blob: 1dbcaf77609cc85881fd00444e1b3fa6351c3e4a [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
Copyright: Boaz Segev, 2017-2018
License: MIT
#include <fiobject.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fiobj_hash.h>
#define FIO_SET_CALLOC(size, count) fio_calloc((size), (count))
#define FIO_SET_REALLOC(ptr, original_size, size, valid_data_length) \
fio_realloc2((ptr), (size), (valid_data_length))
#define FIO_SET_FREE(ptr, size) fio_free((ptr))
#define FIO_SET_NAME fio_hash__
#define FIO_SET_KEY_COMPARE(o1, o2) \
((o2) == ((FIOBJ)-1) || (o1) == ((FIOBJ)-1) || fiobj_iseq((o1), (o2)))
#define FIO_SET_KEY_COPY(dest, obj) ((dest) = fiobj_dup((obj)))
#define FIO_SET_KEY_DESTROY(obj) \
do { \
fiobj_free((obj)); \
(obj) = FIOBJ_INVALID; \
} while (0)
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_COMPARE(o1, o2) fiobj_iseq((o1), (o2))
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_COPY(dest, obj) ((dest) = fiobj_dup(obj))
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_DESTROY(obj) \
do { \
fiobj_free((obj)); \
(obj) = FIOBJ_INVALID; \
} while (0)
#include <fio.h>
#include <errno.h>
/* *****************************************************************************
Hash types
***************************************************************************** */
typedef struct {
fiobj_object_header_s head;
fio_hash___s hash;
} fiobj_hash_s;
#define obj2hash(o) ((fiobj_hash_s *)(FIOBJ2PTR(o)))
void fiobj_hash_rehash(FIOBJ h) {
assert(h && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(h, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
/* *****************************************************************************
Hash alloc + VTable
***************************************************************************** */
static void fiobj_hash_dealloc(FIOBJ o, void (*task)(FIOBJ, void *),
void *arg) {
FIO_SET_FOR_LOOP(&obj2hash(o)->hash, i) {
if (i->obj.key)
task((FIOBJ)i->obj.obj, arg);
i->obj.key = FIOBJ_INVALID;
i->obj.obj = FIOBJ_INVALID;
obj2hash(o)->hash.count = 0;
static __thread FIOBJ each_at_key = FIOBJ_INVALID;
static size_t fiobj_hash_each1(FIOBJ o, size_t start_at,
int (*task)(FIOBJ obj, void *arg), void *arg) {
assert(o && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(o, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
FIOBJ old_each_at_key = each_at_key;
fio_hash___s *hash = &obj2hash(o)->hash;
size_t count = 0;
if (hash->count == hash->pos) {
/* no holes in the hash, we can work as we please. */
for (count = start_at; count < hash->count; ++count) {
each_at_key = hash->ordered[count].obj.key;
if (task((FIOBJ)hash->ordered[count].obj.obj, arg) == -1) {
goto end;
} else {
size_t pos = 0;
for (; pos < start_at && pos < hash->pos; ++pos) {
/* counting */
if (hash->ordered[pos].obj.key == FIOBJ_INVALID)
for (; pos < hash->pos; ++pos) {
/* performing */
if (hash->ordered[pos].obj.key == FIOBJ_INVALID)
each_at_key = hash->ordered[pos].obj.key;
if (task((FIOBJ)hash->ordered[pos].obj.obj, arg) == -1)
each_at_key = old_each_at_key;
return count;
FIOBJ fiobj_hash_key_in_loop(void) { return each_at_key; }
static size_t fiobj_hash_is_eq(const FIOBJ self, const FIOBJ other) {
if (fio_hash___count(&obj2hash(self)->hash) !=
return 0;
return 1;
/** Returns the number of elements in the Array. */
size_t fiobj_hash_count(const FIOBJ o) {
assert(o && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(o, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
return fio_hash___count(&obj2hash(o)->hash);
intptr_t fiobj_hash2num(const FIOBJ o) { return (intptr_t)fiobj_hash_count(o); }
static size_t fiobj_hash_is_true(const FIOBJ o) {
return fiobj_hash_count(o) != 0;
fio_str_info_s fiobject___noop_to_str(const FIOBJ o);
intptr_t fiobject___noop_to_i(const FIOBJ o);
double fiobject___noop_to_f(const FIOBJ o);
const fiobj_object_vtable_s FIOBJECT_VTABLE_HASH = {
.class_name = "Hash",
.dealloc = fiobj_hash_dealloc,
.is_eq = fiobj_hash_is_eq,
.count = fiobj_hash_count,
.each = fiobj_hash_each1,
.is_true = fiobj_hash_is_true,
.to_str = fiobject___noop_to_str,
.to_i = fiobj_hash2num,
.to_f = fiobject___noop_to_f,
/* *****************************************************************************
Hash API
***************************************************************************** */
* Creates a mutable empty Hash object. Use `fiobj_free` when done.
* Notice that these Hash objects are designed for smaller collections and
* retain order of object insertion.
FIOBJ fiobj_hash_new(void) {
fiobj_hash_s *h = fio_malloc(sizeof(*h));
*h = (fiobj_hash_s){.head = {.ref = 1, .type = FIOBJ_T_HASH},
.hash = FIO_SET_INIT};
* Creates a mutable empty Hash object with an initial capacity of `capa`. Use
* `fiobj_free` when done.
* Notice that these Hash objects are designed for smaller collections and
* retain order of object insertion.
FIOBJ fiobj_hash_new2(size_t capa) {
fiobj_hash_s *h = fio_malloc(sizeof(*h));
*h = (fiobj_hash_s){.head = {.ref = 1, .type = FIOBJ_T_HASH},
.hash = FIO_SET_INIT};
fio_hash___capa_require(&h->hash, capa);
* Returns a temporary theoretical Hash map capacity.
* This could be used for testing performance and memory consumption.
size_t fiobj_hash_capa(const FIOBJ hash) {
assert(hash && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(hash, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
return fio_hash___capa(&obj2hash(hash)->hash);
* Sets a key-value pair in the Hash, duplicating the Symbol and **moving**
* the ownership of the object to the Hash.
* Returns -1 on error.
int fiobj_hash_set(FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ key, FIOBJ obj) {
assert(hash && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(hash, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
fio_hash___insert(&obj2hash(hash)->hash, fiobj_obj2hash(key), key, obj, NULL);
fiobj_free(obj); /* take ownership - free the user's reference. */
return 0;
* Allows the Hash to be used as a stack.
* If a pointer `key` is provided, it will receive ownership of the key
* (remember to free).
* Returns FIOBJ_INVALID on error.
* Returns and object if successful (remember to free).
FIOBJ fiobj_hash_pop(FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ *key) {
assert(hash && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(hash, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
FIOBJ old;
if (fio_hash___count(&obj2hash(hash)->hash))
old = fiobj_dup(fio_hash___last(&obj2hash(hash)->hash).obj);
if (key)
*key = fiobj_dup(fio_hash___last(&obj2hash(hash)->hash).key);
return old;
* Replaces the value in a key-value pair, returning the old value (and it's
* ownership) to the caller.
* A return value of NULL indicates that no previous object existed (but a new
* key-value pair was created.
* Errors are silently ignored.
FIOBJ fiobj_hash_replace(FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ key, FIOBJ obj) {
assert(hash && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(hash, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
fio_hash___insert(&obj2hash(hash)->hash, fiobj_obj2hash(key), key, obj, &old);
fiobj_free(obj); /* take ownership - free the user's reference. */
return old;
* Removes a key-value pair from the Hash, if it exists.
FIOBJ fiobj_hash_remove(FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ key) {
assert(hash && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(hash, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
fio_hash___remove(&obj2hash(hash)->hash, fiobj_obj2hash(key), key, &old);
return old;
* Removes a key-value pair from the Hash, if it exists, returning the old
* object (instead of freeing it).
FIOBJ fiobj_hash_remove2(FIOBJ hash, uint64_t hash_value) {
assert(hash && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(hash, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
fio_hash___remove(&obj2hash(hash)->hash, hash_value, -1, &old);
return old;
* Deletes a key-value pair from the Hash, if it exists, freeing the
* associated object.
* Returns -1 on type error or if the object never existed.
int fiobj_hash_delete(FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ key) {
return fio_hash___remove(&obj2hash(hash)->hash, fiobj_obj2hash(key), key,
* Deletes a key-value pair from the Hash, if it exists, freeing the
* associated object.
* This function takes a `uintptr_t` Hash value (see `fio_siphash`) to
* perform a lookup in the HashMap, which is slightly faster than the other
* variations.
* Returns -1 on type error or if the object never existed.
int fiobj_hash_delete2(FIOBJ hash, uint64_t key_hash) {
return fio_hash___remove(&obj2hash(hash)->hash, key_hash, -1, NULL);
* Returns a temporary handle to the object associated with the Symbol, NULL
* if none.
FIOBJ fiobj_hash_get(const FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ key) {
assert(hash && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(hash, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
return fio_hash___find(&obj2hash(hash)->hash, fiobj_obj2hash(key), key);
* Returns a temporary handle to the object associated hashed key value.
* This function takes a `uintptr_t` Hash value (see `fio_siphash`) to
* perform a lookup in the HashMap.
* Returns NULL if no object is associated with this hashed key value.
FIOBJ fiobj_hash_get2(const FIOBJ hash, uint64_t key_hash) {
assert(hash && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(hash, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
return fio_hash___find(&obj2hash(hash)->hash, key_hash, -1);
* Returns 1 if the key (Symbol) exists in the Hash, even if value is NULL.
int fiobj_hash_haskey(const FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ key) {
assert(hash && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(hash, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
return fio_hash___find(&obj2hash(hash)->hash, fiobj_obj2hash(key), key) !=
* Empties the Hash.
void fiobj_hash_clear(const FIOBJ hash) {
assert(hash && FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(hash, FIOBJ_T_HASH));
/* *****************************************************************************
Simple Tests
***************************************************************************** */
void fiobj_test_hash(void) {
fprintf(stderr, "=== Testing Hash\n");
#define TEST_ASSERT(cond, ...) \
if (!(cond)) { \
fprintf(stderr, "* " __VA_ARGS__); \
fprintf(stderr, "Testing failed.\n"); \
exit(-1); \
FIOBJ o = fiobj_hash_new();
FIOBJ str_key = fiobj_str_new("Hello World!", 12);
TEST_ASSERT(FIOBJ_TYPE_IS(o, FIOBJ_T_HASH), "Type identification error!\n");
TEST_ASSERT(fiobj_hash_count(o) == 0, "Hash should be empty!\n");
fiobj_hash_set(o, str_key, fiobj_true());
TEST_ASSERT(fiobj_str_write(str_key, "should fail...", 13) == 0,
"wrote to frozen string?");
TEST_ASSERT(fiobj_obj2cstr(str_key).len == 12,
"String was mutated (not frozen)!\n");
TEST_ASSERT(fiobj_hash_get(o, str_key) == fiobj_true(),
"full compare didn't get value back");
TEST_ASSERT(fiobj_hash_get2(o, fiobj_obj2hash(str_key)) == fiobj_true(),
"hash compare didn't get value back");
FIOBJ o2 = fiobj_hash_new2(3);
TEST_ASSERT(obj2hash(o2)->hash.capa >= 3,
"Hash capacity should be larger than 3! %zu != 4\n",
fiobj_hash_set(o2, str_key, fiobj_true());
TEST_ASSERT(fiobj_hash_is_eq(o, o2), "Hashes not equal at core! %zu != %zu\n",
fiobj_hash_count(o), fiobj_hash_count(o2));
TEST_ASSERT(fiobj_iseq(o, o2), "Hashes not equal!\n");
TEST_ASSERT(obj2hash(o2)->hash.capa > 3,
"Hash capacity should be larger than 3! %zu != 4\n",
fiobj_hash_delete(o, str_key);
TEST_ASSERT(fiobj_hash_get2(o, fiobj_obj2hash(str_key)) == 0,
"item wasn't deleted!");
str_key); /* note that a copy will remain in the Hash until rehashing. */
fprintf(stderr, "* passed.\n");