| [Unit] |
| Description=Collecting performance data (%I) and upload them to remote database |
| |
| [Service] |
| Type=simple |
| |
| # Current host name of the local host will be sent to database to identify this host, if no options given |
| #ExecStart=/bin/sh /opt/performance-monitor/collect-%i.sh |
| # Or use an IP address from an interface |
| ExecStart=/bin/sh /opt/performance-monitor/collect-%i.sh -I bond0 |
| # Or pass a fixed host name |
| #ExecStart=/bin/sh /opt/performance-monitor/collect-%i.sh -n MACHINE-IDENTIFY-HERE |
| |
| StandardOutput=null |
| StandardError=null |
| Restart=always |
| WorkingDirectory=/ |
| Nice=1 |
| |
| [Install] |
| WantedBy=multi-user.target |