blob: 0f804af2940965ba37bcdc9372e5e11263bd457a [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
# This file is part of mbed TLS (
# Copyright (c) 2016, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved
# Purpose
# Executes tests to prove various TLS/SSL options and extensions.
# The goal is not to cover every ciphersuite/version, but instead to cover
# specific options (max fragment length, truncated hmac, etc) or procedures
# (session resumption from cache or ticket, renego, etc).
# The tests assume a build with default options, with exceptions expressed
# with a dependency. The tests focus on functionality and do not consider
# performance.
set -u
# default values, can be overriden by the environment
: ${P_SRV:=../programs/ssl/ssl_server2}
: ${P_CLI:=../programs/ssl/ssl_client2}
: ${P_PXY:=../programs/test/udp_proxy}
: ${OPENSSL_CMD:=openssl} # OPENSSL would conflict with the build system
: ${GNUTLS_CLI:=gnutls-cli}
: ${GNUTLS_SERV:=gnutls-serv}
: ${PERL:=perl}
O_SRV="$OPENSSL_CMD s_server -www -cert data_files/server5.crt -key data_files/server5.key"
O_CLI="echo 'GET / HTTP/1.0' | $OPENSSL_CMD s_client"
G_SRV="$GNUTLS_SERV --x509certfile data_files/server5.crt --x509keyfile data_files/server5.key"
G_CLI="echo 'GET / HTTP/1.0' | $GNUTLS_CLI --x509cafile data_files/test-ca_cat12.crt"
TCP_CLIENT="$PERL scripts/"
# Pick a "unique" server port in the range 10000-19999, and a proxy
# port which is this plus 10000. Each port number may be independently
# overridden by a command line option.
SRV_PORT=$(($$ % 10000 + 10000))
PXY_PORT=$((SRV_PORT + 10000))
print_usage() {
echo "Usage: $0 [options]"
printf " -h|--help\tPrint this help.\n"
printf " -m|--memcheck\tCheck memory leaks and errors.\n"
printf " -f|--filter\tOnly matching tests are executed (BRE; default: '$FILTER')\n"
printf " -e|--exclude\tMatching tests are excluded (BRE; default: '$EXCLUDE')\n"
printf " -n|--number\tExecute only numbered test (comma-separated, e.g. '245,256')\n"
printf " -s|--show-numbers\tShow test numbers in front of test names\n"
printf " -p|--preserve-logs\tPreserve logs of successful tests as well\n"
printf " --port\tTCP/UDP port (default: randomish 1xxxx)\n"
printf " --proxy-port\tTCP/UDP proxy port (default: randomish 2xxxx)\n"
printf " --seed\tInteger seed value to use for this test run\n"
get_options() {
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
shift; FILTER=$1
shift; EXCLUDE=$1
shift; SRV_PORT=$1
shift; PXY_PORT=$1
shift; SEED="$1"
exit 0
echo "Unknown argument: '$1'"
exit 1
# skip next test if the flag is not enabled in config.h
requires_config_enabled() {
if grep "^#define $1" $CONFIG_H > /dev/null; then :; else
# skip next test if the flag is enabled in config.h
requires_config_disabled() {
if grep "^#define $1" $CONFIG_H > /dev/null; then
# skip next test if OpenSSL doesn't support FALLBACK_SCSV
requires_openssl_with_fallback_scsv() {
if [ -z "${OPENSSL_HAS_FBSCSV:-}" ]; then
if $OPENSSL_CMD s_client -help 2>&1 | grep fallback_scsv >/dev/null
if [ "$OPENSSL_HAS_FBSCSV" = "NO" ]; then
# skip next test if GnuTLS isn't available
requires_gnutls() {
if [ -z "${GNUTLS_AVAILABLE:-}" ]; then
if ( which "$GNUTLS_CLI" && which "$GNUTLS_SERV" ) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ "$GNUTLS_AVAILABLE" = "NO" ]; then
# skip next test if IPv6 isn't available on this host
requires_ipv6() {
if [ -z "${HAS_IPV6:-}" ]; then
$P_SRV server_addr='::1' > $SRV_OUT 2>&1 &
sleep 1
kill $SRV_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
if grep "NET - Binding of the socket failed" $SRV_OUT >/dev/null; then
rm -r $SRV_OUT
if [ "$HAS_IPV6" = "NO" ]; then
# skip the next test if valgrind is in use
not_with_valgrind() {
if [ "$MEMCHECK" -gt 0 ]; then
# skip the next test if valgrind is NOT in use
only_with_valgrind() {
if [ "$MEMCHECK" -eq 0 ]; then
# multiply the client timeout delay by the given factor for the next test
client_needs_more_time() {
# wait for the given seconds after the client finished in the next test
server_needs_more_time() {
# print_name <name>
print_name() {
TESTS=$(( $TESTS + 1 ))
if [ "$SHOW_TEST_NUMBER" -gt 0 ]; then
printf "$LINE "
LEN=$(( 72 - `echo "$LINE" | wc -c` ))
for i in `seq 1 $LEN`; do printf '.'; done
printf ' '
# fail <message>
fail() {
echo "FAIL"
echo " ! $1"
mv $SRV_OUT o-srv-${TESTS}.log
mv $CLI_OUT o-cli-${TESTS}.log
if [ -n "$PXY_CMD" ]; then
mv $PXY_OUT o-pxy-${TESTS}.log
echo " ! outputs saved to o-XXX-${TESTS}.log"
if [ "X${USER:-}" = Xbuildbot -o "X${LOGNAME:-}" = Xbuildbot -o "${LOG_FAILURE_ON_STDOUT:-0}" != 0 ]; then
echo " ! server output:"
cat o-srv-${TESTS}.log
echo " ! ========================================================"
echo " ! client output:"
cat o-cli-${TESTS}.log
if [ -n "$PXY_CMD" ]; then
echo " ! ========================================================"
echo " ! proxy output:"
cat o-pxy-${TESTS}.log
echo ""
FAILS=$(( $FAILS + 1 ))
# is_polar <cmd_line>
is_polar() {
echo "$1" | grep 'ssl_server2\|ssl_client2' > /dev/null
# openssl s_server doesn't have -www with DTLS
check_osrv_dtls() {
if echo "$SRV_CMD" | grep 's_server.*-dtls' >/dev/null; then
SRV_CMD="$( echo $SRV_CMD | sed s/-www// )"
# provide input to commands that need it
provide_input() {
if [ $NEEDS_INPUT -eq 0 ]; then
while true; do
echo "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
sleep 1
# has_mem_err <log_file_name>
has_mem_err() {
if ( grep -F 'All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible' "$1" &&
grep -F 'ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts' "$1" ) > /dev/null
return 1 # false: does not have errors
return 0 # true: has errors
# Wait for process $2 to be listening on port $1
if type lsof >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
wait_server_start() {
START_TIME=$(date +%s)
if [ "$DTLS" -eq 1 ]; then
# Make a tight loop, server normally takes less than 1s to start.
while ! lsof -a -n -b -i "$proto:$1" -p "$2" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; do
if [ $(( $(date +%s) - $START_TIME )) -gt $DOG_DELAY ]; then
# Linux and *BSD support decimal arguments to sleep. On other
# OSes this may be a tight loop.
sleep 0.1 2>/dev/null || true
echo "Warning: lsof not available, wait_server_start = sleep"
wait_server_start() {
sleep "$START_DELAY"
# Given the client or server debug output, parse the unix timestamp that is
# included in the first 4 bytes of the random bytes and check that it's within
# acceptable bounds
check_server_hello_time() {
# Extract the time from the debug (lvl 3) output of the client
SERVER_HELLO_TIME="$(sed -n 's/.*server hello, current time: //p' < "$1")"
# Get the Unix timestamp for now
CUR_TIME=$(date +'%s')
# Check if the ServerHello time was printed
if [ -z "$SERVER_HELLO_TIME" ]; then
return 1
# Check the time in ServerHello is within acceptable bounds
# The time in ServerHello is at least 5 minutes before now
return 1
elif [ $SERVER_HELLO_TIME -gt $(( $CUR_TIME + $THRESHOLD_IN_SECS )) ]; then
# The time in ServerHello is at least 5 minutes later than now
return 1
return 0
# wait for client to terminate and set CLI_EXIT
# must be called right after starting the client
wait_client_done() {
( sleep $CLI_DELAY; echo "===CLIENT_TIMEOUT===" >> $CLI_OUT; kill $CLI_PID ) &
wait $CLI_PID
kill $DOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
wait $DOG_PID
echo "EXIT: $CLI_EXIT" >> $CLI_OUT
# check if the given command uses dtls and sets global variable DTLS
detect_dtls() {
if echo "$1" | grep 'dtls=1\|-dtls1\|-u' >/dev/null; then
# Usage: run_test name [-p proxy_cmd] srv_cmd cli_cmd cli_exit [option [...]]
# Options: -s pattern pattern that must be present in server output
# -c pattern pattern that must be present in client output
# -u pattern lines after pattern must be unique in client output
# -f call shell function on client output
# -S pattern pattern that must be absent in server output
# -C pattern pattern that must be absent in client output
# -U pattern lines after pattern must be unique in server output
# -F call shell function on server output
run_test() {
shift 1
if echo "$NAME" | grep "$FILTER" | grep -v "$EXCLUDE" >/dev/null; then :
print_name "$NAME"
# Do we only run numbered tests?
if [ "X$RUN_TEST_NUMBER" = "X" ]; then :
elif echo ",$RUN_TEST_NUMBER," | grep ",$TESTS," >/dev/null; then :
# should we skip?
if [ "X$SKIP_NEXT" = "XYES" ]; then
echo "SKIP"
SKIPS=$(( $SKIPS + 1 ))
# does this test use a proxy?
if [ "X$1" = "X-p" ]; then
shift 2
# get commands and client output
shift 3
# fix client port
if [ -n "$PXY_CMD" ]; then
CLI_CMD=$( echo "$CLI_CMD" | sed s/+SRV_PORT/$PXY_PORT/g )
CLI_CMD=$( echo "$CLI_CMD" | sed s/+SRV_PORT/$SRV_PORT/g )
# update DTLS variable
detect_dtls "$SRV_CMD"
# prepend valgrind to our commands if active
if [ "$MEMCHECK" -gt 0 ]; then
if is_polar "$SRV_CMD"; then
SRV_CMD="valgrind --leak-check=full $SRV_CMD"
if is_polar "$CLI_CMD"; then
CLI_CMD="valgrind --leak-check=full $CLI_CMD"
while [ $TIMES_LEFT -gt 0 ]; do
# run the commands
if [ -n "$PXY_CMD" ]; then
echo "$PXY_CMD" > $PXY_OUT
$PXY_CMD >> $PXY_OUT 2>&1 &
# assume proxy starts faster than server
echo "$SRV_CMD" > $SRV_OUT
provide_input | $SRV_CMD >> $SRV_OUT 2>&1 &
wait_server_start "$SRV_PORT" "$SRV_PID"
echo "$CLI_CMD" > $CLI_OUT
eval "$CLI_CMD" >> $CLI_OUT 2>&1 &
# terminate the server (and the proxy)
kill $SRV_PID
wait $SRV_PID
if [ -n "$PXY_CMD" ]; then
kill $PXY_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
wait $PXY_PID
# retry only on timeouts
if grep '===CLIENT_TIMEOUT===' $CLI_OUT >/dev/null; then
printf "RETRY "
# check if the client and server went at least to the handshake stage
# (useful to avoid tests with only negative assertions and non-zero
# expected client exit to incorrectly succeed in case of catastrophic
# failure)
if is_polar "$SRV_CMD"; then
if grep "Performing the SSL/TLS handshake" $SRV_OUT >/dev/null; then :;
fail "server or client failed to reach handshake stage"
if is_polar "$CLI_CMD"; then
if grep "Performing the SSL/TLS handshake" $CLI_OUT >/dev/null; then :;
fail "server or client failed to reach handshake stage"
# check server exit code
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
fail "server fail"
# check client exit code
if [ \( "$CLI_EXPECT" = 0 -a "$CLI_EXIT" != 0 \) -o \
\( "$CLI_EXPECT" != 0 -a "$CLI_EXIT" = 0 \) ]
fail "bad client exit code (expected $CLI_EXPECT, got $CLI_EXIT)"
# check other assertions
# lines beginning with == are added by valgrind, ignore them
# lines with 'Serious error when reading debug info', are valgrind issues as well
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
case $1 in
if grep -v '^==' $SRV_OUT | grep -v 'Serious error when reading debug info' | grep "$2" >/dev/null; then :; else
fail "pattern '$2' MUST be present in the Server output"
if grep -v '^==' $CLI_OUT | grep -v 'Serious error when reading debug info' | grep "$2" >/dev/null; then :; else
fail "pattern '$2' MUST be present in the Client output"
if grep -v '^==' $SRV_OUT | grep -v 'Serious error when reading debug info' | grep "$2" >/dev/null; then
fail "pattern '$2' MUST NOT be present in the Server output"
if grep -v '^==' $CLI_OUT | grep -v 'Serious error when reading debug info' | grep "$2" >/dev/null; then
fail "pattern '$2' MUST NOT be present in the Client output"
# The filtering in the following two options (-u and -U) do the following
# - ignore valgrind output
# - filter out everything but lines right after the pattern occurances
# - keep one of each non-unique line
# - count how many lines remain
# A line with '--' will remain in the result from previous outputs, so the number of lines in the result will be 1
# if there were no duplicates.
if [ $(grep -v '^==' $SRV_OUT | grep -v 'Serious error when reading debug info' | grep -A1 "$2" | grep -v "$2" | sort | uniq -d | wc -l) -gt 1 ]; then
fail "lines following pattern '$2' must be unique in Server output"
if [ $(grep -v '^==' $CLI_OUT | grep -v 'Serious error when reading debug info' | grep -A1 "$2" | grep -v "$2" | sort | uniq -d | wc -l) -gt 1 ]; then
fail "lines following pattern '$2' must be unique in Client output"
if ! $2 "$SRV_OUT"; then
fail "function call to '$2' failed on Server output"
if ! $2 "$CLI_OUT"; then
fail "function call to '$2' failed on Client output"
echo "Unknown test: $1" >&2
exit 1
shift 2
# check valgrind's results
if [ "$MEMCHECK" -gt 0 ]; then
if is_polar "$SRV_CMD" && has_mem_err $SRV_OUT; then
fail "Server has memory errors"
if is_polar "$CLI_CMD" && has_mem_err $CLI_OUT; then
fail "Client has memory errors"
# if we're here, everything is ok
echo "PASS"
if [ "$PRESERVE_LOGS" -gt 0 ]; then
mv $SRV_OUT o-srv-${TESTS}.log
mv $CLI_OUT o-cli-${TESTS}.log
cleanup() {
test -n "${SRV_PID:-}" && kill $SRV_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
test -n "${PXY_PID:-}" && kill $PXY_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
test -n "${CLI_PID:-}" && kill $CLI_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
test -n "${DOG_PID:-}" && kill $DOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
exit 1
if cd $( dirname $0 ); then :; else
echo "cd $( dirname $0 ) failed" >&2
exit 1
get_options "$@"
# sanity checks, avoid an avalanche of errors
if [ ! -x "$P_SRV" ]; then
echo "Command '$P_SRV' is not an executable file"
exit 1
if [ ! -x "$P_CLI" ]; then
echo "Command '$P_CLI' is not an executable file"
exit 1
if [ ! -x "$P_PXY" ]; then
echo "Command '$P_PXY' is not an executable file"
exit 1
if [ "$MEMCHECK" -gt 0 ]; then
if which valgrind >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else
echo "Memcheck not possible. Valgrind not found"
exit 1
if which $OPENSSL_CMD >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else
echo "Command '$OPENSSL_CMD' not found"
exit 1
# used by watchdog
# We use somewhat arbitrary delays for tests:
# - how long do we wait for the server to start (when lsof not available)?
# - how long do we allow for the client to finish?
# (not to check performance, just to avoid waiting indefinitely)
# Things are slower with valgrind, so give extra time here.
# Note: without lsof, there is a trade-off between the running time of this
# script and the risk of spurious errors because we didn't wait long enough.
# The watchdog delay on the other hand doesn't affect normal running time of
# the script, only the case where a client or server gets stuck.
if [ "$MEMCHECK" -gt 0 ]; then
# some particular tests need more time:
# - for the client, we multiply the usual watchdog limit by a factor
# - for the server, we sleep for a number of seconds after the client exits
# see client_need_more_time() and server_needs_more_time()
# fix commands to use this port, force IPv4 while at it
# +SRV_PORT will be replaced by either $SRV_PORT or $PXY_PORT later
P_SRV="$P_SRV server_addr= server_port=$SRV_PORT"
P_CLI="$P_CLI server_addr= server_port=+SRV_PORT"
P_PXY="$P_PXY server_addr= server_port=$SRV_PORT listen_addr= listen_port=$PXY_PORT ${SEED:+"seed=$SEED"}"
O_SRV="$O_SRV -accept $SRV_PORT -dhparam data_files/dhparams.pem"
O_CLI="$O_CLI -connect localhost:+SRV_PORT"
G_CLI="$G_CLI -p +SRV_PORT localhost"
# Allow SHA-1, because many of our test certificates use it
P_SRV="$P_SRV allow_sha1=1"
P_CLI="$P_CLI allow_sha1=1"
# Also pick a unique name for intermediate files
trap cleanup INT TERM HUP
# Basic test
# Checks that:
# - things work with all ciphersuites active (used with config-full in
# - the expected (highest security) parameters are selected
# ("signature_algorithm ext: 6" means SHA-512 (highest common hash))
run_test "Default" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI" \
0 \
-s "Protocol is TLSv1.2" \
-s "Ciphersuite is TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384" \
-s "client hello v3, signature_algorithm ext: 6" \
-s "ECDHE curve: secp521r1" \
-S "error" \
-C "error"
run_test "Default, DTLS" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1" \
0 \
-s "Protocol is DTLSv1.2" \
-s "Ciphersuite is TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384"
# Test current time in ServerHello
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME
run_test "Default, ServerHello contains gmt_unix_time" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3" \
0 \
-s "Protocol is TLSv1.2" \
-s "Ciphersuite is TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384" \
-s "client hello v3, signature_algorithm ext: 6" \
-s "ECDHE curve: secp521r1" \
-S "error" \
-C "error" \
-f "check_server_hello_time" \
-F "check_server_hello_time"
# Test for uniqueness of IVs in AEAD ciphersuites
run_test "Unique IV in GCM" \
"$P_SRV exchanges=20 debug_level=4" \
"$P_CLI exchanges=20 debug_level=4 force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384" \
0 \
-u "IV used" \
-U "IV used"
# Tests for rc4 option
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_REMOVE_ARC4_CIPHERSUITES
run_test "RC4: server disabled, client enabled" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
1 \
-s "SSL - The server has no ciphersuites in common"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_REMOVE_ARC4_CIPHERSUITES
run_test "RC4: server half, client enabled" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
1 \
-s "SSL - The server has no ciphersuites in common"
run_test "RC4: server enabled, client disabled" \
"$P_SRV force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI" \
1 \
-s "SSL - The server has no ciphersuites in common"
run_test "RC4: both enabled" \
"$P_SRV force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-S "SSL - None of the common ciphersuites is usable" \
-S "SSL - The server has no ciphersuites in common"
# Tests for SHA-1 support
run_test "SHA-1 forbidden by default in server certificate" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server2.key crt_file=data_files/server2.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=2 allow_sha1=0" \
1 \
-c "The certificate is signed with an unacceptable hash"
run_test "SHA-1 forbidden by default in server certificate" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server2.key crt_file=data_files/server2.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=2 allow_sha1=0" \
run_test "SHA-1 explicitly allowed in server certificate" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server2.key crt_file=data_files/server2.crt" \
"$P_CLI allow_sha1=1" \
run_test "SHA-256 allowed by default in server certificate" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server2.key crt_file=data_files/server2-sha256.crt" \
"$P_CLI allow_sha1=0" \
run_test "SHA-1 forbidden by default in client certificate" \
"$P_SRV auth_mode=required allow_sha1=0" \
"$P_CLI key_file=data_files/cli-rsa.key crt_file=data_files/cli-rsa-sha1.crt" \
1 \
-s "The certificate is signed with an unacceptable hash"
run_test "SHA-1 forbidden by default in client certificate" \
"$P_SRV auth_mode=required allow_sha1=0" \
"$P_CLI key_file=data_files/cli-rsa.key crt_file=data_files/cli-rsa-sha1.crt" \
run_test "SHA-1 explicitly allowed in client certificate" \
"$P_SRV auth_mode=required allow_sha1=1" \
"$P_CLI key_file=data_files/cli-rsa.key crt_file=data_files/cli-rsa-sha1.crt" \
run_test "SHA-256 allowed by default in client certificate" \
"$P_SRV auth_mode=required allow_sha1=0" \
"$P_CLI key_file=data_files/cli-rsa.key crt_file=data_files/cli-rsa-sha256.crt" \
# Tests for Truncated HMAC extension
run_test "Truncated HMAC: client default, server default" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=4" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'expected mac' (20 bytes)" \
-S "dumping 'expected mac' (10 bytes)"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Truncated HMAC: client disabled, server default" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=4" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=0" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'expected mac' (20 bytes)" \
-S "dumping 'expected mac' (10 bytes)"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Truncated HMAC: client enabled, server default" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=4" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'expected mac' (20 bytes)" \
-S "dumping 'expected mac' (10 bytes)"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Truncated HMAC: client enabled, server disabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=4 trunc_hmac=0" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'expected mac' (20 bytes)" \
-S "dumping 'expected mac' (10 bytes)"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Truncated HMAC: client disabled, server enabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=4 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=0" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'expected mac' (20 bytes)" \
-S "dumping 'expected mac' (10 bytes)"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Truncated HMAC: client enabled, server enabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=4 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-S "dumping 'expected mac' (20 bytes)" \
-s "dumping 'expected mac' (10 bytes)"
run_test "Truncated HMAC, DTLS: client default, server default" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=4" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'expected mac' (20 bytes)" \
-S "dumping 'expected mac' (10 bytes)"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Truncated HMAC, DTLS: client disabled, server default" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=4" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=0" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'expected mac' (20 bytes)" \
-S "dumping 'expected mac' (10 bytes)"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Truncated HMAC, DTLS: client enabled, server default" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=4" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'expected mac' (20 bytes)" \
-S "dumping 'expected mac' (10 bytes)"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Truncated HMAC, DTLS: client enabled, server disabled" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=4 trunc_hmac=0" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'expected mac' (20 bytes)" \
-S "dumping 'expected mac' (10 bytes)"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Truncated HMAC, DTLS: client disabled, server enabled" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=4 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=0" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'expected mac' (20 bytes)" \
-S "dumping 'expected mac' (10 bytes)"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Truncated HMAC, DTLS: client enabled, server enabled" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=4 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-S "dumping 'expected mac' (20 bytes)" \
-s "dumping 'expected mac' (10 bytes)"
# Tests for Encrypt-then-MAC extension
run_test "Encrypt then MAC: default" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-s "found encrypt then mac extension" \
-s "server hello, adding encrypt then mac extension" \
-c "found encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-c "using encrypt then mac" \
-s "using encrypt then mac"
run_test "Encrypt then MAC: client enabled, server disabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 etm=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 etm=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-s "found encrypt then mac extension" \
-S "server hello, adding encrypt then mac extension" \
-C "found encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-C "using encrypt then mac" \
-S "using encrypt then mac"
run_test "Encrypt then MAC: client enabled, aead cipher" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 etm=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 etm=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-s "found encrypt then mac extension" \
-S "server hello, adding encrypt then mac extension" \
-C "found encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-C "using encrypt then mac" \
-S "using encrypt then mac"
run_test "Encrypt then MAC: client enabled, stream cipher" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 etm=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 etm=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-s "found encrypt then mac extension" \
-S "server hello, adding encrypt then mac extension" \
-C "found encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-C "using encrypt then mac" \
-S "using encrypt then mac"
run_test "Encrypt then MAC: client disabled, server enabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 etm=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 etm=0" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-S "found encrypt then mac extension" \
-S "server hello, adding encrypt then mac extension" \
-C "found encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-C "using encrypt then mac" \
-S "using encrypt then mac"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Encrypt then MAC: client SSLv3, server enabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 min_version=ssl3 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 force_version=ssl3" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-S "found encrypt then mac extension" \
-S "server hello, adding encrypt then mac extension" \
-C "found encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-C "using encrypt then mac" \
-S "using encrypt then mac"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Encrypt then MAC: client enabled, server SSLv3" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 force_version=ssl3 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 min_version=ssl3" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-S "found encrypt then mac extension" \
-S "server hello, adding encrypt then mac extension" \
-C "found encrypt_then_mac extension" \
-C "using encrypt then mac" \
-S "using encrypt then mac"
# Tests for Extended Master Secret extension
run_test "Extended Master Secret: default" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding extended_master_secret extension" \
-s "found extended master secret extension" \
-s "server hello, adding extended master secret extension" \
-c "found extended_master_secret extension" \
-c "using extended master secret" \
-s "using extended master secret"
run_test "Extended Master Secret: client enabled, server disabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 extended_ms=0" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 extended_ms=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding extended_master_secret extension" \
-s "found extended master secret extension" \
-S "server hello, adding extended master secret extension" \
-C "found extended_master_secret extension" \
-C "using extended master secret" \
-S "using extended master secret"
run_test "Extended Master Secret: client disabled, server enabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 extended_ms=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 extended_ms=0" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding extended_master_secret extension" \
-S "found extended master secret extension" \
-S "server hello, adding extended master secret extension" \
-C "found extended_master_secret extension" \
-C "using extended master secret" \
-S "using extended master secret"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Extended Master Secret: client SSLv3, server enabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 min_version=ssl3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 force_version=ssl3" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding extended_master_secret extension" \
-S "found extended master secret extension" \
-S "server hello, adding extended master secret extension" \
-C "found extended_master_secret extension" \
-C "using extended master secret" \
-S "using extended master secret"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Extended Master Secret: client enabled, server SSLv3" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 force_version=ssl3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 min_version=ssl3" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding extended_master_secret extension" \
-S "found extended master secret extension" \
-S "server hello, adding extended master secret extension" \
-C "found extended_master_secret extension" \
-C "using extended master secret" \
-S "using extended master secret"
run_test "Fallback SCSV: default" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=2" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 force_version=tls1_1" \
0 \
-C "adding FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-S "received FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-S "inapropriate fallback" \
-C "is a fatal alert message (msg 86)"
run_test "Fallback SCSV: explicitly disabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=2" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 force_version=tls1_1 fallback=0" \
0 \
-C "adding FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-S "received FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-S "inapropriate fallback" \
-C "is a fatal alert message (msg 86)"
run_test "Fallback SCSV: enabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=2" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 force_version=tls1_1 fallback=1" \
1 \
-c "adding FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-s "received FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-s "inapropriate fallback" \
-c "is a fatal alert message (msg 86)"
run_test "Fallback SCSV: enabled, max version" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=2" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 fallback=1" \
0 \
-c "adding FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-s "received FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-S "inapropriate fallback" \
-C "is a fatal alert message (msg 86)"
run_test "Fallback SCSV: default, openssl server" \
"$O_SRV" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 force_version=tls1_1 fallback=0" \
0 \
-C "adding FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-C "is a fatal alert message (msg 86)"
run_test "Fallback SCSV: enabled, openssl server" \
"$O_SRV" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 force_version=tls1_1 fallback=1" \
1 \
-c "adding FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-c "is a fatal alert message (msg 86)"
run_test "Fallback SCSV: disabled, openssl client" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=2" \
"$O_CLI -tls1_1" \
0 \
-S "received FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-S "inapropriate fallback"
run_test "Fallback SCSV: enabled, openssl client" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=2" \
"$O_CLI -tls1_1 -fallback_scsv" \
1 \
-s "received FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-s "inapropriate fallback"
run_test "Fallback SCSV: enabled, max version, openssl client" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=2" \
"$O_CLI -fallback_scsv" \
0 \
-s "received FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-S "inapropriate fallback"
# Test sending and receiving empty application data records
run_test "Encrypt then MAC: empty application data record" \
"$P_SRV auth_mode=none debug_level=4 etm=1" \
"$P_CLI auth_mode=none etm=1 request_size=0 force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-S "0000: 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f" \
-s "dumping 'input payload after decrypt' (0 bytes)" \
-c "0 bytes written in 1 fragments"
run_test "Default, no Encrypt then MAC: empty application data record" \
"$P_SRV auth_mode=none debug_level=4 etm=0" \
"$P_CLI auth_mode=none etm=0 request_size=0" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'input payload after decrypt' (0 bytes)" \
-c "0 bytes written in 1 fragments"
run_test "Encrypt then MAC, DTLS: empty application data record" \
"$P_SRV auth_mode=none debug_level=4 etm=1 dtls=1" \
"$P_CLI auth_mode=none etm=1 request_size=0 force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA dtls=1" \
0 \
-S "0000: 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f" \
-s "dumping 'input payload after decrypt' (0 bytes)" \
-c "0 bytes written in 1 fragments"
run_test "Default, no Encrypt then MAC, DTLS: empty application data record" \
"$P_SRV auth_mode=none debug_level=4 etm=0 dtls=1" \
"$P_CLI auth_mode=none etm=0 request_size=0 dtls=1" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'input payload after decrypt' (0 bytes)" \
-c "0 bytes written in 1 fragments"
## ClientHello generated with
## "openssl s_client -CAfile tests/data_files/test-ca.crt -tls1_1 -connect localhost:4433 -cipher ..."
## then manually twiddling the ciphersuite list.
## The ClientHello content is spelled out below as a hex string as
## "prefix ciphersuite1 ciphersuite2 ciphersuite3 ciphersuite4 suffix".
## The expected response is an inappropriate_fallback alert.
run_test "Fallback SCSV: beginning of list" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=2" \
"$TCP_CLIENT localhost $SRV_PORT '160301003e0100003a03022aafb94308dc22ca1086c65acc00e414384d76b61ecab37df1633b1ae1034dbe000008 5600 0031 0032 0033 0100000900230000000f000101' '15030200020256'" \
0 \
-s "received FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-s "inapropriate fallback"
run_test "Fallback SCSV: end of list" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=2" \
"$TCP_CLIENT localhost $SRV_PORT '160301003e0100003a03022aafb94308dc22ca1086c65acc00e414384d76b61ecab37df1633b1ae1034dbe000008 0031 0032 0033 5600 0100000900230000000f000101' '15030200020256'" \
0 \
-s "received FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-s "inapropriate fallback"
## Here the expected response is a valid ServerHello prefix, up to the random.
run_test "Fallback SCSV: not in list" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=2" \
"$TCP_CLIENT localhost $SRV_PORT '160301003e0100003a03022aafb94308dc22ca1086c65acc00e414384d76b61ecab37df1633b1ae1034dbe000008 0056 0031 0032 0033 0100000900230000000f000101' '16030200300200002c0302'" \
0 \
-S "received FALLBACK_SCSV" \
-S "inapropriate fallback"
# Tests for CBC 1/n-1 record splitting
run_test "CBC Record splitting: TLS 1.2, no splitting" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
request_size=123 force_version=tls1_2" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 123 bytes read" \
-S "Read from client: 1 bytes read" \
-S "122 bytes read"
run_test "CBC Record splitting: TLS 1.1, no splitting" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
request_size=123 force_version=tls1_1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 123 bytes read" \
-S "Read from client: 1 bytes read" \
-S "122 bytes read"
run_test "CBC Record splitting: TLS 1.0, splitting" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
request_size=123 force_version=tls1" \
0 \
-S "Read from client: 123 bytes read" \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read" \
-s "122 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "CBC Record splitting: SSLv3, splitting" \
"$P_SRV min_version=ssl3" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
request_size=123 force_version=ssl3" \
0 \
-S "Read from client: 123 bytes read" \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read" \
-s "122 bytes read"
run_test "CBC Record splitting: TLS 1.0 RC4, no splitting" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA \
request_size=123 force_version=tls1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 123 bytes read" \
-S "Read from client: 1 bytes read" \
-S "122 bytes read"
run_test "CBC Record splitting: TLS 1.0, splitting disabled" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
request_size=123 force_version=tls1 recsplit=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 123 bytes read" \
-S "Read from client: 1 bytes read" \
-S "122 bytes read"
run_test "CBC Record splitting: TLS 1.0, splitting, nbio" \
"$P_SRV nbio=2" \
"$P_CLI nbio=2 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
request_size=123 force_version=tls1" \
0 \
-S "Read from client: 123 bytes read" \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read" \
-s "122 bytes read"
# Tests for Session Tickets
run_test "Session resume using tickets: basic" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 tickets=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 tickets=1 reconnect=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-s "found session ticket extension" \
-s "server hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-c "found session_ticket extension" \
-c "parse new session ticket" \
-S "session successfully restored from cache" \
-s "session successfully restored from ticket" \
-s "a session has been resumed" \
-c "a session has been resumed"
run_test "Session resume using tickets: cache disabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 tickets=1 cache_max=0" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 tickets=1 reconnect=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-s "found session ticket extension" \
-s "server hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-c "found session_ticket extension" \
-c "parse new session ticket" \
-S "session successfully restored from cache" \
-s "session successfully restored from ticket" \
-s "a session has been resumed" \
-c "a session has been resumed"
run_test "Session resume using tickets: timeout" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 tickets=1 cache_max=0 ticket_timeout=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 tickets=1 reconnect=1 reco_delay=2" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-s "found session ticket extension" \
-s "server hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-c "found session_ticket extension" \
-c "parse new session ticket" \
-S "session successfully restored from cache" \
-S "session successfully restored from ticket" \
-S "a session has been resumed" \
-C "a session has been resumed"
run_test "Session resume using tickets: openssl server" \
"$O_SRV" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 tickets=1 reconnect=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-c "found session_ticket extension" \
-c "parse new session ticket" \
-c "a session has been resumed"
run_test "Session resume using tickets: openssl client" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 tickets=1" \
"( $O_CLI -sess_out $SESSION; \
$O_CLI -sess_in $SESSION; \
rm -f $SESSION )" \
0 \
-s "found session ticket extension" \
-s "server hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-S "session successfully restored from cache" \
-s "session successfully restored from ticket" \
-s "a session has been resumed"
# Tests for Session Resume based on session-ID and cache
run_test "Session resume using cache: tickets enabled on client" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 tickets=0" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 tickets=1 reconnect=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-s "found session ticket extension" \
-S "server hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-C "found session_ticket extension" \
-C "parse new session ticket" \
-s "session successfully restored from cache" \
-S "session successfully restored from ticket" \
-s "a session has been resumed" \
-c "a session has been resumed"
run_test "Session resume using cache: tickets enabled on server" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 tickets=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 tickets=0 reconnect=1" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-S "found session ticket extension" \
-S "server hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-C "found session_ticket extension" \
-C "parse new session ticket" \
-s "session successfully restored from cache" \
-S "session successfully restored from ticket" \
-s "a session has been resumed" \
-c "a session has been resumed"
run_test "Session resume using cache: cache_max=0" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 tickets=0 cache_max=0" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 tickets=0 reconnect=1" \
0 \
-S "session successfully restored from cache" \
-S "session successfully restored from ticket" \
-S "a session has been resumed" \
-C "a session has been resumed"
run_test "Session resume using cache: cache_max=1" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 tickets=0 cache_max=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 tickets=0 reconnect=1" \
0 \
-s "session successfully restored from cache" \
-S "session successfully restored from ticket" \
-s "a session has been resumed" \
-c "a session has been resumed"
run_test "Session resume using cache: timeout > delay" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 tickets=0" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 tickets=0 reconnect=1 reco_delay=0" \
0 \
-s "session successfully restored from cache" \
-S "session successfully restored from ticket" \
-s "a session has been resumed" \
-c "a session has been resumed"
run_test "Session resume using cache: timeout < delay" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 tickets=0 cache_timeout=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 tickets=0 reconnect=1 reco_delay=2" \
0 \
-S "session successfully restored from cache" \
-S "session successfully restored from ticket" \
-S "a session has been resumed" \
-C "a session has been resumed"
run_test "Session resume using cache: no timeout" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 tickets=0 cache_timeout=0" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 tickets=0 reconnect=1 reco_delay=2" \
0 \
-s "session successfully restored from cache" \
-S "session successfully restored from ticket" \
-s "a session has been resumed" \
-c "a session has been resumed"
run_test "Session resume using cache: openssl client" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 tickets=0" \
"( $O_CLI -sess_out $SESSION; \
$O_CLI -sess_in $SESSION; \
rm -f $SESSION )" \
0 \
-s "found session ticket extension" \
-S "server hello, adding session ticket extension" \
-s "session successfully restored from cache" \
-S "session successfully restored from ticket" \
-s "a session has been resumed"
run_test "Session resume using cache: openssl server" \
"$O_SRV" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 tickets=0 reconnect=1" \
0 \
-C "found session_ticket extension" \
-C "parse new session ticket" \
-c "a session has been resumed"
# Tests for Max Fragment Length extension
printf "The ${CONFIG_H} file contains a value for the configuration of\n"
printf "MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_CONTENT_LEN that is different from the script’s\n"
printf "test value of ${MAX_CONTENT_LEN_EXPECT}. \n"
printf "\n"
printf "The tests assume this value and if it changes, the tests in this\n"
printf "script should also be adjusted.\n"
printf "\n"
exit 1
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH
run_test "Max fragment length: enabled, default" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3" \
0 \
-c "Maximum fragment length is 16384" \
-s "Maximum fragment length is 16384" \
-C "client hello, adding max_fragment_length extension" \
-S "found max fragment length extension" \
-S "server hello, max_fragment_length extension" \
-C "found max_fragment_length extension"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH
run_test "Max fragment length: enabled, default, larger message" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 request_size=16385" \
0 \
-c "Maximum fragment length is 16384" \
-s "Maximum fragment length is 16384" \
-C "client hello, adding max_fragment_length extension" \
-S "found max fragment length extension" \
-S "server hello, max_fragment_length extension" \
-C "found max_fragment_length extension" \
-c "16385 bytes written in 2 fragments" \
-s "16384 bytes read" \
-s "1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH
run_test "Max fragment length, DTLS: enabled, default, larger message" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 dtls=1 request_size=16385" \
1 \
-c "Maximum fragment length is 16384" \
-s "Maximum fragment length is 16384" \
-C "client hello, adding max_fragment_length extension" \
-S "found max fragment length extension" \
-S "server hello, max_fragment_length extension" \
-C "found max_fragment_length extension" \
-c "fragment larger than.*maximum "
requires_config_disabled MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH
run_test "Max fragment length: disabled, larger message" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 request_size=16385" \
0 \
-C "Maximum fragment length is 16384" \
-S "Maximum fragment length is 16384" \
-c "16385 bytes written in 2 fragments" \
-s "16384 bytes read" \
-s "1 bytes read"
requires_config_disabled MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH
run_test "Max fragment length DTLS: disabled, larger message" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 dtls=1 request_size=16385" \
1 \
-C "Maximum fragment length is 16384" \
-S "Maximum fragment length is 16384" \
-c "fragment larger than.*maximum "
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH
run_test "Max fragment length: used by client" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 max_frag_len=4096" \
0 \
-c "Maximum fragment length is 4096" \
-s "Maximum fragment length is 4096" \
-c "client hello, adding max_fragment_length extension" \
-s "found max fragment length extension" \
-s "server hello, max_fragment_length extension" \
-c "found max_fragment_length extension"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH
run_test "Max fragment length: used by server" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 max_frag_len=4096" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3" \
0 \
-c "Maximum fragment length is 16384" \
-s "Maximum fragment length is 4096" \
-C "client hello, adding max_fragment_length extension" \
-S "found max fragment length extension" \
-S "server hello, max_fragment_length extension" \
-C "found max_fragment_length extension"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH
run_test "Max fragment length: gnutls server" \
"$G_SRV" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 max_frag_len=4096" \
0 \
-c "Maximum fragment length is 4096" \
-c "client hello, adding max_fragment_length extension" \
-c "found max_fragment_length extension"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH
run_test "Max fragment length: client, message just fits" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 max_frag_len=2048 request_size=2048" \
0 \
-c "Maximum fragment length is 2048" \
-s "Maximum fragment length is 2048" \
-c "client hello, adding max_fragment_length extension" \
-s "found max fragment length extension" \
-s "server hello, max_fragment_length extension" \
-c "found max_fragment_length extension" \
-c "2048 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "2048 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH
run_test "Max fragment length: client, larger message" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 max_frag_len=2048 request_size=2345" \
0 \
-c "Maximum fragment length is 2048" \
-s "Maximum fragment length is 2048" \
-c "client hello, adding max_fragment_length extension" \
-s "found max fragment length extension" \
-s "server hello, max_fragment_length extension" \
-c "found max_fragment_length extension" \
-c "2345 bytes written in 2 fragments" \
-s "2048 bytes read" \
-s "297 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH
run_test "Max fragment length: DTLS client, larger message" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 dtls=1 max_frag_len=2048 request_size=2345" \
1 \
-c "Maximum fragment length is 2048" \
-s "Maximum fragment length is 2048" \
-c "client hello, adding max_fragment_length extension" \
-s "found max fragment length extension" \
-s "server hello, max_fragment_length extension" \
-c "found max_fragment_length extension" \
-c "fragment larger than.*maximum"
# Tests for renegotiation
# Renegotiation SCSV always added, regardless of SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: none, for reference" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=2 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-S "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-C "=> renegotiate" \
-S "=> renegotiate" \
-S "write hello request"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: client-initiated" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-S "write hello request"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: server-initiated" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 auth_mode=optional renegotiate=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request"
# Checks that no Signature Algorithm with SHA-1 gets negotiated. Negotiating SHA-1 would mean that
# the server did not parse the Signature Algorithm extension. This test is valid only if an MD
# algorithm stronger than SHA-1 is enabled in config.h
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: Signature Algorithms parsing, client-initiated" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-S "write hello request" \
-S "client hello v3, signature_algorithm ext: 2" # Is SHA-1 negotiated?
# Checks that no Signature Algorithm with SHA-1 gets negotiated. Negotiating SHA-1 would mean that
# the server did not parse the Signature Algorithm extension. This test is valid only if an MD
# algorithm stronger than SHA-1 is enabled in config.h
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: Signature Algorithms parsing, server-initiated" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 auth_mode=optional renegotiate=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request" \
-S "client hello v3, signature_algorithm ext: 2" # Is SHA-1 negotiated?
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: double" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 auth_mode=optional renegotiate=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: client-initiated, server-rejected" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=0 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
1 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-S "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-S "=> renegotiate" \
-S "write hello request" \
-c "SSL - Unexpected message at ServerHello in renegotiation" \
-c "failed"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: server-initiated, client-rejected, default" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=0" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-S "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-C "=> renegotiate" \
-S "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request" \
-S "SSL - An unexpected message was received from our peer" \
-S "failed"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: server-initiated, client-rejected, not enforced" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1 \
renego_delay=-1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=0" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-S "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-C "=> renegotiate" \
-S "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request" \
-S "SSL - An unexpected message was received from our peer" \
-S "failed"
# delay 2 for 1 alert record + 1 application data record
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: server-initiated, client-rejected, delay 2" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1 \
renego_delay=2 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=0" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-S "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-C "=> renegotiate" \
-S "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request" \
-S "SSL - An unexpected message was received from our peer" \
-S "failed"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: server-initiated, client-rejected, delay 0" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1 \
renego_delay=0 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=0" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-S "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-C "=> renegotiate" \
-S "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request" \
-s "SSL - An unexpected message was received from our peer"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: server-initiated, client-accepted, delay 0" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1 \
renego_delay=0 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request" \
-S "SSL - An unexpected message was received from our peer" \
-S "failed"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: periodic, just below period" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=9 renegotiation=1 renego_period=3 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-S "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-S "record counter limit reached: renegotiate" \
-C "=> renegotiate" \
-S "=> renegotiate" \
-S "write hello request" \
-S "SSL - An unexpected message was received from our peer" \
-S "failed"
# one extra exchange to be able to complete renego
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: periodic, just above period" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=9 renegotiation=1 renego_period=3 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=4 renegotiation=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "record counter limit reached: renegotiate" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request" \
-S "SSL - An unexpected message was received from our peer" \
-S "failed"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: periodic, two times period" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=9 renegotiation=1 renego_period=3 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=7 renegotiation=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "record counter limit reached: renegotiate" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request" \
-S "SSL - An unexpected message was received from our peer" \
-S "failed"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: periodic, above period, disabled" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 exchanges=9 renegotiation=0 renego_period=3 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=4 renegotiation=1" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-S "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-S "record counter limit reached: renegotiate" \
-C "=> renegotiate" \
-S "=> renegotiate" \
-S "write hello request" \
-S "SSL - An unexpected message was received from our peer" \
-S "failed"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: nbio, client-initiated" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 nbio=2 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 nbio=2 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-S "write hello request"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: nbio, server-initiated" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 nbio=2 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 nbio=2 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: openssl server, client-initiated" \
"$O_SRV -www" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=1 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-C "ssl_hanshake() returned" \
-C "error" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 [Oo][Kk]"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: gnutls server strict, client-initiated" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=1 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-C "ssl_hanshake() returned" \
-C "error" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 [Oo][Kk]"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: gnutls server unsafe, client-initiated default" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=1 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
1 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-C "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-c "mbedtls_ssl_handshake() returned" \
-c "error" \
-C "HTTP/1.0 200 [Oo][Kk]"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: gnutls server unsafe, client-inititated no legacy" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=1 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1 \
allow_legacy=0" \
1 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-C "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-c "mbedtls_ssl_handshake() returned" \
-c "error" \
-C "HTTP/1.0 200 [Oo][Kk]"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: gnutls server unsafe, client-inititated legacy" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 exchanges=1 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1 \
allow_legacy=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-C "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-C "ssl_hanshake() returned" \
-C "error" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 [Oo][Kk]"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: DTLS, client-initiated" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 dtls=1 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-S "write hello request"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: DTLS, server-initiated" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 dtls=1 exchanges=2 renegotiation=1 \
read_timeout=1000 max_resend=2" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: DTLS, renego_period overflow" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1 exchanges=4 renegotiation=1 renego_period=18446462598732840962 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 dtls=1 exchanges=4 renegotiation=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-s "found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension" \
-s "record counter limit reached: renegotiate" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "write hello request"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "Renegotiation: DTLS, gnutls server, client-initiated" \
"$G_SRV -u --mtu 4096" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 dtls=1 exchanges=1 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "error" \
-s "Extra-header:"
# Test for the "secure renegotation" extension only (no actual renegotiation)
run_test "Renego ext: gnutls server strict, client default" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3" \
0 \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-C "error" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 [Oo][Kk]"
run_test "Renego ext: gnutls server unsafe, client default" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3" \
0 \
-C "found renegotiation extension" \
-C "error" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 [Oo][Kk]"
run_test "Renego ext: gnutls server unsafe, client break legacy" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 allow_legacy=-1" \
1 \
-C "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "error" \
-C "HTTP/1.0 200 [Oo][Kk]"
run_test "Renego ext: gnutls client strict, server default" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
0 \
-s "received TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO\|found renegotiation extension" \
-s "server hello, secure renegotiation extension"
run_test "Renego ext: gnutls client unsafe, server default" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
0 \
-S "received TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO\|found renegotiation extension" \
-S "server hello, secure renegotiation extension"
run_test "Renego ext: gnutls client unsafe, server break legacy" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 allow_legacy=-1" \
1 \
-S "received TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO\|found renegotiation extension" \
-S "server hello, secure renegotiation extension"
# Tests for silently dropping trailing extra bytes in .der certificates
run_test "DER format: no trailing bytes" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5-der0.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
"$G_CLI " \
0 \
-c "Handshake was completed" \
run_test "DER format: with a trailing zero byte" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5-der1a.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
"$G_CLI " \
0 \
-c "Handshake was completed" \
run_test "DER format: with a trailing random byte" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5-der1b.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
"$G_CLI " \
0 \
-c "Handshake was completed" \
run_test "DER format: with 2 trailing random bytes" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5-der2.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
"$G_CLI " \
0 \
-c "Handshake was completed" \
run_test "DER format: with 4 trailing random bytes" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5-der4.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
"$G_CLI " \
0 \
-c "Handshake was completed" \
run_test "DER format: with 8 trailing random bytes" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5-der8.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
"$G_CLI " \
0 \
-c "Handshake was completed" \
run_test "DER format: with 9 trailing random bytes" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5-der9.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
"$G_CLI " \
0 \
-c "Handshake was completed" \
# Tests for auth_mode
run_test "Authentication: server badcert, client required" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5-badsign.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1 auth_mode=required" \
1 \
-c "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-c "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-c "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "X509 - Certificate verification failed"
run_test "Authentication: server badcert, client optional" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5-badsign.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1 auth_mode=optional" \
0 \
-c "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-c "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-C "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "X509 - Certificate verification failed"
run_test "Authentication: server goodcert, client optional, no trusted CA" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional ca_file=none ca_path=none" \
0 \
-c "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-c "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-c "! Certificate verification flags"\
-C "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "X509 - Certificate verification failed" \
-C "SSL - No CA Chain is set, but required to operate"
run_test "Authentication: server goodcert, client required, no trusted CA" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 auth_mode=required ca_file=none ca_path=none" \
1 \
-c "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-c "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-c "! Certificate verification flags"\
-c "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "SSL - No CA Chain is set, but required to operate"
# The purpose of the next two tests is to test the client's behaviour when receiving a server
# certificate with an unsupported elliptic curve. This should usually not happen because
# the client informs the server about the supported curves - it does, though, in the
# corner case of a static ECDH suite, because the server doesn't check the curve on that
# occasion (to be fixed). If that bug's fixed, the test needs to be altered to use a
# different means to have the server ignoring the client's supported curve list.
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_ECP_C
run_test "Authentication: server ECDH p256v1, client required, p256v1 unsupported" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=1 key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file=data_files/server5.ku-ka.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 auth_mode=required curves=secp521r1" \
1 \
-c "bad certificate (EC key curve)"\
-c "! Certificate verification flags"\
-C "bad server certificate (ECDH curve)" # Expect failure at earlier verification stage
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_ECP_C
run_test "Authentication: server ECDH p256v1, client optional, p256v1 unsupported" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=1 key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file=data_files/server5.ku-ka.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional curves=secp521r1" \
1 \
-c "bad certificate (EC key curve)"\
-c "! Certificate verification flags"\
-c "bad server certificate (ECDH curve)" # Expect failure only at ECDH params check
run_test "Authentication: server badcert, client none" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5-badsign.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1 auth_mode=none" \
0 \
-C "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-C "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-C "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "X509 - Certificate verification failed"
run_test "Authentication: client SHA256, server required" \
"$P_SRV auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 crt_file=data_files/server6.crt \
key_file=data_files/server6.key \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384" \
0 \
-c "Supported Signature Algorithm found: 4," \
-c "Supported Signature Algorithm found: 5,"
run_test "Authentication: client SHA384, server required" \
"$P_SRV auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 crt_file=data_files/server6.crt \
key_file=data_files/server6.key \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256" \
0 \
-c "Supported Signature Algorithm found: 4," \
-c "Supported Signature Algorithm found: 5,"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Authentication: client has no cert, server required (SSLv3)" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 min_version=ssl3 auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 force_version=ssl3 crt_file=none \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
1 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-c "got no certificate to send" \
-S "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-s "client has no certificate" \
-s "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "No client certification received from the client, but required by the authentication mode"
run_test "Authentication: client has no cert, server required (TLS)" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 crt_file=none \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
1 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-c "= write certificate$" \
-C "skip write certificate$" \
-S "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-s "client has no certificate" \
-s "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "No client certification received from the client, but required by the authentication mode"
run_test "Authentication: client badcert, server required" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 crt_file=data_files/server5-badsign.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
1 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify" \
-s "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-s "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-s "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "send alert level=2 message=48" \
-c "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "X509 - Certificate verification failed"
# We don't check that the client receives the alert because it might
# detect that its write end of the connection is closed and abort
# before reading the alert message.
run_test "Authentication: client cert not trusted, server required" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 crt_file=data_files/server5-selfsigned.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
1 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify" \
-s "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-s "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-s "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "X509 - Certificate verification failed"
run_test "Authentication: client badcert, server optional" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 crt_file=data_files/server5-badsign.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
0 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify" \
-s "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-s "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-S "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-S "X509 - Certificate verification failed"
run_test "Authentication: client badcert, server none" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=none" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 crt_file=data_files/server5-badsign.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
0 \
-s "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got no certificate request" \
-c "skip write certificate" \
-c "skip write certificate verify" \
-s "skip parse certificate verify" \
-S "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-S "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-S "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-S "X509 - Certificate verification failed"
run_test "Authentication: client no cert, server optional" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 crt_file=none key_file=none" \
0 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate$" \
-C "got no certificate to send" \
-S "SSLv3 client has no certificate" \
-c "skip write certificate verify" \
-s "skip parse certificate verify" \
-s "! Certificate was missing" \
-S "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-S "X509 - Certificate verification failed"
run_test "Authentication: openssl client no cert, server optional" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional" \
"$O_CLI" \
0 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-s "skip parse certificate verify" \
-s "! Certificate was missing" \
-S "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-S "X509 - Certificate verification failed"
run_test "Authentication: client no cert, openssl server optional" \
"$O_SRV -verify 10" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 crt_file=none key_file=none" \
0 \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate$" \
-c "skip write certificate verify" \
-C "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned"
run_test "Authentication: client no cert, openssl server required" \
"$O_SRV -Verify 10" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 crt_file=none key_file=none" \
1 \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate$" \
-c "skip write certificate verify" \
-c "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Authentication: client no cert, ssl3" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional force_version=ssl3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 crt_file=none key_file=none min_version=ssl3" \
0 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate$" \
-c "skip write certificate verify" \
-c "got no certificate to send" \
-s "SSLv3 client has no certificate" \
-s "skip parse certificate verify" \
-s "! Certificate was missing" \
-S "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-S "X509 - Certificate verification failed"
# The "max_int chain" tests assume that MAX_INTERMEDIATE_CA is set to its
# default value (8)
if [ -n "$MAX_IM_CA_CONFIG" ] && [ "$MAX_IM_CA_CONFIG" -ne "$MAX_IM_CA" ]; then
printf "The ${CONFIG_H} file contains a value for the configuration of\n"
printf "MBEDTLS_X509_MAX_INTERMEDIATE_CA that is different from the script’s\n"
printf "test value of ${MAX_IM_CA}. \n"
printf "\n"
printf "The tests assume this value and if it changes, the tests in this\n"
printf "script should also be adjusted.\n"
printf "\n"
exit 1
run_test "Authentication: server max_int chain, client default" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/c09.pem \
key_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/09.key" \
"$P_CLI server_name=CA09 ca_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/00.crt" \
0 \
-C "X509 - A fatal error occured"
run_test "Authentication: server max_int+1 chain, client default" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/c10.pem \
key_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/10.key" \
"$P_CLI server_name=CA10 ca_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/00.crt" \
1 \
-c "X509 - A fatal error occured"
run_test "Authentication: server max_int+1 chain, client optional" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/c10.pem \
key_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/10.key" \
"$P_CLI server_name=CA10 ca_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/00.crt \
auth_mode=optional" \
1 \
-c "X509 - A fatal error occured"
run_test "Authentication: server max_int+1 chain, client none" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/c10.pem \
key_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/10.key" \
"$P_CLI server_name=CA10 ca_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/00.crt \
auth_mode=none" \
0 \
-C "X509 - A fatal error occured"
run_test "Authentication: client max_int+1 chain, server default" \
"$P_SRV ca_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/00.crt" \
"$P_CLI crt_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/c10.pem \
key_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/10.key" \
0 \
-S "X509 - A fatal error occured"
run_test "Authentication: client max_int+1 chain, server optional" \
"$P_SRV ca_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/00.crt auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI crt_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/c10.pem \
key_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/10.key" \
1 \
-s "X509 - A fatal error occured"
run_test "Authentication: client max_int+1 chain, server required" \
"$P_SRV ca_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/00.crt auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI crt_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/c10.pem \
key_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/10.key" \
1 \
-s "X509 - A fatal error occured"
run_test "Authentication: client max_int chain, server required" \
"$P_SRV ca_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/00.crt auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI crt_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/c09.pem \
key_file=data_files/dir-maxpath/09.key" \
0 \
-S "X509 - A fatal error occured"
# Tests for CA list in CertificateRequest messages
run_test "Authentication: send CA list in CertificateRequest (default)" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI crt_file=data_files/server6.crt \
key_file=data_files/server6.key" \
0 \
-s "requested DN"
run_test "Authentication: do not send CA list in CertificateRequest" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=required cert_req_ca_list=0" \
"$P_CLI crt_file=data_files/server6.crt \
key_file=data_files/server6.key" \
0 \
-S "requested DN"
run_test "Authentication: send CA list in CertificateRequest, client self signed" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=required cert_req_ca_list=0" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 crt_file=data_files/server5-selfsigned.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
1 \
-S "requested DN" \
-s "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-s "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-s "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "X509 - Certificate verification failed"
# Tests for certificate selection based on SHA verson
run_test "Certificate hash: client TLS 1.2 -> SHA-2" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file2=data_files/server5-sha1.crt \
key_file2=data_files/server5.key" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2" \
0 \
-c "signed using.*ECDSA with SHA256" \
-C "signed using.*ECDSA with SHA1"
run_test "Certificate hash: client TLS 1.1 -> SHA-1" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file2=data_files/server5-sha1.crt \
key_file2=data_files/server5.key" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1" \
0 \
-C "signed using.*ECDSA with SHA256" \
-c "signed using.*ECDSA with SHA1"
run_test "Certificate hash: client TLS 1.0 -> SHA-1" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file2=data_files/server5-sha1.crt \
key_file2=data_files/server5.key" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1" \
0 \
-C "signed using.*ECDSA with SHA256" \
-c "signed using.*ECDSA with SHA1"
run_test "Certificate hash: client TLS 1.1, no SHA-1 -> SHA-2 (order 1)" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server5.crt \
key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file2=data_files/server6.crt \
key_file2=data_files/server6.key" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1" \
0 \
-c "serial number.*09" \
-c "signed using.*ECDSA with SHA256" \
-C "signed using.*ECDSA with SHA1"
run_test "Certificate hash: client TLS 1.1, no SHA-1 -> SHA-2 (order 2)" \
"$P_SRV crt_file=data_files/server6.crt \
key_file=data_files/server6.key \
crt_file2=data_files/server5.crt \
key_file2=data_files/server5.key" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1" \
0 \
-c "serial number.*0A" \
-c "signed using.*ECDSA with SHA256" \
-C "signed using.*ECDSA with SHA1"
# tests for SNI
run_test "SNI: no SNI callback" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
"$P_CLI server_name=localhost" \
0 \
-S "parse ServerName extension" \
-c "issuer name *: C=NL, O=PolarSSL, CN=Polarssl Test EC CA" \
-c "subject name *: C=NL, O=PolarSSL, CN=localhost"
run_test "SNI: matching cert 1" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,-,polarssl.example,data_files/server1-nospace.crt,data_files/server1.key,-,-,-" \
"$P_CLI server_name=localhost" \
0 \
-s "parse ServerName extension" \
-c "issuer name *: C=NL, O=PolarSSL, CN=PolarSSL Test CA" \
-c "subject name *: C=NL, O=PolarSSL, CN=localhost"
run_test "SNI: matching cert 2" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,-,polarssl.example,data_files/server1-nospace.crt,data_files/server1.key,-,-,-" \
"$P_CLI server_name=polarssl.example" \
0 \
-s "parse ServerName extension" \
-c "issuer name *: C=NL, O=PolarSSL, CN=PolarSSL Test CA" \
-c "subject name *: C=NL, O=PolarSSL, CN=polarssl.example"
run_test "SNI: no matching cert" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,-,polarssl.example,data_files/server1-nospace.crt,data_files/server1.key,-,-,-" \
"$P_CLI server_name=nonesuch.example" \
1 \
-s "parse ServerName extension" \
-s "ssl_sni_wrapper() returned" \
-s "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "SSL - A fatal alert message was received from our peer"
run_test "SNI: client auth no override: optional" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,-" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 server_name=localhost" \
0 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify"
run_test "SNI: client auth override: none -> optional" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=none \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 server_name=localhost" \
0 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify"
run_test "SNI: client auth override: optional -> none" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,none" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 server_name=localhost" \
0 \
-s "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got no certificate request" \
-c "skip write certificate" \
-c "skip write certificate verify" \
-s "skip parse certificate verify"
run_test "SNI: CA no override" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
ca_file=data_files/test-ca.crt \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,required" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 server_name=localhost \
crt_file=data_files/server6.crt key_file=data_files/server6.key" \
1 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify" \
-s "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-s "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-S "The certificate has been revoked (is on a CRL)"
run_test "SNI: CA override" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
ca_file=data_files/test-ca.crt \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,data_files/test-ca2.crt,-,required" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 server_name=localhost \
crt_file=data_files/server6.crt key_file=data_files/server6.key" \
0 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify" \
-S "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-S "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-S "The certificate has been revoked (is on a CRL)"
run_test "SNI: CA override with CRL" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
ca_file=data_files/test-ca.crt \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,data_files/test-ca2.crt,data_files/crl-ec-sha256.pem,required" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 server_name=localhost \
crt_file=data_files/server6.crt key_file=data_files/server6.key" \
1 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify" \
-s "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-S "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-s "The certificate has been revoked (is on a CRL)"
# Tests for SNI and DTLS
run_test "SNI: DTLS, no SNI callback" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key" \
"$P_CLI server_name=localhost dtls=1" \
0 \
-S "parse ServerName extension" \
-c "issuer name *: C=NL, O=PolarSSL, CN=Polarssl Test EC CA" \
-c "subject name *: C=NL, O=PolarSSL, CN=localhost"
run_test "SNI: DTLS, matching cert 1" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,-,polarssl.example,data_files/server1-nospace.crt,data_files/server1.key,-,-,-" \
"$P_CLI server_name=localhost dtls=1" \
0 \
-s "parse ServerName extension" \
-c "issuer name *: C=NL, O=PolarSSL, CN=PolarSSL Test CA" \
-c "subject name *: C=NL, O=PolarSSL, CN=localhost"
run_test "SNI: DTLS, matching cert 2" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,-,polarssl.example,data_files/server1-nospace.crt,data_files/server1.key,-,-,-" \
"$P_CLI server_name=polarssl.example dtls=1" \
0 \
-s "parse ServerName extension" \
-c "issuer name *: C=NL, O=PolarSSL, CN=PolarSSL Test CA" \
-c "subject name *: C=NL, O=PolarSSL, CN=polarssl.example"
run_test "SNI: DTLS, no matching cert" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,-,polarssl.example,data_files/server1-nospace.crt,data_files/server1.key,-,-,-" \
"$P_CLI server_name=nonesuch.example dtls=1" \
1 \
-s "parse ServerName extension" \
-s "ssl_sni_wrapper() returned" \
-s "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "SSL - A fatal alert message was received from our peer"
run_test "SNI: DTLS, client auth no override: optional" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional dtls=1 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,-" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 server_name=localhost dtls=1" \
0 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify"
run_test "SNI: DTLS, client auth override: none -> optional" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=none dtls=1 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,optional" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 server_name=localhost dtls=1" \
0 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify"
run_test "SNI: DTLS, client auth override: optional -> none" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional dtls=1 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,none" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 server_name=localhost dtls=1" \
0 \
-s "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got no certificate request" \
-c "skip write certificate" \
-c "skip write certificate verify" \
-s "skip parse certificate verify"
run_test "SNI: DTLS, CA no override" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional dtls=1 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
ca_file=data_files/test-ca.crt \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,-,-,required" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 server_name=localhost dtls=1 \
crt_file=data_files/server6.crt key_file=data_files/server6.key" \
1 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify" \
-s "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-s "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-S "The certificate has been revoked (is on a CRL)"
run_test "SNI: DTLS, CA override" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional dtls=1 \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key \
ca_file=data_files/test-ca.crt \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,data_files/test-ca2.crt,-,required" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 server_name=localhost dtls=1 \
crt_file=data_files/server6.crt key_file=data_files/server6.key" \
0 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify" \
-S "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-S "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-S "The certificate has been revoked (is on a CRL)"
run_test "SNI: DTLS, CA override with CRL" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 auth_mode=optional \
crt_file=data_files/server5.crt key_file=data_files/server5.key dtls=1 \
ca_file=data_files/test-ca.crt \
sni=localhost,data_files/server2.crt,data_files/server2.key,data_files/test-ca2.crt,data_files/crl-ec-sha256.pem,required" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 server_name=localhost dtls=1 \
crt_file=data_files/server6.crt key_file=data_files/server6.key" \
1 \
-S "skip write certificate request" \
-C "skip parse certificate request" \
-c "got a certificate request" \
-C "skip write certificate" \
-C "skip write certificate verify" \
-S "skip parse certificate verify" \
-s "x509_verify_cert() returned" \
-S "! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA" \
-s "The certificate has been revoked (is on a CRL)"
# Tests for non-blocking I/O: exercise a variety of handshake flows
run_test "Non-blocking I/O: basic handshake" \
"$P_SRV nbio=2 tickets=0 auth_mode=none" \
"$P_CLI nbio=2 tickets=0" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "Read from server: .* bytes read"
run_test "Non-blocking I/O: client auth" \
"$P_SRV nbio=2 tickets=0 auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI nbio=2 tickets=0" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "Read from server: .* bytes read"
run_test "Non-blocking I/O: ticket" \
"$P_SRV nbio=2 tickets=1 auth_mode=none" \
"$P_CLI nbio=2 tickets=1" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "Read from server: .* bytes read"
run_test "Non-blocking I/O: ticket + client auth" \
"$P_SRV nbio=2 tickets=1 auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI nbio=2 tickets=1" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "Read from server: .* bytes read"
run_test "Non-blocking I/O: ticket + client auth + resume" \
"$P_SRV nbio=2 tickets=1 auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI nbio=2 tickets=1 reconnect=1" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "Read from server: .* bytes read"
run_test "Non-blocking I/O: ticket + resume" \
"$P_SRV nbio=2 tickets=1 auth_mode=none" \
"$P_CLI nbio=2 tickets=1 reconnect=1" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "Read from server: .* bytes read"
run_test "Non-blocking I/O: session-id resume" \
"$P_SRV nbio=2 tickets=0 auth_mode=none" \
"$P_CLI nbio=2 tickets=0 reconnect=1" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "Read from server: .* bytes read"
# Tests for version negotiation
run_test "Version check: all -> 1.2" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "Protocol is TLSv1.2" \
-c "Protocol is TLSv1.2"
run_test "Version check: cli max 1.1 -> 1.1" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI max_version=tls1_1" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "Protocol is TLSv1.1" \
-c "Protocol is TLSv1.1"
run_test "Version check: srv max 1.1 -> 1.1" \
"$P_SRV max_version=tls1_1" \
"$P_CLI" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "Protocol is TLSv1.1" \
-c "Protocol is TLSv1.1"
run_test "Version check: cli+srv max 1.1 -> 1.1" \
"$P_SRV max_version=tls1_1" \
"$P_CLI max_version=tls1_1" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "Protocol is TLSv1.1" \
-c "Protocol is TLSv1.1"
run_test "Version check: cli max 1.1, srv min 1.1 -> 1.1" \
"$P_SRV min_version=tls1_1" \
"$P_CLI max_version=tls1_1" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "Protocol is TLSv1.1" \
-c "Protocol is TLSv1.1"
run_test "Version check: cli min 1.1, srv max 1.1 -> 1.1" \
"$P_SRV max_version=tls1_1" \
"$P_CLI min_version=tls1_1" \
0 \
-S "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "Protocol is TLSv1.1" \
-c "Protocol is TLSv1.1"
run_test "Version check: cli min 1.2, srv max 1.1 -> fail" \
"$P_SRV max_version=tls1_1" \
"$P_CLI min_version=tls1_2" \
1 \
-s "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "SSL - Handshake protocol not within min/max boundaries"
run_test "Version check: srv min 1.2, cli max 1.1 -> fail" \
"$P_SRV min_version=tls1_2" \
"$P_CLI max_version=tls1_1" \
1 \
-s "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-c "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-s "SSL - Handshake protocol not within min/max boundaries"
# Tests for ALPN extension
run_test "ALPN: none" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding alpn extension" \
-S "found alpn extension" \
-C "got an alert message, type: \\[2:120]" \
-S "server hello, adding alpn extension" \
-C "found alpn extension " \
-C "Application Layer Protocol is" \
-S "Application Layer Protocol is"
run_test "ALPN: client only" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 alpn=abc,1234" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding alpn extension" \
-s "found alpn extension" \
-C "got an alert message, type: \\[2:120]" \
-S "server hello, adding alpn extension" \
-C "found alpn extension " \
-c "Application Layer Protocol is (none)" \
-S "Application Layer Protocol is"
run_test "ALPN: server only" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 alpn=abc,1234" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding alpn extension" \
-S "found alpn extension" \
-C "got an alert message, type: \\[2:120]" \
-S "server hello, adding alpn extension" \
-C "found alpn extension " \
-C "Application Layer Protocol is" \
-s "Application Layer Protocol is (none)"
run_test "ALPN: both, common cli1-srv1" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 alpn=abc,1234" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 alpn=abc,1234" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding alpn extension" \
-s "found alpn extension" \
-C "got an alert message, type: \\[2:120]" \
-s "server hello, adding alpn extension" \
-c "found alpn extension" \
-c "Application Layer Protocol is abc" \
-s "Application Layer Protocol is abc"
run_test "ALPN: both, common cli2-srv1" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 alpn=abc,1234" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 alpn=1234,abc" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding alpn extension" \
-s "found alpn extension" \
-C "got an alert message, type: \\[2:120]" \
-s "server hello, adding alpn extension" \
-c "found alpn extension" \
-c "Application Layer Protocol is abc" \
-s "Application Layer Protocol is abc"
run_test "ALPN: both, common cli1-srv2" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 alpn=abc,1234" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 alpn=1234,abcde" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding alpn extension" \
-s "found alpn extension" \
-C "got an alert message, type: \\[2:120]" \
-s "server hello, adding alpn extension" \
-c "found alpn extension" \
-c "Application Layer Protocol is 1234" \
-s "Application Layer Protocol is 1234"
run_test "ALPN: both, no common" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 alpn=abc,123" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 alpn=1234,abcde" \
1 \
-c "client hello, adding alpn extension" \
-s "found alpn extension" \
-c "got an alert message, type: \\[2:120]" \
-S "server hello, adding alpn extension" \
-C "found alpn extension" \
-C "Application Layer Protocol is 1234" \
-S "Application Layer Protocol is 1234"
# Tests for keyUsage in leaf certificates, part 1:
# server-side certificate/suite selection
run_test "keyUsage srv: RSA, digitalSignature -> (EC)DHE-RSA" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server2.key \
crt_file=data_files/server2.ku-ds.crt" \
"$P_CLI" \
0 \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-[EC]*DHE-RSA-WITH-"
run_test "keyUsage srv: RSA, keyEncipherment -> RSA" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server2.key \
crt_file=data_files/server2.ku-ke.crt" \
"$P_CLI" \
0 \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-RSA-WITH-"
run_test "keyUsage srv: RSA, keyAgreement -> fail" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server2.key \
crt_file=data_files/server2.ku-ka.crt" \
"$P_CLI" \
1 \
-C "Ciphersuite is "
run_test "keyUsage srv: ECDSA, digitalSignature -> ECDHE-ECDSA" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file=data_files/server5.ku-ds.crt" \
"$P_CLI" \
0 \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-"
run_test "keyUsage srv: ECDSA, keyAgreement -> ECDH-" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file=data_files/server5.ku-ka.crt" \
"$P_CLI" \
0 \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-ECDH-"
run_test "keyUsage srv: ECDSA, keyEncipherment -> fail" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file=data_files/server5.ku-ke.crt" \
"$P_CLI" \
1 \
-C "Ciphersuite is "
# Tests for keyUsage in leaf certificates, part 2:
# client-side checking of server cert
run_test "keyUsage cli: DigitalSignature+KeyEncipherment, RSA: OK" \
"$O_SRV -key data_files/server2.key \
-cert data_files/server2.ku-ds_ke.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-C "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-C "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed" \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-"
run_test "keyUsage cli: DigitalSignature+KeyEncipherment, DHE-RSA: OK" \
"$O_SRV -key data_files/server2.key \
-cert data_files/server2.ku-ds_ke.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-C "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-C "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed" \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-"
run_test "keyUsage cli: KeyEncipherment, RSA: OK" \
"$O_SRV -key data_files/server2.key \
-cert data_files/server2.ku-ke.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-C "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-C "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed" \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-"
run_test "keyUsage cli: KeyEncipherment, DHE-RSA: fail" \
"$O_SRV -key data_files/server2.key \
-cert data_files/server2.ku-ke.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
1 \
-c "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-c "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed" \
-C "Ciphersuite is TLS-"
run_test "keyUsage cli: KeyEncipherment, DHE-RSA: fail, soft" \
"$O_SRV -key data_files/server2.key \
-cert data_files/server2.ku-ke.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1 auth_mode=optional \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-C "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed" \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-" \
-c "! Usage does not match the keyUsage extension"
run_test "keyUsage cli: DigitalSignature, DHE-RSA: OK" \
"$O_SRV -key data_files/server2.key \
-cert data_files/server2.ku-ds.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-C "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-C "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed" \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-"
run_test "keyUsage cli: DigitalSignature, RSA: fail" \
"$O_SRV -key data_files/server2.key \
-cert data_files/server2.ku-ds.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
1 \
-c "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-c "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed" \
-C "Ciphersuite is TLS-"
run_test "keyUsage cli: DigitalSignature, RSA: fail, soft" \
"$O_SRV -key data_files/server2.key \
-cert data_files/server2.ku-ds.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1 auth_mode=optional \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-C "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed" \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-" \
-c "! Usage does not match the keyUsage extension"
# Tests for keyUsage in leaf certificates, part 3:
# server-side checking of client cert
run_test "keyUsage cli-auth: RSA, DigitalSignature: OK" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$O_CLI -key data_files/server2.key \
-cert data_files/server2.ku-ds.crt" \
0 \
-S "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-S "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed"
run_test "keyUsage cli-auth: RSA, KeyEncipherment: fail (soft)" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$O_CLI -key data_files/server2.key \
-cert data_files/server2.ku-ke.crt" \
0 \
-s "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-S "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed"
run_test "keyUsage cli-auth: RSA, KeyEncipherment: fail (hard)" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=1 auth_mode=required" \
"$O_CLI -key data_files/server2.key \
-cert data_files/server2.ku-ke.crt" \
1 \
-s "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-s "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed"
run_test "keyUsage cli-auth: ECDSA, DigitalSignature: OK" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$O_CLI -key data_files/server5.key \
-cert data_files/server5.ku-ds.crt" \
0 \
-S "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-S "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed"
run_test "keyUsage cli-auth: ECDSA, KeyAgreement: fail (soft)" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$O_CLI -key data_files/server5.key \
-cert data_files/server5.ku-ka.crt" \
0 \
-s "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-S "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed"
# Tests for extendedKeyUsage, part 1: server-side certificate/suite selection
run_test "extKeyUsage srv: serverAuth -> OK" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file=data_files/server5.eku-srv.crt" \
"$P_CLI" \
run_test "extKeyUsage srv: serverAuth,clientAuth -> OK" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file=data_files/server5.eku-srv.crt" \
"$P_CLI" \
run_test "extKeyUsage srv: codeSign,anyEKU -> OK" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file=data_files/server5.eku-cs_any.crt" \
"$P_CLI" \
run_test "extKeyUsage srv: codeSign -> fail" \
"$P_SRV key_file=data_files/server5.key \
crt_file=data_files/server5.eku-cli.crt" \
"$P_CLI" \
# Tests for extendedKeyUsage, part 2: client-side checking of server cert
run_test "extKeyUsage cli: serverAuth -> OK" \
"$O_SRV -key data_files/server5.key \
-cert data_files/server5.eku-srv.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1" \
0 \
-C "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-C "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed" \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-"
run_test "extKeyUsage cli: serverAuth,clientAuth -> OK" \
"$O_SRV -key data_files/server5.key \
-cert data_files/server5.eku-srv_cli.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1" \
0 \
-C "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-C "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed" \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-"
run_test "extKeyUsage cli: codeSign,anyEKU -> OK" \
"$O_SRV -key data_files/server5.key \
-cert data_files/server5.eku-cs_any.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1" \
0 \
-C "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-C "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed" \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-"
run_test "extKeyUsage cli: codeSign -> fail" \
"$O_SRV -key data_files/server5.key \
-cert data_files/server5.eku-cs.crt" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=1" \
1 \
-c "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-c "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed" \
-C "Ciphersuite is TLS-"
# Tests for extendedKeyUsage, part 3: server-side checking of client cert
run_test "extKeyUsage cli-auth: clientAuth -> OK" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$O_CLI -key data_files/server5.key \
-cert data_files/server5.eku-cli.crt" \
0 \
-S "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-S "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed"
run_test "extKeyUsage cli-auth: serverAuth,clientAuth -> OK" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$O_CLI -key data_files/server5.key \
-cert data_files/server5.eku-srv_cli.crt" \
0 \
-S "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-S "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed"
run_test "extKeyUsage cli-auth: codeSign,anyEKU -> OK" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$O_CLI -key data_files/server5.key \
-cert data_files/server5.eku-cs_any.crt" \
0 \
-S "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-S "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed"
run_test "extKeyUsage cli-auth: codeSign -> fail (soft)" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$O_CLI -key data_files/server5.key \
-cert data_files/server5.eku-cs.crt" \
0 \
-s "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-S "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed"
run_test "extKeyUsage cli-auth: codeSign -> fail (hard)" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=1 auth_mode=required" \
"$O_CLI -key data_files/server5.key \
-cert data_files/server5.eku-cs.crt" \
1 \
-s "bad certificate (usage extensions)" \
-s "Processing of the Certificate handshake message failed"
# Tests for DHM parameters loading
run_test "DHM parameters: reference" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
debug_level=3" \
0 \
-c "value of 'DHM: P ' (2048 bits)" \
-c "value of 'DHM: G ' (2 bits)"
run_test "DHM parameters: other parameters" \
"$P_SRV dhm_file=data_files/dhparams.pem" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
debug_level=3" \
0 \
-c "value of 'DHM: P ' (1024 bits)" \
-c "value of 'DHM: G ' (2 bits)"
# Tests for DHM client-side size checking
run_test "DHM size: server default, client default, OK" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
debug_level=1" \
0 \
-C "DHM prime too short:"
run_test "DHM size: server default, client 2048, OK" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
debug_level=1 dhmlen=2048" \
0 \
-C "DHM prime too short:"
run_test "DHM size: server 1024, client default, OK" \
"$P_SRV dhm_file=data_files/dhparams.pem" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
debug_level=1" \
0 \
-C "DHM prime too short:"
run_test "DHM size: server 1000, client default, rejected" \
"$P_SRV dhm_file=data_files/dh.1000.pem" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
debug_level=1" \
1 \
-c "DHM prime too short:"
run_test "DHM size: server default, client 2049, rejected" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
debug_level=1 dhmlen=2049" \
1 \
-c "DHM prime too short:"
# Tests for PSK callback
run_test "PSK callback: psk, no callback" \
"$P_SRV psk=abc123 psk_identity=foo" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
psk_identity=foo psk=abc123" \
0 \
-S "SSL - None of the common ciphersuites is usable" \
-S "SSL - Unknown identity received" \
-S "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed"
run_test "PSK callback: no psk, no callback" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
psk_identity=foo psk=abc123" \
1 \
-s "SSL - None of the common ciphersuites is usable" \
-S "SSL - Unknown identity received" \
-S "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed"
run_test "PSK callback: callback overrides other settings" \
"$P_SRV psk=abc123 psk_identity=foo psk_list=abc,dead,def,beef" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
psk_identity=foo psk=abc123" \
1 \
-S "SSL - None of the common ciphersuites is usable" \
-s "SSL - Unknown identity received" \
-S "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed"
run_test "PSK callback: first id matches" \
"$P_SRV psk_list=abc,dead,def,beef" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
psk_identity=abc psk=dead" \
0 \
-S "SSL - None of the common ciphersuites is usable" \
-S "SSL - Unknown identity received" \
-S "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed"
run_test "PSK callback: second id matches" \
"$P_SRV psk_list=abc,dead,def,beef" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
psk_identity=def psk=beef" \
0 \
-S "SSL - None of the common ciphersuites is usable" \
-S "SSL - Unknown identity received" \
-S "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed"
run_test "PSK callback: no match" \
"$P_SRV psk_list=abc,dead,def,beef" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
psk_identity=ghi psk=beef" \
1 \
-S "SSL - None of the common ciphersuites is usable" \
-s "SSL - Unknown identity received" \
-S "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed"
run_test "PSK callback: wrong key" \
"$P_SRV psk_list=abc,dead,def,beef" \
"$P_CLI force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA \
psk_identity=abc psk=beef" \
1 \
-S "SSL - None of the common ciphersuites is usable" \
-S "SSL - Unknown identity received" \
-s "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed"
# Tests for EC J-PAKE
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECJPAKE
run_test "ECJPAKE: client not configured" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3" \
0 \
-C "add ciphersuite: c0ff" \
-C "adding ecjpake_kkpp extension" \
-S "found ecjpake kkpp extension" \
-S "skip ecjpake kkpp extension" \
-S "ciphersuite mismatch: ecjpake not configured" \
-S "server hello, ecjpake kkpp extension" \
-C "found ecjpake_kkpp extension" \
-S "None of the common ciphersuites is usable"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECJPAKE
run_test "ECJPAKE: server not configured" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 ecjpake_pw=bla \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECJPAKE-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
1 \
-c "add ciphersuite: c0ff" \
-c "adding ecjpake_kkpp extension" \
-s "found ecjpake kkpp extension" \
-s "skip ecjpake kkpp extension" \
-s "ciphersuite mismatch: ecjpake not configured" \
-S "server hello, ecjpake kkpp extension" \
-C "found ecjpake_kkpp extension" \
-s "None of the common ciphersuites is usable"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECJPAKE
run_test "ECJPAKE: working, TLS" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 ecjpake_pw=bla" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 ecjpake_pw=bla \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECJPAKE-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
0 \
-c "add ciphersuite: c0ff" \
-c "adding ecjpake_kkpp extension" \
-C "re-using cached ecjpake parameters" \
-s "found ecjpake kkpp extension" \
-S "skip ecjpake kkpp extension" \
-S "ciphersuite mismatch: ecjpake not configured" \
-s "server hello, ecjpake kkpp extension" \
-c "found ecjpake_kkpp extension" \
-S "None of the common ciphersuites is usable" \
-S "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed"
server_needs_more_time 1
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECJPAKE
run_test "ECJPAKE: password mismatch, TLS" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 ecjpake_pw=bla" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 ecjpake_pw=bad \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECJPAKE-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
1 \
-C "re-using cached ecjpake parameters" \
-s "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECJPAKE
run_test "ECJPAKE: working, DTLS" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1 ecjpake_pw=bla" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 dtls=1 ecjpake_pw=bla \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECJPAKE-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
0 \
-c "re-using cached ecjpake parameters" \
-S "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECJPAKE
run_test "ECJPAKE: working, DTLS, no cookie" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1 ecjpake_pw=bla cookies=0" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 dtls=1 ecjpake_pw=bla \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECJPAKE-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
0 \
-C "re-using cached ecjpake parameters" \
-S "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed"
server_needs_more_time 1
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECJPAKE
run_test "ECJPAKE: password mismatch, DTLS" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 dtls=1 ecjpake_pw=bla" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 dtls=1 ecjpake_pw=bad \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECJPAKE-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
1 \
-c "re-using cached ecjpake parameters" \
-s "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed"
# for tests with configs/config-thread.h
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECJPAKE
run_test "ECJPAKE: working, DTLS, nolog" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 ecjpake_pw=bla" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 ecjpake_pw=bla \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECJPAKE-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
# Tests for ciphersuites per version
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Per-version suites: SSL3" \
"$P_CLI force_version=ssl3" \
0 \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-RSA-WITH-3DES-EDE-CBC-SHA"
run_test "Per-version suites: TLS 1.0" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 arc4=1" \
0 \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA"
run_test "Per-version suites: TLS 1.1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1" \
0 \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA"
run_test "Per-version suites: TLS 1.2" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2" \
0 \
-c "Ciphersuite is TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256"
# Test for ClientHello without extensions
run_test "ClientHello without extensions, SHA-1 allowed" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'client hello extensions' (0 bytes)"
run_test "ClientHello without extensions, SHA-1 forbidden in certificates on server" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 key_file=data_files/server2.key crt_file=data_files/server2.crt allow_sha1=0" \
0 \
-s "dumping 'client hello extensions' (0 bytes)"
# Tests for mbedtls_ssl_get_bytes_avail()
run_test "mbedtls_ssl_get_bytes_avail: no extra data" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=100" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 100 bytes read$"
run_test "mbedtls_ssl_get_bytes_avail: extra data" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=500" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 500 bytes read (.*+.*)"
# Tests for small client packets
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Small client packet SSLv3 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV min_version=ssl3" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=ssl3 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Small client packet SSLv3 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV min_version=ssl3 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=ssl3 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1 etm=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA \
trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher larger MAC" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA384" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.2 AEAD" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small client packet TLS 1.2 AEAD shorter tag" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=1 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM-8" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
# Tests for small client packets in DTLS
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
run_test "Small client packet DTLS 1.0" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 force_version=dtls1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 request_size=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
run_test "Small client packet DTLS 1.0, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 force_version=dtls1 etm=0" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 request_size=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet DTLS 1.0, truncated hmac" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 force_version=dtls1 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 request_size=1 trunc_hmac=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet DTLS 1.0, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 force_version=dtls1 trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 request_size=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1"\
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
run_test "Small client packet DTLS 1.2" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 force_version=dtls1_2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 request_size=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
run_test "Small client packet DTLS 1.2, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 force_version=dtls1_2 etm=0" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 request_size=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet DTLS 1.2, truncated hmac" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 force_version=dtls1_2 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 request_size=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small client packet DTLS 1.2, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 force_version=dtls1_2 trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 request_size=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1"\
0 \
-s "Read from client: 1 bytes read"
# Tests for small server packets
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Small server packet SSLv3 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 min_version=ssl3" \
"$P_CLI force_version=ssl3 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Small server packet SSLv3 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 min_version=ssl3 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=ssl3 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 etm=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA \
trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher larger MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA384" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.2 AEAD" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
run_test "Small server packet TLS 1.2 AEAD shorter tag" \
"$P_SRV response_size=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM-8" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
# Tests for small server packets in DTLS
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
run_test "Small server packet DTLS 1.0" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 response_size=1 force_version=dtls1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
run_test "Small server packet DTLS 1.0, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 response_size=1 force_version=dtls1 etm=0" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet DTLS 1.0, truncated hmac" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 response_size=1 force_version=dtls1 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 trunc_hmac=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet DTLS 1.0, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 response_size=1 force_version=dtls1 trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1"\
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
run_test "Small server packet DTLS 1.2" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 response_size=1 force_version=dtls1_2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
run_test "Small server packet DTLS 1.2, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 response_size=1 force_version=dtls1_2 etm=0" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet DTLS 1.2, truncated hmac" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 response_size=1 force_version=dtls1_2 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Small server packet DTLS 1.2, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 response_size=1 force_version=dtls1_2 trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1"\
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"
# A test for extensions in SSLv3
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "SSLv3 with extensions, server side" \
"$P_SRV min_version=ssl3 debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI force_version=ssl3 tickets=1 max_frag_len=4096 alpn=abc,1234" \
0 \
-S "dumping 'client hello extensions'" \
-S "server hello, total extension length:"
# Test for large client packets
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Large client packet SSLv3 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV min_version=ssl3" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=ssl3 recsplit=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Large client packet SSLv3 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV min_version=ssl3 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=ssl3 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1 recsplit=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1 etm=0 recsplit=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1 recsplit=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1 etm=0 recsplit=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_1 etm=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_2 etm=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher larger MAC" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA384" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.2 AEAD" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large client packet TLS 1.2 AEAD shorter tag" \
"$P_SRV" \
"$P_CLI request_size=16384 force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM-8" \
0 \
-c "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-s "Read from client: 16384 bytes read"
# Tests for ECC extensions (rfc 4492)
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_AES_C
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_CIPHER_MODE_CBC
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SHA256_C
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA_ENABLED
run_test "Force a non ECC ciphersuite in the client side" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256" \
0 \
-C "client hello, adding supported_elliptic_curves extension" \
-C "client hello, adding supported_point_formats extension" \
-S "found supported elliptic curves extension" \
-S "found supported point formats extension"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_AES_C
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_CIPHER_MODE_CBC
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SHA256_C
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA_ENABLED
run_test "Force a non ECC ciphersuite in the server side" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3" \
0 \
-C "found supported_point_formats extension" \
-S "server hello, supported_point_formats extension"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_AES_C
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_CIPHER_MODE_CBC
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SHA256_C
run_test "Force an ECC ciphersuite in the client side" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256" \
0 \
-c "client hello, adding supported_elliptic_curves extension" \
-c "client hello, adding supported_point_formats extension" \
-s "found supported elliptic curves extension" \
-s "found supported point formats extension"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_AES_C
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_CIPHER_MODE_CBC
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SHA256_C
run_test "Force an ECC ciphersuite in the server side" \
"$P_SRV debug_level=3 force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA256" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3" \
0 \
-c "found supported_point_formats extension" \
-s "server hello, supported_point_formats extension"
# Test for large server packets
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Large server packet SSLv3 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 min_version=ssl3" \
"$P_CLI force_version=ssl3 recsplit=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_SSL3
run_test "Large server packet SSLv3 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 min_version=ssl3 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=ssl3 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
# Checking next 2 tests logs for 1n-1 split against BEAST too
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 recsplit=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"\
-c "16383 bytes read"\
-C "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 etm=0 recsplit=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"\
-c "16383 bytes read"\
-C "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.0 BlockCipher truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 recsplit=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA \
trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 1 bytes read"\
-c "16383 bytes read"\
-C "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA \
trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.0 StreamCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 etm=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA \
trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.1 BlockCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA \
trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.1 StreamCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_1 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 etm=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher larger MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA384" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA \
trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.2 BlockCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher, without EtM" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA etm=0" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA \
trunc_hmac=1" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.2 StreamCipher, without EtM, truncated MAC" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384 arc4=1 force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-RC4-128-SHA trunc_hmac=1 etm=0" \
0 \
-s "16384 bytes written in 1 fragments" \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.2 AEAD" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
run_test "Large server packet TLS 1.2 AEAD shorter tag" \
"$P_SRV response_size=16384" \
"$P_CLI force_version=tls1_2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CCM-8" \
0 \
-c "Read from server: 16384 bytes read"
# Tests for DTLS HelloVerifyRequest
run_test "DTLS cookie: enabled" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-s "cookie verification failed" \
-s "cookie verification passed" \
-S "cookie verification skipped" \
-c "received hello verify request" \
-s "hello verification requested" \
-S "SSL - The requested feature is not available"
run_test "DTLS cookie: disabled" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=2 cookies=0" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-S "cookie verification failed" \
-S "cookie verification passed" \
-s "cookie verification skipped" \
-C "received hello verify request" \
-S "hello verification requested" \
-S "SSL - The requested feature is not available"
run_test "DTLS cookie: default (failing)" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=2 cookies=-1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2 hs_timeout=100-400" \
1 \
-s "cookie verification failed" \
-S "cookie verification passed" \
-S "cookie verification skipped" \
-C "received hello verify request" \
-S "hello verification requested" \
-s "SSL - The requested feature is not available"
run_test "DTLS cookie: enabled, IPv6" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=2 server_addr=::1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2 server_addr=::1" \
0 \
-s "cookie verification failed" \
-s "cookie verification passed" \
-S "cookie verification skipped" \
-c "received hello verify request" \
-s "hello verification requested" \
-S "SSL - The requested feature is not available"
run_test "DTLS cookie: enabled, nbio" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 nbio=2 debug_level=2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 nbio=2 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-s "cookie verification failed" \
-s "cookie verification passed" \
-S "cookie verification skipped" \
-c "received hello verify request" \
-s "hello verification requested" \
-S "SSL - The requested feature is not available"
# Tests for client reconnecting from the same port with DTLS
not_with_valgrind # spurious resend
run_test "DTLS client reconnect from same port: reference" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 exchanges=2 read_timeout=1000" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 exchanges=2 debug_level=2 hs_timeout=500-1000" \
0 \
-C "resend" \
-S "The operation timed out" \
-S "Client initiated reconnection from same port"
not_with_valgrind # spurious resend
run_test "DTLS client reconnect from same port: reconnect" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 exchanges=2 read_timeout=1000" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 exchanges=2 debug_level=2 hs_timeout=500-1000 reconnect_hard=1" \
0 \
-C "resend" \
-S "The operation timed out" \
-s "Client initiated reconnection from same port"
not_with_valgrind # server/client too slow to respond in time (next test has higher timeouts)
run_test "DTLS client reconnect from same port: reconnect, nbio, no valgrind" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 exchanges=2 read_timeout=1000 nbio=2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 exchanges=2 debug_level=2 hs_timeout=500-1000 reconnect_hard=1" \
0 \
-S "The operation timed out" \
-s "Client initiated reconnection from same port"
only_with_valgrind # Only with valgrind, do previous test but with higher read_timeout and hs_timeout
run_test "DTLS client reconnect from same port: reconnect, nbio, valgrind" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 exchanges=2 read_timeout=2000 nbio=2 hs_timeout=1500-6000" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 exchanges=2 debug_level=2 hs_timeout=1500-3000 reconnect_hard=1" \
0 \
-S "The operation timed out" \
-s "Client initiated reconnection from same port"
run_test "DTLS client reconnect from same port: no cookies" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 exchanges=2 read_timeout=1000 cookies=0" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 exchanges=2 debug_level=2 hs_timeout=500-8000 reconnect_hard=1" \
0 \
-s "The operation timed out" \
-S "Client initiated reconnection from same port"
# Tests for various cases of client authentication with DTLS
# (focused on handshake flows and message parsing)
run_test "DTLS client auth: required" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1" \
0 \
-s "Verifying peer X.509 certificate... ok"
run_test "DTLS client auth: optional, client has no cert" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 auth_mode=optional" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 crt_file=none key_file=none" \
0 \
-s "! Certificate was missing"
run_test "DTLS client auth: none, client has no cert" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 auth_mode=none" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 crt_file=none key_file=none debug_level=2" \
0 \
-c "skip write certificate$" \
-s "! Certificate verification was skipped"
run_test "DTLS wrong PSK: badmac alert" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 psk=abc123 force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 psk=abc124" \
1 \
-s "SSL - Verification of the message MAC failed" \
-c "SSL - A fatal alert message was received from our peer"
# Tests for receiving fragmented handshake messages with DTLS
run_test "DTLS reassembly: no fragmentation (gnutls server)" \
"$G_SRV -u --mtu 2048 -a" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-C "found fragmented DTLS handshake message" \
-C "error"
run_test "DTLS reassembly: some fragmentation (gnutls server)" \
"$G_SRV -u --mtu 512" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-c "found fragmented DTLS handshake message" \
-C "error"
run_test "DTLS reassembly: more fragmentation (gnutls server)" \
"$G_SRV -u --mtu 128" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-c "found fragmented DTLS handshake message" \
-C "error"
run_test "DTLS reassembly: more fragmentation, nbio (gnutls server)" \
"$G_SRV -u --mtu 128" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 nbio=2 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-c "found fragmented DTLS handshake message" \
-C "error"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "DTLS reassembly: fragmentation, renego (gnutls server)" \
"$G_SRV -u --mtu 256" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 dtls=1 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
0 \
-c "found fragmented DTLS handshake message" \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "error" \
-s "Extra-header:"
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "DTLS reassembly: fragmentation, nbio, renego (gnutls server)" \
"$G_SRV -u --mtu 256" \
"$P_CLI debug_level=3 nbio=2 dtls=1 renegotiation=1 renegotiate=1" \
0 \
-c "found fragmented DTLS handshake message" \
-c "client hello, adding renegotiation extension" \
-c "found renegotiation extension" \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-C "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned" \
-C "error" \
-s "Extra-header:"
run_test "DTLS reassembly: no fragmentation (openssl server)" \
"$O_SRV -dtls1 -mtu 2048" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-C "found fragmented DTLS handshake message" \
-C "error"
run_test "DTLS reassembly: some fragmentation (openssl server)" \
"$O_SRV -dtls1 -mtu 768" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-c "found fragmented DTLS handshake message" \
-C "error"
run_test "DTLS reassembly: more fragmentation (openssl server)" \
"$O_SRV -dtls1 -mtu 256" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-c "found fragmented DTLS handshake message" \
-C "error"
run_test "DTLS reassembly: fragmentation, nbio (openssl server)" \
"$O_SRV -dtls1 -mtu 256" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 nbio=2 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-c "found fragmented DTLS handshake message" \
-C "error"
# Tests for specific things with "unreliable" UDP connection
not_with_valgrind # spurious resend due to timeout
run_test "DTLS proxy: reference" \
-p "$P_PXY" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-C "replayed record" \
-S "replayed record" \
-C "record from another epoch" \
-S "record from another epoch" \
-C "discarding invalid record" \
-S "discarding invalid record" \
-S "resend" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
not_with_valgrind # spurious resend due to timeout
run_test "DTLS proxy: duplicate every packet" \
-p "$P_PXY duplicate=1" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-c "replayed record" \
-s "replayed record" \
-c "discarding invalid record" \
-s "discarding invalid record" \
-S "resend" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
run_test "DTLS proxy: duplicate every packet, server anti-replay off" \
-p "$P_PXY duplicate=1" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=2 anti_replay=0" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=2" \
0 \
-c "replayed record" \
-S "replayed record" \
-c "discarding invalid record" \
-s "discarding invalid record" \
-c "resend" \
-s "resend" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
run_test "DTLS proxy: inject invalid AD record, default badmac_limit" \
-p "$P_PXY bad_ad=1" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=1 read_timeout=100" \
0 \
-c "discarding invalid record (mac)" \
-s "discarding invalid record (mac)" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" \
-S "too many records with bad MAC" \
-S "Verification of the message MAC failed"
run_test "DTLS proxy: inject invalid AD record, badmac_limit 1" \
-p "$P_PXY bad_ad=1" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=1 badmac_limit=1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=1 read_timeout=100" \
1 \
-C "discarding invalid record (mac)" \
-S "discarding invalid record (mac)" \
-S "Extra-header:" \
-C "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" \
-s "too many records with bad MAC" \
-s "Verification of the message MAC failed"
run_test "DTLS proxy: inject invalid AD record, badmac_limit 2" \
-p "$P_PXY bad_ad=1" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=1 badmac_limit=2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=1 read_timeout=100" \
0 \
-c "discarding invalid record (mac)" \
-s "discarding invalid record (mac)" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" \
-S "too many records with bad MAC" \
-S "Verification of the message MAC failed"
run_test "DTLS proxy: inject invalid AD record, badmac_limit 2, exchanges 2"\
-p "$P_PXY bad_ad=1" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=1 badmac_limit=2 exchanges=2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=1 read_timeout=100 exchanges=2" \
1 \
-c "discarding invalid record (mac)" \
-s "discarding invalid record (mac)" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" \
-s "too many records with bad MAC" \
-s "Verification of the message MAC failed"
run_test "DTLS proxy: delay ChangeCipherSpec" \
-p "$P_PXY delay_ccs=1" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 debug_level=1" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 debug_level=1" \
0 \
-c "record from another epoch" \
-s "record from another epoch" \
-c "discarding invalid record" \
-s "discarding invalid record" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
# Tests for "randomly unreliable connection": try a variety of flows and peers
client_needs_more_time 2
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d (drop, delay, duplicate), \"short\" PSK handshake" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 auth_mode=none \
psk=abc123" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 psk=abc123 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
0 \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 2
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, \"short\" RSA handshake" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 auth_mode=none" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA" \
0 \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 2
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, \"short\" (no ticket, no cli_auth) FS handshake" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 auth_mode=none" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0" \
0 \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 2
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, FS, client auth" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0" \
0 \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 2
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, FS, ticket" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=1 auth_mode=none" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=1" \
0 \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 2
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, max handshake (FS, ticket + client auth)" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=1 auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=1" \
0 \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 2
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, max handshake, nbio" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 nbio=2 tickets=1 \
auth_mode=required" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 nbio=2 tickets=1" \
0 \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 4
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, min handshake, resumption" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 auth_mode=none \
psk=abc123 debug_level=3" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 psk=abc123 \
debug_level=3 reconnect=1 read_timeout=1000 max_resend=10 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
0 \
-s "a session has been resumed" \
-c "a session has been resumed" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 4
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, min handshake, resumption, nbio" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 auth_mode=none \
psk=abc123 debug_level=3 nbio=2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 psk=abc123 \
debug_level=3 reconnect=1 read_timeout=1000 max_resend=10 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8 nbio=2" \
0 \
-s "a session has been resumed" \
-c "a session has been resumed" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 4
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, min handshake, client-initiated renego" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 auth_mode=none \
psk=abc123 renegotiation=1 debug_level=2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 psk=abc123 \
renegotiate=1 debug_level=2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
0 \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 4
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, min handshake, client-initiated renego, nbio" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 auth_mode=none \
psk=abc123 renegotiation=1 debug_level=2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 psk=abc123 \
renegotiate=1 debug_level=2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
0 \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 4
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, min handshake, server-initiated renego" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 auth_mode=none \
psk=abc123 renegotiate=1 renegotiation=1 exchanges=4 \
debug_level=2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 psk=abc123 \
renegotiation=1 exchanges=4 debug_level=2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
0 \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 4
requires_config_enabled MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, min handshake, server-initiated renego, nbio" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$P_SRV dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 auth_mode=none \
psk=abc123 renegotiate=1 renegotiation=1 exchanges=4 \
debug_level=2 nbio=2" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-10000 tickets=0 psk=abc123 \
renegotiation=1 exchanges=4 debug_level=2 nbio=2 \
force_ciphersuite=TLS-PSK-WITH-AES-128-CCM-8" \
0 \
-c "=> renegotiate" \
-s "=> renegotiate" \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 6
not_with_valgrind # risk of non-mbedtls peer timing out
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, openssl server" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5 protect_hvr=1" \
"$O_SRV -dtls1 -mtu 2048" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-60000 tickets=0" \
0 \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 8
not_with_valgrind # risk of non-mbedtls peer timing out
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, openssl server, fragmentation" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5 protect_hvr=1" \
"$O_SRV -dtls1 -mtu 768" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-60000 tickets=0" \
0 \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 8
not_with_valgrind # risk of non-mbedtls peer timing out
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, openssl server, fragmentation, nbio" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5 protect_hvr=1" \
"$O_SRV -dtls1 -mtu 768" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-60000 nbio=2 tickets=0" \
0 \
-c "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
client_needs_more_time 6
not_with_valgrind # risk of non-mbedtls peer timing out
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, gnutls server" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$G_SRV -u --mtu 2048 -a" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-60000" \
0 \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "Extra-header:"
client_needs_more_time 8
not_with_valgrind # risk of non-mbedtls peer timing out
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, gnutls server, fragmentation" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$G_SRV -u --mtu 512" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-60000" \
0 \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "Extra-header:"
client_needs_more_time 8
not_with_valgrind # risk of non-mbedtls peer timing out
run_test "DTLS proxy: 3d, gnutls server, fragmentation, nbio" \
-p "$P_PXY drop=5 delay=5 duplicate=5" \
"$G_SRV -u --mtu 512" \
"$P_CLI dtls=1 hs_timeout=250-60000 nbio=2" \
0 \
-s "Extra-header:" \
-c "Extra-header:"
# Final report
echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
if [ $FAILS = 0 ]; then
printf "PASSED"
printf "FAILED"
echo " ($PASSES / $TESTS tests ($SKIPS skipped))"
exit $FAILS