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| var chart = null; |
| var total_hits = __TOTALEXCEP__; |
| var sqli_hits = __SQLIEXCEP__; |
| var xss_hits = __XSSEXCEP__; |
| var rfi_hits = __RFIEXCEP__; |
| var upload_hits = __UPLOADEXCEP__; |
| var dt_hits = __DTEXCEP__; |
| var evading_hits = __EVADEEXCEP__; |
| var intern_hits = __INTERNEXCEP__; |
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| $(document).ready(function () { |
| chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ |
| credits:{enabled:false}, |
| chart: { |
| renderTo: 'display', |
| defaultSeriesType: 'spline' <!-- line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie and scatter--> |
| }, |
| title: { |
| text: 'Rules hit per day' |
| }, |
| xAxis: { |
| type : 'datetime' |
| }, |
| yAxis: { |
| title: { |
| text: 'Number of hits', |
| }, |
| min: 0 |
| }, |
| series: [ |
| {name : 'SQLI', data: sqli_hits}, |
| {name : 'XSS', data: xss_hits}, |
| {name : 'Directory traversal', data: dt_hits}, |
| {name : 'RFI', data: rfi_hits}, |
| {name : 'Upload', data: upload_hits}, |
| {name : 'Evading', data: evading_hits}, |
| {name : 'Intern', data: intern_hits}, |
| {name: 'Total Hits', data: total_hits} |
| ], |
| }); |
| $('tspan').last().remove(); |
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| $(document).ready(function() { |
| chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ |
| chart: { |
| renderTo: 'display', |
| plotBackgroundColor: null, |
| plotBorderWidth: null, |
| plotShadow: false |
| }, |
| credits:{enabled:false}, |
| title: { |
| text: 'Hit Repartition' |
| }, |
| tooltip: { |
| formatter: function() { |
| return '<b>'+ this.point.name +'</b>: '+ this.percentage.toFixed(2) +' %'; |
| } |
| }, |
| plotOptions: { |
| pie: { |
| allowPointSelect: true, |
| cursor: 'pointer', |
| dataLabels: { |
| enabled: true, |
| color: '#000000', |
| connectorColor: '#000000', |
| formatter: function() { |
| return '<b>'+ this.point.name +'</b>: '+ this.percentage.toFixed(2) +' %'; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| series: [{ |
| type: 'pie', |
| name: 'hit', |
| data: [ |
| ['SQL Injection', __SQLCOUNT__], |
| ['XSS', __XSSCOUNT__], |
| ['Directory Traversal', __DTCOUNT__], |
| ['RFI', __RFICOUNT__], |
| ['Evading', __EVCOUNT__], |
| ['Upload', __UPCOUNT__], |
| ['Intern', __INTCOUNT__] |
| ] |
| }] |
| }); |
| }); |
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