blob: eafdc9dc1fb558c53b2d0620c126785cbe2fee52 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
GNU Make is required to build the programs, you may need to run 'gmake'
command instead of 'make' on some systems.
To build programs, type:
$ make
Useful environment variables:
CC change C compiler
CFLAGS prepend flags to C compiler
LDFLAGS prepend flags to linker (e.g. -L <path>)
LIBS additional libraries pass to linker
SOCKET_LIBS separated socket libraries (e.g. -l socket for SysV)
NLS_LIBS libraries for native language support
NO_NLS disable native language support
To enable the experimental IRC frontend, add '-D ENABLE_IRC_FRONTEND=1' to
CFLAGS, for example:
To omit build date and make the binary programs reproducible, add
To build on some SysV systems such as Solaris, must be specified
via SOCKET_LIBS, for example:
$ SOCKET_LIBS="-l socket" make
To install built programs and manual pages, type:
$ make install
Useful environment variables:
PREFIX change installing prefix, default /usr
LIBEXECDIR default ${PREFIX}/lib/sshout
SBINDIR default ${PREFIX}/sbin
DATADIR default ${PREFIX}/share
MANDIR default ${DATADIR}/man
LOCALEDIR default ${DATADIR}/locale
NO_NLS disable native language support
Some additional steps after 'make install' are required to get this program
Add a local user account, with name 'sshout' and shell set to the path of
installed sshoutd program; there is an example of suitable passwd(5) line:
sshout:*:115:115:Secure Shout Host Oriented Unified Talk:/var/lib/sshout:/usr/lib/sshout/sshoutd
This user account must be allowed to log in with SSH public key
The programs are currently assuming the AuthorizedKeysFile option in
sshd_config(5) is left default, or contains '.ssh/authorized_keys'; otherwise
the authentication won't work.
Create a service so sshoutd can be started automatically; the service must be
started under the sshout user, instead of root. For systemd based systems,
you can simply use the systemd service file provided in 'deploy' directory,
then enable the service, by running:
# cp deploy/systemd/sshout.service /etc/systemd/system/
# systemctl enable --now sshout
And of course you need to have a working SSH server installed; currently only
OpenSSH server is supported.
The CLI frontend requiring some addional programs for some features to work:
'/pasteimage <user>' requires xclip(1) be available in PATH;
'/showhtml color|plain' requires elinks(1) version 0.12 or later be available
in PATH.