blob: b7a9728a81bfbd566db553a83fa8919f3dff21ac [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
* SSL client with certificate authentication
* Based on XySSL: Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Christophe Devine
* Copyright (C) 2009 Paul Bakker <polarssl_maintainer at polarssl dot org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "polarssl/net.h"
#include "polarssl/ssl.h"
#include "polarssl/havege.h"
#include "polarssl/certs.h"
#include "polarssl/x509.h"
#define SERVER_PORT 4433
#define SERVER_NAME "localhost"
#define GET_REQUEST "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
#define DEBUG_LEVEL 0
void my_debug( void *ctx, int level, char *str )
if( level < DEBUG_LEVEL )
fprintf( (FILE *) ctx, "%s", str );
fflush( (FILE *) ctx );
int main( void )
int ret, len, server_fd;
unsigned char buf[1024];
havege_state hs;
ssl_context ssl;
ssl_session ssn;
x509_cert cacert;
x509_cert clicert;
rsa_context rsa;
* 0. Initialize the RNG and the session data
havege_init( &hs );
memset( &ssn, 0, sizeof( ssl_session ) );
* 1.1. Load the trusted CA
printf( "\n . Loading the CA root certificate ..." );
fflush( stdout );
memset( &cacert, 0, sizeof( x509_cert ) );
* Alternatively, you may load the CA certificates from a .pem or
* .crt file by calling x509parse_crtfile( &cacert, "myca.crt" ).
ret = x509parse_crt( &cacert, (unsigned char *) test_ca_crt,
strlen( test_ca_crt ) );
if( ret != 0 )
printf( " failed\n ! x509parse_crt returned %d\n\n", ret );
goto exit;
printf( " ok\n" );
* 1.2. Load own certificate and private key
* (can be skipped if client authentication is not required)
printf( " . Loading the client cert. and key..." );
fflush( stdout );
memset( &clicert, 0, sizeof( x509_cert ) );
ret = x509parse_crt( &clicert, (unsigned char *) test_cli_crt,
strlen( test_cli_crt ) );
if( ret != 0 )
printf( " failed\n ! x509parse_crt returned %d\n\n", ret );
goto exit;
ret = x509parse_key( &rsa, (unsigned char *) test_cli_key,
strlen( test_cli_key ), NULL, 0 );
if( ret != 0 )
printf( " failed\n ! x509parse_key returned %d\n\n", ret );
goto exit;
printf( " ok\n" );
* 2. Start the connection
printf( " . Connecting to tcp/%s/%-4d...", SERVER_NAME,
fflush( stdout );
if( ( ret = net_connect( &server_fd, SERVER_NAME,
SERVER_PORT ) ) != 0 )
printf( " failed\n ! net_connect returned %d\n\n", ret );
goto exit;
printf( " ok\n" );
* 3. Setup stuff
printf( " . Setting up the SSL/TLS structure..." );
fflush( stdout );
havege_init( &hs );
if( ( ret = ssl_init( &ssl ) ) != 0 )
printf( " failed\n ! ssl_init returned %d\n\n", ret );
goto exit;
printf( " ok\n" );
ssl_set_endpoint( &ssl, SSL_IS_CLIENT );
ssl_set_authmode( &ssl, SSL_VERIFY_OPTIONAL );
ssl_set_rng( &ssl, havege_rand, &hs );
ssl_set_bio( &ssl, net_recv, &server_fd,
net_send, &server_fd );
ssl_set_ciphers( &ssl, ssl_default_ciphers );
ssl_set_session( &ssl, 1, 600, &ssn );
ssl_set_ca_chain( &ssl, &cacert, SERVER_NAME );
ssl_set_own_cert( &ssl, &clicert, &rsa );
ssl_set_hostname( &ssl, SERVER_NAME );
* 4. Handshake
printf( " . Performing the SSL/TLS handshake..." );
fflush( stdout );
while( ( ret = ssl_handshake( &ssl ) ) != 0 )
printf( " failed\n ! ssl_handshake returned %d\n\n", ret );
goto exit;
printf( " ok\n [ Cipher is %s ]\n",
ssl_get_cipher( &ssl ) );
* 5. Verify the server certificate
printf( " . Verifying peer X.509 certificate..." );
if( ( ret = ssl_get_verify_result( &ssl ) ) != 0 )
printf( " failed\n" );
if( ( ret & BADCERT_EXPIRED ) != 0 )
printf( " ! server certificate has expired\n" );
if( ( ret & BADCERT_REVOKED ) != 0 )
printf( " ! server certificate has been revoked\n" );
if( ( ret & BADCERT_CN_MISMATCH ) != 0 )
printf( " ! CN mismatch (expected CN=%s)\n", SERVER_NAME );
if( ( ret & BADCERT_NOT_TRUSTED ) != 0 )
printf( " ! self-signed or not signed by a trusted CA\n" );
printf( "\n" );
printf( " ok\n" );
printf( " . Peer certificate information ...\n" );
printf( x509parse_cert_info( " ", ssl.peer_cert ) );
* 6. Write the GET request
printf( " > Write to server:" );
fflush( stdout );
len = sprintf( (char *) buf, GET_REQUEST );
while( ( ret = ssl_write( &ssl, buf, len ) ) <= 0 )
printf( " failed\n ! ssl_write returned %d\n\n", ret );
goto exit;
len = ret;
printf( " %d bytes written\n\n%s", len, (char *) buf );
* 7. Read the HTTP response
printf( " < Read from server:" );
fflush( stdout );
len = sizeof( buf ) - 1;
memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) );
ret = ssl_read( &ssl, buf, len );
if( ret <= 0 )
printf( "failed\n ! ssl_read returned %d\n\n", ret );
len = ret;
printf( " %d bytes read\n\n%s", len, (char *) buf );
while( 0 );
ssl_close_notify( &ssl );
net_close( server_fd );
x509_free( &clicert );
x509_free( &cacert );
rsa_free( &rsa );
ssl_free( &ssl );
memset( &ssl, 0, sizeof( ssl ) );
#ifdef WIN32
printf( " + Press Enter to exit this program.\n" );
fflush( stdout ); getchar();
return( ret );