blob: 6a2a3a0b3954d860860667c236073fad0ac5d31b [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# fixpaths - substitute makefile variables into text files
$usage = "Usage: $0 [-D<variable>=<value>] [[infile] ...]\n";
if (!defined(@ARGV)) { die ("$usage"); }
# read in the command line and get some definitions
while ($_=$ARGV[0], /^-/) {
if (/^-D/) {
# definition
if ( /-D(.*)=(.*)/ ) {
} else {
die ("$usage$0: error in command line arguments.\n");
} else {
&usage; die ("$usage$0: unknown option '-".$ARGV[0][1]."'\n");
} # while parsing arguments
if (!defined(%def)) {
die ("$0: nothing to do - no substitutions listed!\n");
for $f (@ARGV) {
$f =~ /(.*\/)*(.*)$/;
$of = $2; $of =~ s/.in$//;
print("Making substitutions for $of\n");
open(IN, "<$f") || die ("$0: input file $f missing!\n");
if (open(OUT, ">$of")) {
while (<IN>) {
for $s (keys(%def)) {
} # for $s
print OUT;
} # while <IN>
} # if (outfile open)
} # for $f
exit 0;