| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
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| <normaloff>:/sshout.png</normaloff>:/sshout.png</iconset> |
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| <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2"> |
| <item> |
| <widget class="QTextEdit" name="chat_area"> |
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| <enum>Qt::CustomContextMenu</enum> |
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| <bool>true</bool> |
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| <widget class="QLabel" name="label_message_to"> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>Broadcast Message:</string> |
| </property> |
| </widget> |
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| <widget class="QTextEdit" name="textEdit_message_to_send"/> |
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| <widget class="QMenu" name="menu_server"> |
| <property name="title"> |
| <string>&Server</string> |
| </property> |
| <addaction name="action_change_server"/> |
| <addaction name="action_logout"/> |
| </widget> |
| <widget class="QMenu" name="menu_edit"> |
| <property name="title"> |
| <string>&Edit</string> |
| </property> |
| <addaction name="action_press_enter_to_send_message"/> |
| <addaction name="action_use_html_for_sending_messages"/> |
| <addaction name="action_paste"/> |
| <addaction name="action_settings"/> |
| </widget> |
| <widget class="QMenu" name="menu_view"> |
| <property name="title"> |
| <string>&View</string> |
| </property> |
| <addaction name="action_show_online_users"/> |
| </widget> |
| <widget class="QMenu" name="menu_help"> |
| <property name="title"> |
| <string>&Help</string> |
| </property> |
| <addaction name="action_project_page"/> |
| <addaction name="action_about"/> |
| <addaction name="action_about_qt"/> |
| </widget> |
| <addaction name="menu_server"/> |
| <addaction name="menu_edit"/> |
| <addaction name="menu_view"/> |
| <addaction name="menu_help"/> |
| </widget> |
| <widget class="QStatusBar" name="statusbar"/> |
| <widget class="QDockWidget" name="dockWidget_online_list"> |
| <property name="minimumSize"> |
| <size> |
| <width>108</width> |
| <height>152</height> |
| </size> |
| </property> |
| <property name="maximumSize"> |
| <size> |
| <width>220</width> |
| <height>524287</height> |
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| </property> |
| <property name="windowTitle"> |
| <string>On-line Users</string> |
| </property> |
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| <number>2</number> |
| </attribute> |
| <widget class="QWidget" name="dockWidgetContents"> |
| <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3"> |
| <item> |
| <widget class="QLabel" name="label_on_users"> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>On-line Users:</string> |
| </property> |
| </widget> |
| </item> |
| <item> |
| <widget class="QListWidget" name="listWidget_online_users"/> |
| </item> |
| <item> |
| <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBox_private_message"> |
| <property name="enabled"> |
| <bool>false</bool> |
| </property> |
| <property name="toolTip"> |
| <string>Private messages will be sent to selected user if checked</string> |
| </property> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>&PM to selected user</string> |
| </property> |
| </widget> |
| </item> |
| </layout> |
| </widget> |
| </widget> |
| <widget class="QToolBar" name="tool_bar"> |
| <property name="windowTitle"> |
| <string>Tool Bar</string> |
| </property> |
| <property name="toolButtonStyle"> |
| <enum>Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon</enum> |
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| <enum>TopToolBarArea</enum> |
| </attribute> |
| <attribute name="toolBarBreak"> |
| <bool>false</bool> |
| </attribute> |
| <addaction name="action_send"/> |
| <addaction name="action_send_image"/> |
| <addaction name="action_send_image_from_clipboard"/> |
| </widget> |
| <action name="action_press_enter_to_send_message"> |
| <property name="checkable"> |
| <bool>true</bool> |
| </property> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>Press &Enter to send message</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| <action name="action_settings"> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>&Settings ...</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| <action name="action_change_server"> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>&Change server</string> |
| </property> |
| <property name="statusTip"> |
| <string>Logout and choose another server</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| <action name="action_logout"> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>&Logout</string> |
| </property> |
| <property name="statusTip"> |
| <string>Logout and exit</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| <action name="action_send"> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>Send</string> |
| </property> |
| <property name="toolTip"> |
| <string>Send your message</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| <action name="action_show_online_users"> |
| <property name="checkable"> |
| <bool>true</bool> |
| </property> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>Show On-line Users</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| <action name="action_use_html_for_sending_messages"> |
| <property name="checkable"> |
| <bool>true</bool> |
| </property> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>Send message in HTML format</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| <action name="action_send_image"> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>Send Image...</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| <action name="action_project_page"> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>&Project page...</string> |
| </property> |
| <property name="statusTip"> |
| <string>Finding new versions, reporting bugs and gettings the source</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| <action name="action_about"> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>&About...</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| <action name="action_send_image_from_clipboard"> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>Send Image from Clipboard</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| <action name="action_paste"> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>&Paste</string> |
| </property> |
| <property name="shortcut"> |
| <string>Ctrl+V</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| <action name="action_about_qt"> |
| <property name="text"> |
| <string>About &Qt...</string> |
| </property> |
| </action> |
| </widget> |
| <resources> |
| <include location="icons.qrc"/> |
| </resources> |
| <connections> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>action_press_enter_to_send_message</sender> |
| <signal>triggered(bool)</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>set_send_message_on_enter(bool)</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>-1</x> |
| <y>-1</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>action_settings</sender> |
| <signal>triggered()</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>settings()</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>-1</x> |
| <y>-1</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>action_send</sender> |
| <signal>triggered()</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>send_message()</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>-1</x> |
| <y>-1</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>action_show_online_users</sender> |
| <signal>triggered(bool)</signal> |
| <receiver>dockWidget_online_list</receiver> |
| <slot>setVisible(bool)</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>-1</x> |
| <y>-1</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>293</x> |
| <y>207</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>action_change_server</sender> |
| <signal>triggered()</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>change_server()</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>-1</x> |
| <y>-1</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>action_logout</sender> |
| <signal>triggered()</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>close()</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>-1</x> |
| <y>-1</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>action_use_html_for_sending_messages</sender> |
| <signal>triggered(bool)</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>set_use_html(bool)</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>-1</x> |
| <y>-1</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>action_send_image</sender> |
| <signal>triggered()</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>send_image()</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>-1</x> |
| <y>-1</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>action_about</sender> |
| <signal>triggered()</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>show_about()</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>-1</x> |
| <y>-1</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>action_project_page</sender> |
| <signal>triggered()</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>open_project_page()</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>-1</x> |
| <y>-1</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>chat_area</sender> |
| <signal>customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>show_chat_area_context_menu(QPoint)</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>91</x> |
| <y>157</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>listWidget_online_users</sender> |
| <signal>itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>show_sessions_of_user(QListWidgetItem*)</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>293</x> |
| <y>232</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>action_send_image_from_clipboard</sender> |
| <signal>triggered()</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>send_image_from_clipboard()</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>-1</x> |
| <y>-1</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>action_paste</sender> |
| <signal>triggered()</signal> |
| <receiver>textEdit_message_to_send</receiver> |
| <slot>paste()</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>-1</x> |
| <y>-1</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>91</x> |
| <y>316</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>checkBox_private_message</sender> |
| <signal>toggled(bool)</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>set_send_private_message(bool)</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>293</x> |
| <y>342</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| <connection> |
| <sender>listWidget_online_users</sender> |
| <signal>currentTextChanged(QString)</signal> |
| <receiver>MainWindow</receiver> |
| <slot>select_user(QString)</slot> |
| <hints> |
| <hint type="sourcelabel"> |
| <x>293</x> |
| <y>212</y> |
| </hint> |
| <hint type="destinationlabel"> |
| <x>201</x> |
| <y>191</y> |
| </hint> |
| </hints> |
| </connection> |
| </connections> |
| <slots> |
| <slot>set_send_message_on_enter(bool)</slot> |
| <slot>settings()</slot> |
| <slot>send_message()</slot> |
| <slot>change_server()</slot> |
| <slot>set_use_html(bool)</slot> |
| <slot>send_image()</slot> |
| <slot>show_about()</slot> |
| <slot>open_project_page()</slot> |
| <slot>show_chat_area_context_menu(QPoint)</slot> |
| <slot>show_sessions_of_user(QListWidgetItem*)</slot> |
| <slot>send_image_from_clipboard()</slot> |
| <slot>set_send_private_message(bool)</slot> |
| <slot>select_user(QString)</slot> |
| </slots> |
| </ui> |