blob: cada010b393b95858dc49415ba672d6ebe6a2a1f [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
In this a Hello World example using the bundled HTTP / WebSockets extension.
Compile using:
NAME=http make
Or test the `poll` engine's performance by compiling with `poll`:
FIO_POLL=1 NAME=http make
Run with:
./tmp/http -t 1
Benchmark with keep-alive:
ab -c 200 -t 4 -n 1000000 -k
wrk -c200 -d4 -t1 http://localhost:3000/
Benchmark with higher load:
ab -c 4400 -t 4 -n 1000000 -k
wrk -c4400 -d4 -t1 http://localhost:3000/
Use a javascript console to connect to the WebSocket chat service... maybe using
the following javascript code:
// run 1st client app on port 3000.
ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3000/Mitchel");
ws.onmessage = function(e) { console.log(; };
ws.onclose = function(e) { console.log("closed"); };
ws.onopen = function(e) {"Yo!"); };
// run 2nd client app on port 3030, to test Redis
ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3030/Johana");
ws.onmessage = function(e) { console.log(; };
ws.onclose = function(e) { console.log("closed"); };
ws.onopen = function(e) {"Brut."); };
It's possible to use SSE (Server-Sent-Events / EventSource) for listening in on
the chat:
var source = new EventSource("/Watcher");
source.addEventListener('message', (e) => { console.log(; });
source.addEventListener('open', (e) => {
console.log("SSE Connection open.");
}); source.addEventListener('close', (e) => {
console.log("SSE Connection lost."); });
Remember that published messages will now be printed to the console both by
Mitchel and Johana, which means messages will be delivered twice unless using
two different browser windows.
/* Include the core library */
#include <fio.h>
/* Include the CLI and HTTP / WebSockets extensions (and the FIOBJ library) */
#include <fio_cli.h>
#include <http.h>
#include <redis_engine.h>
/* *****************************************************************************
The main function
***************************************************************************** */
/* HTTP request handler */
static void on_http_request(http_s *h);
/* HTTP upgrade request handler */
static void on_http_upgrade(http_s *h, char *requested_protocol, size_t len);
/* Command Line Arguments Management */
static void initialize_cli(int argc, char const *argv[]);
/* Initializes Redis, if set by command line arguments */
static void initialize_redis(void);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
initialize_cli(argc, argv);
/* optimize WebSocket pub/sub for multi-connection broadcasting */
websocket_optimize4broadcasts(WEBSOCKET_OPTIMIZE_PUBSUB, 1);
/* listen for inncoming connections */
if (http_listen(fio_cli_get("-p"), fio_cli_get("-b"),
.on_request = on_http_request, .on_upgrade = on_http_upgrade,
.max_body_size = (fio_cli_get_i("-maxbd") * 1024 * 1024),
.ws_max_msg_size = (fio_cli_get_i("-maxms") * 1024),
.public_folder = fio_cli_get("-public"),
.log = fio_cli_get_bool("-log"),
.timeout = fio_cli_get_i("-keep-alive"),
.ws_timeout = fio_cli_get_i("-ping")) == -1) {
/* listen failed ?*/
"ERROR: couldn't initialize HTTP service (already running?)");
fio_start(.threads = fio_cli_get_i("-t"), .workers = fio_cli_get_i("-w"));
return 0;
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP Request / Response Handling
***************************************************************************** */
static void on_http_request(http_s *h) {
/* set a response and send it (finnish vs. destroy). */
http_send_body(h, "Hello World!", 12);
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP Upgrade Handling
***************************************************************************** */
/* Server Sent Event Handlers */
static void sse_on_open(http_sse_s *sse);
static void sse_on_close(http_sse_s *sse);
/* WebSocket Handlers */
static void ws_on_open(ws_s *ws);
static void ws_on_message(ws_s *ws, fio_str_info_s msg, uint8_t is_text);
static void ws_on_shutdown(ws_s *ws);
static void ws_on_close(intptr_t uuid, void *udata);
/* HTTP upgrade callback */
static void on_http_upgrade(http_s *h, char *requested_protocol, size_t len) {
/* Upgrade to SSE or WebSockets and set the request path as a nickname. */
FIOBJ nickname;
if (fiobj_obj2cstr(h->path).len > 1) {
nickname = fiobj_str_new(fiobj_obj2cstr(h->path).data + 1,
fiobj_obj2cstr(h->path).len - 1);
} else {
nickname = fiobj_str_new("Guest", 5);
/* Test for upgrade protocol (websocket vs. sse) */
if (len == 3 && requested_protocol[1] == 's') {
if (fio_cli_get_bool("-v")) {
fprintf(stderr, "* (%d) new SSE connection: %s.\n", getpid(),
http_upgrade2sse(h, .on_open = sse_on_open, .on_close = sse_on_close,
.udata = (void *)nickname);
} else if (len == 9 && requested_protocol[1] == 'e') {
if (fio_cli_get_bool("-v")) {
fprintf(stderr, "* (%d) new WebSocket connection: %s.\n", getpid(),
http_upgrade2ws(h, .on_message = ws_on_message, .on_open = ws_on_open,
.on_shutdown = ws_on_shutdown, .on_close = ws_on_close,
.udata = (void *)nickname);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: unrecognized HTTP upgrade request: %s\n",
http_send_error(h, 400);
fiobj_free(nickname); // we didn't use this
/* *****************************************************************************
***************************************************************************** */
static fio_str_info_s CHAT_CANNEL = {.data = "chat", .len = 4};
/* *****************************************************************************
HTTP SSE (Server Sent Events) Callbacks
***************************************************************************** */
* The (optional) on_open callback will be called once the EventSource
* connection is established.
static void sse_on_open(http_sse_s *sse) {
http_sse_write(sse, .data = {.data = "Welcome to the SSE chat channel.\r\n"
"You can only listen, not write.",
.len = 65});
http_sse_subscribe(sse, .channel = CHAT_CANNEL);
http_sse_set_timout(sse, fio_cli_get_i("-ping"));
FIOBJ tmp = fiobj_str_copy((FIOBJ)sse->udata);
fiobj_str_write(tmp, " joind the chat only to listen.", 31);
fio_publish(.channel = CHAT_CANNEL, .message = fiobj_obj2cstr(tmp));
static void sse_on_close(http_sse_s *sse) {
/* Let everyone know we left the chat */
fiobj_str_write((FIOBJ)sse->udata, " left the chat.", 15);
fio_publish(.channel = CHAT_CANNEL,
.message = fiobj_obj2cstr((FIOBJ)sse->udata));
/* free the nickname */
/* *****************************************************************************
WebSockets Callbacks
***************************************************************************** */
static void ws_on_message(ws_s *ws, fio_str_info_s msg, uint8_t is_text) {
// Add the Nickname to the message
FIOBJ str = fiobj_str_copy((FIOBJ)websocket_udata_get(ws));
fiobj_str_write(str, ": ", 2);
fiobj_str_write(str,, msg.len);
// publish
fio_publish(.channel = CHAT_CANNEL, .message = fiobj_obj2cstr(str));
// free the string
(void)is_text; // we don't care.
(void)ws; // this could be used to send an ACK, but we don't.
static void ws_on_open(ws_s *ws) {
websocket_subscribe(ws, .channel = CHAT_CANNEL);
ws, (fio_str_info_s){.data = "Welcome to the chat-room.", .len = 25}, 1);
FIOBJ tmp = fiobj_str_copy((FIOBJ)websocket_udata_get(ws));
fiobj_str_write(tmp, " joind the chat.", 16);
fio_publish(.channel = CHAT_CANNEL, .message = fiobj_obj2cstr(tmp));
static void ws_on_shutdown(ws_s *ws) {
ws, (fio_str_info_s){.data = "Server shutting down, goodbye.", .len = 30},
static void ws_on_close(intptr_t uuid, void *udata) {
/* Let everyone know we left the chat */
fiobj_str_write((FIOBJ)udata, " left the chat.", 15);
fio_publish(.channel = CHAT_CANNEL, .message = fiobj_obj2cstr((FIOBJ)udata));
/* free the nickname */
(void)uuid; // we don't use the ID
/* *****************************************************************************
Redis initialization
***************************************************************************** */
static void initialize_redis(void) {
if (!fio_cli_get("-redis") || !strlen(fio_cli_get("-redis")))
FIO_LOG_STATE("* Initializing Redis connection to %s\n",
http_url_s info =
http_url_parse(fio_cli_get("-redis"), strlen(fio_cli_get("-redis")));
fio_pubsub_engine_s *e =
redis_engine_create(.address =, .port = info.port,
.auth = info.password);
if (e)
(void (*)(void *))redis_engine_destroy, e);
/* *****************************************************************************
CLI helpers
***************************************************************************** */
static void initialize_cli(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
/* **** Command line arguments **** */
argc, argv, 0, 0, NULL,
// Address Binding
FIO_CLI_PRINT_HEADER("Address Binding:"),
FIO_CLI_INT("-port -p port number to listen to. defaults port 3000"),
"-bind -b address to listen to. defaults any available.",
// Concurrency
FIO_CLI_INT("-workers -w number of processes to use."),
FIO_CLI_INT("-threads -t number of threads per process."),
// HTTP Settings
"-public -www public folder, for static file service.",
"-keep-alive -k HTTP keep-alive timeout (0..255). default: 10s"),
"-max-body -maxbd HTTP upload limit in Mega Bytes. default: 50Mb"),
FIO_CLI_BOOL("-log -v request verbosity (logging)."),
// WebSocket Settings
FIO_CLI_PRINT_HEADER("WebSocket Settings:"),
FIO_CLI_INT("-ping websocket ping interval (0..255). default: 40s"),
FIO_CLI_INT("-max-msg -maxms incoming websocket message "
"size limit in Kb. default: 250Kb"),
"-redis -r an optional Redis URL server address.",
FIO_CLI_PRINT("\t\ta valid Redis URL would follow the pattern:"),
/* Test and set any default options */
if (!fio_cli_get("-p")) {
/* Test environment as well */
char *tmp = getenv("PORT");
if (!tmp)
tmp = "3000";
/* CLI et functions (unlike fio_cli_start) ignores aliases */
fio_cli_set("-p", tmp);
fio_cli_set("-port", tmp);
if (!fio_cli_get("-b")) {
char *tmp = getenv("ADDRESS");
if (tmp) {
fio_cli_set("-b", tmp);
fio_cli_set("-bind", tmp);
if (!fio_cli_get("-public")) {
char *tmp = getenv("HTTP_PUBLIC_FOLDER");
if (tmp) {
fio_cli_set("-public", tmp);
fio_cli_set("-www", tmp);
if (!fio_cli_get("-redis")) {
char *tmp = getenv("REDIS_URL");
if (tmp) {
fio_cli_set("-redis", tmp);
fio_cli_set("-r", tmp);
fio_cli_set_default("-ping", "40");
/* CLI set functions (unlike fio_cli_start) ignores aliases */
fio_cli_set_default("-k", "10");
fio_cli_set_default("-keep-alive", "10");
fio_cli_set_default("-max-body", "50");
fio_cli_set_default("-maxbd", "50");
fio_cli_set_default("-max-message", "250");
fio_cli_set_default("-maxms", "250");