blob: 796a216f3cff63dc5dae4c615bd971242a0d81c1 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
Copyright: Boaz Segev, 2016-2018
License: MIT
Feel free to copy, use and enjoy according to the license provided.
#ifndef H_HTTP_H
#define H_HTTP_H
#include "facil.h"
#include <time.h>
/* support C++ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* *****************************************************************************
Compile Time Settings
***************************************************************************** */
/** When a new connection is accepted, it will be immediately declined with a
* 503 service unavailable (server busy) response unless the following number of
* file descriptors is available.*/
#define HTTP_DEFAULT_BODY_LIMIT (1024 * 1024 * 50)
/** the `http_listen settings, see detils in the struct definition. */
typedef struct http_settings_s http_settings_s;
/* *****************************************************************************
The Request / Response type and functions
***************************************************************************** */
* A generic HTTP handle used for HTTP request/response data.
* The `http_s` data can only be accessed safely from within the `on_request`
* HTTP callback OR an `http_defer` callback.
typedef struct {
/** the HTTP request's "head" starts with a private data used by */
struct {
/** the function touting table - used by, don't use directly! */
void *vtbl;
/** the connection's owner / uuid - used by, don't use directly! */
uintptr_t flag;
/** The response headers, if they weren't sent. Don't access directly. */
FIOBJ out_headers;
} private_data;
/** a time merker indicating when the request was received. */
struct timespec received_at;
/** a String containing the method data (supports non-standard methods. */
FIOBJ method;
/** The status string, for response objects (client mode response). */
FIOBJ status_str;
/** The HTTP version string, if any. */
FIOBJ version;
/** The status used for the response (or if the object is a response).
* When sending a request, the status should be set to 0.
uintptr_t status;
/** The request path, if any. */
FIOBJ path;
/** The request query, if any. */
FIOBJ query;
/** a hash of general header data. When a header is set multiple times (such
* as cookie headers), an Array will be used instead of a String. */
FIOBJ headers;
* a placeholder for a hash of cookie data.
* the hash will be initialized when parsing the request.
FIOBJ cookies;
* a placeholder for a hash of request data.
* the hash will be initialized when parsing the request.
FIOBJ params;
* a reader for body data (might be a temporary file or a string or NULL).
* see fiobj_data.h for details.
FIOBJ body;
/** an opaque user data pointer, to be used BEFORE calling `http_defer`. */
void *udata;
} http_s;
* This is a helper for setting cookie data.
This struct is used together with the `http_response_set_cookie`. i.e.:
.name = "my_cookie",
.value = "data" );
typedef struct {
/** The cookie's name (Symbol). */
char *name;
/** The cookie's value (leave blank to delete cookie). */
char *value;
/** The cookie's domain (optional). */
char *domain;
/** The cookie's path (optional). */
char *path;
/** The cookie name's size in bytes or a terminating NULL will be assumed.*/
size_t name_len;
/** The cookie value's size in bytes or a terminating NULL will be assumed.*/
size_t value_len;
/** The cookie domain's size in bytes or a terminating NULL will be assumed.*/
size_t domain_len;
/** The cookie path's size in bytes or a terminating NULL will be assumed.*/
size_t path_len;
/** Max Age (how long should the cookie persist), in seconds (0 == session).*/
int max_age;
/** Limit cookie to secure connections.*/
unsigned secure : 1;
/** Limit cookie to HTTP (intended to prevent javascript access/hijacking).*/
unsigned http_only : 1;
} http_cookie_args_s;
* Sets a response header, taking ownership of the value object, but NOT the
* name object (so name objects could be reused in future responses).
* Returns -1 on error and 0 on success.
int http_set_header(http_s *h, FIOBJ name, FIOBJ value);
* Sets a response header, taking ownership of the value object, but NOT the
* name object (so name objects could be reused in future responses).
* Returns -1 on error and 0 on success.
int http_set_header2(http_s *h, fio_cstr_s name, fio_cstr_s value);
* Sets a response cookie, taking ownership of the value object, but NOT the
* name object (so name objects could be reused in future responses).
* Returns -1 on error and 0 on success.
* Note: Long cookie names and long cookie values will be considered a security
* vaiolation and an error will be returned. It should be noted that most
* proxies and servers will refuse long cookie names or values and many impose
* total header lengths (including cookies) of ~8Kib.
int http_set_cookie(http_s *h, http_cookie_args_s);
#define http_set_cookie(http___handle, ...) \
http_set_cookie((http___handle), (http_cookie_args_s){__VA_ARGS__})
* Sends the response headers and body.
* **Note**: The body is *copied* to the HTTP stream and it's memory should be
* freed by the calling function.
* Returns -1 on error and 0 on success.
int http_send_body(http_s *h, void *data, uintptr_t length);
* Sends the response headers and the specified file (the response's body).
* The file is closed automatically.
* Returns -1 on error and 0 on success.
int http_sendfile(http_s *h, int fd, uintptr_t length, uintptr_t offset);
* Sends the response headers and the specified file (the response's body).
* The `local` and `encoded` strings will be joined into a single string that
* represent the file name. Either or both of these strings can be empty.
* The `encoded` string will be URL decoded while the `local` string will used
* as is.
* Returns 0 on success. A success value WILL CONSUME the `http_s` handle (it
* will become invalid).
* Returns -1 on error (The `http_s` handle should still be used).
int http_sendfile2(http_s *h, const char *prefix, size_t prefix_len,
const char *encoded, size_t encoded_len);
* Sends an HTTP error response.
* Returns -1 on error and 0 on success.
* The `uuid` and `settings` arguments are only required if the `http_s` handle
* is NULL.
int http_send_error(http_s *h, size_t error_code);
* Sends the response headers for a header only response.
void http_finish(http_s *h);
* Pushes a data response when supported (HTTP/2 only).
* Returns -1 on error and 0 on success.
int http_push_data(http_s *h, void *data, uintptr_t length, FIOBJ mime_type);
* Pushes a file response when supported (HTTP/2 only).
* If `mime_type` is NULL, an attempt at automatic detection using `filename`
* will be made.
* Returns -1 on error and 0 on success.
int http_push_file(http_s *h, FIOBJ filename, FIOBJ mime_type);
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP evented API (pause / resume HTTp handling)
***************************************************************************** */
* Pauses the request / response handling and INVALIDATES the current `http_s`
* handle (no `http` functions can be called).
* The `http_resume` function MUST be called (at some point) using the opaque
* `http` pointer given to the callback `task`.
* The opaque `http` pointer is only valid for a single call to `http_resume`
* and can't be used by any other `http` function (it's a different data type).
* Note: the currecnt `http_s` handle will become invalid once this function is
* called and it's data might be deallocated, invalid or used by a different
* thread.
void http_pause(http_s *h, void (*task)(void *http));
* Resumes a request / response handling within a task and INVALIDATES the
* current `http_s` handle.
* The `task` MUST call one of the `http_send_*`, `http_finish`, or
* `http_pause`functions.
* The (optional) `fallback` will receive the opaque `udata` that was stored in
* the HTTP handle and can be used for cleanup.
* Note: `http_resume` can only be called after calling `http_pause` and
* entering it's task.
* Note: the current `http_s` handle will become invalid once this function is
* called and it's data might be deallocated, invalidated or used by a
* different thread.
void http_resume(void *http, void (*task)(http_s *h),
void (*fallback)(void *udata));
/** Returns the `udata` associated with the paused opaque handle */
void *http_paused_udata_get(void *http);
* Sets the `udata` associated with the paused opaque handle, returning the
* old value.
void *http_paused_udata_set(void *http, void *udata);
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP Connections - Listening / Connecting / Hijacking
***************************************************************************** */
/** The HTTP settings. */
typedef struct http_settings_s {
/** SERVER REQUIRED: a callback to be performed when HTTP requests come in. */
void (*on_request)(http_s *request);
/** (server optional) a callback for Upgrade requests. */
void (*on_upgrade)(http_s *request, char *requested_protocol, size_t len);
/** CLIENT REQUIRED: a callback for the HTTP response. */
void (*on_response)(http_s *response);
/** (optional) the callback to be performed when the HTTP service closes. */
void (*on_finish)(struct http_settings_s *settings);
/** Opaque user data. will ignore this field, but you can use it. */
void *udata;
* A public folder for file transfers - allows to circumvent any application
* layer logic and simply serve static files.
* Supports automatic `gz` pre-compressed alternatives.
const char *public_folder;
* The length of the public_folder string.
size_t public_folder_length;
* The maximum number of bytes allowed for the request string (method, path,
* query), header names and fields.
* Defaults to 32Kib (which is about 4 times more than I would recommend).
size_t max_header_size;
* The maximum size of an HTTP request's body (posting / downloading).
* Defaults to ~ 50Mb.
size_t max_body_size;
* The maximum number of clients that are allowed to connect concurrently.
* This value's default setting is usually for the best.
* The default value is computed according to the server's capacity, leaving
* some breathing room for other network and disk operations.
* Note: clients, by the nature of socket programming, are counted according
* to their internal file descriptor (`fd`) value. Open files and other
* sockets count towards a server's limit.
intptr_t max_clients;
/** reserved for future use. */
intptr_t reserved1;
/** reserved for future use. */
intptr_t reserved2;
/** reserved for future use. */
intptr_t reserved3;
/** reserved for future use. */
intptr_t reserved4;
* The maximum websocket message size/buffer (in bytes) for Websocket
* connections. Defaults to ~250KB.
size_t ws_max_msg_size;
* An HTTP/1.x connection timeout.
* `http_listen` defaults to ~5s and `http_connect` defaults to ~30s.
* Note: the connection might be closed (by other side) before timeout occurs.
uint8_t timeout;
* Timeout for the websocket connections, a ping will be sent whenever the
* timeout is reached. Defaults to 40 seconds.
* Connections are only closed when a ping cannot be sent (the network layer
* fails). Pongs are ignored.
uint8_t ws_timeout;
/** Logging flag - set to TRUE to log HTTP requests. */
uint8_t log;
/** a read only flag set automatically to indicate the protocol's mode. */
uint8_t is_client;
} http_settings_s;
* Listens to HTTP connections at the specified `port`.
* Leave as NULL to ignore IP binding.
* Returns -1 on error and 0 on success. the `on_finish` callback is always
* called.
int http_listen(const char *port, const char *binding, struct http_settings_s);
/** Listens to HTTP connections at the specified `port` and `binding`. */
#define http_listen(port, binding, ...) \
http_listen((port), (binding), (struct http_settings_s){__VA_ARGS__})
* Connects to an HTTP server as a client.
* Upon a successful connection, the `on_response` callback is called with an
* empty `http_s*` handler (status == 0). Use the same API to set it's content
* and send the request to the server. The next`on_response` will contain the
* response.
* `address` should contain a full URL style address for the server. i.e.:
* "http:/"
* Returns -1 on error and 0 on success. the `on_finish` callback is always
* called.
int http_connect(const char *address, struct http_settings_s);
#define http_connect(address, ...) \
http_connect((address), (struct http_settings_s){__VA_ARGS__})
* Returns the settings used to setup the connection.
* Returns -1 on error and 0 on success.
struct http_settings_s *http_settings(http_s *h);
* Returns the direct address of the connected peer (likely an intermediary).
sock_peer_addr_s http_peer_addr(http_s *h);
* Hijacks the socket away from the HTTP protocol and away from
* It's possible to hijack the socket and than reconnect it to a new protocol
* object.
* If any HTTP functions are called after the hijacking, the protocol object
* might attempt to continue reading data from the buffer.
* Returns the underlining socket connection's uuid. If `leftover` isn't NULL,
* it will be populated with any remaining data in the HTTP buffer (the data
* will be automatically deallocated, so copy the data if it's required).
* WARNING: this isn't a good was to handle HTTP connections, especially as
* HTTP/2 enters the picture.
intptr_t http_hijack(http_s *h, fio_cstr_s *leftover);
/* *****************************************************************************
Websocket Upgrade (server side)
***************************************************************************** */
* The type for a Websocket handle, used to identify a Websocket connection.
* Similar to an `http_s` handle, it is only valid within the scope of the
* specific connection (the callbacks / tasks) and shouldn't be stored or
* accessed otherwise.
typedef struct ws_s ws_s;
* This struct is used for the named agruments in the `http_upgrade2ws`
* function and macro.
typedef struct {
/** REQUIRED: The `http_s` to be initiating the websocket connection.*/
http_s *http;
* The (optional) on_message callback will be called whenever a websocket
* message is received for this connection.
* The data received points to the websocket's message buffer and it will be
* overwritten once the function exits (it cannot be saved for later, but it
* can be copied).
void (*on_message)(ws_s *ws, char *data, size_t size, uint8_t is_text);
* The (optional) on_open callback will be called once the websocket
* connection is established and before is is registered with `facil`, so no
* `on_message` events are raised before `on_open` returns.
void (*on_open)(ws_s *ws);
* The (optional) on_ready callback will be after a the underlying socket's
* buffer changes it's state from full to available.
* If the socket's buffer is never full, the callback is never called.
* It should be noted that `libsock` manages the socket's buffer overflow and
* implements and augmenting user-land buffer, allowing data to be safely
* written to the websocket without worrying over the socket's buffer.
void (*on_ready)(ws_s *ws);
* The (optional) on_shutdown callback will be called if a websocket
* connection is still open while the server is shutting down (called before
* `on_close`).
void (*on_shutdown)(ws_s *ws);
* The (optional) on_close callback will be called once a websocket connection
* is terminated or failed to be established.
void (*on_close)(ws_s *ws);
/** Opaque user data. */
void *udata;
} websocket_settings_s;
* Upgrades an HTTP/1.1 connection to a Websocket connection.
int http_upgrade2ws(websocket_settings_s);
/** This macro allows easy access to the `websocket_upgrade` function. The macro
* allows the use of named arguments, using the `websocket_settings_s` struct
* members. i.e.:
* on_message(ws_s * ws, char * data, size_t size, int is_text) {
* ; // ... this is the websocket on_message callback
* websocket_write(ws, data, size, is_text); // a simple echo example
* }
* on_upgrade(http_s* h) {
* http_upgrade2ws( .http = h, .on_message = on_message);
* }
#define http_upgrade2ws(...) \
#include "websockets.h"
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP GET and POST parsing helpers
***************************************************************************** */
* Attempts to decode the request's body.
* Supported Types include:
* * application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* * application/json
* * multipart/form-data
int http_parse_body(http_s *h);
/** Parses the query part of an HTTP request/response. Uses `http_add2hash`. */
void http_parse_query(http_s *h);
* Adds a named parameter to the hash, converting a string to an object and
* resolving nesting references and URL decoding if required.
* i.e.:
* * "name[]" references a nested Array (nested in the Hash).
* * "name[key]" references a nested Hash.
* * "name[][key]" references a nested Hash within an array. Hash keys will be
* unique (repeating a key advances the hash).
* * These rules can be nested (i.e. "name[][key1][][key2]...")
* * "name[][]" is an error (there's no way for the parser to analyse
* dimentions)
* Note: names can't begine with "[" or end with "]" as these are reserved
* characters.
int http_add2hash(FIOBJ dest, char *name, size_t name_len, char *value,
size_t value_len, uint8_t encoded);
* Adds a named parameter to the hash, using an existing object and resolving
* nesting references.
* i.e.:
* * "name[]" references a nested Array (nested in the Hash).
* * "name[key]" references a nested Hash.
* * "name[][key]" references a nested Hash within an array. Hash keys will be
* unique (repeating a key advances the hash).
* * These rules can be nested (i.e. "name[][key1][][key2]...")
* * "name[][]" is an error (there's no way for the parser to analyse
* dimentions)
* Note: names can't begine with "[" or end with "]" as these are reserved
* characters.
int http_add2hash2(FIOBJ dest, char *name, size_t name_len, FIOBJ value,
uint8_t encoded);
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP Status Strings and Mime-Type helpers
***************************************************************************** */
/** Returns a human readable string related to the HTTP status number. */
fio_cstr_s http_status2str(uintptr_t status);
/** Registers a Mime-Type to be associated with the file extension. */
void http_mimetype_register(char *file_ext, size_t file_ext_len,
FIOBJ mime_type_str);
* Finds the mime-type associated with the file extension.
* Remember to call `fiobj_free`.
FIOBJ http_mimetype_find(char *file_ext, size_t file_ext_len);
/** Clears the Mime-Type registry (it will be emoty afterthis call). */
void http_mimetype_clear(void);
/* *****************************************************************************
Commonly used headers (fiobj Symbol objects)
***************************************************************************** */
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP General Helper functions that could be used globally
***************************************************************************** */
* Returns a String object representing the unparsed HTTP request (HTTP version
* is capped at HTTP/1.1). Mostly usable for proxy usage and debugging.
FIOBJ http_req2str(http_s *h);
* Writes a log line to `stderr` about the request / response object.
* This function is called automatically if the `.log` setting is enabled.
void http_write_log(http_s *h);
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP Time related helper functions that could be used globally
***************************************************************************** */
A faster (yet less localized) alternative to `gmtime_r`.
See the libc `gmtime_r` documentation for details.
Falls back to `gmtime_r` for dates before epoch.
struct tm *http_gmtime(time_t timer, struct tm *tmbuf);
Writes an HTTP date string to the `target` buffer.
This requires ~32 bytes of space to be available at the target buffer (unless
it's a super funky year, 32 bytes is about 3 more than you need).
Returns the number of bytes actually written.
size_t http_date2str(char *target, struct tm *tmbuf);
/** An alternative, RFC 2109 date representation. Requires */
size_t http_date2rfc2109(char *target, struct tm *tmbuf);
/** An alternative, RFC 2822 date representation. */
size_t http_date2rfc2822(char *target, struct tm *tmbuf);
* Prints Unix time to a HTTP time formatted string.
* This variation implements chached results for faster processeing, at the
* price of a less accurate string.
size_t http_time2str(char *target, const time_t t);
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP URL decoding helper functions that might be used globally
***************************************************************************** */
/** Decodes a URL encoded string, no buffer overflow protection. */
ssize_t http_decode_url_unsafe(char *dest, const char *url_data);
/** Decodes a URL encoded string (query / form data). */
ssize_t http_decode_url(char *dest, const char *url_data, size_t length);
/** Decodes the "path" part of a request, no buffer overflow protection. */
ssize_t http_decode_path_unsafe(char *dest, const char *url_data);
/** Decodes the "path" part of an HTTP request, no buffer overflow protection.
ssize_t http_decode_path(char *dest, const char *url_data, size_t length);
/* support C++ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* H_HTTP_H */