blob: dc7b5025d6b814ac64eeeeccf67f8b357da8c3cf [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
copyright: Boaz Segev, 2016-2018
license: MIT
Feel free to copy, use and enjoy according to the license provided.
#include "http.h"
/* support C++ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
The protocol / service identifier.
extern char *WEBSOCKET_ID_STR;
/** used internally: attaches the Websocket protocol to the socket. */
void websocket_attach(intptr_t uuid, http_settings_s *http_settings,
websocket_settings_s *args, void *data, size_t length);
/* *****************************************************************************
Websocket information
***************************************************************************** */
/** Returns the opaque user data associated with the websocket. */
void *websocket_udata(ws_s *ws);
Sets the opaque user data associated with the websocket.
Returns the old value, if any.
void *websocket_udata_set(ws_s *ws, void *udata);
Returns the underlying socket UUID.
This is only relevant for collecting the protocol object from outside of
websocket events, as the socket shouldn't be written to.
intptr_t websocket_uuid(ws_s *ws);
Counts the number of websocket connections.
size_t websocket_count(void);
/* *****************************************************************************
Websocket Connection Management (write / close)
***************************************************************************** */
/** Writes data to the websocket. Returns -1 on failure (0 on success). */
int websocket_write(ws_s *ws, void *data, size_t size, uint8_t is_text);
/** Closes a websocket connection. */
void websocket_close(ws_s *ws);
/* *****************************************************************************
Websocket Pub/Sub
API for websocket pub/sub that can be used to publish messages across process
Supports pub/sub engines (see {pubsub.h}) that can connect to a backend service
such as Redis.
The default pub/sub engine (if `NULL` or unspecified) will publish the messages
to the process cluster (all the processes in `facil_run`).
To publish to a channel, use the API provided in {pubsub.h}.
***************************************************************************** */
/** Pub/sub engine type. Engine documentation is in `pubsub.h` */
typedef struct pubsub_engine_s pubsub_engine_s;
/** Incoming pub/sub messages will be passed along using this data structure. */
typedef struct {
/** the websocket receiving the message. */
ws_s *ws;
/** the Websocket pub/sub subscription ID. */
uintptr_t subscription_id;
/** the channel where the message was published. */
FIOBJ channel;
/** the published message. */
FIOBJ message;
/** user opaque data. */
void *udata;
} websocket_pubsub_notification_s;
/** Possible arguments for the {websocket_subscribe} function. */
struct websocket_subscribe_s {
/** the websocket receiving the message. REQUIRED. */
ws_s *ws;
/** the channel where the message was published. */
FIOBJ channel;
* The callback that handles pub/sub notifications.
* Default: send directly to websocket client.
void (*on_message)(websocket_pubsub_notification_s notification);
* An optional cleanup callback for the `udata`.
void (*on_unsubscribe)(void *udata);
/** User opaque data, passed along to the notification. */
void *udata;
/** Use pattern matching for channel subscription. */
unsigned use_pattern : 1;
* When using client forwarding (no `on_message` callback), this indicates if
* messages should be sent to the client as binary blobs, which is the safest
* approach.
* Default: tests for UTF-8 data encoding and sends as text if valid UTF-8.
* Messages above ~32Kb are always assumed to be binary.
unsigned force_binary : 1;
* When using client forwarding (no `on_message` callback), this indicates if
* messages should be sent to the client as text.
* `force_binary` has precedence.
* Default: see above.
unsigned force_text : 1;
* Subscribes to a channel. See {struct websocket_subscribe_s} for possible
* arguments.
* Returns a subscription ID on success and 0 on failure.
* All subscriptions are automatically revoked once the websocket is closed.
* If the connections subscribes to the same channel more than once, messages
* will be merged. However, another subscription ID will be assigned, since two
* calls to {websocket_unsubscribe} will be required in order to unregister from
* the channel.
uintptr_t websocket_subscribe(struct websocket_subscribe_s args);
#define websocket_subscribe(wbsckt, ...) \
websocket_subscribe((struct websocket_subscribe_s){.ws = wbsckt, __VA_ARGS__})
* Finds an existing subscription (in case the subscription ID wasn't saved).
* See {struct websocket_subscribe_s} for possible arguments.
* Returns the existing subscription's ID (if exists) or 0 (no subscription).
uintptr_t websocket_find_sub(struct websocket_subscribe_s args);
#define websocket_find_sub(wbsckt, ...) \
websocket_find_sub((struct websocket_subscribe_s){.ws = wbsckt, __VA_ARGS__})
* Unsubscribes from a channel.
* Failures are silent.
* All subscriptions are automatically revoked once the websocket is closed. So
* only use this function to unsubscribe while the websocket is open.
void websocket_unsubscribe(ws_s *ws, uintptr_t subscription_id);
/* *****************************************************************************
Websocket Tasks - within a single process scope, NOT and entire cluster
***************************************************************************** */
/** The named arguments for `websocket_each` */
struct websocket_each_args_s {
/** The websocket originating the task. It will be excluded for the loop. */
ws_s *origin;
/** The task (function) to be performed. This is required. */
void (*task)(ws_s *ws_target, void *arg);
/** User opaque data to be passed along. */
void *arg;
/** The on_finish callback is always called. Good for cleanup. */
void (*on_finish)(ws_s *origin, void *arg);
* DEPRECATION NOTICE: this function will be removed in favor of pub/sub logic.
* Performs a task on each websocket connection that shares the same process
* (except the originating `ws_s` connection which is allowed to be NULL).
void __attribute__((deprecated))
websocket_each(struct websocket_each_args_s args);
#define websocket_each(...) \
websocket_each((struct websocket_each_args_s){__VA_ARGS__})
* DEPRECATION NOTICE: this function will be removed in favor of pub/sub logic.
* The Arguments passed to the `websocket_write_each` function / macro are
* defined here, for convinience of calling the function.
struct websocket_write_each_args_s {
/** The originating websocket client will be excluded from the `write`.
* Can be NULL. */
ws_s *origin;
/** The data to be written to the websocket - required(!) */
void *data;
/** The length of the data to be written to the websocket - required(!) */
size_t length;
/** Text mode vs. binary mode. Defaults to binary mode. */
uint8_t is_text;
/** Set to 1 to send the data to websockets where this application is the
* client. Defaults to 0 (the data is sent to all clients where this
* application is the server). */
uint8_t as_client;
/** A filter callback, allowing us to exclude some clients.
* Should return 1 to send data and 0 to exclude. */
uint8_t (*filter)(ws_s *ws_to, void *arg);
/** A callback called once all the data was sent. */
void (*on_finished)(ws_s *ws_origin, void *arg);
/** A user specified argumernt passed to each of the callbacks. */
void *arg;
Writes data to each websocket connection that shares the same process
(except the originating `ws_s` connection which is allowed to be NULL).
Accepts a sing `struct websocket_write_each_args_s` argument. See the struct
details for possible arguments.
int __attribute__((deprecated))
websocket_write_each(struct websocket_write_each_args_s args);
#define websocket_write_each(...) \
websocket_write_each((struct websocket_write_each_args_s){__VA_ARGS__})
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */