blob: febbba95e441ea1d75ef4bad85fc733fabd03485 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace RemoteView.PageHandlers
// This class is responsable for generaring all the HTML and javascript the the application homepage
class HomePageHandler : PageHandler
// screen devices list
private Screen[] screens = Screen.AllScreens;
/// <summary>
/// Generate the HTML and javascript needed for this the homepage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="response">not used</param>
/// <param name="uri">raw URI tokenized by '/'</param>
/// <returns>HTML page + javascript</returns>
public override byte[] handleRequest(HttpListenerResponse response, String[] uri)
// list amount of screen devices
string staticPage = "<p>";
for (int i = 0; i < screens.Length; i++)
staticPage += "| <a href=\"/home/" + i + "\">Screen:" + i + "</a>";
staticPage += "</p>";
// display current screen on image
// if no parameter for screen, default to 0
int screen = getRequestedScreenDevice(uri, screens);
staticPage += "<img id=\"image\" name=\"image\" src=\"/screen/" + screen + "\">";
// script for handling clicks/dblclicks
// page /script/ is called for handling clicks
staticPage += "<script>" +
"var clickCounter = 0;" + Environment.NewLine +
"var lastEvent = null;" + Environment.NewLine +
"var timeout = null;" + Environment.NewLine +
"image.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e){ handleInput('r',e); });" + Environment.NewLine +
"image.addEventListener('click', function(e){ handleInput('c',e); });" + Environment.NewLine +
"function handleInput(c, e) { " + Environment.NewLine +
// on first click set timeout for a left click with copyed event
" if ( c == 'c' && clickCounter == 0 ) " + Environment.NewLine +
" { clickCounter++; lastEvent = e; timeout = setTimeout( function(){ handleInput('l',lastEvent); },500); return; } " + Environment.NewLine +
// on second click clear timeout and trigger double click by changing event
" else if ( c == 'c' && clickCounter > 0 ) " + Environment.NewLine +
" { clearTimeout(timeout); c = 'd' } " + Environment.NewLine +
"e.stopPropagation();" + Environment.NewLine +
"e.preventDefault();" + Environment.NewLine +
"px = e.offsetX ? e.offsetX :e.pageX-document.getElementById(\"image\").offsetLeft;" + Environment.NewLine +
"py = e.offsetY ? e.offsetY :e.pageY-document.getElementById(\"image\").offsetTop;" + Environment.NewLine +
"window.location='/click/" + screen + "/' + c + '/' + py + '/' + px;" + Environment.NewLine +
"}" +
// closing body and html tags
return buildHTML(staticPage);