blob: 92bc134cc87939991b6afe635a8d7b0977d88f25 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
Copyright: Boaz Segev, 2016-2017
License: MIT
Feel free to copy, use and enjoy according to the license provided.
#ifndef H_DEFER_H
A library for deferring execution of code.
Deferred execution can be multi-threaded, although threads aren't managed by the
All deferred execution is shared among the same process and inherited by any
forked process.
#define H_DEFER_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* *****************************************************************************
Core API
***************************************************************************** */
/** Defer an execution of a function for later. Returns -1 on error.*/
int defer(void (*func)(void *, void *), void *arg1, void *arg2);
/** Performs all deferred functions until the queue had been depleted. */
void defer_perform(void);
/** returns true if there are deferred functions waiting for execution. */
int defer_has_queue(void);
/* *****************************************************************************
Thread Pool support
***************************************************************************** */
/** an opaque thread pool type */
typedef struct defer_pool *pool_pt;
/** Starts a thread pool that will run deferred tasks in the background. */
pool_pt defer_pool_start(unsigned int thread_count);
/** Signals a running thread pool to stop. Returns immediately. */
void defer_pool_stop(pool_pt pool);
/** Waits for a running thread pool, joining threads and finishing all tasks. */
void defer_pool_wait(pool_pt pool);
/** Returns TRUE (1) if the pool is hadn't been signaled to finish up. */
int defer_pool_is_active(pool_pt pool);
OVERRIDE THIS to replace the default pthread implementation.
Accepts a pointer to a function and a single argument that should be executed
within a new thread.
The function should allocate memory for the thread object and return a pointer
to the allocated memory that identifies the thread.
On error NULL should be returned.
void *defer_new_thread(void *(*thread_func)(void *), pool_pt pool);
OVERRIDE THIS to replace the default pthread implementation.
Accepts a pointer returned from `defer_new_thread` (should also free any
allocated memory) and joins the associated thread.
Return value is ignored.
int defer_join_thread(void *p_thr);
OVERRIDE THIS to replace the default pthread implementation.
Throttles or reschedules the current running thread. Default implementation
simply micro-sleeps.
void defer_thread_throttle(unsigned long microsec);
/* *****************************************************************************
Child Process support (`fork`)
***************************************************************************** */
* Forks the process, starts up a thread pool and waits for all tasks to run.
* All existing tasks will run in all processes (multiple times).
* It's possible to synchronize workload across processes by using a pipe (or
* pipes) and a self-scheduling event that reads instructions from the pipe.
* This function will use SIGINT or SIGTERM to signal all the children processes
* to finish up and exit. It will also setup a child process reaper (which will
* remain active for the application's lifetime).
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on error and a positive number if this is a child
* process that was forked.
int defer_perform_in_fork(unsigned int process_count,
unsigned int thread_count);
/** Returns TRUE (1) if the forked thread pool hadn't been signaled to finish
* up. */
int defer_fork_is_active(void);
/** Returns the process number for the current working proceess. 0 == parent. */
int defer_fork_pid(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* closing brace for extern "C" */