| /* Secure Shout Host Oriented Unified Talk |
| * Copyright 2015-2018 Rivoreo |
| * |
| * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
| * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the |
| * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your |
| * option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT |
| * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or |
| * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for |
| * more details. |
| */ |
| |
| #include "common.h" |
| #include "mainwindow.h" |
| #include "ui_mainwindow.h" |
| #include "internalsshclient.h" |
| #endif |
| #include "externalsshclient.h" |
| #include "settingsdialog.h" |
| #include "connectionwindow.h" |
| #include "sshout/api.h" |
| #include "packet.h" |
| #include <QtCore/QSettings> |
| #include <QtCore/QTimer> |
| #include <QtCore/QDataStream> |
| //#include <QtCore/QDateTime> |
| #include <QtCore/QTime> |
| #include <QtGui/QKeyEvent> |
| #include <QtGui/QListWidgetItem> |
| //#include <QtGui/QRubberBand> |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <QtCore/QDebug> |
| |
| MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent, QSettings *config, const QString &host, quint16 port, const QString &identify_file) : |
| QMainWindow(parent), |
| ui(new Ui::MainWindow) |
| { |
| ui->setupUi(this); |
| this->config = config; |
| //setMouseTracking(true); |
| use_internal_ssh_library = config->value("UseInternalSSHLibrary", false).toBool(); |
| if(use_internal_ssh_library) ssh_client = new InternalSSHClient(this); |
| else |
| #endif |
| ssh_client = new ExternalSSHClient(this, config->value("SSHProgramPath", DEFAULT_SSH_PROGRAM_PATH).toString()); |
| use_internal_ssh_library = false; |
| #endif |
| ssh_client->set_identify_file(identify_file); |
| this->host = host; |
| this->port = port; |
| connect(ssh_client, SIGNAL(state_changed(SSHClient::SSHState)), SLOT(ssh_state_change(SSHClient::SSHState))); |
| connect(ssh_client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(read_ssh())); |
| if(!use_internal_ssh_library) { |
| ExternalSSHClient *extern_ssh_client = (ExternalSSHClient *)ssh_client; |
| extern_ssh_client->register_ready_read_stderr_slot(this, SLOT(read_ssh_stderr())); |
| QString args = config->value("SSHArgs").toString(); |
| if(!args.isEmpty()) extern_ssh_client->set_extra_args(args.split(' ')); |
| } |
| send_message_on_enter = config->value("UseEnterToSendMessage", true).toBool(); |
| ui->action_press_enter_to_send_message->setChecked(send_message_on_enter); |
| ui->textEdit_message_to_send->installEventFilter(this); |
| control_key_pressed = false; |
| ignore_key_event = false; |
| need_reconnect = true; |
| bool show_user_list = config->value("ShowUserList", true).toBool(); |
| ui->dockWidget_online_list->setVisible(show_user_list); |
| ui->action_show_online_users->setChecked(show_user_list); |
| if(config->value("WindowMaximized", false).toBool()) showMaximized(); |
| else { |
| QVariant v = config->value("WindowSize"); |
| if(!v.isNull()) resize(v.toSize()); |
| } |
| ui->textEdit_message_to_send->setFocus(); |
| data_stream = new QDataStream(ssh_client); |
| //data_stream->setByteOrder(QDataStream::BigEndian); |
| connect_ssh(); |
| } |
| |
| MainWindow::~MainWindow() |
| { |
| delete ui; |
| delete ssh_client; |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { |
| //qDebug("function: MainWindow::keyPressEvent(%p)", e); |
| if(focusWidget() == ui->textEdit_message_to_send) { |
| bool show_tip = true; |
| int key = e->key(); |
| //qDebug("key = 0x%x", key); |
| switch(key) { |
| case Qt::Key_Control: |
| show_tip = false; |
| control_key_pressed = true; |
| break; |
| case Qt::Key_Enter: |
| case Qt::Key_Return: |
| show_tip = false; |
| if(send_message_on_enter) { |
| if(control_key_pressed) ui->textEdit_message_to_send->insertPlainText("\n"); |
| else send_message(); |
| ignore_key_event = true; |
| } else if(control_key_pressed) { |
| send_message(); |
| ignore_key_event = true; |
| } |
| break; |
| case Qt::Key_Backspace: |
| show_tip = false; |
| break; |
| } |
| if(show_tip) ui->statusbar->showMessage(tr("Press %1 to send").arg(send_message_on_enter ? tr("Enter") : tr("Ctrl-Enter")), 2000); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { |
| //qDebug("function: MainWindow::keyReleaseEvent(%p)", e); |
| if(focusWidget() == ui->textEdit_message_to_send) { |
| int key = e->key(); |
| //qDebug("key = 0x%x", key); |
| if(key == Qt::Key_Control) control_key_pressed = false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { |
| //qDebug("function: MainWindow::eventFilter(%p, %p)", o, e); |
| if(o != ui->textEdit_message_to_send) return QObject::eventFilter(o, e); |
| if(e->type() != QEvent::KeyPress) return QObject::eventFilter(o, e); |
| keyPressEvent(static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(e)); |
| if(!ignore_key_event) return false; |
| ignore_key_event = false; |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::save_ui_layout() { |
| config->setValue("ShowUserList", ui->dockWidget_online_list->isVisible()); |
| if(isMaximized()) config->setValue("WindowMaximized", true); |
| else config->setValue("WindowSize", size()); |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { |
| need_reconnect = false; |
| ssh_client->disconnect(); |
| save_ui_layout(); |
| e->accept(); |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::connect_ssh() { |
| if(!ssh_client->connect(host, port, DEFAULT_SSH_USER_NAME, "api")) { |
| ui->statusbar->showMessage(tr("Cannot connect"), 10000); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::print_message(const QString &msg_from, const QString &msg_to, quint8 msg_type, const QByteArray &message) { |
| //QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); |
| QTime t = QTime::currentTime(); |
| QString tag = (msg_to.isEmpty() || msg_to == QString("GLOBAL")) ? |
| QString("%1 %2").arg(msg_from).arg(t.toString("H:mm:ss")) : |
| QString("%1 to %2 %3").arg(msg_from).arg(msg_to).arg(t.toString("H:mm:ss")); |
| switch(msg_type) { |
| ui->chat_area->append(tag + "\n" + message); |
| break; |
| ui->chat_area->insertHtml(tag + "<br>" + message); |
| break; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::send_hello() { |
| quint32 length = 1 + 6 + 2; |
| quint8 type = SSHOUT_API_HELLO; |
| quint16 version = 1; |
| *data_stream << length; |
| *data_stream << type; |
| data_stream->writeRawData("SSHOUT", 6); |
| *data_stream << version; |
| //ssh_client->write("Test"); |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::send_message() { |
| qDebug("slot: MainWindow::send_message()"); |
| QString message = ui->textEdit_message_to_send->toPlainText(); |
| if(message.isEmpty()) return; |
| |
| QByteArray message_bytes = message.toUtf8(); |
| quint32 message_len = message_bytes.length(); |
| //QString ui->listWidget_online_users->currentItem() |
| QByteArray to_user("GLOBAL"); |
| quint8 to_user_len = to_user.length(); |
| quint8 message_type = SSHOUT_API_MESSAGE_TYPE_PLAIN; |
| quint32 packet_length = 1 + 1 + to_user_len + 1 + 4 + message_len; |
| quint8 packet_type = SSHOUT_API_SEND_MESSAGE; |
| //quint8 packet_type = 99; |
| *data_stream << packet_length; |
| *data_stream << packet_type; |
| *data_stream << to_user_len; |
| data_stream->writeRawData(to_user.data(), to_user_len); |
| *data_stream << message_type; |
| *data_stream << message_len; |
| data_stream->writeRawData(message_bytes.data(), message_len); |
| |
| ui->textEdit_message_to_send->clear(); |
| ui->statusbar->showMessage(tr("Sending message"), 1000); |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::add_user_item(const QString &user_name, QList<UserIdAndHostName> *logins) { |
| QListWidgetItem *item; |
| QList<QListWidgetItem *> orig_items = ui->listWidget_online_users->findItems(user_name, Qt::MatchFixedString | Qt::MatchCaseSensitive); |
| int exists = orig_items.length(); |
| if(exists) { |
| Q_ASSERT(exists == 1); |
| item = orig_items[0]; |
| } else { |
| item = new QListWidgetItem(user_name); |
| item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); |
| } |
| item->setData((int)Qt::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue((void *)logins)); |
| if(!exists) ui->listWidget_online_users->addItem(item); |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::remove_offline_user_items(const QSet<QString> &keep_set) { |
| QList<QListWidgetItem *> items = ui->listWidget_online_users->findItems("*", Qt::MatchWildcard); |
| //qDebug() << items; |
| foreach(QListWidgetItem *i, items) { |
| if(keep_set.contains(i->text())) continue; |
| delete i; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::update_user_list(const UserInfo *users, unsigned int count) { |
| QSet<QString> user_set; |
| QHash<QString, QList<UserIdAndHostName> > user_logins; |
| for(unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) { |
| const UserInfo *p = users + i; |
| user_set << p->user_name; |
| user_logins[p->user_name] << (UserIdAndHostName){ p->id, p->host_name }; |
| } |
| remove_offline_user_items(user_set); |
| foreach(const QString &user, user_set) { |
| add_user_item(user, new QList<UserIdAndHostName>(user_logins[user])); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::send_request_online_users() { |
| quint32 length = 1; |
| quint8 type = SSHOUT_API_GET_ONLINE_USER; |
| *data_stream << length; |
| *data_stream << type; |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::ssh_state_change(SSHClient::SSHState state) { |
| qDebug("slot: MainWindow::on_ssh_state_change(%d)", state); |
| switch(state) { |
| case SSHClient::DISCONNECTED: |
| //ui->statusbar->showMessage(tr("Disconnected")); |
| if(need_reconnect) QTimer::singleShot(10000, this, SLOT(connect_ssh())); |
| break; |
| case SSHClient::CONNECTIING: |
| if(use_internal_ssh_library) ui->statusbar->showMessage(tr("Connecting")); |
| break; |
| if(use_internal_ssh_library) ui->statusbar->showMessage(tr("Authenticating")); |
| break; |
| case SSHClient::AUTHENTICATED: |
| ui->statusbar->showMessage(tr("Connected")); |
| send_hello(); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::read_ssh() { |
| qDebug("slot: MainWindow::read_ssh()"); |
| while(ssh_client->bytesAvailable() > 0) { |
| QByteArray data = sshout_get_packet(ssh_client); |
| if(data.isEmpty()) { |
| ssh_client->disconnect(); |
| return; |
| } |
| QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly); |
| quint8 packet_type; |
| stream >> packet_type; |
| switch(packet_type) { |
| qDebug("SSHOUT_API_PASS received"); |
| if(data.mid(1, 6) != QString("SSHOUT")) { |
| qWarning("Magic mismatch"); |
| ui->chat_area->append(tr("Magic mismatch")); |
| need_reconnect = false; |
| ssh_client->disconnect(); |
| return; |
| } |
| stream.skipRawData(6); |
| quint16 version; |
| stream >> version; |
| if(version != 1) { |
| qWarning("Version mismatch (%hu != 1)", version); |
| ui->chat_area->append(tr("Version mismatch (%1 != 1)").arg(version)); |
| need_reconnect = false; |
| ssh_client->disconnect(); |
| return; |
| } |
| send_request_online_users(); |
| break; |
| qDebug("SSHOUT_API_ONLINE_USERS_INFO received"); |
| { |
| quint16 my_id; |
| stream >> my_id; |
| quint16 count; |
| stream >> count; |
| UserInfo users[count]; |
| unsigned int i = 0; |
| //while(count-- > 0) { |
| while(i < count) { |
| quint16 id; |
| quint8 user_name_len, host_name_len; |
| stream >> id; |
| stream >> user_name_len; |
| char user_name[user_name_len]; |
| stream.readRawData(user_name, user_name_len); |
| stream >> host_name_len; |
| char host_name[host_name_len]; |
| stream.readRawData(host_name, host_name_len); |
| UserInfo *p = users + i++; |
| p->id = id; |
| p->user_name = QString::fromUtf8(user_name, user_name_len); |
| p->host_name = QString::fromUtf8(host_name, host_name_len); |
| } |
| update_user_list(users, count); |
| } |
| qDebug("SSHOUT_API_MOTD received"); |
| quint32 length; |
| stream >> length; |
| if((int)length > data.length() - 1 - 4) { |
| qWarning("malformed packet: member size %u out of packet size %d", length, data.length()); |
| ssh_client->disconnect(); |
| return; |
| } |
| ui->chat_area->append(data.mid(5, length)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::read_ssh_stderr() { |
| //qDebug("slot: MainWindow::read_ssh_stderr()"); |
| if(use_internal_ssh_library) return; |
| ExternalSSHClient *extern_ssh_client = (ExternalSSHClient *)ssh_client; |
| while(extern_ssh_client->can_read_line_from_stderr()) { |
| QByteArray data = extern_ssh_client->read_line_from_stderr(); |
| int len = data.count(); |
| if(!len) return; |
| fputs(data.data(), stderr); |
| if(data[len - 1] == '\n') data.resize(len - 1); |
| ui->statusbar->showMessage(QString::fromLocal8Bit(data), 10000); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::set_send_message_on_enter(bool v) { |
| qDebug("slot: MainWindow::set_send_message_on_enter(%s)", v ? "true" : "false"); |
| send_message_on_enter = v; |
| config->setValue("UseEnterToSendMessage", v); |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::settings() { |
| SettingsDialog d(this, config); |
| d.exec(); |
| } |
| |
| void MainWindow::change_server() { |
| ConnectionWindow *w = new ConnectionWindow(NULL, config); |
| w->show(); |
| close(); |
| } |