dirs = strv_new("/dir1", "/dir2", "/dir3"); |
| assert_se(search_dirs); |
| STRV_FOREACH(d, search_dirs) { |
| char *p = path_join(tmp_dir, *d); |
| assert_se(p); |
| assert_se(strv_push(&absolute_dirs, p) == 0); |
| } |
| |
| assert_se(mkdir(absolute_dirs[0], 0700) == 0); |
| assert_se(mkdir(absolute_dirs[1], 0700) == 0); |
| assert_se(symlink("dir2", absolute_dirs[2]) == 0); |
| |
| path_strv_resolve(search_dirs, tmp_dir); |
| assert_se(streq(search_dirs[0], "/dir1")); |
| assert_se(streq(search_dirs[1], "/dir2")); |
| assert_se(streq(search_dirs[2], "/dir2")); |
| |
| assert_se(rm_rf(tmp_dir, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL) == 0); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_path_startswith(void) { |
| const char *p; |
| |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| p = path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "/foo"); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(p, "bar/barfoo/")); |
| |
| p = path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "/foo/"); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(p, "bar/barfoo/")); |
| |
| p = path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "/"); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(p, "foo/bar/barfoo/")); |
| |
| p = path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "////"); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(p, "foo/bar/barfoo/")); |
| |
| p = path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "/foo//bar/////barfoo///"); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(p, "")); |
| |
| p = path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "/foo/bar/barfoo////"); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(p, "")); |
| |
| p = path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "/foo/bar///barfoo/"); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(p, "")); |
| |
| p = path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "/foo////bar/barfoo/"); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(p, "")); |
| |
| p = path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "////foo/bar/barfoo/"); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(p, "")); |
| |
| p = path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "/foo/bar/barfoo"); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(p, "")); |
| |
| assert_se(!path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "/foo/bar/barfooa/")); |
| assert_se(!path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "/foo/bar/barfooa")); |
| assert_se(!path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "")); |
| assert_se(!path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "/bar/foo")); |
| assert_se(!path_startswith("/foo/bar/barfoo/", "/f/b/b/")); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_prefix_root_one(const char *r, const char *p, const char *expected) { |
| _cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL; |
| const char *t; |
| |
| assert_se(s = path_join(r, p)); |
| assert_se(path_equal_ptr(s, expected)); |
| |
| t = prefix_roota(r, p); |
| assert_se(t); |
| assert_se(path_equal_ptr(t, expected)); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_prefix_root(void) { |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| test_prefix_root_one("/", "/foo", "/foo"); |
| test_prefix_root_one(NULL, "/foo", "/foo"); |
| test_prefix_root_one("", "/foo", "/foo"); |
| test_prefix_root_one("///", "/foo", "/foo"); |
| test_prefix_root_one("/", "////foo", "/foo"); |
| test_prefix_root_one(NULL, "////foo", "/foo"); |
| test_prefix_root_one("/", "foo", "/foo"); |
| test_prefix_root_one("", "foo", "foo"); |
| test_prefix_root_one(NULL, "foo", "foo"); |
| |
| test_prefix_root_one("/foo", "/bar", "/foo/bar"); |
| test_prefix_root_one("/foo", "bar", "/foo/bar"); |
| test_prefix_root_one("foo", "bar", "foo/bar"); |
| test_prefix_root_one("/foo/", "/bar", "/foo/bar"); |
| test_prefix_root_one("/foo/", "//bar", "/foo/bar"); |
| test_prefix_root_one("/foo///", "//bar", "/foo/bar"); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_file_in_same_dir(void) { |
| char *t; |
| |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| t = file_in_same_dir("/", "a"); |
| assert_se(streq(t, "/a")); |
| free(t); |
| |
| t = file_in_same_dir("/", "/a"); |
| assert_se(streq(t, "/a")); |
| free(t); |
| |
| t = file_in_same_dir("", "a"); |
| assert_se(streq(t, "a")); |
| free(t); |
| |
| t = file_in_same_dir("a/", "a"); |
| assert_se(streq(t, "a/a")); |
| free(t); |
| |
| t = file_in_same_dir("bar/foo", "bar"); |
| assert_se(streq(t, "bar/bar")); |
| free(t); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_last_path_component(void) { |
| assert_se(last_path_component(NULL) == NULL); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("a/b/c"), "c")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("a/b/c/"), "c/")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("/"), "/")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("//"), "/")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("///"), "/")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("."), ".")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("./."), ".")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("././"), "./")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("././/"), ".//")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("/foo/a"), "a")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("/foo/a/"), "a/")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component(""), "")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("a"), "a")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("a/"), "a/")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("/a"), "a")); |
| assert_se(streq(last_path_component("/a/"), "a/")); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_path_extract_filename_one(const char *input, const char *output, int ret) { |
| _cleanup_free_ char *k = NULL; |
| int r; |
| |
| r = path_extract_filename(input, &k); |
| log_info("%s → %s/%s [expected: %s/%s]", strnull(input), strnull(k), strerror_safe(r), strnull(output), strerror_safe(ret)); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(k, output)); |
| assert_se(r == ret); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_path_extract_filename(void) { |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| test_path_extract_filename_one(NULL, NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("a/b/c", "c", 0); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("a/b/c/", "c", 0); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("/", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("//", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("///", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one(".", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("./.", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("././", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("././/", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("/foo/a", "a", 0); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("/foo/a/", "a", 0); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("a", "a", 0); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("a/", "a", 0); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("/a", "a", 0); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("/a/", "a", 0); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("/////////////a/////////////", "a", 0); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("xx/.", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("xx/..", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("..", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("/..", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("../", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one(".", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("/.", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| test_path_extract_filename_one("./", NULL, -EINVAL); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_filename_is_valid(void) { |
| char foo[FILENAME_MAX+2]; |
| int i; |
| |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| assert_se(!filename_is_valid("")); |
| assert_se(!filename_is_valid("/bar/foo")); |
| assert_se(!filename_is_valid("/")); |
| assert_se(!filename_is_valid(".")); |
| assert_se(!filename_is_valid("..")); |
| |
| for (i=0; i<FILENAME_MAX+1; i++) |
| foo[i] = 'a'; |
| foo[FILENAME_MAX+1] = '\0'; |
| |
| assert_se(!filename_is_valid(foo)); |
| |
| assert_se(filename_is_valid("foo_bar-333")); |
| assert_se(filename_is_valid("o.o")); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_hidden_or_backup_file(void) { |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| assert_se(hidden_or_backup_file(".hidden")); |
| assert_se(hidden_or_backup_file("..hidden")); |
| assert_se(!hidden_or_backup_file("hidden.")); |
| |
| assert_se(hidden_or_backup_file("backup~")); |
| assert_se(hidden_or_backup_file(".backup~")); |
| |
| assert_se(hidden_or_backup_file("lost+found")); |
| assert_se(hidden_or_backup_file("aquota.user")); |
| assert_se(hidden_or_backup_file("aquota.group")); |
| |
| assert_se(hidden_or_backup_file("test.rpmnew")); |
| assert_se(hidden_or_backup_file("test.dpkg-old")); |
| assert_se(hidden_or_backup_file("test.dpkg-remove")); |
| assert_se(hidden_or_backup_file("test.swp")); |
| |
| assert_se(!hidden_or_backup_file("test.rpmnew.")); |
| assert_se(!hidden_or_backup_file("test.dpkg-old.foo")); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_systemd_installation_has_version(const char *path) { |
| int r; |
| const unsigned versions[] = {0, 231, PROJECT_VERSION, 999}; |
| unsigned i; |
| |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTSOF(versions); i++) { |
| r = systemd_installation_has_version(path, versions[i]); |
| assert_se(r >= 0); |
| log_info("%s has systemd >= %u: %s", |
| path ?: "Current installation", versions[i], yes_no(r)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void test_skip_dev_prefix(void) { |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| assert_se(streq(skip_dev_prefix("/"), "/")); |
| assert_se(streq(skip_dev_prefix("/dev"), "")); |
| assert_se(streq(skip_dev_prefix("/dev/"), "")); |
| assert_se(streq(skip_dev_prefix("/dev/foo"), "foo")); |
| assert_se(streq(skip_dev_prefix("/dev/foo/bar"), "foo/bar")); |
| assert_se(streq(skip_dev_prefix("//dev"), "")); |
| assert_se(streq(skip_dev_prefix("//dev//"), "")); |
| assert_se(streq(skip_dev_prefix("/dev///foo"), "foo")); |
| assert_se(streq(skip_dev_prefix("///dev///foo///bar"), "foo///bar")); |
| assert_se(streq(skip_dev_prefix("//foo"), "//foo")); |
| assert_se(streq(skip_dev_prefix("foo"), "foo")); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_empty_or_root(void) { |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| assert_se(empty_or_root(NULL)); |
| assert_se(empty_or_root("")); |
| assert_se(empty_or_root("/")); |
| assert_se(empty_or_root("//")); |
| assert_se(empty_or_root("///")); |
| assert_se(empty_or_root("/////////////////")); |
| assert_se(!empty_or_root("xxx")); |
| assert_se(!empty_or_root("/xxx")); |
| assert_se(!empty_or_root("/xxx/")); |
| assert_se(!empty_or_root("//yy//")); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_path_startswith_set(void) { |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo/bar", "/foo/quux", "/foo/bar", "/zzz"), "")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo/bar", "/foo/quux", "/foo/", "/zzz"), "bar")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo/bar", "/foo/quux", "/foo", "/zzz"), "bar")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo/bar", "/foo/quux", "/", "/zzz"), "foo/bar")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo/bar", "/foo/quux", "", "/zzz"), NULL)); |
| |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo/bar2", "/foo/quux", "/foo/bar", "/zzz"), NULL)); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo/bar2", "/foo/quux", "/foo/", "/zzz"), "bar2")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo/bar2", "/foo/quux", "/foo", "/zzz"), "bar2")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo/bar2", "/foo/quux", "/", "/zzz"), "foo/bar2")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo/bar2", "/foo/quux", "", "/zzz"), NULL)); |
| |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo2/bar", "/foo/quux", "/foo/bar", "/zzz"), NULL)); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo2/bar", "/foo/quux", "/foo/", "/zzz"), NULL)); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo2/bar", "/foo/quux", "/foo", "/zzz"), NULL)); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo2/bar", "/foo/quux", "/", "/zzz"), "foo2/bar")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(PATH_STARTSWITH_SET("/foo2/bar", "/foo/quux", "", "/zzz"), NULL)); |
| } |
| |
| static void test_path_startswith_strv(void) { |
| log_info("/* %s */", __func__); |
| |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo/bar", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "/foo/bar", "/zzz")), "")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo/bar", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "/foo/", "/zzz")), "bar")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo/bar", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "/foo", "/zzz")), "bar")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo/bar", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "/", "/zzz")), "foo/bar")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo/bar", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "", "/zzz")), NULL)); |
| |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo/bar2", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "/foo/bar", "/zzz")), NULL)); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo/bar2", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "/foo/", "/zzz")), "bar2")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo/bar2", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "/foo", "/zzz")), "bar2")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo/bar2", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "/", "/zzz")), "foo/bar2")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo/bar2", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "", "/zzz")), NULL)); |
| |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo2/bar", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "/foo/bar", "/zzz")), NULL)); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo2/bar", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "/foo/", "/zzz")), NULL)); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo2/bar", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "/foo", "/zzz")), NULL)); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo2/bar", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "/", "/zzz")), "foo2/bar")); |
| assert_se(streq_ptr(path_startswith_strv("/foo2/bar", STRV_MAKE("/foo/quux", "", "/zzz")), NULL)); |
| } |
| |
| int main(int argc, char **argv) { |
| test_setup_logging(LOG_DEBUG); |
| |
| test_print_paths(); |
| test_path(); |
| test_path_equal_root(); |
| test_find_binary(argv[0]); |
| test_prefixes(); |
| test_path_join(); |
| test_fsck_exists(); |
| test_make_relative(); |
| test_strv_resolve(); |
| test_path_startswith(); |
| test_prefix_root(); |
| test_file_in_same_dir(); |
| test_last_path_component(); |
| test_path_extract_filename(); |
| test_filename_is_valid(); |
| test_hidden_or_backup_file(); |
| test_skip_dev_prefix(); |
| test_empty_or_root(); |
| test_path_startswith_set(); |
| test_path_startswith_strv(); |
| |
| test_systemd_installation_has_version(argv[1]); /* NULL is OK */ |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |