blob: b1e72c6d28d79d07c68f2a118ae4bf69aa16414d [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#include <fio.h>
#include <fio_cli.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
static inline int seek1(register uint8_t **buffer,
register uint8_t *const limit, const uint8_t c) {
while (*buffer < limit) {
if (**buffer == c)
return 1;
return 0;
static inline int seek_memchr(uint8_t **buffer, uint8_t *const limit,
const uint8_t c) {
if (limit - *buffer == 0)
return 0;
void *tmp = memchr(*buffer, c, limit - (*buffer));
if (tmp) {
*buffer = tmp;
return 1;
*buffer = (uint8_t *)limit;
return 0;
* This seems to be faster on some systems, especially for smaller distances.
* On newer systems, `memchr` should be faster.
static inline int seek3(uint8_t **buffer, register uint8_t *const limit,
const uint8_t c) {
if (**buffer == c)
return 1;
#if !__x86_64__ && !__aarch64__
/* too short for this mess */
if ((uintptr_t)limit <= 16 + ((uintptr_t)*buffer & (~(uintptr_t)7)))
goto finish;
/* align memory */
const uint8_t *alignment =
(uint8_t *)(((uintptr_t)(*buffer) & (~(uintptr_t)7)) + 8);
if (limit >= alignment) {
while (*buffer < alignment) {
if (**buffer == c)
return 1;
*buffer += 1;
const uint8_t *limit64 = (uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)limit & (~(uintptr_t)7));
const uint8_t *limit64 = (uint8_t *)limit - 7;
uint64_t wanted1 = 0x0101010101010101ULL * c;
for (; *buffer < limit64; *buffer += 8) {
const uint64_t eq1 = ~((*((uint64_t *)*buffer)) ^ wanted1);
const uint64_t t0 = (eq1 & 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7fllu) + 0x0101010101010101llu;
const uint64_t t1 = (eq1 & 0x8080808080808080llu);
if ((t0 & t1)) {
#if !__x86_64__ && !__aarch64__
while (*buffer < limit) {
if (**buffer == c)
return 1;
return 0;
static inline int seek4(register uint8_t **buffer,
register uint8_t *const limit, const uint8_t c) {
#ifndef __SIZEOF_INT128__
return 0;
if (**buffer == c)
return 1;
/* move by step until memory unalignment */
const uint8_t *alignment =
(uint8_t *)(((uintptr_t)(*buffer) & (~(uintptr_t)15)) + 16);
if (limit >= alignment) {
while (*buffer < alignment) {
if (**buffer == c)
return 1;
*buffer += 1;
const __uint128_t just_1_bit = ((((__uint128_t)0x0101010101010101ULL) << 64) |
const __uint128_t is_7bit_set =
((((__uint128_t)0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7fULL) << 64) |
const __uint128_t is_1bit_set =
((((__uint128_t)0x8080808080808080ULL) << 64) |
__uint128_t wanted1 = just_1_bit * c;
__uint128_t *lpos = (__uint128_t *)*buffer;
__uint128_t *llimit = ((__uint128_t *)limit) - 1;
for (; lpos < llimit; lpos++) {
const __uint128_t eq1 = ~((*lpos) ^ wanted1);
const __uint128_t t0 = (eq1 & is_7bit_set) + just_1_bit;
const __uint128_t t1 = (eq1 & is_1bit_set);
if ((t0 & t1)) {
*buffer = (uint8_t *)lpos;
while (*buffer < limit) {
if (**buffer == c)
return 1;
return 0;
#define RUNS 8
int main(int argc, char const **argv) {
argc, argv, 1,
"This program tests the memchr speed against a custom implementation. "
"It's meant to be used against defferent data to test how seeking "
"performs in different circumstances.\n use: appname <filename>",
"-c the char to be tested against (only the fist char in the string");
if (fio_cli_unknown_count() > 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Use: appname -? for help.\n");
if (fio_cli_unknown_count()) {
fio_cli_set_default("-f", fio_cli_unknown(0));
} else {
fio_cli_set_default("-f", __FILE__);
fio_cli_set_default("-c", "\n");
// fio_cli_set_default(name, value)
clock_t start, end;
uint8_t *pos;
uint8_t *stop;
size_t count;
fprintf(stderr, "Size of longest word found %lu\n",
sizeof(unsigned long long));
struct {
int (*func)(uint8_t **buffer, uint8_t *const limit, const uint8_t c);
const char *name;
} seek_funcs[] = {
{.func = seek1, .name = "seek1 (basic loop)"},
{.func = seek_memchr, .name = "memchr (system)"},
{.func = seek3, .name = "seek3 (64 bit word at a time)"},
#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__
{.func = seek4, .name = "seek4 (128 bit word at a time)"},
{.func = NULL, .name = NULL},
size_t func_pos = 0;
uint8_t char2find = fio_cli_get("-c")[0];
fio_str_s str = FIO_STR_INIT;
fio_str_info_s data = fio_str_readfile(&str, fio_cli_get("-f"), 0, 0);
if (!data.len) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't open file %s\n", fio_cli_get("-f"));
fprintf(stderr, "Starting to test file with %lu bytes\n",
(unsigned long)data.len);
while (seek_funcs[func_pos].func) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nTesting %s:\n (", seek_funcs[func_pos].name);
size_t avrg = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) {
if (i)
fprintf(stderr, " + ");
pos = (uint8_t *);
stop = (uint8_t *) + data.len;
count = 0;
if (!pos || !stop)
perror("WTF?!"), exit(errno);
start = clock();
while (pos < stop && seek_funcs[func_pos].func(&pos, stop, char2find)) {
if (!pos)
perror("WTF?!2!"), exit(errno);
end = clock();
avrg += end - start;
fprintf(stderr, "%lu", end - start);
fprintf(stderr, ")/%d\n === finding %lu items in %zu bytes took %lfs\n",
RUNS, count, data.len, (avrg / RUNS) / (1.0 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
fprintf(stderr, "\n");