blob: d66d62bee2d0e0516a974ce996adab69a4a309f8 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
begin : Tue Jul 30 2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by Roland Riegel
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "form_field.h"
Field::Field( int x, int y, int width, int height ) : m_field(0)
m_field = new_field( height, width, y, x, 0, 0 );
free_field( m_field );
void Field::setBuffer( const char* new_buffer )
set_field_buffer( m_field, 0, new_buffer );
const char* Field::buffer()
return field_buffer( m_field, 0 );
void Field::move( int x, int y )
move_field( m_field, y, x );
void Field::setVisible( bool new_visible )
set_field_opts( m_field, new_visible ? field_opts( m_field ) | O_VISIBLE : field_opts( m_field ) & ~O_VISIBLE );
bool Field::visible()
return ( field_opts( m_field ) & O_VISIBLE ) == O_VISIBLE;
void Field::setEnabled( bool new_enabled )
set_field_opts( m_field, new_enabled ? field_opts( m_field ) | O_ACTIVE : field_opts( m_field ) & ~O_ACTIVE );
bool Field::enabled()
return ( field_opts( m_field ) & O_ACTIVE ) == O_ACTIVE;
void Field::setIntegerField( int min, int max )
set_field_type( m_field, TYPE_INTEGER, 0, min, max );
void Field::setEnumField( const char* elements[] )
set_field_type( m_field, TYPE_ENUM, elements, false, false );
void Field::setFixed( bool new_fixed )
set_field_opts( m_field, new_fixed ? field_opts( m_field ) & ~O_EDIT : field_opts( m_field ) | O_EDIT );
bool Field::fixed()
return ( field_opts( m_field ) & O_EDIT ) != O_EDIT;
void Field::setBlankWithFirstChar( bool new_blankwithfirstchar )
set_field_opts( m_field, new_blankwithfirstchar ? field_opts( m_field ) | O_BLANK : field_opts( m_field ) & ~O_BLANK );
bool Field::blankWithFirstChar()
return ( field_opts( m_field ) & O_BLANK ) == O_BLANK;
void Field::setAutoSkip( bool new_autoskip )
set_field_opts( m_field, new_autoskip ? field_opts( m_field ) | O_AUTOSKIP : field_opts( m_field ) & ~O_AUTOSKIP );
bool Field::autoSkip()
return ( field_opts( m_field ) & O_AUTOSKIP ) == O_AUTOSKIP;
void Field::setValidateBlank( bool new_validateblank )
set_field_opts( m_field, new_validateblank ? field_opts( m_field ) & ~O_NULLOK : field_opts( m_field ) | O_NULLOK );
bool Field::validateBlank()
return ( field_opts( m_field ) & O_NULLOK ) != O_NULLOK;
void Field::setNewPage( bool new_newpage )
set_new_page( m_field, new_newpage );
bool Field::newPage()
return new_page( m_field );
bool operator==( const Field& field1, const Field& field2 )
return field1.m_field == field2.m_field;
bool operator==( const Field& field1, const FIELD* field2 )
return field1.m_field == field2;
Form::Form( Slots* slots ) : m_slots( slots ), m_form(0), m_visible( false )
m_instances.push_back( this );
for( list<Form *>::iterator i = m_instances.begin(); i != m_instances.end(); i++ )
if( *i == this )
vector<Field *>& Form::fields()
return m_fields;
void Form::show( Window* main_window, SubWindow* sub_window )
m_curses_fields = new FIELD* [ m_fields.size() ];
vector<Field *>::const_iterator r = m_fields.begin();
int i = 0;
while( r != m_fields.end() )
m_curses_fields[i] = (*r) -> m_field;
r++; i++;
m_curses_fields[ m_fields.size() ] = 0;
m_form = new_form( m_curses_fields );
if( ! m_form ) return;
set_form_win( m_form, main_window -> m_window );
set_form_sub( m_form, sub_window -> m_window );
set_field_term( m_form, fieldChanged );
post_form( m_form );
m_visible = true;
void Form::hide()
unpost_form( m_form );
free_form( m_form );
m_form = 0;
delete[] m_curses_fields;
m_curses_fields = 0;
m_visible = false;
bool Form::visible()
return m_visible;
void Form::processKey( int key )
if( m_form )
form_driver( m_form, key );
int Form::page()
if( ! m_form ) return 0;
return form_page( m_form ) + 1;
int Form::countPages()
int pages = 0;
for( vector<Field *>::const_iterator i = m_fields.begin(); i != m_fields.end(); i++ )
if( (*i) -> newPage() ) pages++;
return pages;
void Form::fieldChanged( FORM* form )
for( list<Form *>::iterator i = m_instances.begin(); i != m_instances.end(); i++ )
if( (*i) -> m_form == form && (*i) -> m_slots )
for( vector<Field *>::const_iterator j = (*i) -> m_fields.begin(); j != (*i) -> m_fields.end(); j++ )
if( (*j) -> m_field == current_field( form ) )
(*i) -> m_slots -> slot_fieldChanged( *j );
list<Form *> Form::m_instances = list<Form *>();