| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <FxCopProject Version="10.0" Name="My FxCop Project"> |
| <ProjectOptions> |
| <SharedProject>True</SharedProject> |
| <Stylesheet Apply="False">$(FxCopDir)\Xml\FxCopReport.xsl</Stylesheet> |
| <SaveMessages> |
| <Project Status="Active, Excluded, Good, Noise" NewOnly="False" /> |
| <Report Status="Active, Good, Noise" NewOnly="False" /> |
| </SaveMessages> |
| <ProjectFile Compress="True" DefaultTargetCheck="True" DefaultRuleCheck="True" SaveByRuleGroup="" Deterministic="True" /> |
| <EnableMultithreadedLoad>True</EnableMultithreadedLoad> |
| <EnableMultithreadedAnalysis>True</EnableMultithreadedAnalysis> |
| <SourceLookup>True</SourceLookup> |
| <AnalysisExceptionsThreshold>10</AnalysisExceptionsThreshold> |
| <RuleExceptionsThreshold>1</RuleExceptionsThreshold> |
| <Spelling Locale="en-US" /> |
| <OverrideRuleVisibilities>False</OverrideRuleVisibilities> |
| <CustomDictionaries SearchFxCopDir="True" SearchUserProfile="True" SearchProjectDir="True" /> |
| <SearchGlobalAssemblyCache>False</SearchGlobalAssemblyCache> |
| <DeadlockDetectionTimeout>120</DeadlockDetectionTimeout> |
| <IgnoreGeneratedCode>False</IgnoreGeneratedCode> |
| </ProjectOptions> |
| <Targets> |
| <Target Name="$(ProjectDir)/RemoteView/bin/Release/RemoteView.exe" Analyze="True" AnalyzeAllChildren="True" /> |
| </Targets> |
| <Rules> |
| <RuleFiles> |
| <RuleFile Name="$(FxCopDir)\Rules\DesignRules.dll" Enabled="True" AllRulesEnabled="True" /> |
| <RuleFile Name="$(FxCopDir)\Rules\GlobalizationRules.dll" Enabled="True" AllRulesEnabled="True" /> |
| <RuleFile Name="$(FxCopDir)\Rules\InteroperabilityRules.dll" Enabled="True" AllRulesEnabled="True" /> |
| <RuleFile Name="$(FxCopDir)\Rules\MobilityRules.dll" Enabled="True" AllRulesEnabled="True" /> |
| <RuleFile Name="$(FxCopDir)\Rules\NamingRules.dll" Enabled="True" AllRulesEnabled="True" /> |
| <RuleFile Name="$(FxCopDir)\Rules\PerformanceRules.dll" Enabled="True" AllRulesEnabled="True" /> |
| <RuleFile Name="$(FxCopDir)\Rules\PortabilityRules.dll" Enabled="True" AllRulesEnabled="True" /> |
| <RuleFile Name="$(FxCopDir)\Rules\SecurityRules.dll" Enabled="True" AllRulesEnabled="True" /> |
| <RuleFile Name="$(FxCopDir)\Rules\SecurityTransparencyRules.dll" Enabled="True" AllRulesEnabled="True" /> |
| <RuleFile Name="$(FxCopDir)\Rules\UsageRules.dll" Enabled="True" AllRulesEnabled="True" /> |
| </RuleFiles> |
| <Groups /> |
| <Settings /> |
| </Rules> |
| <FxCopReport Version="10.0"> |
| <Targets> |
| <Target Name="$(ProjectDir)/RemoteView/bin/Release/RemoteView.exe"> |
| <Modules> |
| <Module Name="remoteview.exe"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message TypeName="AssembliesShouldHaveValidStrongNames" Category="Microsoft.Design" CheckId="CA2210" Created="2013-07-17 20:21:53Z"> |
| <Issue Name="NoStrongName"> |
| <Item>'RemoteView.exe'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| <Message TypeName="MarkWindowsFormsEntryPointsWithStaThread" Category="Microsoft.Usage" CheckId="CA2232" Created="2013-07-17 20:21:53Z"> |
| <Issue> |
| <Item>'Program.Main(string[])'</Item> |
| <Item>'RemoteView.exe'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| <Namespaces> |
| <Namespace Name="RemoteView"> |
| <Types> |
| <Type Name="Configuration"> |
| <Members> |
| <Member Name="#create(System.String[])"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message Id="System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object)" TypeName="SpecifyIFormatProvider" Category="Microsoft.Globalization" CheckId="CA1305" Created="2013-07-17 20:21:53Z"> |
| <Issue Name="IFormatProviderAlternateString"> |
| <Item>'string.Format(string, object)'</Item> |
| <Item>'Configuration.create(string[])'</Item> |
| <Item>'string.Format(IFormatProvider, string, params object[])'</Item> |
| <Item>'CultureInfo.CurrentCulture'</Item> |
| <Item>'CultureInfo.InvariantCulture'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| </Members> |
| </Type> |
| <Type Name="NativeMethods"> |
| <Members> |
| <Member Name="#ClickRightMouseButton(System.Int32,System.Int32)"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message Id="RemoteView.NativeMethods.SendInput(System.UInt32,RemoteView.NativeMethods+INPUT@,System.Int32)" TypeName="DoNotIgnoreMethodResults" Category="Microsoft.Usage" CheckId="CA1806" Created="2013-07-17 20:29:44Z"> |
| <Issue Name="HResultOrErrorCode"> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.ClickRightMouseButton(int, int)'</Item> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.SendInput(uint, ref NativeMethods.INPUT, int)'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| <Issue Name="HResultOrErrorCode"> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.ClickRightMouseButton(int, int)'</Item> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.SendInput(uint, ref NativeMethods.INPUT, int)'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| <Issue Name="HResultOrErrorCode"> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.ClickRightMouseButton(int, int)'</Item> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.SendInput(uint, ref NativeMethods.INPUT, int)'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| <Member Name="#LeftMouseButton(RemoteView.NativeMethods+MouseEventFlags,System.Int32,System.Int32)"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message Id="RemoteView.NativeMethods.SendInput(System.UInt32,RemoteView.NativeMethods+INPUT@,System.Int32)" TypeName="DoNotIgnoreMethodResults" Category="Microsoft.Usage" CheckId="CA1806" Created="2013-07-17 20:29:44Z"> |
| <Issue Name="HResultOrErrorCode"> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.LeftMouseButton(NativeMethods.MouseEventFlags, int, int)'</Item> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.SendInput(uint, ref NativeMethods.INPUT, int)'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| <Issue Name="HResultOrErrorCode"> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.LeftMouseButton(NativeMethods.MouseEventFlags, int, int)'</Item> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.SendInput(uint, ref NativeMethods.INPUT, int)'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| <Member Name="#MoveMouse(System.Int32,System.Int32)"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message Id="RemoteView.NativeMethods.SendInput(System.UInt32,RemoteView.NativeMethods+INPUT@,System.Int32)" TypeName="DoNotIgnoreMethodResults" Category="Microsoft.Usage" CheckId="CA1806" Created="2013-07-17 20:29:44Z"> |
| <Issue Name="HResultOrErrorCode"> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.MoveMouse(int, int)'</Item> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.SendInput(uint, ref NativeMethods.INPUT, int)'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| </Members> |
| </Type> |
| <Type Name="NativeMethods+MouseKeybdhardwareInputUnion"> |
| <Members> |
| <Member Name="#hi"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message TypeName="AvoidUnusedPrivateFields" Category="Microsoft.Performance" CheckId="CA1823" Created="2013-07-17 20:29:44Z"> |
| <Issue> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.MouseKeybdhardwareInputUnion.hi'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| <Member Name="#ki"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message TypeName="AvoidUnusedPrivateFields" Category="Microsoft.Performance" CheckId="CA1823" Created="2013-07-17 20:29:44Z"> |
| <Issue> |
| <Item>'NativeMethods.MouseKeybdhardwareInputUnion.ki'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| </Members> |
| </Type> |
| <Type Name="Server"> |
| <Members> |
| <Member Name="#Dispose()"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message TypeName="DoNotCastUnnecessarily" Category="Microsoft.Performance" CheckId="CA1800" Created="2013-07-17 20:21:53Z"> |
| <Issue Name="Local"> |
| <Item>'page'</Item> |
| <Item>'IDisposable'</Item> |
| <Item>'Server.Dispose()'</Item> |
| <Item>castclass</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| <Member Name="#Start()"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message TypeName="DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes" Category="Microsoft.Design" CheckId="CA1031" Created="2013-07-17 20:21:53Z"> |
| <Issue> |
| <Item>'Server.Start()'</Item> |
| <Item>'Exception'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| <Issue> |
| <Item>'Server.Start()'</Item> |
| <Item>'object'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| <Member Name="#Start(System.Int32)"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message TypeName="DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes" Category="Microsoft.Design" CheckId="CA1031" Created="2013-07-17 20:21:53Z"> |
| <Issue> |
| <Item>'Server.Start(int)'</Item> |
| <Item>'object'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| </Members> |
| </Type> |
| </Types> |
| </Namespace> |
| <Namespace Name="RemoteView.PageHandlers"> |
| <Types> |
| <Type Name="AbstractPageHandler"> |
| <Members> |
| <Member Name="#GetRequestedScreenDevice(System.String[],System.Windows.Forms.Screen[])"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message TypeName="DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes" Category="Microsoft.Design" CheckId="CA1031" Created="2013-07-17 20:21:53Z"> |
| <Issue> |
| <Item>'AbstractPageHandler.GetRequestedScreenDevice(string[], Screen[])'</Item> |
| <Item>'object'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| </Members> |
| </Type> |
| <Type Name="LeftClickPageHandler"> |
| <Members> |
| <Member Name="#handleMouseDown(System.String[],System.Int32)"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message TypeName="DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes" Category="Microsoft.Design" CheckId="CA1031" Created="2013-07-17 20:21:53Z"> |
| <Issue> |
| <Item>'LeftClickPageHandler.handleMouseDown(string[], int)'</Item> |
| <Item>'object'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| <Member Name="#handleMouseUp(System.String[],System.Int32)"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message TypeName="DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes" Category="Microsoft.Design" CheckId="CA1031" Created="2013-07-17 20:21:53Z"> |
| <Issue> |
| <Item>'LeftClickPageHandler.handleMouseUp(string[], int)'</Item> |
| <Item>'object'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| </Members> |
| </Type> |
| <Type Name="MouseMovePageHandler"> |
| <Members> |
| <Member Name="#HandleRequest(System.Net.HttpListenerResponse,System.String[])"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message TypeName="DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes" Category="Microsoft.Design" CheckId="CA1031" Created="2013-07-17 20:21:53Z"> |
| <Issue> |
| <Item>'MouseMovePageHandler.HandleRequest(HttpListenerResponse, string[])'</Item> |
| <Item>'object'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| </Members> |
| </Type> |
| <Type Name="RightClickPageHandler"> |
| <Members> |
| <Member Name="#HandleRequest(System.Net.HttpListenerResponse,System.String[])"> |
| <Messages> |
| <Message TypeName="DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes" Category="Microsoft.Design" CheckId="CA1031" Created="2013-07-17 20:21:53Z"> |
| <Issue> |
| <Item>'RightClickPageHandler.HandleRequest(HttpListenerResponse, string[])'</Item> |
| <Item>'object'</Item> |
| </Issue> |
| </Message> |
| </Messages> |
| </Member> |
| </Members> |
| </Type> |
| </Types> |
| </Namespace> |
| </Namespaces> |
| </Module> |
| </Modules> |
| </Target> |
| </Targets> |
| <Rules> |
| <Rule TypeName="AssembliesShouldHaveValidStrongNames" Category="Microsoft.Design" CheckId="CA2210"> |
| <Resolution Name="NoStrongName">Sign {0} with a strong name key.</Resolution> |
| </Rule> |
| <Rule TypeName="AvoidUnusedPrivateFields" Category="Microsoft.Performance" CheckId="CA1823"> |
| <Resolution Name="Default">It appears that field {0} is never used or is only ever assigned to. Use this field or remove it.</Resolution> |
| </Rule> |
| <Rule TypeName="DoNotCastUnnecessarily" Category="Microsoft.Performance" CheckId="CA1800"> |
| <Resolution Name="Local">{0}, a variable, is cast to type {1} multiple times in method {2}. Cache the result of the 'as' operator or direct cast in order to eliminate the redundant {3} instruction.</Resolution> |
| </Rule> |
| <Rule TypeName="DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes" Category="Microsoft.Design" CheckId="CA1031"> |
| <Resolution Name="Default">Modify {0} to catch a more specific exception than {1} or rethrow the exception.</Resolution> |
| </Rule> |
| <Rule TypeName="DoNotIgnoreMethodResults" Category="Microsoft.Usage" CheckId="CA1806"> |
| <Resolution Name="HResultOrErrorCode">{0} calls {1} but does not use the HRESULT or error code that the method returns. This could lead to unexpected behavior in error conditions or low-resource situations. Use the result in a conditional statement, assign the result to a variable, or pass it as an argument to another method.</Resolution> |
| </Rule> |
| <Rule TypeName="MarkWindowsFormsEntryPointsWithStaThread" Category="Microsoft.Usage" CheckId="CA2232"> |
| <Resolution Name="Default">Mark the entry point method {0} in assembly {1} with an STAThreadAttribute.</Resolution> |
| </Rule> |
| <Rule TypeName="SpecifyIFormatProvider" Category="Microsoft.Globalization" CheckId="CA1305"> |
| <Resolution Name="IFormatProviderAlternateString">Because the behavior of {0} could vary based on the current user's locale settings, replace this call in {1} with a call to {2}. If the result of {2} will be displayed to the user, specify {3} as the 'IFormatProvider' parameter. Otherwise, if the result will be stored and accessed by software, such as when it is persisted to disk or to a database, specify {4}.</Resolution> |
| </Rule> |
| </Rules> |
| </FxCopReport> |
| </FxCopProject> |