| # vim:set ft= ts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker: |
| |
| our $SkipReason; |
| |
| BEGIN { |
| $SkipReason = "unavailable for the hup tests"; |
| |
| } else { |
| } |
| } |
| |
| use lib 'lib'; |
| use Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua $SkipReason ? (skip_all => $SkipReason) : (); |
| |
| #worker_connections(1014); |
| #master_process_enabled(1); |
| #log_level('warn'); |
| |
| repeat_each(2); |
| |
| plan tests => repeat_each() * (blocks() * 3); |
| |
| #no_diff(); |
| no_long_string(); |
| #master_on(); |
| #workers(2); |
| |
| no_shuffle(); |
| |
| run_tests(); |
| |
| __DATA__ |
| |
| === TEST 1: initialize the fields in shdict |
| --- http_config |
| lua_shared_dict dogs 1m; |
| --- config |
| location = /test { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local dogs = ngx.shared.dogs |
| dogs:set("foo", 32) |
| dogs:set("bah", 10502) |
| local val = dogs:get("foo") |
| ngx.say(val, " ", type(val)) |
| val = dogs:get("bah") |
| ngx.say(val, " ", type(val)) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /test |
| --- response_body |
| 32 number |
| 10502 number |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 2: retrieve the fields in shdict after HUP reload |
| --- http_config |
| lua_shared_dict dogs 1m; |
| --- config |
| location = /test { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local dogs = ngx.shared.dogs |
| |
| -- dogs:set("foo", 32) |
| -- dogs:set("bah", 10502) |
| |
| local val = dogs:get("foo") |
| ngx.say(val, " ", type(val)) |
| val = dogs:get("bah") |
| ngx.say(val, " ", type(val)) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /test |
| --- response_body |
| 32 number |
| 10502 number |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| |