| ; |
| ; Thistle Boot ROM |
| ; |
| .setcpu "6502" |
| |
| .segment "STARTUP" |
| |
| .byte "--[[CABE:Thistle:" |
| |
| ; TSF Component Data |
| fslist: .byte 10,10,0,"filesystem",0 |
| umlist: .byte 10,5,0,"drive",0 |
| secread: .byte 10,10,0,"readSector",3,1,0 |
| fsopend: .byte 10,4,0,"open",10,12,0,"Thistle/boot",0 |
| fsopenf: .byte 10,4,0,"open",10,7,0,"Thistle",0 |
| fsclose: .byte 10,5,0,"close" |
| fsread: .byte 10,4,0,"read",14,0,0,0,0,4,0,1,0 |
| |
| ; Messages |
| greeting: .byte "Thistle Boot ROM",10,10 |
| nomem: .byte "No Memory installed" |
| drives: .byte "Checking drives ...",10 |
| fsmsg: .byte 10,"Checking filesystems ...",10 |
| bootmsg: .byte "Booting ...",10 |
| noboot: .byte "Nothing to boot from" |
| |
| hexlookup: .byte "0123456789abcdef" |
| |
| .macro _copy_base_short src, dest, len, mode |
| lda #<src |
| sta $E041 |
| lda #>src |
| sta $E042 |
| lda #<dest |
| sta $E043 |
| lda #>dest |
| sta $E044 |
| lda #<len |
| sta $E045 |
| lda #mode |
| sta $e040 |
| .endmacro |
| |
| .macro copys_pp src, dest, len |
| _copy_base_short src, dest, len, $00 |
| .endmacro |
| |
| .macro copys_pu src, dest, len |
| _copy_base_short src, dest, len, $01 |
| .endmacro |
| |
| .macro copys_up src, dest, len |
| _copy_base_short src, dest, len, $02 |
| .endmacro |
| |
| .macro copys_uu src, dest, len |
| _copy_base_short src, dest, len, $03 |
| .endmacro |
| |
| hexprint: |
| ; Prints a byte to the screen |
| ; A - byte to print |
| ; Clobbers: X |
| pha |
| tax |
| tya |
| pha |
| txa |
| lsr |
| lsr |
| lsr |
| lsr |
| tay |
| lda hexlookup,Y |
| sta $E003 |
| txa |
| and #$0F |
| tay |
| lda hexlookup,Y |
| sta $E003 |
| pla |
| tay |
| pla |
| rts |
| |
| uuidprint: |
| ; Prints a UUID to the screen |
| ; $00, $01 - Address of UUID |
| ; Clobbers: A, X (hexprint), Y |
| ldy #$00 |
| @loop: lda ($00),Y |
| jsr hexprint |
| iny |
| cpy #$10 |
| beq @done |
| cpy #$04 |
| beq @dash |
| cpy #$06 |
| beq @dash |
| cpy #$08 |
| beq @dash |
| cpy #$0A |
| beq @dash |
| jmp @loop |
| @dash: lda #$2D |
| sta $E003 |
| jmp @loop |
| @done: lda #$0a |
| sta $E003 |
| rts |
| |
| _readlist: |
| ; Reads component list to $0200 |
| ; $02 - Bytes to skip for component type |
| ; Clobbers: A, X, Y, $00, $01 |
| lda #$00 |
| sta $00 |
| tay |
| lda #$02 |
| sta $01 |
| @loop1: lda $E012 |
| cmp #$00 ; TSF End Tag |
| beq @done |
| |
| ; Read UUID |
| ldx #$10 |
| @loop2: lda $E012 |
| sta ($00),Y |
| iny |
| cpy #$00 |
| bne @skip |
| inc $01 ; Increment $01 when Y wraps to 0 |
| @skip: dex |
| cpx #$00 |
| bne @loop2 |
| |
| ; Drop component name |
| ldx $02 |
| @loop3: lda $E012 |
| dex |
| cpx #$00 |
| bne @loop3 |
| jmp @loop1 |
| @done: lda #$02 |
| sta $01 |
| rts |
| |
| .macro readlist skip |
| lda #skip |
| sta $02 |
| jsr _readlist |
| .endmacro |
| |
| loaduuid: |
| ; Load a UUID into the component selector buffer |
| ; $00, $01 - Address to read from |
| ; Clobbers: A, X, Y, (uuidprint) |
| jsr uuidprint |
| ldy $00 |
| ldx #$10 |
| lda #$0b ; UUID Tag |
| sta $E012 |
| @loop: lda ($00),Y ; UUID Byte loop |
| sta $E012 |
| iny |
| cpy #$00 |
| bne @skip |
| inc $01 |
| @skip: dex |
| cpx #$00 |
| bne @loop |
| sty $00 |
| stx $E012 ; End Tag |
| stx $E010 ; Map Component |
| rts |
| |
| bootdrive: |
| ; Checks and boots from a drive |
| lda $D000 |
| cmp #$00 |
| beq @boot |
| rts |
| @boot: copys_up bootmsg, $E003, .sizeof(bootmsg) |
| lda #$01 ; Setup Copy Engine |
| sta $E041 |
| lda #$D0 |
| sta $E042 |
| lda #$00 |
| sta $E043 |
| lda #$02 |
| sta $E044 |
| |
| lda $D001 ; Discard tag |
| lda $D001 |
| sta $E045 |
| lda $D001 |
| sta $E046 |
| |
| lda #$01 ; Copy |
| sta $E040 |
| |
| lda #$00 |
| sta $E046 |
| jmp $0200 ; Boot |
| |
| bootfs: |
| ; Boots from a file |
| lda $D000 |
| cmp #$00 |
| beq @boot |
| rts |
| @boot: copys_up bootmsg, $E003, .sizeof(bootmsg) |
| lda #$02 ; Something to boot! |
| sta $00 |
| copys_uu fsread, $0001, .sizeof(fsread) ; Copy read command |
| copys_pu $D001, $0008, 5 ; Inject handle |
| |
| @loop: ldx $00 |
| cpx #$D0 |
| beq @done ; Too much data read |
| copys_up $0001, $D001, .sizeof(fsread) ; Call "read" |
| lda #$00 |
| sta $D000 |
| |
| lda $D001 ; Check TSF Tag |
| cmp #$09 ; Byte array? |
| beq @skip |
| cmp #$0A ; String? |
| beq @skip |
| jmp @done ; No more data to read |
| |
| @skip: ldy #$01 ; Setup Copy Engine |
| sty $E041 |
| lda #$D0 |
| sta $E042 |
| ldx #$00 |
| stx $E043 |
| lda $00 |
| sta $E044 |
| lda $D001 |
| sta $E045 |
| lda $D001 |
| sta $E046 |
| sty $E040 ; Execute Copy Engine Command |
| stx $E046 ; Put high byte of size back to 0 |
| inc $00 |
| jmp @loop |
| |
| @done: copys_up fsclose, $D001, .sizeof(fsclose) ; Call close |
| copys_up $0008, $D001, 5 |
| stx $D001 |
| stx $D000 |
| copys_up $0008, $E012, 5 ; Destroy value |
| stx $E012 |
| lda #$04 |
| sta $E010 |
| jmp $0200 ; Boot |
| |
| reset: |
| ; Display boot greeting |
| copys_up greeting, $E003, .sizeof(greeting) |
| |
| ; Memory Check |
| lda $E018 |
| cmp #$00 |
| bne havemem |
| lda $E019 |
| cmp #$00 |
| bne havemem |
| ; No Memory Installed |
| copys_up nomem, $E003, .sizeof(nomem) |
| @loop: jmp @loop |
| |
| havemem: |
| copys_up drives, $E003, .sizeof(drives) |
| ; Look for "drive" components |
| copys_up umlist, $E012, .sizeof(umlist) |
| lda #$03 |
| sta $E010 |
| |
| ; Store list to memory |
| lda $E011 |
| sta $03 |
| readlist 8 |
| |
| ; Parse list |
| lda $03 |
| cmp #$00 |
| beq fschk ; No "drive" componets left to check |
| jsr loaduuid |
| copys_up secread, $D001, .sizeof(secread) ; Call readSector |
| lda #$00 |
| sta $D000 |
| jsr bootdrive |
| dec $03 |
| |
| ; Check the drive components |
| |
| fschk: |
| copys_up fsmsg, $E003, .sizeof(fsmsg) |
| ; Look for "filesystem" components |
| copys_up fslist, $E012, .sizeof(fslist) |
| lda #$03 |
| sta $E010 |
| |
| ; Store list to memory |
| lda $E011 |
| sta $03 |
| readlist 13 |
| |
| ; Parse list |
| @loop: lda $03 |
| cmp #$00 |
| beq failboot ; No "filesystem" componets left to check |
| jsr loaduuid |
| copys_up fsopend, $D001, .sizeof(fsopend) ; open Thistle/boot |
| lda #$00 |
| sta $D000 |
| jsr bootfs |
| copys_up fsopenf, $D001, .sizeof(fsopenf) ; open Thistle |
| lda #$00 |
| sta $D000 |
| jsr bootfs |
| dec $03 |
| jmp @loop |
| |
| failboot: |
| copys_up noboot, $E003, .sizeof(noboot) |
| @loop: jmp @loop |
| |
| nmi: |
| rti |
| |
| irq: |
| rti |
| |
| .byte "]]error",$22,"Thistle architecture required",$22,"--" |
| |
| .segment "VECTORS" |
| |
| .word nmi |
| .word reset |
| .word irq |