blob: b17cb5c2f4ec33bc5c798dfe2059185010d1d2dc [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
dev.cpp - description
begin : Wed Aug 1 2001
copyright : (C) 2001 by Roland Riegel
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "dev.h"
Dev::Dev() : Proc::Proc()
setWindow( NULL );
device_number = total_number_of_devices = 0;
cur_num_values = 0;
min_in = max_in = avg_in = -1.0;
min_out = max_out = avg_out = -1.0;
Dev::Dev(char *network_device, long max_b_in, long max_b_out, int avg_smoothness, WINDOW *win, int dev_number, int total_number_of_devs) : Proc::Proc()
setBarMaxIn( max_b_in );
setBarMaxOut( max_b_out );
setAverageSmoothness( avg_smoothness );
setWindow( win );
setProcDev( network_device );
device_number = dev_number;
total_number_of_devices = total_number_of_devs;
cur_num_values = 0;
min_in = max_in = avg_in = -1.0;
min_out = max_out = avg_out = -1.0;
void Dev::update(bool print)
char fText[100] = "";
int x = 0, y = 0, curx = 0, cury = 0;
float *currentio = readLoad();
getmaxyx( window, y, x );
if ( currentio[0] == -1.0 && currentio[1] == -1.0 )
if( print )
sprintf( fText, "Device %s (%i/%i): does not exist\n", ProcDev(), device_number, total_number_of_devices );
addstr( fText );
for( int i = 0; i < x / 2; i++ )
addch( '=' );
addch( '\n' );
currentio[0] = currentio[0] * 8 / 1024 / ( getElapsedTime() / (float) 1000 );
currentio[1] = currentio[1] * 8 / 1024 / ( getElapsedTime() / (float) 1000 );
for( int i = cur_num_values - 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
traffic[0][ i + 1 ] = traffic[0][i];
traffic[1][ i + 1 ] = traffic[1][i];
traffic[0][0] = currentio[0];
traffic[1][0] = currentio[1];
MinMax( min_in, max_in, currentio[0] );
average( avg_in, currentio[0] );
MinMax( min_out, max_out, currentio[1] );
average( avg_out, currentio[1] );
if( ! print ) return;
sprintf( fText, "Device %s (%i/%i):\n", ProcDev(), device_number, total_number_of_devices );
addstr( fText );
for( int i = 0; i < x / 2; i++ )
addch( '=' );
addch( '\n' );
//incoming traffic
addstr( "\nIncoming:\n" );
//print graph
getyx( window, cury, curx );
printGraph( false, ( y - cury - 2 ) / 2, bar_max_in );
//print current traffic
getyx( window, cury, curx );
move( cury - 5, x * 2 / 3 + 2);
sprintf( fText, "Curr: %.2f kBit/s\n", currentio[0] );
addstr( fText );
//print average traffic since nload start
getyx( window, cury, curx );
move( cury, x * 2 / 3 + 2 );
sprintf( fText, "Avg: %.2f kBit/s\n", avg_in );
addstr( fText );
//print min traffic since nload start
getyx( window, cury, curx );
move( cury, x * 2 / 3 + 2 );
sprintf( fText, "Min: %.2f kBit/s\n", min_in );
addstr( fText );
//print max traffic since nload start
getyx( window, cury, curx );
move( cury, x * 2 / 3 + 2 );
sprintf( fText, "Max: %.2f kBit/s\n", max_in );
addstr( fText );
//print total traffic since last system reboot
getyx( window, cury, curx );
move( cury, x * 2 / 3 + 2 );
sprintf( fText, "Ttl: %.2f MB\n", totalIn() / ( 1024 * 1024 ) );
addstr( fText );
//outgoing traffic
addstr( "\nOutgoing:\n" );
//print graph
getyx( window, cury, curx );
printGraph( true, y - cury, bar_max_out );
//print current traffic
getyx( window, cury, curx );
move( cury - 4, x * 2 / 3 + 2 );
sprintf( fText, "Curr: %.2f kBit/s\n", currentio[1] );
addstr( fText );
//print average traffic since nload start
getyx( window, cury, curx );
move( cury, x * 2 / 3 + 2 );
sprintf( fText, "Avg: %.2f kbit/s\n", avg_out );
addstr( fText );
//print min traffic since nload start
getyx( window, cury, curx );
move( cury, x * 2 / 3 + 2 );
sprintf( fText, "Min: %.2f kBit/s\n", min_out );
addstr( fText );
//print max traffic since nload start
getyx( window, cury, curx );
move( cury, x * 2 / 3 + 2 );
sprintf( fText, "Max: %.2f kBit/s\n", max_out );
addstr( fText );
//print total traffic since last system reboot
getyx( window, cury, curx );
move( cury, x * 2 / 3 + 2 );
sprintf( fText, "Ttl: %.2f MB\n", totalOut() / ( 1024 * 1024 ) );
addstr( fText );
void Dev::setBarMaxIn(long max_in)
if (max_in > 0)
bar_max_in = max_in;
void Dev::setBarMaxOut(long max_out)
if (max_out > 0)
bar_max_out = max_out;
void Dev::setNumOfGraphValues( int num_values )
if( num_values == 0 )
free( traffic[0] ); free( traffic[1] );
cur_num_values = 0;
if( num_values <= 0 || num_values <= cur_num_values ) return;
if( cur_num_values != 0 )
traffic[0] = (float *) realloc( traffic[0], num_values * sizeof( float ) );
traffic[1] = (float *) realloc( traffic[1], num_values * sizeof( float ) );
traffic[0] = (float *) malloc( num_values * sizeof( float ) );
traffic[1] = (float *) malloc( num_values * sizeof( float ) );
if ( traffic[0] == NULL || traffic[1] == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Running out of memory.\n\n" );
for( int i = cur_num_values; i < num_values; i++ )
traffic[0][i] = 0;
traffic[1][i] = 0;
cur_num_values = num_values;
void Dev::setWindow(WINDOW *win)
window = win;
void Dev::printGraph( bool outgoing_instead_of_incoming, int height, int max_graph_value)
int width;
int dummy;
getmaxyx( window, dummy, width );
width = width * 2 / 3;
setNumOfGraphValues( width );
for( int l = 0; l < height; l++ )
for( int r = 0; r < width; r++ )
if( traffic[ outgoing_instead_of_incoming ? 1 : 0 ][ width - r - 1 ] / max_graph_value >= 1.0 - ( (float) l / height ) )
addch( '#' );
addch( ' ' );
addch( '\n' );
void Dev::MinMax(float &curmin, float &curmax, float newval)
if (curmin==-1.0 && curmax==-1.0)
curmin = newval;
curmax = newval;
curmin = newval < curmin ? newval : curmin;
curmax = newval > curmax ? newval : curmax;
void Dev::setAverageSmoothness(int avg_smoothness)
if ((avg_smoothness >= 1) && (avg_smoothness <= 9))
average_smoothness = avg_smoothness;
void Dev::average(float &curavg, float new_value)
* average calculation is not very good at the moment as it is not a real average
* and is dependent from the display refresh interval.
* it is a running estimate updated by forming a weighted average.
* could need some help here.
if ( curavg==-1.0 )
curavg = new_value;
curavg = new_value * ( 1.0 - average_smoothness / 10.0 ) + curavg * ( average_smoothness / 10.0 );
void Dev::setDeviceNumber(int number)
if( number > 0 )
device_number = number;
void Dev::setTotalNumberOfDevices(int number)
if( number > 0 )
total_number_of_devices = number;