blob: fd0da6db181e71ea1767378986d58622ba4bc9df [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
# Author: Chris Grant
# Copyright 1999, Codetalker Communications, Inc.
# This script takes a firewall log and breaks it into several
# different files. Each file is named based on the service that
# runs on the port that was recognized in log line. After
# this script has run, you should end up with several files.
# Of course you will have the original log file and then files
# such as web.log, telnet.log, pop3.log, imap.log, backorifice.log,
# netbus.log, and unknown.log.
# The number of entries in unknown.log should be minimal. The
# mappings of the port numbers and file names are stored in the bottom
# of this file in the data section. Simply look at the ports being hit,
# find out what these ports do, and add them to the data section.
# You may be wondering why I haven't simply parsed RFC1700 to come up
# with a list of port numbers and files. The reason is that I don't
# believe reading firewall logs should be all that automated. You
# should be familiar with what probes are hitting your system. By
# manually adding entries to the data section this ensures that I
# have at least educated myself about what this protocol is, what
# the potential exposure is, and why you might be seeing this traffic.
%icmp = ();
%udp = ();
%tcp = ();
%openfiles = ();
$TIDBITSFILE = "unknown.log";
# Read the ports data from the end of this file and build the three hashes
while (<DATA>) {
chomp; # trim the newline
s/#.*//; # no comments
s/^\s+//; # no leading white
s/\s+$//; # no trailing white
next unless length; # anything left?
$_ = lc; # switch to lowercase
($proto, $identifier, $filename) = m/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/;
if ($proto =~ m/^icmp$/) { $icmp{$identifier} = $filename; last SWITCH; };
if ($proto =~ m/^udp$/) { $udp{$identifier} = $filename; last SWITCH; };
if ($proto =~ m/^tcp$/) { $tcp{$identifier} = $filename; last SWITCH; };
die "An unknown protocol listed in the proto defs\n$_\n";
$filename = shift;
unless (defined($filename)) { die "Usage: <log file>\n"; }
open(LOGFILE, $filename) || die "Could not open the firewall log file.\n";
$openfiles{$filename} = "LOGFILE";
$linenum = 0;
while($line = <LOGFILE>) {
# determine the protocol - send to unknown.log if not found
($line =~ m /\sicmp\s/) && do {
# ICMP Protocol
# Extract the icmp packet information specifying the type.
# Note: Must check for ICMP first because this may be an ICMP reply
# to a TCP or UDP connection (eg Port Unreachable).
($icmptype) = $line =~ m/icmp (\d+)\/\d+/;
$filename = $TIDBITSFILE;
$filename = $icmp{$icmptype} if (defined($icmp{$icmptype}));
last SWITCH;
($line =~ m /\stcp\s/) && do {
# TCP Protocol
# extract the source and destination ports and compare them to
# known ports in the tcp hash. For the first match, place this
# line in the file specified by the tcp hash. Ignore one of the
# port matches if both ports happen to be known services.
($sport, $dport) = $line =~ m/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+,(\d+) -> \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+,(\d+)/;
#print "$line\n" unless (defined($sport) && defined($dport));
$filename = $TIDBITSFILE;
$filename = $tcp{$sport} if (defined($tcp{$sport}));
$filename = $tcp{$dport} if (defined($tcp{$dport}));
last SWITCH;
($line =~ m /\sudp\s/) && do {
# UDP Protocol - same procedure as with TCP, different hash
($sport, $dport) = $line =~ m/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+,(\d+) -> \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+,(\d+)/;
$filename = $TIDBITSFILE;
$filename = $udp{$sport} if (defined($udp{$sport}));
$filename = $udp{$dport} if (defined($udp{$dport}));
last SWITCH;
# The default case is that the protocol was unknown
$filename = $TIDBITSFILE;
# write the line to the appropriate file as determined above
# check for filename in the openfiles hash. if it exists then write
# to the given handle. otherwise open a handle to the file and add
# it to the hash of open files.
if (defined($openfiles{$filename})) {
$handle = $openfiles{$filename};
} else {
$handle = "HANDLE" . keys %openfiles;
open ($handle, ">>".$filename) || die "Couldn't open|create the file $filename";
$openfiles{$filename} = $handle;
print $handle "#$linenum\t $line\n";
# close all open file handles
foreach $key (keys %openfiles) {
icmp 3 destunreach.log
icmp 8 ping.log
icmp 9 router.log
icmp 10 router.log
icmp 11 ttl.log
tcp 23 telnet.log
tcp 25 smtp.log
udp 25 smtp.log
udp 53 dns.log
tcp 80 http.log
tcp 110 pop3.log
tcp 111 rpc.log
udp 111 rpc.log
tcp 137 netbios.log
udp 137 netbios.log
tcp 143 imap.log
udp 161 snmp.log
udp 370 backweb.log
udp 371 backweb.log
tcp 443 https.log
udp 443 https.log
udp 512 syslog.log
tcp 635 nfs.log # NFS mount services
udp 635 nfs.log # NFS mount services
tcp 1080 socks.log
udp 1080 socks.log
tcp 6112 games.log # Battle net
tcp 6667 irc.log
tcp 7070 realaudio.log
tcp 8080 http.log
tcp 12345 netbus.log
udp 31337 backorifice.log