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/** @file
* IPRT - String Manipulation, UTF-16 encoding.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
#ifndef ___iprt_utf16_h
#define ___iprt_utf16_h
#include <iprt/string.h>
/** @defgroup rt_str_utf16 UTF-16 String Manipulation
* @ingroup grp_rt_str
* @{
* Allocates memory for UTF-16 string storage (default tag).
* You should normally not use this function, except if there is some very
* custom string handling you need doing that isn't covered by any of the other
* APIs.
* @returns Pointer to the allocated UTF-16 string. The first wide char is
* always set to the string terminator char, the contents of the
* remainder of the memory is undefined. The string must be freed by
* calling RTUtf16Free.
* NULL is returned if the allocation failed. Please translate this to
* VERR_NO_UTF16_MEMORY and not VERR_NO_MEMORY. Also consider
* RTUtf16AllocEx if an IPRT status code is required.
* @param cb How many bytes to allocate, will be rounded up
* to a multiple of two. If this is zero, we will
* allocate a terminator wide char anyway.
#define RTUtf16Alloc(cb) RTUtf16AllocTag((cb), RTSTR_TAG)
* Allocates memory for UTF-16 string storage (custom tag).
* You should normally not use this function, except if there is some very
* custom string handling you need doing that isn't covered by any of the other
* APIs.
* @returns Pointer to the allocated UTF-16 string. The first wide char is
* always set to the string terminator char, the contents of the
* remainder of the memory is undefined. The string must be freed by
* calling RTUtf16Free.
* NULL is returned if the allocation failed. Please translate this to
* VERR_NO_UTF16_MEMORY and not VERR_NO_MEMORY. Also consider
* RTUtf16AllocExTag if an IPRT status code is required.
* @param cb How many bytes to allocate, will be rounded up
* to a multiple of two. If this is zero, we will
* allocate a terminator wide char anyway.
* @param pszTag Allocation tag used for statistics and such.
RTDECL(PRTUTF16) RTUtf16AllocTag(size_t cb, const char *pszTag);
* Reallocates the specified UTF-16 string (default tag).
* You should normally not use this function, except if there is some very
* custom string handling you need doing that isn't covered by any of the other
* APIs.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS.
* @retval VERR_NO_UTF16_MEMORY if we failed to reallocate the string, @a
* *ppwsz remains unchanged.
* @param ppwsz Pointer to the string variable containing the
* input and output string.
* When not freeing the string, the result will
* always have the last RTUTF16 set to the
* terminator character so that when used for
* string truncation the result will be a valid
* C-style string (your job to keep it a valid
* UTF-16 string).
* When the input string is NULL and we're supposed
* to reallocate, the returned string will also
* have the first RTUTF16 set to the terminator
* char so it will be a valid C-style string.
* @param cbNew When @a cbNew is zero, we'll behave like
* RTUtf16Free and @a *ppwsz will be set to NULL.
* When not zero, this will be rounded up to a
* multiple of two, and used as the new size of the
* memory backing the string, i.e. it includes the
* terminator (RTUTF16) char.
#define RTUtf16Realloc(ppwsz, cbNew) RTUtf16ReallocTag((ppwsz), (cbNew), RTSTR_TAG)
* Reallocates the specified UTF-16 string (custom tag).
* You should normally not use this function, except if there is some very
* custom string handling you need doing that isn't covered by any of the other
* APIs.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS.
* @retval VERR_NO_UTF16_MEMORY if we failed to reallocate the string, @a
* *ppwsz remains unchanged.
* @param ppwsz Pointer to the string variable containing the
* input and output string.
* When not freeing the string, the result will
* always have the last RTUTF16 set to the
* terminator character so that when used for
* string truncation the result will be a valid
* C-style string (your job to keep it a valid
* UTF-16 string).
* When the input string is NULL and we're supposed
* to reallocate, the returned string will also
* have the first RTUTF16 set to the terminator
* char so it will be a valid C-style string.
* @param cbNew When @a cbNew is zero, we'll behave like
* RTUtf16Free and @a *ppwsz will be set to NULL.
* When not zero, this will be rounded up to a
* multiple of two, and used as the new size of the
* memory backing the string, i.e. it includes the
* terminator (RTUTF16) char.
* @param pszTag Allocation tag used for statistics and such.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16ReallocTag(PRTUTF16 *ppwsz, size_t cbNew, const char *pszTag);
* Free a UTF-16 string allocated by RTStrToUtf16(), RTStrToUtf16Ex(),
* RTLatin1ToUtf16(), RTLatin1ToUtf16Ex(), RTUtf16Dup() or RTUtf16DupEx().
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwszString The UTF-16 string to free. NULL is accepted.
RTDECL(void) RTUtf16Free(PRTUTF16 pwszString);
* Allocates a new copy of the specified UTF-16 string (default tag).
* @returns Pointer to the allocated string copy. Use RTUtf16Free() to free it.
* @returns NULL when out of memory.
* @param pwszString UTF-16 string to duplicate.
* @remark This function will not make any attempt to validate the encoding.
#define RTUtf16Dup(pwszString) RTUtf16DupTag((pwszString), RTSTR_TAG)
* Allocates a new copy of the specified UTF-16 string (custom tag).
* @returns Pointer to the allocated string copy. Use RTUtf16Free() to free it.
* @returns NULL when out of memory.
* @param pwszString UTF-16 string to duplicate.
* @param pszTag Allocation tag used for statistics and such.
* @remark This function will not make any attempt to validate the encoding.
RTDECL(PRTUTF16) RTUtf16DupTag(PCRTUTF16 pwszString, const char *pszTag);
* Allocates a new copy of the specified UTF-16 string (default tag).
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param ppwszString Receives pointer of the allocated UTF-16 string.
* The returned pointer must be freed using RTUtf16Free().
* @param pwszString UTF-16 string to duplicate.
* @param cwcExtra Number of extra RTUTF16 items to allocate.
* @remark This function will not make any attempt to validate the encoding.
#define RTUtf16DupEx(ppwszString, pwszString, cwcExtra) \
RTUtf16DupExTag((ppwszString), (pwszString), (cwcExtra), RTSTR_TAG)
* Allocates a new copy of the specified UTF-16 string (custom tag).
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param ppwszString Receives pointer of the allocated UTF-16 string.
* The returned pointer must be freed using RTUtf16Free().
* @param pwszString UTF-16 string to duplicate.
* @param cwcExtra Number of extra RTUTF16 items to allocate.
* @param pszTag Allocation tag used for statistics and such.
* @remark This function will not make any attempt to validate the encoding.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16DupExTag(PRTUTF16 *ppwszString, PCRTUTF16 pwszString, size_t cwcExtra, const char *pszTag);
* Returns the length of a UTF-16 string in UTF-16 characters
* without trailing '\\0'.
* Surrogate pairs counts as two UTF-16 characters here. Use RTUtf16CpCnt()
* to get the exact number of code points in the string.
* @returns The number of RTUTF16 items in the string.
* @param pwszString Pointer the UTF-16 string.
* @remark This function will not make any attempt to validate the encoding.
RTDECL(size_t) RTUtf16Len(PCRTUTF16 pwszString);
* Find the length of a zero-terminated byte string, given a max string length.
* @returns The string length or cbMax. The returned length does not include
* the zero terminator if it was found.
* @param pwszString The string.
* @param cwcMax The max string length in RTUTF16s.
* @sa RTUtf16NLenEx, RTStrNLen.
RTDECL(size_t) RTUtf16NLen(PCRTUTF16 pwszString, size_t cwcMax);
* Find the length of a zero-terminated byte string, given
* a max string length.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS if the string has a length less than cchMax.
* @retval VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if the end of the string wasn't found
* before cwcMax was reached.
* @param pwszString The string.
* @param cwcMax The max string length in RTUTF16s.
* @param pcwc Where to store the string length excluding the
* terminator. This is set to cwcMax if the terminator
* isn't found.
* @sa RTUtf16NLen, RTStrNLenEx.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16NLenEx(PCRTUTF16 pwszString, size_t cwcMax, size_t *pcwc);
* Find the zero terminator in a string with a limited length.
* @returns Pointer to the zero terminator.
* @returns NULL if the zero terminator was not found.
* @param pwszString The string.
* @param cwcMax The max string length. RTSTR_MAX is fine.
RTDECL(PCRTUTF16) RTUtf16End(PCRTUTF16 pwszString, size_t cwcMax);
* Strips blankspaces from both ends of the string.
* @returns Pointer to first non-blank char in the string.
* @param pwsz The string to strip.
RTDECL(PRTUTF16) RTUtf16Strip(PRTUTF16 pwsz);
* Strips blankspaces from the start of the string.
* @returns Pointer to first non-blank char in the string.
* @param pwsz The string to strip.
* Strips blankspaces from the end of the string.
* @returns pwsz.
* @param pwsz The string to strip.
RTDECL(PRTUTF16) RTUtf16StripR(PRTUTF16 pwsz);
* String copy with overflow handling.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if the destination buffer is too small. The
* buffer will contain as much of the string as it can hold, fully
* terminated.
* @param pwszDst The destination buffer.
* @param cwcDst The size of the destination buffer in RTUTF16s.
* @param pwszSrc The source string. NULL is not OK.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16Copy(PRTUTF16 pwszDst, size_t cwcDst, PCRTUTF16 pwszSrc);
* String copy with overflow handling, ASCII source.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if the destination buffer is too small. The
* buffer will contain as much of the string as it can hold, fully
* terminated.
* @param pwszDst The destination buffer.
* @param cwcDst The size of the destination buffer in RTUTF16s.
* @param pszSrc The source string, pure ASCII. NULL is not OK.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16CopyAscii(PRTUTF16 pwszDst, size_t cwcDst, const char *pszSrc);
* String copy with overflow handling.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if the destination buffer is too small. The
* buffer will contain as much of the string as it can hold, fully
* terminated.
* @param pwszDst The destination buffer.
* @param cwcDst The size of the destination buffer in RTUTF16s.
* @param pwszSrc The source string. NULL is not OK.
* @param cwcSrcMax The maximum number of chars (not code points) to
* copy from the source string, not counting the
* terminator as usual.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16CopyEx(PRTUTF16 pwszDst, size_t cwcDst, PCRTUTF16 pwszSrc, size_t cwcSrcMax);
* String concatenation with overflow handling.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if the destination buffer is too small. The
* buffer will contain as much of the string as it can hold, fully
* terminated.
* @param pwszDst The destination buffer.
* @param cwcDst The size of the destination buffer in RTUTF16s.
* @param pwszSrc The source string. NULL is not OK.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16Cat(PRTUTF16 pwszDst, size_t cwcDst, PCRTUTF16 pwszSrc);
* String concatenation with overflow handling, ASCII source.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if the destination buffer is too small. The
* buffer will contain as much of the string as it can hold, fully
* terminated.
* @param pwszDst The destination buffer.
* @param cwcDst The size of the destination buffer in RTUTF16s.
* @param pszSrc The source string, pure ASCII. NULL is not OK.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16CatAscii(PRTUTF16 pwszDst, size_t cwcDst, const char *pszSrc);
* String concatenation with overflow handling.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if the destination buffer is too small. The
* buffer will contain as much of the string as it can hold, fully
* terminated.
* @param pwszDst The destination buffer.
* @param cwcDst The size of the destination buffer in RTUTF16s.
* @param pwszSrc The source string. NULL is not OK.
* @param cwcSrcMax The maximum number of UTF-16 chars (not code
* points) to copy from the source string, not
* counting the terminator as usual.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16CatEx(PRTUTF16 pwszDst, size_t cwcDst, PCRTUTF16 pwszSrc, size_t cwcSrcMax);
* Performs a case sensitive string compare between two UTF-16 strings.
* @returns < 0 if the first string less than the second string.s
* @returns 0 if the first string identical to the second string.
* @returns > 0 if the first string greater than the second string.
* @param pwsz1 First UTF-16 string. Null is allowed.
* @param pwsz2 Second UTF-16 string. Null is allowed.
* @remark This function will not make any attempt to validate the encoding.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16Cmp(PCRTUTF16 pwsz1, PCRTUTF16 pwsz2);
* Performs a case sensitive string compare between an UTF-16 string and a pure
* ASCII string.
* @returns < 0 if the first string less than the second string.s
* @returns 0 if the first string identical to the second string.
* @returns > 0 if the first string greater than the second string.
* @param pwsz1 First UTF-16 string. Null is allowed.
* @param psz2 Second string, pure ASCII. Null is allowed.
* @remark This function will not make any attempt to validate the encoding.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16CmpAscii(PCRTUTF16 pwsz1, const char *psz2);
* Performs a case sensitive string compare between an UTF-16 string and a UTF-8
* string.
* @returns < 0 if the first string less than the second string.s
* @returns 0 if the first string identical to the second string.
* @returns > 0 if the first string greater than the second string.
* @param pwsz1 First UTF-16 string. Null is allowed.
* @param psz2 Second string, UTF-8. Null is allowed.
* @remarks NULL and empty strings are treated equally.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16CmpUtf8(PCRTUTF16 pwsz1, const char *psz2);
* Performs a case insensitive string compare between two UTF-16 strings.
* This is a simplified compare, as only the simplified lower/upper case folding
* specified by the unicode specs are used. It does not consider character pairs
* as they are used in some languages, just simple upper & lower case compares.
* @returns < 0 if the first string less than the second string.
* @returns 0 if the first string identical to the second string.
* @returns > 0 if the first string greater than the second string.
* @param pwsz1 First UTF-16 string. Null is allowed.
* @param pwsz2 Second UTF-16 string. Null is allowed.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16ICmp(PCRTUTF16 pwsz1, PCRTUTF16 pwsz2);
* Performs a case insensitive string compare between an UTF-16 string and a
* UTF-8 string.
* @returns < 0 if the first string less than the second string.s
* @returns 0 if the first string identical to the second string.
* @returns > 0 if the first string greater than the second string.
* @param pwsz1 First UTF-16 string. Null is allowed.
* @param psz2 Second string, UTF-8. Null is allowed.
* @remarks NULL and empty strings are treated equally.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16ICmpUtf8(PCRTUTF16 pwsz1, const char *psz2);
* Performs a case insensitive string compare between an UTF-16 string and an
* pure ASCII string.
* Since this compare only takes cares about the first 128 codepoints in
* unicode, no tables are needed and there aren't any real complications.
* @returns < 0 if the first string less than the second string.
* @returns 0 if the first string identical to the second string.
* @returns > 0 if the first string greater than the second string.
* @param pwsz1 First UTF-16 string. Null is allowed.
* @param psz2 Second string, pure ASCII. Null is allowed.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16ICmpAscii(PCRTUTF16 pwsz1, const char *psz2);
* Performs a case insensitive string compare between two UTF-16 strings
* using the current locale of the process (if applicable).
* This differs from RTUtf16ICmp() in that it will try, if a locale with the
* required data is available, to do a correct case-insensitive compare. It
* follows that it is more complex and thereby likely to be more expensive.
* @returns < 0 if the first string less than the second string.
* @returns 0 if the first string identical to the second string.
* @returns > 0 if the first string greater than the second string.
* @param pwsz1 First UTF-16 string. Null is allowed.
* @param pwsz2 Second UTF-16 string. Null is allowed.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16LocaleICmp(PCRTUTF16 pwsz1, PCRTUTF16 pwsz2);
* Folds a UTF-16 string to lowercase.
* This is a very simple folding; is uses the simple lowercase
* code point, it is not related to any locale just the most common
* lowercase codepoint setup by the unicode specs, and it will not
* create new surrogate pairs or remove existing ones.
* @returns Pointer to the passed in string.
* @param pwsz The string to fold.
RTDECL(PRTUTF16) RTUtf16ToLower(PRTUTF16 pwsz);
* Folds a UTF-16 string to uppercase.
* This is a very simple folding; is uses the simple uppercase
* code point, it is not related to any locale just the most common
* uppercase codepoint setup by the unicode specs, and it will not
* create new surrogate pairs or remove existing ones.
* @returns Pointer to the passed in string.
* @param pwsz The string to fold.
RTDECL(PRTUTF16) RTUtf16ToUpper(PRTUTF16 pwsz);
* Validates the UTF-16 encoding of the string.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwsz The string.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16ValidateEncoding(PCRTUTF16 pwsz);
* Validates the UTF-16 encoding of the string.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwsz The string.
* @param cwc The max string length (/ size) in UTF-16 units. Use
* RTSTR_MAX to process the entire string.
* @param fFlags Combination of RTSTR_VALIDATE_ENCODING_XXX flags.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16ValidateEncodingEx(PCRTUTF16 pwsz, size_t cwc, uint32_t fFlags);
* Checks if the UTF-16 encoding is valid.
* @returns true / false.
* @param pwsz The string.
RTDECL(bool) RTUtf16IsValidEncoding(PCRTUTF16 pwsz);
* Sanitise a (valid) UTF-16 string by replacing all characters outside a white
* list in-place by an ASCII replacement character. Multi-byte characters will
* be replaced byte by byte.
* @returns The number of code points replaced, or a negative value if the
* string is not correctly encoded. In this last case the string
* may be partially processed.
* @param pwsz The string to sanitise.
* @param puszValidSet A zero-terminated array of pairs of Unicode points.
* Each pair is the start and end point of a range,
* and the union of these ranges forms the white list.
* @param chReplacement The ASCII replacement character.
RTDECL(ssize_t) RTUtf16PurgeComplementSet(PRTUTF16 pwsz, PCRTUNICP puszValidSet, char chReplacement);
* Translate a UTF-16 string into a UTF-8 allocating the result buffer (default
* tag).
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwszString UTF-16 string to convert.
* @param ppszString Receives pointer of allocated UTF-8 string on
* success, and is always set to NULL on failure.
* The returned pointer must be freed using RTStrFree().
#define RTUtf16ToUtf8(pwszString, ppszString) RTUtf16ToUtf8Tag((pwszString), (ppszString), RTSTR_TAG)
* Translate a UTF-16 string into a UTF-8 allocating the result buffer.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwszString UTF-16 string to convert.
* @param ppszString Receives pointer of allocated UTF-8 string on
* success, and is always set to NULL on failure.
* The returned pointer must be freed using RTStrFree().
* @param pszTag Allocation tag used for statistics and such.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16ToUtf8Tag(PCRTUTF16 pwszString, char **ppszString, const char *pszTag);
* Translates UTF-16 to UTF-8 using buffer provided by the caller or a fittingly
* sized buffer allocated by the function (default tag).
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwszString The UTF-16 string to convert.
* @param cwcString The number of RTUTF16 items to translate from pwszString.
* The translation will stop when reaching cwcString or the terminator ('\\0').
* Use RTSTR_MAX to translate the entire string.
* @param ppsz If cch is non-zero, this must either be pointing to a pointer to
* a buffer of the specified size, or pointer to a NULL pointer.
* If *ppsz is NULL or cch is zero a buffer of at least cch chars
* will be allocated to hold the translated string.
* If a buffer was requested it must be freed using RTStrFree().
* @param cch The buffer size in chars (the type). This includes the terminator.
* @param pcch Where to store the length of the translated string,
* excluding the terminator. (Optional)
* This may be set under some error conditions,
* however, only for VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW and
* VERR_NO_STR_MEMORY will it contain a valid string
* length that can be used to resize the buffer.
#define RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex(pwszString, cwcString, ppsz, cch, pcch) \
RTUtf16ToUtf8ExTag((pwszString), (cwcString), (ppsz), (cch), (pcch), RTSTR_TAG)
* Translates UTF-16 to UTF-8 using buffer provided by the caller or a fittingly
* sized buffer allocated by the function (custom tag).
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwszString The UTF-16 string to convert.
* @param cwcString The number of RTUTF16 items to translate from pwszString.
* The translation will stop when reaching cwcString or the terminator ('\\0').
* Use RTSTR_MAX to translate the entire string.
* @param ppsz If cch is non-zero, this must either be pointing to a pointer to
* a buffer of the specified size, or pointer to a NULL pointer.
* If *ppsz is NULL or cch is zero a buffer of at least cch chars
* will be allocated to hold the translated string.
* If a buffer was requested it must be freed using RTStrFree().
* @param cch The buffer size in chars (the type). This includes the terminator.
* @param pcch Where to store the length of the translated string,
* excluding the terminator. (Optional)
* This may be set under some error conditions,
* however, only for VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW and
* VERR_NO_STR_MEMORY will it contain a valid string
* length that can be used to resize the buffer.
* @param pszTag Allocation tag used for statistics and such.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16ToUtf8ExTag(PCRTUTF16 pwszString, size_t cwcString, char **ppsz, size_t cch, size_t *pcch, const char *pszTag);
* Calculates the length of the UTF-16 string in UTF-8 chars (bytes).
* This function will validate the string, and incorrectly encoded UTF-16
* strings will be rejected. The primary purpose of this function is to
* help allocate buffers for RTUtf16ToUtf8() of the correct size. For most
* other purposes RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex() should be used.
* @returns Number of char (bytes).
* @returns 0 if the string was incorrectly encoded.
* @param pwsz The UTF-16 string.
RTDECL(size_t) RTUtf16CalcUtf8Len(PCRTUTF16 pwsz);
* Calculates the length of the UTF-16 string in UTF-8 chars (bytes).
* This function will validate the string, and incorrectly encoded UTF-16
* strings will be rejected.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwsz The string.
* @param cwc The max string length. Use RTSTR_MAX to process the entire string.
* @param pcch Where to store the string length (in bytes). Optional.
* This is undefined on failure.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16CalcUtf8LenEx(PCRTUTF16 pwsz, size_t cwc, size_t *pcch);
* Translate a UTF-16 string into a Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) allocating the result
* buffer (default tag).
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwszString UTF-16 string to convert.
* @param ppszString Receives pointer of allocated Latin1 string on
* success, and is always set to NULL on failure.
* The returned pointer must be freed using RTStrFree().
#define RTUtf16ToLatin1(pwszString, ppszString) RTUtf16ToLatin1Tag((pwszString), (ppszString), RTSTR_TAG)
* Translate a UTF-16 string into a Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) allocating the result
* buffer (custom tag).
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwszString UTF-16 string to convert.
* @param ppszString Receives pointer of allocated Latin1 string on
* success, and is always set to NULL on failure.
* The returned pointer must be freed using RTStrFree().
* @param pszTag Allocation tag used for statistics and such.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16ToLatin1Tag(PCRTUTF16 pwszString, char **ppszString, const char *pszTag);
* Translates UTF-16 to Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) using buffer provided by the caller
* or a fittingly sized buffer allocated by the function (default tag).
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwszString The UTF-16 string to convert.
* @param cwcString The number of RTUTF16 items to translate from
* pwszString. The translation will stop when reaching
* cwcString or the terminator ('\\0'). Use RTSTR_MAX
* to translate the entire string.
* @param ppsz Pointer to the pointer to the Latin-1 string. The
* buffer can optionally be preallocated by the caller.
* If cch is zero, *ppsz is undefined.
* If cch is non-zero and *ppsz is not NULL, then this
* will be used as the output buffer.
* VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW will be returned if this is
* insufficient.
* If cch is zero or *ppsz is NULL, then a buffer of
* sufficient size is allocated. cch can be used to
* specify a minimum size of this buffer. Use
* RTUtf16Free() to free the result.
* @param cch The buffer size in chars (the type). This includes
* the terminator.
* @param pcch Where to store the length of the translated string,
* excluding the terminator. (Optional)
* This may be set under some error conditions,
* however, only for VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW and
* VERR_NO_STR_MEMORY will it contain a valid string
* length that can be used to resize the buffer.
#define RTUtf16ToLatin1Ex(pwszString, cwcString, ppsz, cch, pcch) \
RTUtf16ToLatin1ExTag((pwszString), (cwcString), (ppsz), (cch), (pcch), RTSTR_TAG)
* Translates UTF-16 to Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) using buffer provided by the caller
* or a fittingly sized buffer allocated by the function (custom tag).
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwszString The UTF-16 string to convert.
* @param cwcString The number of RTUTF16 items to translate from
* pwszString. The translation will stop when reaching
* cwcString or the terminator ('\\0'). Use RTSTR_MAX
* to translate the entire string.
* @param ppsz Pointer to the pointer to the Latin-1 string. The
* buffer can optionally be preallocated by the caller.
* If cch is zero, *ppsz is undefined.
* If cch is non-zero and *ppsz is not NULL, then this
* will be used as the output buffer.
* VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW will be returned if this is
* insufficient.
* If cch is zero or *ppsz is NULL, then a buffer of
* sufficient size is allocated. cch can be used to
* specify a minimum size of this buffer. Use
* RTUtf16Free() to free the result.
* @param cch The buffer size in chars (the type). This includes
* the terminator.
* @param pcch Where to store the length of the translated string,
* excluding the terminator. (Optional)
* This may be set under some error conditions,
* however, only for VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW and
* VERR_NO_STR_MEMORY will it contain a valid string
* length that can be used to resize the buffer.
* @param pszTag Allocation tag used for statistics and such.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16ToLatin1ExTag(PCRTUTF16 pwszString, size_t cwcString, char **ppsz, size_t cch, size_t *pcch, const char *pszTag);
* Calculates the length of the UTF-16 string in Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) chars.
* This function will validate the string, and incorrectly encoded UTF-16
* strings will be rejected. The primary purpose of this function is to
* help allocate buffers for RTUtf16ToLatin1() of the correct size. For most
* other purposes RTUtf16ToLatin1Ex() should be used.
* @returns Number of char (bytes).
* @returns 0 if the string was incorrectly encoded.
* @param pwsz The UTF-16 string.
RTDECL(size_t) RTUtf16CalcLatin1Len(PCRTUTF16 pwsz);
* Calculates the length of the UTF-16 string in Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) chars.
* This function will validate the string, and incorrectly encoded UTF-16
* strings will be rejected.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pwsz The string.
* @param cwc The max string length. Use RTSTR_MAX to process the
* entire string.
* @param pcch Where to store the string length (in bytes). Optional.
* This is undefined on failure.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16CalcLatin1LenEx(PCRTUTF16 pwsz, size_t cwc, size_t *pcch);
* Get the unicode code point at the given string position.
* @returns unicode code point.
* @returns RTUNICP_INVALID if the encoding is invalid.
* @param pwsz The string.
* @remark This is an internal worker for RTUtf16GetCp().
RTDECL(RTUNICP) RTUtf16GetCpInternal(PCRTUTF16 pwsz);
* Get the unicode code point at the given string position.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param ppwsz Pointer to the string pointer. This will be updated to
* point to the char following the current code point.
* @param pCp Where to store the code point.
* RTUNICP_INVALID is stored here on failure.
* @remark This is an internal worker for RTUtf16GetCpEx().
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16GetCpExInternal(PCRTUTF16 *ppwsz, PRTUNICP pCp);
* Put the unicode code point at the given string position
* and return the pointer to the char following it.
* This function will not consider anything at or following the
* buffer area pointed to by pwsz. It is therefore not suitable for
* inserting code points into a string, only appending/overwriting.
* @returns pointer to the char following the written code point.
* @param pwsz The string.
* @param CodePoint The code point to write.
* This should not be RTUNICP_INVALID or any other
* character out of the UTF-16 range.
* @remark This is an internal worker for RTUtf16GetCpEx().
RTDECL(PRTUTF16) RTUtf16PutCpInternal(PRTUTF16 pwsz, RTUNICP CodePoint);
* Get the unicode code point at the given string position.
* @returns unicode code point.
* @returns RTUNICP_INVALID if the encoding is invalid.
* @param pwsz The string.
* @remark We optimize this operation by using an inline function for
* everything which isn't a surrogate pair or an endian indicator.
const RTUTF16 wc = *pwsz;
if (wc < 0xd800 || (wc > 0xdfff && wc < 0xfffe))
return wc;
return RTUtf16GetCpInternal(pwsz);
* Get the unicode code point at the given string position.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param ppwsz Pointer to the string pointer. This will be updated to
* point to the char following the current code point.
* @param pCp Where to store the code point.
* RTUNICP_INVALID is stored here on failure.
* @remark We optimize this operation by using an inline function for
* everything which isn't a surrogate pair or and endian indicator.
const RTUTF16 wc = **ppwsz;
if (wc < 0xd800 || (wc > 0xdfff && wc < 0xfffe))
*pCp = wc;
return RTUtf16GetCpExInternal(ppwsz, pCp);
* Put the unicode code point at the given string position
* and return the pointer to the char following it.
* This function will not consider anything at or following the
* buffer area pointed to by pwsz. It is therefore not suitable for
* inserting code points into a string, only appending/overwriting.
* @returns pointer to the char following the written code point.
* @param pwsz The string.
* @param CodePoint The code point to write.
* This should not be RTUNICP_INVALID or any other
* character out of the UTF-16 range.
* @remark We optimize this operation by using an inline function for
* everything which isn't a surrogate pair or and endian indicator.
if (CodePoint < 0xd800 || (CodePoint > 0xd800 && CodePoint < 0xfffe))
*pwsz++ = (RTUTF16)CodePoint;
return pwsz;
return RTUtf16PutCpInternal(pwsz, CodePoint);
* Skips ahead, past the current code point.
* @returns Pointer to the char after the current code point.
* @param pwsz Pointer to the current code point.
* @remark This will not move the next valid code point, only past the current one.
RTUtf16GetCpEx(&pwsz, &Cp);
return (PRTUTF16)pwsz;
* Skips backwards, to the previous code point.
* @returns Pointer to the char after the current code point.
* @param pwszStart Pointer to the start of the string.
* @param pwsz Pointer to the current code point.
RTDECL(PRTUTF16) RTUtf16PrevCp(PCRTUTF16 pwszStart, PCRTUTF16 pwsz);
* Checks if the UTF-16 char is the high surrogate char (i.e.
* the 1st char in the pair).
* @returns true if it is.
* @returns false if it isn't.
* @param wc The character to investigate.
DECLINLINE(bool) RTUtf16IsHighSurrogate(RTUTF16 wc)
return wc >= 0xd800 && wc <= 0xdbff;
* Checks if the UTF-16 char is the low surrogate char (i.e.
* the 2nd char in the pair).
* @returns true if it is.
* @returns false if it isn't.
* @param wc The character to investigate.
DECLINLINE(bool) RTUtf16IsLowSurrogate(RTUTF16 wc)
return wc >= 0xdc00 && wc <= 0xdfff;
* Checks if the two UTF-16 chars form a valid surrogate pair.
* @returns true if they do.
* @returns false if they doesn't.
* @param wcHigh The high (1st) character.
* @param wcLow The low (2nd) character.
DECLINLINE(bool) RTUtf16IsSurrogatePair(RTUTF16 wcHigh, RTUTF16 wcLow)
return RTUtf16IsHighSurrogate(wcHigh)
&& RTUtf16IsLowSurrogate(wcLow);
* Formats a buffer stream as hex bytes.
* The default is no separating spaces or line breaks or anything.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @retval VERR_INVALID_POINTER if any of the pointers are wrong.
* @retval VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if the buffer is insufficent to hold the bytes.
* @param pwszBuf Output string buffer.
* @param cwcBuf The size of the output buffer in RTUTF16 units.
* @param pv Pointer to the bytes to stringify.
* @param cb The number of bytes to stringify.
* @param fFlags Combination of RTSTRPRINTHEXBYTES_F_XXX values.
* @sa RTStrPrintHexBytes.
RTDECL(int) RTUtf16PrintHexBytes(PRTUTF16 pwszBuf, size_t cwcBuf, void const *pv, size_t cb, uint32_t fFlags);
/** @} */
/** @} */