blob: 3744bf7a8b2b4fe1fa243b1b096131dff5b1722f [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
0x0000 Air fixed 0x00000000
0x0001 Stone average stone.png
0x0002 Grass Block biome grass average grass_top.png
0x0003 Dirt average dirt.png
0x0004 Cobblestone average stonebrick.png
0x0005:0x0 Oak Wood Planks average wood.png
0x0005:0x1 Spruce Wood Planks average wood_spruce.png
0x0005:0x2 Birch Wood Planks average wood_birch.png
0x0005:0x3 Jungle Wood Planks average wood_jungle.png
0x0006:0x0 Oak Sapling average sapling.png
0x0006:0x1 Spruce Sapling average sapling_spruce.png
0x0006:0x2 Birch Sapling average sapling_birch.png
0x0006:0x3 Jungle Sapling average sapling_jungle.png
0x0007 Bedrock average bedrock.png
0x0008 Water biome water average water.png
0x0009 Staionary Water biome water average water.png
0x000A Lava average lava.png
0x000B Stationary Lava average lava.png
0x000C Sand average sand.png
0x000D Gravel average gravel.png
0x000E Gold Ore average oreGold.png
0x000F Iron Ore average oreIron.png
0x0010 Coal Ore average oreCoal.png
0x0011:0x0 Oak Wood average tree_top.png
0x0011:0x1 Spruce Wood average tree_top.png
0x0011:0x2 Birch Wood average tree_top.png
0x0011:0x3 Jungle Wood average tree_top.png
0x0011:0x4 Oak Wood average tree_side.png
0x0011:0x5 Spruce Wood average tree_spruce.png
0x0011:0x6 Birch Wood average tree_birch.png
0x0011:0x7 Jungle Wood average tree_jungle.png
0x0011:0x8 Oak Wood average tree_side.png
0x0011:0x9 Spruce Wood average tree_spruce.png
0x0011:0xA Birch Wood average tree_birch.png
0x0011:0xB Jungle Wood average tree_jungle.png
0x0011:0xC Oak Wood average tree_side.png
0x0011:0xD Spruce Wood average tree_spruce.png
0x0011:0xE Birch Wood average tree_birch.png
0x0011:0xF Jungle Wood average tree_jungle.png
0x0012:0x0 Oak Leaves biome foliage average leaves.png
0x0012:0x1 Spruce Leaves multiply average leaves_spruce.png fixed 0x2B542B
0x0012:0x2 Birch Leaves multiply average leaves.png fixed 0x4D6B2A
0x0012:0x3 Jungle Leaves biome foliage average leaves_jungle.png
0x0012:0x4 Oak Leaves biome foliage average leaves.png
0x0012:0x5 Spruce Leaves multiply average leaves_spruce.png fixed 0x2B542B
0x0012:0x6 Birch Leaves multiply average leaves.png fixed 0x4D6B2A
0x0012:0x7 Jungle Leaves biome foliage average leaves_jungle.png
0x0012:0x8 Oak Leaves biome foliage average leaves.png
0x0012:0x9 Spruce Leaves multiply average leaves_spruce.png fixed 0x2B542B
0x0012:0xA Birch Leaves multiply average leaves.png fixed 0x4D6B2A
0x0012:0xB Jungle Leaves biome foliage average leaves_jungle.png
0x0012:0xC Oak Leaves biome foliage average leaves.png
0x0012:0xD Spruce Leaves multiply average leaves_spruce.png fixed 0x2B542B
0x0012:0xE Birch Leaves multiply average leaves.png fixed 0x4D6B2A
0x0012:0xF Jungle Leaves biome foliage average leaves_jungle.png
0x0013 Sponge average sponge.png
0x0014 Glass average glass.png
0x0015 Lapis Lazuli Ore average oreLapis.png
0x0016 Lapis Lazuli Block average blockLapis.png
0x0017 Dispenser average furnace_top.png
0x0018 Sandstone average sandstone_top.png
0x0019 Note Block average musicBlock.png
0x001A Bed average bed_feet_top.png
0x001B Powered Rail average goldenRail_powered.png
0x001C Detector Rail average detectorRail.png
0x001D Sticky Piston average piston_top_sticky.png
0x001E Cobweb average web.png
0x001F:0x0 Shrub average deadbush.png
0x001F:0x1 Grass biome grass average tallgrass.png
0x001F:0x2 Fern biome grass average fern.png
0x0020 Dead Bush average deadbush.png
0x0021 Piston average piston_top.png
0x0022 Piston Extension
0x0023:0x0 White Wool average cloth_0.png
0x0023:0x1 Orange Wool average cloth_1.png
0x0023:0x2 Magenta Wool average cloth_2.png
0x0023:0x3 Light Blue Wool average cloth_3.png
0x0023:0x4 Yellow Wool average cloth_4.png
0x0023:0x5 Lime Wool average cloth_5.png
0x0023:0x6 Pink Wool average cloth_6.png
0x0023:0x7 Gray Wool average cloth_7.png
0x0023:0x8 Light Gray Wool average cloth_8.png
0x0023:0x9 Cyan Wool average cloth_9.png
0x0023:0xA Purple Wool average cloth_10.png
0x0023:0xB Blue Wool average cloth_11.png
0x0023:0xC Brown Wool average cloth_12.png
0x0023:0xD Green Wool average cloth_13.png
0x0023:0xE Red Wool average cloth_14.png
0x0023:0xF Black Wool average cloth_15.png
0x0024 Block moved by Piston
0x0025 Dandelion average flower.png
0x0026 Rose average rose.png
0x0027 Brown Mushroom average mushroom_brown.png
0x0028 Red Mushroom average mushroom_red.png
0x0029 Block of Gold average blockGold.png
0x002A Block of Iron average blockIron.png
0x002B:0x0 Stone Double Slab average stoneslab_top.png
0x002B:0x1 Sandstone Double Slab average sandstone_top.png
0x002B:0x2 Wooden Double Slab average wood.png
0x002B:0x3 Cobblestone Double Slab average stonebrick.png
0x002B:0x4 Brick Double Slab average brick.png
0x002B:0x5 Stone Double Slab average stone.png
0x002B:0x6 Nether Double Slab average netherBrick.png
0x002B:0x7 Quartz Double Slab average quartzblock_top.png
0x002B:0x8 Smooth Stone Double Slab average stoneslab_top.png
0x002B:0x9 Smooth Sandstone Double Slab average sandstone_top.png
0x002C:0x0 Stone Slab average stoneslab_top.png
0x002C:0x1 Sandstone Slab average sandstone_top.png
0x002C:0x2 Wooden Slab average wood.png
0x002C:0x3 Cobblestone Slab average stonebrick.png
0x002C:0x4 Brick Slab average brick.png
0x002C:0x5 Stone Slab average stone.png
0x002C:0x6 Nether Slab average netherBrick.png
0x002C:0x7 Quartz Slab average quartzblock_top.png
0x002C:0x8 Stone Slab average stoneslab_top.png
0x002C:0x9 Sandstone Slab average sandstone_top.png
0x002C:0xA Wooden Slab average wood.png
0x002C:0xB Cobblestone Slab average stonebrick.png
0x002C:0xC Brick Slab average brick.png
0x002C:0xD Stone Slab average stone.png
0x002C:0xE Nether Slab average netherBrick.png
0x002C:0xF Quartz Slab average quartzblock_top.png
0x002D Bricks average brick.png
0x002E TNT average tnt_top.png
0x002F Bookshelf average bookshelf.png
0x0030 Moss Stone average stoneMoss.png
0x0031 Obsidian average obsidian.png
0x0032 Torch average torch.png
0x0033 Fire average fire_0.png
0x0034 Monster Spawner average mobSpawner.png
0x0035 Oak Wood Stairs average wood.png
0x0036 Chest fixed 0xfe6f5739
0x0037 Redstone Wire fixed 0x80fa1010
0x0038 Diamond Ore average oreDiamond.png
0x0039 Block of Diamond average blockDiamond.png
0x003A Crafting Table average workbench_top.png
0x003B:0x0 Wheat average crops_0.png
0x003B:0x1 Wheat average crops_1.png
0x003B:0x2 Wheat average crops_2.png
0x003B:0x3 Wheat average crops_3.png
0x003B:0x4 Wheat average crops_4.png
0x003B:0x5 Wheat average crops_5.png
0x003B:0x6 Wheat average crops_6.png
0x003B:0x7 Wheat average crops_7.png
0x003C:0x0 Dry Farmland average farmland_dry.png
0x003C:0x1 Wet Farmland average farmland_wet.png
0x003C:0x2 Wet Farmland average farmland_wet.png
0x003C:0x3 Wet Farmland average farmland_wet.png
0x003C:0x4 Wet Farmland average farmland_wet.png
0x003C:0x5 Wet Farmland average farmland_wet.png
0x003C:0x6 Wet Farmland average farmland_wet.png
0x003C:0x7 Wet Farmland average farmland_wet.png
0x003C:0x8 Wet Farmland average farmland_wet.png
0x003D Furnace average furnace_top.png
0x003E Burning Furnace average furnace_top.png
0x003F Sign Post fixed 0x566f5739
0x0040 Wooden Door average doorWood_upper.png
0x0041 Ladders average ladder.png
0x0042 Rails average rail.png
0x0043 Cobblestone Stairs average stonebrick.png
0x0044 Wall Sign fixed 0x206f5739
0x0045 Lever average lever.png
0x0046 Stone Pressure Plate average stone.png
0x0047 Iron Door average doorIron_upper.png
0x0048 Wooden Pressure Plate average wood.png
0x0049 Redstone Ore average oreRedstone.png
0x004A Glowing Redstone Ore average oreRedstone.png
0x004B Redstone Torch (inactive) average redtorch.png
0x004C Redstone Torch (active) average redtorch_lit.png
0x004D Stone Button
0x004E Snow average snow.png
0x004F Ice average ice.png
0x0050 Snow Block average snow.png
0x0051 Cactus average cactus_top.png
0x0052 Clay Block average clay.png
0x0053 Sugar Cane average reeds.png
0x0054 Jukebox average jukebox_top.png
0x0055 Fence fixed 0x8F463822
0x0056 Pumpkin average pumpkin_top.png
0x0057 Netherrack average hellrock.png
0x0058 Soul Sand average hellsand.png
0x0059 Glowstone Block average lightgem.png
0x005A Nether Portal
0x005B Jack 'o' Lantern average pumpkin_top.png
0x005C Cake Block average cake_top.png
0x005D Redstone Repeater (inactive) average repeater.png
0x005E Redstone Repeater (active) average repeater_lit.png
0x005F Locked Chest
0x0060 Trapdoor average trapdoor.png
0x0061:0x0 Monster Egg Stone average stone.png
0x0061:0x1 Monster Egg Cobblestone average stonebrick.png
0x0061:0x2 Monster Egg Stonebrick average stonebricksmooth.png
0x0062:0x0 Stone Brick average stonebricksmooth.png
0x0062:0x1 Mossy Stone Brick average stonebricksmooth_mossy.png
0x0062:0x2 Cracked Stone Brick average stonebricksmooth_cracked.png
0x0062:0x3 Chiseled Stone Brick average stonebricksmooth_carved.png
0x0063 Huge Brown Mushroom average mushroom_skin_brown.png
0x0064 Huge Red Mushroom average mushroom_skin_red.png
0x0065 Iron Bars average fenceIron.png
0x0066 Glass Pane average thinglass_top.png
0x0067 Melon average melon_top.png
0x0068 Pumpkin Stem
0x0069 Melon Stem
0x006A Vines biome foliage average vine.png
0x006B Fence Gate fixed 0x7b463822
0x006C Brick Stairs average brick.png
0x006D Stone Brick Stairs average stonebricksmooth.png
0x006E Mycelium average mycel_top.png
0x006F Lily Pad multiply average waterlily.png fixed 0x6fc449
0x0070 Nether Brick average netherBrick.png
0x0071 Nether Brick Fence average netherBrick.png
0x0072 Nether Brick Stairs average netherBrick.png
0x0073:0x0 Nether Wart average netherStalk_0.png
0x0073:0x1 Nether Wart average netherStalk_1.png
0x0073:0x2 Nether Wart average netherStalk_1.png
0x0073:0x3 Nether Wart average netherStalk_2.png
0x0074 Enchantment Table average enchantment_top.png
0x0075 Brewing Stand average brewingStand.png
0x0076 Cauldron average cauldron_inner.png
0x0077 End Portal fixed 0xFF101010
0x0078 End Portal Frame average endframe_top.png
0x0079 End Stone average whiteStone.png
0x007A Dragon Egg average dragonEgg.png
0x007B Redstone Lamp (inactive) average redstoneLight.png
0x007C Redstone Lamp (active) average redstoneLight_lit.png
0x007D:0x0 Oak Wood Double Slab average wood.png
0x007D:0x1 Spruce Wood Double Slab average wood_spruce.png
0x007D:0x2 Birch Double Slab average wood_birch.png
0x007D:0x3 Jungle Double Slab average wood_jungle.png
0x007E:0x0 Oak Wood Slab average wood.png
0x007E:0x1 Spruce Wood Slab average wood_spruce.png
0x007E:0x2 Birch Slab average wood_birch.png
0x007E:0x3 Jungle Slab average wood_jungle.png
0x007E:0x8 Oak Wood Slab average wood.png
0x007E:0x9 Spruce Wood Slab average wood_spruce.png
0x007E:0xA Birch Slab average wood_birch.png
0x007E:0xB Jungle Slab average wood_jungle.png
0x007F:0x0 Cocoa average cocoa_0.png
0x007F:0x1 Cocoa average cocoa_0.png
0x007F:0x2 Cocoa average cocoa_0.png
0x007F:0x3 Cocoa average cocoa_0.png
0x007F:0x4 Cocoa average cocoa_1.png
0x007F:0x5 Cocoa average cocoa_1.png
0x007F:0x6 Cocoa average cocoa_1.png
0x007F:0x7 Cocoa average cocoa_1.png
0x007F:0x8 Cocoa average cocoa_2.png
0x007F:0x9 Cocoa average cocoa_2.png
0x007F:0xA Cocoa average cocoa_2.png
0x007F:0xB Cocoa average cocoa_2.png
0x0080 Sandstone Stairs average sandstone_top.png
0x0081 Emerald Ore average oreEmerald.png
0x0082 Ender Chest
0x0083 Tripwire Hook average tripWireSource.png
0x0084 Tripwire average tripWire.png
0x0085 Block of Emerald average blockEmerald.png
0x0086 Spruce Wood Stairs average wood_spruce.png
0x0087 Birch Wood Stairs average wood_birch.png
0x0088 Jungle Wood Stairs average wood_jungle.png
0x0089 Command Block average commandBlock.png
0x008A Beacon average beacon.png
0x008B Cobblestone Wall average stonebrick.png
0x008C Flower Pot average flowerPot.png
0x008D:0x0 Carrots average carrots_0.png
0x008D:0x1 Carrots average carrots_0.png
0x008D:0x2 Carrots average carrots_1.png
0x008D:0x3 Carrots average carrots_1.png
0x008D:0x4 Carrots average carrots_2.png
0x008D:0x5 Carrots average carrots_2.png
0x008D:0x6 Carrots average carrots_2.png
0x008D:0x7 Carrots average carrots_3.png
0x008E:0x0 Potatoes average potatoes_0.png
0x008E:0x1 Potatoes average potatoes_0.png
0x008E:0x2 Potatoes average potatoes_1.png
0x008E:0x3 Potatoes average potatoes_1.png
0x008E:0x4 Potatoes average potatoes_2.png
0x008E:0x5 Potatoes average potatoes_2.png
0x008E:0x6 Potatoes average potatoes_2.png
0x008E:0x7 Potatoes average potatoes_3.png
0x008F Wooden Button
0x0090 Mob Heads
0x0091 Anvil average anvil_top.png
0x0092 Trapped Chest fixed 0xfe6f5739
0x0093 Weighted Pressure Plate (Light) average blockGold.png
0x0094 Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) average blockIron.png
0x0095 Redstone Comparator (inactive) average comparator.png
0x0096 Redstone Comparator (active) average comparator_lit.png
0x0097 Daylight Sensor average daylightDetector_top.png
0x0098 Block of Redstone average blockRedstone.png
0x0099 Nether Quartz Ore average netherquartz.png
0x009A Hopper average hopper.png
0x009B:0x0 Block of Quartz average quartzblock_top.png
0x009B:0x1 Chiseled Quartz Block average quartzblock_chiseled_top.png
0x009B:0x2 Pillar Quartz Block average quartzblock_lines_top.png
0x009B:0x3 Pillar Quartz Block average quartzblock_lines.png
0x009B:0x4 Pillar Quartz Block average quartzblock_lines.png
0x009C Quartz Stairs average quartzblock_top.png
0x009D Activator Rail average activatorRail.png
0x009E Dropper average dropper_front_vertical.png