| # vim:set ft= ts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker: |
| |
| use lib 'lib'; |
| use Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua; |
| |
| repeat_each(2); |
| |
| plan tests => repeat_each() * 155; |
| |
| #$ENV{LUA_PATH} = $ENV{HOME} . '/work/JSON4Lua-0.9.30/json/?.lua'; |
| |
| no_long_string(); |
| |
| our $HtmlDir = html_dir; |
| |
| |
| check_accum_error_log(); |
| run_tests(); |
| |
| __DATA__ |
| |
| === TEST 1: code cache on by default |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| content_by_lua_file html/test.lua; |
| } |
| location /update { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| -- os.execute("(echo HERE; pwd) > /dev/stderr") |
| local f = assert(io.open("t/servroot/html/test.lua", "w")) |
| f:write("ngx.say(101)") |
| f:close() |
| ngx.say("updated") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /update; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| ngx.say(32) |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 32 |
| updated |
| 32 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [alert] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 2: code cache explicitly on |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| lua_code_cache on; |
| content_by_lua_file html/test.lua; |
| } |
| location /update { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| -- os.execute("(echo HERE; pwd) > /dev/stderr") |
| local f = assert(io.open("t/servroot/html/test.lua", "w")) |
| f:write("ngx.say(101)") |
| f:close() |
| ngx.say("updated") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /update; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| ngx.say(32) |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 32 |
| updated |
| 32 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [alert] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 3: code cache explicitly off |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| content_by_lua_file html/test.lua; |
| } |
| location /update { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| -- os.execute("(echo HERE; pwd) > /dev/stderr") |
| local f = assert(io.open("t/servroot/html/test.lua", "w")) |
| f:write("ngx.say(101)") |
| f:close() |
| ngx.say("updated") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /update; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| ngx.say(32) |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 32 |
| updated |
| 101 |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 4: code cache explicitly off (server level) |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| |
| location /lua { |
| content_by_lua_file html/test.lua; |
| } |
| location /update { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| -- os.execute("(echo HERE; pwd) > /dev/stderr") |
| local f = assert(io.open("t/servroot/html/test.lua", "w")) |
| f:write("ngx.say(101)") |
| f:close() |
| ngx.say("updated") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /update; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| ngx.say(32) |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 32 |
| updated |
| 101 |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 5: code cache explicitly off (server level) but be overridden in the location |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| |
| location /lua { |
| lua_code_cache on; |
| content_by_lua_file html/test.lua; |
| } |
| location /update { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| -- os.execute("(echo HERE; pwd) > /dev/stderr") |
| local f = assert(io.open("t/servroot/html/test.lua", "w")) |
| f:write("ngx.say(101)") |
| f:close() |
| ngx.say("updated") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /update; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| ngx.say(32) |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 32 |
| updated |
| 32 |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 6: code cache explicitly off (affects require) + content_by_lua |
| --- http_config eval |
| "lua_package_path '$::HtmlDir/?.lua;./?.lua';" |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local foo = require "foo"; |
| '; |
| } |
| location /update { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| -- os.execute("(echo HERE; pwd) > /dev/stderr") |
| local f = assert(io.open("t/servroot/html/foo.lua", "w")) |
| f:write("module(..., package.seeall); ngx.say(102);") |
| f:close() |
| ngx.say("updated") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /update; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> foo.lua |
| module(..., package.seeall); ngx.say(32); |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 32 |
| updated |
| 102 |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 7: code cache explicitly off (affects require) + content_by_lua_file |
| --- http_config eval |
| "lua_package_path '$::HtmlDir/?.lua;./?.lua';" |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| content_by_lua_file html/test.lua; |
| } |
| location /update { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| -- os.execute("(echo HERE; pwd) > /dev/stderr") |
| local f = assert(io.open("t/servroot/html/foo.lua", "w")) |
| f:write("module(..., package.seeall); ngx.say(102);") |
| f:close() |
| ngx.say("updated") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /update; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| local foo = require "foo"; |
| >>> foo.lua |
| module(..., package.seeall); ngx.say(32); |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 32 |
| updated |
| 102 |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 8: code cache explicitly off (affects require) + set_by_lua_file |
| --- http_config eval |
| "lua_package_path '$::HtmlDir/?.lua;./?.lua';" |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| set_by_lua_file $a html/test.lua; |
| echo $a; |
| } |
| location /update { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| -- os.execute("(echo HERE; pwd) > /dev/stderr") |
| local f = assert(io.open("t/servroot/html/foo.lua", "w")) |
| f:write("module(..., package.seeall); return 102;") |
| f:close() |
| ngx.say("updated") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /update; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| return require "foo" |
| >>> foo.lua |
| module(..., package.seeall); return 32; |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 32 |
| updated |
| 102 |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 9: code cache explicitly on (affects require) + set_by_lua_file |
| --- http_config eval |
| "lua_package_path '$::HtmlDir/?.lua;./?.lua';" |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| lua_code_cache on; |
| set_by_lua_file $a html/test.lua; |
| echo $a; |
| } |
| location /update { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| -- os.execute("(echo HERE; pwd) > /dev/stderr") |
| local f = assert(io.open("t/servroot/html/foo.lua", "w")) |
| f:write("module(..., package.seeall); return 102;") |
| f:close() |
| ngx.say("updated") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /update; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| return require "foo" |
| >>> foo.lua |
| module(..., package.seeall); return 32; |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 32 |
| updated |
| 32 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [alert] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 10: code cache explicitly off + set_by_lua_file |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| set_by_lua_file $a html/test.lua; |
| echo $a; |
| } |
| location /update { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| -- os.execute("(echo HERE; pwd) > /dev/stderr") |
| local f = assert(io.open("t/servroot/html/test.lua", "w")) |
| f:write("return 101") |
| f:close() |
| ngx.say("updated") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /update; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| return 32 |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 32 |
| updated |
| 101 |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 11: code cache explicitly on + set_by_lua_file |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| lua_code_cache on; |
| set_by_lua_file $a html/test.lua; |
| echo $a; |
| } |
| location /update { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| -- os.execute("(echo HERE; pwd) > /dev/stderr") |
| local f = assert(io.open("t/servroot/html/test.lua", "w")) |
| f:write("return 101") |
| f:close() |
| ngx.say("updated") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /update; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| return 32 |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 32 |
| updated |
| 32 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [alert] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 12: no clear builtin lib "string" |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| content_by_lua_file html/test.lua; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| ngx.say(string.len("hello")) |
| ngx.say(table.concat({1,2,3}, ", ")) |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 5 |
| 1, 2, 3 |
| 5 |
| 1, 2, 3 |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 13: no clear builtin lib "string" |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.say(string.len("hello")) |
| ngx.say(table.concat({1,2,3}, ", ")) |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| 5 |
| 1, 2, 3 |
| 5 |
| 1, 2, 3 |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 14: no clear builtin lib "string" |
| --- http_config eval |
| "lua_package_path '$::HtmlDir/?.lua;./?.lua';" |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| location /lua { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local test = require("test") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /lua; |
| echo_location /lua; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| module("test", package.seeall) |
| |
| string = require("string") |
| math = require("math") |
| io = require("io") |
| os = require("os") |
| table = require("table") |
| coroutine = require("coroutine") |
| package = require("package") |
| ngx.say("OK") |
| --- response_body |
| OK |
| OK |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 15: do not skip luarocks |
| --- http_config eval |
| "lua_package_path '$::HtmlDir/?.lua;./?.lua'; |
| lua_code_cache off;" |
| --- config |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /load; |
| echo_location /check; |
| echo_location /check; |
| } |
| |
| location /load { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| package.loaded.luarocks = nil; |
| local foo = require "luarocks"; |
| foo.hi() |
| '; |
| } |
| |
| location /check { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local foo = package.loaded.luarocks |
| if foo then |
| ngx.say("found") |
| else |
| ngx.say("not found") |
| end |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- user_files |
| >>> luarocks.lua |
| module(..., package.seeall); |
| |
| ngx.say("loading"); |
| |
| function hi () |
| ngx.say("hello, foo") |
| end; |
| --- response_body |
| loading |
| hello, foo |
| not found |
| not found |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 16: do not skip luarocks* |
| --- http_config eval |
| "lua_package_path '$::HtmlDir/?.lua;./?.lua'; |
| lua_code_cache off;" |
| --- config |
| location /main { |
| echo_location /load; |
| echo_location /check; |
| echo_location /check; |
| } |
| |
| location /load { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| package.loaded.luarocks2 = nil; |
| local foo = require "luarocks2"; |
| foo.hi() |
| '; |
| } |
| |
| location /check { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local foo = package.loaded.luarocks2 |
| if foo then |
| ngx.say("found") |
| else |
| ngx.say("not found") |
| end |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- user_files |
| >>> luarocks2.lua |
| module(..., package.seeall); |
| |
| ngx.say("loading"); |
| |
| function hi () |
| ngx.say("hello, foo") |
| end; |
| --- response_body |
| loading |
| hello, foo |
| not found |
| not found |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 17: clear _G table |
| --- http_config eval |
| "lua_package_path '$::HtmlDir/?.lua;./?.lua';" |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| location /t { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| if not _G.foo then |
| _G.foo = 1 |
| else |
| _G.foo = _G.foo + 1 |
| end |
| ngx.say("_G.foo: ", _G.foo) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- response_body |
| _G.foo: 1 |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 18: github #257: globals cleared when code cache off |
| --- http_config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| init_by_lua ' |
| test = setfenv( |
| function() |
| ngx.say(tostring(table)) |
| end, |
| setmetatable({}, |
| { |
| __index = function(self, key) |
| return rawget(self, key) or _G[key] |
| end |
| }))'; |
| --- config |
| location = /t { |
| content_by_lua 'test()'; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- response_body_like chop |
| ^table: 0x\d*?[1-9a-fA-F] |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 19: lua_code_cache off + FFI-based Lua modules |
| --- http_config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| lua_package_path "$prefix/html/?.lua;;"; |
| |
| --- config |
| location = /t { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| if not jit then |
| ngx.say("skipped for non-LuaJIT") |
| else |
| local test = require("test") |
| ngx.say("test module loaded: ", test and true or false) |
| collectgarbage() |
| end |
| '; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| local ffi = require "ffi" |
| |
| ffi.cdef[[ |
| int my_test_function_here(void *p); |
| int my_test_function_here2(void *p); |
| int my_test_function_here3(void *p); |
| ]] |
| |
| return { |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- response_body_like chop |
| ^(?:skipped for non-LuaJIT|test module loaded: true)$ |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 20: ngx.timer.* + ndk |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| location /read { |
| echo ok; |
| log_by_lua ' |
| ngx.timer.at(0, function () |
| local foo = ndk.set_var.set_unescape_uri("a%20b") |
| ngx.log(ngx.WARN, "foo = ", foo) |
| end) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /read |
| --- response_body |
| ok |
| --- wait: 0.1 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| --- error_log eval |
| ["foo = a b", |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/ |
| ] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 21: set ngx.ctx before internal redirects performed by other nginx modules (with log_by_lua) |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| location = /t { |
| rewrite_by_lua ' |
| ngx.ctx.foo = "hello world"; |
| '; |
| echo_exec /foo; |
| } |
| |
| location = /foo { |
| echo hello; |
| log_by_lua return; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- response_body |
| hello |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| --- log_level: debug |
| --- error_log eval |
| ["lua release ngx.ctx at ref", |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/, |
| "lua close the global Lua VM", |
| ] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 22: set by lua file |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| location /lua { |
| set_by_lua_file $res html/a.lua $arg_a $arg_b; |
| echo $res; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> a.lua |
| return ngx.arg[1] + ngx.arg[2] |
| --- request |
| GET /lua?a=5&b=2 |
| --- response_body |
| 7 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| --- error_log eval |
| [qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/, |
| "lua close the global Lua VM", |
| ] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 23: simple set by lua |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| location /lua { |
| set_by_lua $res "return 1+1"; |
| echo $res; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua |
| --- response_body |
| 2 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| --- error_log eval |
| [ |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/, |
| "lua close the global Lua VM", |
| ] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 24: lua_max_pending_timers - chained timers (non-zero delay) - not exceeding |
| --- http_config |
| lua_max_pending_timers 1; |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| |
| --- config |
| location /t { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local s = "" |
| |
| local function fail(...) |
| ngx.log(ngx.ERR, ...) |
| end |
| |
| local function g() |
| s = s .. "[g]" |
| print("trace: ", s) |
| end |
| |
| local function f() |
| local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0.01, g) |
| if not ok then |
| fail("failed to set timer: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| s = s .. "[f]" |
| end |
| local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0.01, f) |
| if not ok then |
| ngx.say("failed to set timer: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| ngx.say("registered timer") |
| s = "[m]" |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| |
| --- response_body |
| registered timer |
| |
| --- wait: 0.1 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 3 |
| |
| --- error_log eval |
| [ |
| "lua ngx.timer expired", |
| "http lua close fake http connection", |
| "trace: [m][f][g]", |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/, |
| "lua close the global Lua VM", |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 2", |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 1", |
| ] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 25: lua variable sharing via upvalue |
| --- http_config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| --- config |
| location /t { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local begin = ngx.now() |
| local foo |
| local function f() |
| foo = 3 |
| print("elapsed: ", ngx.now() - begin) |
| end |
| local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0.05, f) |
| if not ok then |
| ngx.say("failed to set timer: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| ngx.say("registered timer") |
| ngx.sleep(0.06) |
| ngx.say("foo = ", foo) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- response_body |
| registered timer |
| foo = 3 |
| |
| --- wait: 0.1 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 3 |
| |
| --- error_log eval |
| [ |
| "lua ngx.timer expired", |
| "http lua close fake http connection", |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/, |
| "lua close the global Lua VM", |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 2", |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 1", |
| ] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 26: lua_max_running_timers (just not enough) |
| --- http_config |
| lua_max_running_timers 1; |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| location /t { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local s = "" |
| |
| local function fail(...) |
| ngx.log(ngx.ERR, ...) |
| end |
| |
| local f, g |
| |
| g = function () |
| ngx.sleep(0.01) |
| collectgarbage() |
| end |
| |
| f = function () |
| ngx.sleep(0.01) |
| collectgarbage() |
| end |
| local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0, f) |
| if not ok then |
| ngx.say("failed to set timer f: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0, g) |
| if not ok then |
| ngx.say("failed to set timer g: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| ngx.say("registered timer") |
| s = "[m]" |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| |
| --- response_body |
| registered timer |
| |
| --- wait: 0.1 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| |
| --- error_log eval |
| [ |
| "1 lua_max_running_timers are not enough", |
| "lua ngx.timer expired", |
| "http lua close fake http connection", |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/, |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 3", |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 2", |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 1", |
| "lua close the global Lua VM", |
| ] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 27: GC issue with the on_abort thread object |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| location = /t { |
| lua_check_client_abort on; |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.on_abort(function () end) |
| collectgarbage() |
| ngx.sleep(1) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- abort |
| --- timeout: 0.2 |
| --- wait: 1 |
| --- ignore_response |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 2 |
| decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 3 |
| --- error_log eval |
| ["decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 1", |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/, |
| "lua close the global Lua VM", |
| ] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 28: multiple parallel timers |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| location /t { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local s = "" |
| |
| local function fail(...) |
| ngx.log(ngx.ERR, ...) |
| end |
| |
| local function g() |
| s = s .. "[g]" |
| print("trace: ", s) |
| end |
| |
| local function f() |
| s = s .. "[f]" |
| end |
| local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0.01, f) |
| if not ok then |
| fail("failed to set timer: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0.01, g) |
| if not ok then |
| fail("failed to set timer: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| ngx.say("registered timer") |
| s = "[m]" |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| |
| --- response_body |
| registered timer |
| |
| --- wait: 0.1 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 4 |
| |
| --- error_log eval |
| [ |
| "lua ngx.timer expired", |
| "http lua close fake http connection", |
| "trace: [m][f][g]", |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 3", |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 2", |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 1", |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/, |
| "lua close the global Lua VM", |
| ] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 29: cosocket connection pool timeout (after Lua VM destroys) |
| --- http_config eval |
| "lua_package_path '$::HtmlDir/?.lua;./?.lua';" |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| location = /t { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local test = require "test" |
| local port = ngx.var.port |
| test.go(port) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| module("test", package.seeall) |
| |
| function go(port) |
| local sock = ngx.socket.tcp() |
| local ok, err = sock:connect("", port) |
| if not ok then |
| ngx.say("failed to connect: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| |
| ngx.say("connected: ", ok, ", reused: ", sock:getreusedtimes()) |
| |
| local req = "flush_all\r\n" |
| |
| local bytes, err = sock:send(req) |
| if not bytes then |
| ngx.say("failed to send request: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| ngx.say("request sent: ", bytes) |
| |
| local line, err, part = sock:receive() |
| if line then |
| ngx.say("received: ", line) |
| |
| else |
| ngx.say("failed to receive a line: ", err, " [", part, "]") |
| end |
| |
| local ok, err = sock:setkeepalive(1) |
| if not ok then |
| ngx.say("failed to set reusable: ", err) |
| end |
| end |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- response_body |
| connected: 1, reused: 0 |
| request sent: 11 |
| received: OK |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| lua tcp socket keepalive max idle timeout |
| |
| --- error_log eval |
| [ |
| qq{lua tcp socket keepalive create connection pool for key "$ENV{TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT}"}, |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/, |
| "lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for ", |
| ] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 30: cosocket connection pool timeout (before Lua VM destroys) |
| --- http_config eval |
| "lua_package_path '$::HtmlDir/?.lua;./?.lua';" |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| location = /t { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local test = require "test" |
| local port = ngx.var.port |
| test.go(port) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| module("test", package.seeall) |
| |
| function go(port) |
| local sock = ngx.socket.tcp() |
| local ok, err = sock:connect("", port) |
| if not ok then |
| ngx.say("failed to connect: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| |
| ngx.say("connected: ", ok, ", reused: ", sock:getreusedtimes()) |
| |
| local req = "flush_all\r\n" |
| |
| local bytes, err = sock:send(req) |
| if not bytes then |
| ngx.say("failed to send request: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| ngx.say("request sent: ", bytes) |
| |
| local line, err, part = sock:receive() |
| if line then |
| ngx.say("received: ", line) |
| |
| else |
| ngx.say("failed to receive a line: ", err, " [", part, "]") |
| end |
| |
| local ok, err = sock:setkeepalive(1) |
| if not ok then |
| ngx.say("failed to set reusable: ", err) |
| end |
| ngx.sleep(0.01) |
| end |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- response_body |
| connected: 1, reused: 0 |
| request sent: 11 |
| received: OK |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| --- error_log eval |
| [ |
| qq{lua tcp socket keepalive create connection pool for key "$ENV{TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT}"}, |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/, |
| "lua tcp socket keepalive: free connection pool for ", |
| "lua tcp socket keepalive max idle timeout", |
| ] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 31: lua_max_running_timers (just not enough, also low lua_max_pending_timers) |
| --- http_config |
| lua_max_running_timers 1; |
| lua_max_pending_timers 10; |
| --- config |
| lua_code_cache off; |
| location /t { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local s = "" |
| |
| local function fail(...) |
| ngx.log(ngx.ERR, ...) |
| end |
| |
| local f, g |
| |
| g = function () |
| ngx.sleep(0.01) |
| collectgarbage() |
| end |
| |
| f = function () |
| ngx.sleep(0.01) |
| collectgarbage() |
| end |
| local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0, f) |
| if not ok then |
| ngx.say("failed to set timer f: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0, g) |
| if not ok then |
| ngx.say("failed to set timer g: ", err) |
| return |
| end |
| ngx.say("registered timer") |
| s = "[m]" |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| |
| --- response_body |
| registered timer |
| |
| --- wait: 0.1 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| |
| --- error_log eval |
| [ |
| "1 lua_max_running_timers are not enough", |
| "lua ngx.timer expired", |
| "http lua close fake http connection", |
| qr/\[alert\] \S+ lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance/, |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 3", |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 2", |
| "decrementing the reference count for Lua VM: 1", |
| "lua close the global Lua VM", |
| ] |
| |