| # vim:set ft= ts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker: |
| |
| use lib 'lib'; |
| use Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua; |
| |
| #worker_connections(1014); |
| #master_on(); |
| log_level('debug'); |
| |
| repeat_each(3); |
| |
| plan tests => repeat_each() * (blocks() * 2 + 25); |
| |
| our $HtmlDir = html_dir; |
| #warn $html_dir; |
| |
| #no_diff(); |
| #no_long_string(); |
| |
| |
| #no_shuffle(); |
| no_long_string(); |
| |
| run_tests(); |
| |
| __DATA__ |
| |
| === TEST 1: sanity |
| --- http_config eval |
| "lua_package_path '$::HtmlDir/?.lua;./?.lua';" |
| --- config |
| location /load { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| package.loaded.foo = nil; |
| local foo = require "foo"; |
| foo.hi() |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /load |
| --- user_files |
| >>> foo.lua |
| module(..., package.seeall); |
| |
| function foo () |
| return 1 |
| return 2 |
| end |
| --- error_code: 500 |
| --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 2: sanity |
| --- http_config |
| lua_package_path '/home/agentz/rpm/BUILD/lua-yajl-1.1/build/?.so;/home/lz/luax/?.so;./?.so'; |
| --- config |
| location = '/report/listBidwordPrices4lzExtra.htm' { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local yajl = require "yajl" |
| local w = ngx.var.arg_words |
| w = ngx.unescape_uri(w) |
| local r = {} |
| print("start for") |
| for id in string.gmatch(w, "%d+") do |
| r[id] = -1 |
| end |
| print("end for, start yajl") |
| ngx.print(yajl.to_string(r)) |
| print("end yajl") |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /report/listBidwordPrices4lzExtra.htm?words=123,156,2532 |
| --- response_body |
| --- SKIP |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 3: sanity |
| --- config |
| location = /memc { |
| #set $memc_value 'hello'; |
| set $memc_value $arg_v; |
| set $memc_cmd $arg_c; |
| set $memc_key $arg_k; |
| #set $memc_value hello; |
| |
| #echo $memc_value; |
| } |
| location = /echo { |
| echo_location '/memc?c=get&k=foo'; |
| echo_location '/memc?c=set&k=foo&v=hello'; |
| echo_location '/memc?c=get&k=foo'; |
| } |
| location = /main { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| res = ngx.location.capture("/memc?c=get&k=foo&v=") |
| ngx.say("1: ", res.body) |
| |
| res = ngx.location.capture("/memc?c=set&k=foo&v=bar"); |
| ngx.say("2: ", res.body); |
| |
| res = ngx.location.capture("/memc?c=get&k=foo") |
| ngx.say("3: ", res.body); |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body_like: 3: bar$ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 4: capture works for subrequests with internal redirects |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local res = ngx.location.capture("/") |
| ngx.say(res.status) |
| ngx.print(res.body) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua |
| --- response_body_like chop |
| 200 |
| .*It works |
| --- SKIP |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 5: disk file bufs not working |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local res = ngx.location.capture("/test.lua") |
| ngx.say(res.status) |
| ngx.print(res.body) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> test.lua |
| print("Hello, world") |
| --- request |
| GET /lua |
| --- response_body |
| 200 |
| print("Hello, world") |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 6: print lua empty strings |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| content_by_lua 'ngx.print("") ngx.flush() ngx.print("Hi")'; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua |
| --- response_body chop |
| Hi |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 7: say lua empty strings |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| content_by_lua 'ngx.say("") ngx.flush() ngx.print("Hi")'; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua |
| --- response_body eval |
| " |
| Hi" |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 8: github issue 37: header bug |
| https://github.com/chaoslawful/lua-nginx-module/issues/37 |
| --- config |
| location /sub { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.header["Set-Cookie"] = {"TestCookie1=foo", "TestCookie2=bar"}; |
| ngx.say("Hello") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /lua { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| -- local yajl = require "yajl" |
| ngx.header["Set-Cookie"] = {} |
| res = ngx.location.capture("/sub") |
| |
| for i,j in pairs(res.header) do |
| ngx.header[i] = j |
| end |
| |
| -- ngx.say("set-cookie: ", yajl.to_string(res.header["Set-Cookie"])) |
| |
| ngx.send_headers() |
| ngx.print("body: ", res.body) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua |
| --- raw_response_headers_like eval |
| ".*Set-Cookie: TestCookie1=foo\r |
| Set-Cookie: TestCookie2=bar.*" |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 9: memory leak |
| --- config |
| location /foo { |
| content_by_lua_file 'html/foo.lua'; |
| } |
| --- user_files |
| >>> foo.lua |
| res = {} |
| res = {'good 1', 'good 2', 'good 3'} |
| return ngx.redirect("/somedir/" .. ngx.escape_uri(res[math.random(1,#res)])) |
| --- request |
| GET /foo |
| --- response_body |
| --- SKIP |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 10: capturing locations with internal redirects (no lua redirect) |
| --- config |
| location /bar { |
| echo Bar; |
| } |
| location /foo { |
| #content_by_lua ' |
| #ngx.exec("/bar") |
| #'; |
| echo_exec /bar; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local res = ngx.location.capture("/foo") |
| ngx.print(res.body) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| Bar |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 11: capturing locations with internal redirects (lua redirect) |
| --- config |
| location /bar { |
| content_by_lua 'ngx.say("Bar")'; |
| } |
| location /foo { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.exec("/bar") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local res = ngx.location.capture("/foo") |
| ngx.print(res.body) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| Bar |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 12: capturing locations with internal redirects (simple index) |
| --- config |
| location /main { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local res = ngx.location.capture("/") |
| ngx.print(res.body) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body chop |
| <html><head><title>It works!</title></head><body>It works!</body></html> |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 13: capturing locations with internal redirects (more lua statements) |
| --- config |
| location /bar { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.say("hello") |
| ngx.say("world") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /foo { |
| #content_by_lua ' |
| #ngx.exec("/bar") |
| #'; |
| echo_exec /bar; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local res = ngx.location.capture("/foo") |
| ngx.print(res.body) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| hello |
| world |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 14: capturing locations with internal redirects (post subrequest with internal redirect) |
| --- config |
| location /bar { |
| lua_need_request_body on; |
| client_body_in_single_buffer on; |
| |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.say(ngx.var.request_body) |
| '; |
| } |
| location /foo { |
| #content_by_lua ' |
| #ngx.exec("/bar") |
| #'; |
| echo_exec /bar; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local res = ngx.location.capture("/foo", { method = ngx.HTTP_POST, body = "hello" }) |
| ngx.print(res.body) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| hello |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 15: nginx rewrite works in subrequests |
| --- config |
| rewrite /foo /foo/ permanent; |
| location = /foo/ { |
| echo hello; |
| } |
| location /main { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local res = ngx.location.capture("/foo") |
| ngx.say("status = ", res.status) |
| ngx.say("Location: ", res.header["Location"] or "nil") |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| status = 301 |
| Location: /foo/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 16: nginx rewrite works in subrequests |
| --- config |
| access_by_lua ' |
| local res = ngx.location.capture(ngx.var.uri) |
| ngx.say("status = ", res.status) |
| ngx.say("Location: ", res.header["Location"] or "nil") |
| ngx.exit(200) |
| '; |
| --- request |
| GET /foo |
| --- user_files |
| >>> foo/index.html |
| It works! |
| --- response_body |
| status = 301 |
| Location: /foo/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 17: set content-type header with charset |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| charset GBK; |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.header.content_type = "text/xml; charset=UTF-8" |
| ngx.say("hi") |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua |
| --- response_body |
| hi |
| --- response_headers |
| Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 18: set response header content-type with charset |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| charset GBK; |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.header.content_type = "text/xml" |
| ngx.say("hi") |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua |
| --- response_body |
| hi |
| --- response_headers |
| Content-Type: text/xml; charset=GBK |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 19: get by-position capturing variables |
| --- config |
| location ~ '^/lua/(.*)' { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.say(ngx.var[1] or "nil") |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua/hello |
| --- response_body |
| hello |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 20: get by-position capturing variables ($0) |
| --- config |
| location ~ '^/lua/(.*)' { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.say(ngx.var[0] or "nil") |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua/hello |
| --- response_body |
| nil |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 21: get by-position capturing variables (exceeding captures) |
| --- config |
| location ~ '^/lua/(.*)' { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.say(ngx.var[2] or "nil") |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua/hello |
| --- response_body |
| nil |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 22: get by-position capturing variables ($1, $2) |
| --- config |
| location ~ '^/lua/(.*)/(.*)' { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.say(ngx.var[-1] or "nil") |
| ngx.say(ngx.var[0] or "nil") |
| ngx.say(ngx.var[1] or "nil") |
| ngx.say(ngx.var[2] or "nil") |
| ngx.say(ngx.var[3] or "nil") |
| ngx.say(ngx.var[4] or "nil") |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua/hello/world |
| --- response_body |
| nil |
| nil |
| hello |
| world |
| nil |
| nil |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 23: set special variables |
| --- config |
| location /main { |
| #set_unescape_uri $cookie_a "hello"; |
| set $http_a "hello"; |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.say(ngx.var.http_a) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| hello |
| --- SKIP |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 24: set special variables |
| --- config |
| location /main { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| dofile(ngx.var.realpath_root .. "/a.lua") |
| '; |
| } |
| location /echo { |
| echo hi; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- user_files |
| >>> a.lua |
| ngx.location.capture("/echo") |
| --- response_body |
| --- SKIP |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 25: set 20+ headers |
| --- config |
| location /test { |
| rewrite_by_lua ' |
| ngx.req.clear_header("Authorization") |
| '; |
| echo $http_a1; |
| echo $http_authorization; |
| echo $http_a2; |
| echo $http_a3; |
| echo $http_a23; |
| echo $http_a24; |
| echo $http_a25; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /test |
| --- more_headers eval |
| my $i = 1; |
| my $s; |
| while ($i <= 25) { |
| $s .= "A$i: $i\n"; |
| if ($i == 22) { |
| $s .= "Authorization: blah\n"; |
| } |
| $i++; |
| } |
| #warn $s; |
| $s |
| --- response_body |
| 1 |
| |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 23 |
| 24 |
| 25 |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 26: unexpected globals sharing by using _G |
| --- config |
| location /test { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| if _G.t then |
| _G.t = _G.t + 1 |
| else |
| _G.t = 0 |
| end |
| ngx.print(t) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- pipelined_requests eval |
| ["GET /test", "GET /test", "GET /test"] |
| --- response_body eval |
| ["0", "0", "0"] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 27: unexpected globals sharing by using _G (set_by_lua*) |
| --- config |
| location /test { |
| set_by_lua $a ' |
| if _G.t then |
| _G.t = _G.t + 1 |
| else |
| _G.t = 0 |
| end |
| return t |
| '; |
| echo -n $a; |
| } |
| --- pipelined_requests eval |
| ["GET /test", "GET /test", "GET /test"] |
| --- response_body eval |
| ["0", "0", "0"] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 28: unexpected globals sharing by using _G (log_by_lua*) |
| --- http_config |
| lua_shared_dict log_dict 100k; |
| --- config |
| location /test { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local log_dict = ngx.shared.log_dict |
| ngx.print(log_dict:get("cnt") or 0) |
| '; |
| |
| log_by_lua ' |
| local log_dict = ngx.shared.log_dict |
| if _G.t then |
| _G.t = _G.t + 1 |
| else |
| _G.t = 0 |
| end |
| log_dict:set("cnt", t) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- pipelined_requests eval |
| ["GET /test", "GET /test", "GET /test"] |
| --- response_body eval |
| ["0", "0", "0"] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 29: unexpected globals sharing by using _G (header_filter_by_lua*) |
| --- config |
| location /test { |
| header_filter_by_lua ' |
| if _G.t then |
| _G.t = _G.t + 1 |
| else |
| _G.t = 0 |
| end |
| ngx.ctx.cnt = tostring(t) |
| '; |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.send_headers() |
| ngx.print(ngx.ctx.cnt or 0) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- pipelined_requests eval |
| ["GET /test", "GET /test", "GET /test"] |
| --- response_body eval |
| ["0", "0", "0"] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 30: unexpected globals sharing by using _G (body_filter_by_lua*) |
| --- config |
| location /test { |
| body_filter_by_lua ' |
| if _G.t then |
| _G.t = _G.t + 1 |
| else |
| _G.t = 0 |
| end |
| ngx.ctx.cnt = _G.t |
| '; |
| content_by_lua ' |
| ngx.print("a") |
| ngx.say(ngx.ctx.cnt or 0) |
| '; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /test |
| --- response_body |
| a0 |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 31: set content-type header with charset and default_type |
| --- http_config |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| default_type application/json; |
| charset utf-8; |
| charset_types application/json; |
| content_by_lua 'ngx.say("hi")'; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua |
| --- response_body |
| hi |
| --- response_headers |
| Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 32: hang on upstream_next (from kindy) |
| --- http_config |
| upstream xx { |
| server$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT max_fails=5; |
| server$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT max_fails=5; |
| } |
| |
| server { |
| server_name "xx"; |
| |
| return 444; |
| } |
| --- config |
| location = /t { |
| proxy_next_upstream off; |
| proxy_pass http://xx; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- timeout: 1 |
| --- response_body_like: 502 Bad Gateway |
| --- error_code: 502 |
| --- error_log |
| upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 33: last_in_chain is set properly in subrequests |
| --- config |
| location = /sub { |
| echo hello; |
| body_filter_by_lua ' |
| local eof = ngx.arg[2] |
| if eof then |
| print("eof found in body stream") |
| end |
| '; |
| } |
| |
| location = /main { |
| echo_location /sub; |
| } |
| |
| --- request |
| GET /main |
| --- response_body |
| hello |
| --- log_level: notice |
| --- error_log |
| eof found in body stream |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 34: testing a segfault when using ngx_poll_module + ngx_resolver |
| See more details here: http://mailman.nginx.org/pipermail/nginx-devel/2013-January/003275.html |
| --- config |
| location /t { |
| set $myserver nginx.org; |
| proxy_pass http://$myserver/; |
| resolver; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- ignore_response |
| --- abort |
| --- timeout: 0.3 |
| --- log_level: notice |
| --- no_error_log |
| [alert] |
| --- error_log eval |
| qr/recv\(\) failed \(\d+: Connection refused\) while resolving/ |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 35: github issue #218: ngx.location.capture hangs when querying a remote host that does not exist or is really slow to respond |
| --- config |
| set $myurl "https://not-exist.agentzh.org"; |
| location /toto { |
| content_by_lua ' |
| local proxyUrl = "/myproxy/entity" |
| local res = ngx.location.capture( proxyUrl, { method = ngx.HTTP_GET }) |
| ngx.say("Hello, ", res.status) |
| '; |
| } |
| location ~ /myproxy { |
| |
| rewrite ^/myproxy/(.*) /$1 break; |
| resolver_timeout 1s; |
| #resolver; # AWS DNS resolver address is the same in all regions - |
| resolver; |
| proxy_read_timeout 1s; |
| proxy_send_timeout 1s; |
| proxy_connect_timeout 1s; |
| proxy_pass $myurl:443; |
| proxy_pass_request_body off; |
| proxy_set_header Content-Length 0; |
| proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding ""; |
| } |
| |
| --- request |
| GET /toto |
| |
| --- stap2 |
| F(ngx_http_lua_post_subrequest) { |
| println("lua post subrequest") |
| print_ubacktrace() |
| } |
| |
| --- response_body |
| Hello, 502 |
| |
| --- error_log |
| not-exist.agentzh.org could not be resolved |
| --- timeout: 3 |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 36: line comments in the last line of the inlined Lua code |
| --- config |
| location /lua { |
| content_by_lua 'ngx.say("ok") -- blah'; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /lua |
| --- response_body |
| ok |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| |
| |
| |
| === TEST 37: resolving names with a trailing dot |
| --- http_config eval |
| "lua_package_path '$::HtmlDir/?.lua;./?.lua';" |
| --- config |
| location /t { |
| resolver $TEST_NGINX_RESOLVER; |
| set $myhost 'agentzh.org.'; |
| proxy_pass http://$myhost/misc/.vimrc; |
| } |
| --- request |
| GET /t |
| --- response_body_like: An example for a vimrc file |
| --- no_error_log |
| [error] |
| |