- 9b4476a moved gui updating/closing logic in screens to parent class (environment) and moved it to the tileentity package; larger robot inventory by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- f135d86 made power distributor logic a component to be re-usable in robots; general shuffling for robot stuff, now building an "internal" network for each robot that is *not* connected to the outside world. this will limit some cards installed in the robot (e.g. gpus won't work with external screens) but makes it much easier to re-use components without having the issue that they interfere with external stuff (also, it makes robots less of a complete replacement for normal computers, which they should not be, they have a very specific role, after all); reworked how stuff gets saved a bit more, nodes are now generally saved by their host - in particular the base tile entity we use (Environment) will now only automatically save its `node` if it is that node's host by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 6e1ba98 some redstone fixes (again); restructured a bit: computer, buffer (screen) and keyboard now hold their own node, which for the normal blocks is just re-used as that te's node, but this way they can be directly re-used in robots which have to have multiple nodes in one te; more gui stuff for robots; moved gameregistry stuff out of individual classes into the registry singletons; fixed guis being opened twice; mostly got "built-in" components for robot working (it's basically like a case with a built-in screen, fixed gpu and ram, for now) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 077bc98 fleshing out the robot block a bit, adding the gui and inventory by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- c8bcc59 messed with synchronization of network a bit, mostly removing the synchronizations, meaning using the network in direct lua callbacks is *not safe* anymore. consuming / producing power however should be, that's synchronized (and hopefully won't deadlock, unless I forgot some case); fixed opengl errors when moving screens using RIM by checking if a display list is currently being compiled, and not trying to compile again if so, but simple rendering what we currently have. also reduced the keep-alive time of the cache a bit. by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 5faedd2 moved some more stuff from case to computer superclass by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 34a9270 underped dedicated server a bit by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- e286fb7 added new concept for LuaCallback annotation: limited direct calls. this allows defining the number of times a method may be called directly per tick, to limit the load Lua programs can but on the game, for example if the method has to use some expensive resource or generates network traffic. used for gpus, to allow different tiers to be updated with different speeds: set/fill/copy are now direct until they hit the limit. this makes for a much more responsive experience while still making sure Lua cannot completely blow the net traffic off the charts; also made some more getter methods in filesystem direct (in particular `size` which slowed down ls -l way too much); fixed a deadlock, possibly; screens now consume a constant amount of power and will stop displaying stuff when unpowered (won't lose the buffer, though) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 1b7eebf fixed redstone program always setting bundled output; now reading input from isolated red alloy wires (redlogic); general clean up; triggering persistable.save/load form environment class now (our base tile entity class); by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- f5da4e6 made power supply configurable by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 6c5b172 fixed rednet interop; reduced powersupply output by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 6570d88 fixed converter not filling up global buffers by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 1aa60d2 made analyzer localizable; removed buffer from most components - only producers (converter, power supply) and a new block, the capacitor now have a buffer; tweaked power values a bit (I even made a spreadsheet!); file i/o now needs power (i.e. reading and writing files, all the "info" stuff doesn't); multi-block screens now require more power the larger they are by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- e68aab6 changed power model to an overflow based one instead of averaging all buffers (buffers across the network will be emptied / filled one after the other, regardless from where the power delta came) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 0eb6ef4 minor refactoring (moved driver implementations to sub-packages); catching errors when parsing network packets and logging those errors (malicious packets could otherwise crash servers by triggering an exception); directly returning the number when running a command on the command block by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- ac72c27 world breaker! weeeee. massive renaming of stuff that I waited for to accumulate to do all in one big change, since it breaks my test world due to id changes. also a bit of refactoring here and there, e.g. the block previously called computer is now called case. computer is now the base class which will hopefully be generic enough to be re-used for bots. hopefully didn't break anything... by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 584cec0 cables; changed things around a bit with regards to tile entities: environment is now the tile entity whereas rotatable is now a trait. this makes a lot of things less redundant in tile entities, in particular after cleaning up tile entity connect/disconnect logic (disconnect now purely via invalidate/onUnload); fixed default case for shouldSideBeRendered in special block; by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- f1ed542 added a new interface to the api that allows tile entity environments to add more information when the analyzer tool is used on them; removed check for analyzer in delegator block, must be sneaking for some blocks to use it now (screen, computer, disk drive) and keep control pressed in addition to sneaking to copy the address to the clipboard (hardcoded keys, yay... may make it configurable some day... or not); rotation was kinda working but not fully (could not change yaw for blocks that faced up or down), now it works for all cases (probably); forcing render update when rotating blocks (computer block didn't re-render, for example) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- b466887 limiting length of power display of analyzer by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- b1ac3e8 updated eris; increased screen buffer size because tier 3 screens failed to clear way too often; displaying power state of nodes via analyzer; fixed power getting lost when changing multi-screens (screens were cleared via same functions as those called from Lua, now they're cleared directly) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 0c8347d more color screen stuff; made advanced screen 4 bit, pro screen 8 bit (which is actually pretty much for a pseudo computer in a game with 16x16 textures...); depth can be dynamically changed; colors are always provided as 32bit rgb from the lua side to make things easier, so it's ok to call these even on a color-less gpu+screen; added vertical gap between chars in char texture to avoid bleeding when interpolating due to downscaling; made some programs use colors (sh, lua and ls); screw scanlines, aliasing is too much of a pain by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 4ee76b1 working on color screens by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 39b2c97 added analyzer tool: right click on a block show its address. for computers it also shows the last error message, if any (if the computer crashed). for multi screens it always shows the address of the origin. shift-rightclick copies the address to the clipboard. by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- a7d2119 r-tree for wireless networks; type in time formatter; label abstraction for more flexible label editing (e.g. for computercraft disks); allow mounting computercraft disks in disk drive; dependencies on mods for apis by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 1c34cdb sending wireless network messages now costs power based on the used signal strength and range per power is configurable, as is the power buffer size of wireless network cards by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 35d8e07 computer no longer uses power based on cpu time, since this caused massive power spikes when loading (and possible when the world lagged a lot), because the worker thread runs on low priority and could therefore be stalled by the host os for a while if something else takes priority; managed item environments now get their container passed along (usually the tile entity with the inventory they reside in), used by redstone card from now on to determine the block to read/write from/to (instead of the message sender, which should always be that same block, but it's clearer like this). also used for the new wireless network cards so they know where they are; added wireless network cards. they act as an upgrade to normal network cards, i.e. they still send "normal" network messages in addition to looking for receivers in range. the signal strength for sending can be adjusted via the api, the higher the further we look for receivers, but the more power it will cost (this isn't in, yet). in addition we sample a few blocks between sender and receiver to check if the signal may have been blocked. by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- bccee0c added basic "ownership" implementation: computers now have a list of users, and only users can perform direct operations on the computer, such as typing, changing the inventory and breaking the computer block. this does not apply to operators or in single player mode; added a new network message for computers `computer.checked_signal`, which expects an `EntityPlayer` as the first parameter and checks if the player is a user before pushing the signal. used by the keyboard for now; finally added custom implementation of 'mergeItemStack' that properly respects a slot's item validity (Slot.isItemValid) so shift clicking now inserts components into the right slots for computers; some small changes to Lua shell lib; added -b option to redstone Lua program to allow reading/setting bundled input and output; added programs to manage users from the shell by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 9098d00 moved key tracking to keyboard companion object by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 9948879 tracking pressed keys on server to send key up signals when a player disconnects / changes dimension / dies by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 2a48cb2 fixed timers firing continuously after setting the time to a future date; fixed date stuff after realizing /time set sets world time absolutely (too used to nei by far...); added proper os.date implementation; by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- eb3a8e1 added bundled redstone support, only support for immibis' RedLogic mod for now by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- bb7684a cleaned up included apis some, removing all the unnecessary interfaces; made carriage component completely async; reworked state logic in computer some, probably broke something along the way; made startup delay after loading a setting; by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 8395814 added @Optional for ic2, bc and cc interfaces by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- e9bc088 upgraded forge version and added API annotation to api package by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 59ab876 minor cleanup by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 2a2785e cleaned up RIM reflection into a helper singleton; cleaned up and extended RIM component a bit; extended arguments class with type testing methods; documented arguments class; linearly increasing screen buffer size per tier (copy would fail for advanced screens...) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 43d9365 renamed LuaCallback.asynchronous to LuaCallback.direct by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 7d907fd checking direction validity in carriage.move synchronously by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- ed458f9 added driver for RIM's carriage controller block and fixed some issues with blocks being moved by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- e99eebf fixed lighting bug in dynamic inventory renderer by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- ab785eb forbid access to string metatable for sandbox; minor restructuring of libraries (mostly sorting by name); saving managed environments attached to an adapter. this is not very reliable, sadly, since there are way too many ways neighbors can change outside our control (chunks only partially loaded, types removed across games due to other mod changes, mods that move blocks such as RIM, ...); making some effort to re-attach peripherals using their previous address; removed connection code on chunk load in network manager, since this is also handled by the check in the tile entities' update function by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- fcdb75e rudimentary driver for computercraft peripherals: it emulates a computer that is the whole network and does not provide a lua context which may cause nullpointers. good enough to allow accessing cc disk drives and read/write floppies in them. by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 3c6d3f3 less nullpointers in buildcraft power logic; handling weird cases where the computer may not have run yet but we have to recompute the amount of memory and there is no ram; removed dead rotation logic from block activate, all handled via rotateblock; fixed computers possibly stopping after loading due to bad sleep value by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 1b57193 made all the power stuff configurable; working around power spikes when loading computer blocks (waiting for world to settle for a second before continuing execution) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 49ced36 computers need power to run (base level + elapsed cpu time); screens need power to change their display, different costs per operation, depends on number of 'pixels' changed; fixed distributors not balancing buffers if attached to existing network without distributor by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 301cec0 fixed adapter's network functionality. tested with latest CC and now it actually works. what a surprise. by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 59c953e initializing network connections in tile entities' update function now (i.e. we call Network.joinOrCreateNetwork from there if we have a node and that node isn't in a network yet). this is because on block added is somewhat unreliable, in particular when other mods start getting involved - say, RIM. which is what I tested with right now, and it actually works, i.e. computers can be moved by carriages and keep running without fail. huzzah; also removed weak keys from screen renderer cache, the timeout is enough by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 666ab55 fixed rendering with multiple distributors in a single network by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- fd67e24 added a simple power supply that generates power out of thin air for testing by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- f4641d5 better check for whether power redistribution is needed and reduced number of network packets generated for synchronizing average buffer fill (used for display, brightness of overlay on distributor) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 521613f added option to make power optional; made it so that node creation is impossible for clients, since nodes are exclusively meant for server logic, this makes this more clear; underped buffer re-balancing computation and added check to stop if delta gets small by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- e420b0f moved node name from node to component, since that's where it belongs by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 734b1bd made the node factory stuff nicer to use. the backing code has become somewhat ugly, but that's just java's fault so whatever. it is now possible to write something along the lines of api.Network.newNode(host, name, visibility).withComponent().withConnector(bufferSize).create(), which reads pretty nicely; power is back, but with a few changes. for one, the "running cost" is gone, since that was really just confusing, and would have resulted in frequent updates once the buffers are full/empty anyway (once because we'd have to check whether to fill up or not, once to check if we have enough power or not). it's just much more intuitive to just have a buffer per powered entity that can be filled/emptied as needed. also, there's no differentiation between consumers and producers anymore. producers just fill up their buffers, while consumers empty their buffers. the power distributor now simply takes care of balancing the amount of energy in all buffers connected to the same network it is connected to. multiple distributors don't need any special logic this way, either, since the first one to update simply marks all processed buffers as clean (if they were dirty due to changes); renamed PowerSupply to PowerConverter by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- d92257d fixed network messaging; pulled persist logic completely to the scala side, doing away with the boot lua script; by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 5aad6d6 cleaned up component visibility updating; some fixes by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 12081e5 some more "shortcut" functions in node interface, allows writing node.blah(..) instead of node.network.blah(node, ...), which, since normally a node reference is held, was way too common. by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 730c8f0 restructuring network a bit, using messages more for "event like" stuff, thus removing the return values and simplifying the network manager in general quite a bit; removed "system messages", the manager now directly calls onConnect/onDisconnect in the nodes' environment, and said functions take now the relevant node as a parameter; component invoke is now directly called via component interface, not as a message anymore; stuff, i guess by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- fe446e9 fixed nullpointer in disconnect of powered down computers; fixed components with a visibility lower than their reachability not being added to the list of visible components in a computer by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- d886527 renamed event.wait to event.pull; removed event.fire, instead allowing generating/queuing signals from the Lua side, adding os.pushSignal and renaming os.signal to os.pullSignal. pullSignal now has no filtering capabilities, only a timeout, all filtering is done via event.pull by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 1fd375f screw it, events are now global, i.e. they will *not* automatically be cleaned up when the program that registered them dies. instead, resort to event pulling for most cases, the nice filtering in event.wait should make that feasible for most scenarios; on the upside, waits can now be canceled (customizable via event.shouldInterrupt, queried each time os.signal returns to event.wait, defaults to ctr+alt+c being pressed), event.wait will throw an "interrupted" error in that case. this means os.sleep is also interruptable since it just calls event.wait; also updated eris to latest version by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- d52a099 less derpy environment "sandboxing" for shell.execute, instead tracking events per thread now, and removing those of dead threads; thus, programs are now run in their own coroutines, which also allows emulation of cc's yield behavior (pulling events = signals); no label = null instead of empty string now by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 7cf9fad allow settings fs label on construction and added read-only flag (used to forbid label change on ro systems); forbid setting label on volatile systems (in particular tmpfs); added program to manipulate fs labels; added program to display disk usage by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- c51d551 cleaned up lua stuff a bit; split off unicode stuff into extra table; some fixes (fs.exists for non-existent virtual objects, `less` program, other stuff i forgot); added mount and umount programs by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 30c2682 cleaned up LuaCallbacks a bit, passing a context and argument wrapper instead of the message itself now by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 78a426c metric ton of fixes. somehow the number of touches files feels too low... anyway, also added option to LuaCallback annotation to mark callbacks as asynchronous (meaning they will be called directly from the executor thread) and synchronized the sh*t out of the network manager in the hopes that not all will crumble to pieces due to sending messages around while someone meddles with the network (program calls sth while player places/breaks block e.g.); oh, and we now take the memory baseline after loading the libs, meaning 32k is enough to run a computer again. also, loading libs is done asynchronously now, since it's loaded from the rom and nobody else should be able to access that anyway, meaning fast boot-times; command line program to manipulate redstone output and read input by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- a7ec5c0 things are slowly beginning to work again... it's still all a big mess, though by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- af286d1 on the ever so painful path to refactoring the api... making nodes black boxes to be created via a factory and providing previous functionality to their "environment" (owning object) via other callbacks and stuff; pretty much *nothing* is working right now, yay! by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 24228a2 prepping for more api->java by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- c231f61 javaified a lot of the api, which means a lot of the documentation will probably be slightly off now, and there may be new bugs (yay!). also, component networking stuff is slightly more fugly now since a lot of stuff has to be manually boxed. will rework that next, i guess by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- c556f40 simplified redstone driver (just using the message source as the redstone input/output provider) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 1454512 pcall for event error handler; super-hacky low-level boot progress feedback (as soon as any gpu in the pc has been bound, so it'll only work after the first boot and if the hardware doesn't change between boots, but hey!); keeping leading / in absolute paths in fs.canonical; prefixing paths specified to shell.path with a / if there is none already (making them explicitly absolute); moved file handle gc to the file stream, which is more logical; increased width of minimal resolution a bit (mainly so that the lua copyright notice fits into one line :P); made more gpu driver functions return a true boolean if they were called successfully; limiting the number of open handles a single computer can have per filesystem by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 4a664bb some cleanup; automatically restarting the shell if it stops (avoids the occasional ctrl+c shutting down the computer); added os.sleep and extended event.wait to take a filter, which basically makes it similar to cc's pullEvent with an optional timeout; determining io buffer size based on current free ram and added a minimum size; some better "sandboxing" for programs (which really isn't that, just making automatic listener cleanup as consistent as possible); using error messages in (uncaught) exceptions where possible, making for some nicer error messages, for example for out of memory errors when pushing results from the host side; made difftime a lua function; properly initializing text renderer on multi-screens; added program for paged file viewing by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- e9f2fac cleaned up some on the lua side, moving a couple of things in to 'lib' files that they belong to (in particular io api moved over from the filesystem driver, os api reimplementation stuff and base api); switched from a set of resolutions to a maximum resolution per tier; removed the magic ram bonus that was used to avoid standard lib stuff hitting the ram requirements too much, but that got too wonky. downside is that right now we need 96k to boot a computer, will either have to bump the ram module sizes or try to reduce that. by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 010e4cc fixed screen.fill; corrected screen aspect ratio and added code for stretched rendering by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 95e9997 fixed two string.* functions (were still bxxx instead of uxxx); fixed tmp not being cleared properly. again; stripped some implementations from api traits, to make it easier to transition them to Java (which I think we should do in the long run, after all) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- e6bbfdc multi-tier screens and gpus. three tiers, with increasing resolutions and (at some point) color starting with the second tierl; custom "Ordering" implementation so we can just sort screens by their coordinates one by one instead of hashing them; Tuple (and untested Seq) return values supported for driver callbacks (converted to tables); added a field called "n" to all "arrays" returned from driver calls (so also tuples and seqs) mimicking Lua's table.pack by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- a3c0ae6 define languages via pack.mcmeta (not hardcoded in proxy) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 9785ab4 proper shell and a bunch of utility programs by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- e582fe6 changed the Persistable interface a bit to now use names "compatible" with tile entities (readFromNBT and writeToNBT) and made the overrides in the Node trait abstract. this way tile entities will *have* to implement these two functions, making it less likely to ... forget calling save on nodes. the only negative is that one still has to manually call the two different "super" implementations, the one on the tile entity explicitly (in our case usually super[Rotatable].read/write...) in addition to the usual super call. seems to work so far. by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- ccf53d6 defaulting to standard lua string functions and making unicode ones available prefixed with a u (uchar, ulen, usub, ureverse); fixed event erroring being weird; fixed wrong case check order in kernel; fixed error when netsplitting a component from a computer; fixed localization for disk drive; config for name to provide when running command in command block; increased range of keyboards; adapter blocks re-use the same addresses for the blocks attached to them to avoid computers losing track of those nodes after reloading by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 87aa1f4 redstone, oh how i loathe ye by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 7d73f3a slight concept change in naming: "components" are now nodes that can be seen/addressed by computers via some driver; signal when redstone input changes by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- b1a9ef6 split computer visibility into a separate trait, to allow more standardized dynamic changing of said visibility. only used by multi-block screens for now (so that only the origin of a multi-block screen shows up in the component list); made monitor merge algorithm (more) deterministic, to avoid possibly desyncs in server and client state (it depended on the tile entity update order before). this also guarantees screens are merged the same way after loading a previously saved game by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 4556f37 better distance computation for screens, based on center of its bounding box and being the minimal distance to the bounding box, instead of the origin and the distance to the center of it by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- c1d2473 made some screen settings available in config; fixed monitor size limits based on config being one too small; properly sized bounding box for screen tile entity when it's a multi-block; re-added render check for screen text, this time based on player position instead of look direction by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 0320935 progress on multi-block screens by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- efb8f29 minor refactoring moving power related stuff to its own package; made receiver trait use provider trait instead of internal distributor implementation; made some minor things more scala-ish by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- efe25b3 Merge branch 'master' of cil.li:oc by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- cbfbc2f refactored screen env into screen's companion object (same as already done with computer); keeping track of pressed keys client-side to send char on key-up (lwjgl doesn't seem to properly provide that, code and char always seem to be 0 on key up) and to send key up events for all still pressed keys when closing the gui. server will have to keep track of all key presses (and the players that did them) at some point, too, since clients may just disconnect, for example (or be malicious) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- deb45f3 nicer native library loading (in particular nicer failure case) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- db139a1 using slot's built-in background icon functionality in computer gui now by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 8ed4875 disk drive and floppy disks (disk drives are mountable and act as a "proxy" for the item in them); minor refactoring; by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 56cc2c3 updated energy distribution but not with final values by Johannes Lohrer · 11 years ago
- a3fa83b Merge branch 'master' of cil.li:oc by Johannes Lohrer · 11 years ago
- 1c8927f made traits for all possibilities by Johannes Lohrer · 11 years ago
- c3ae449 update method in node; adapter is a computercraft peripheral now (untested obviously since cc isn't 1.64 yet); some more access options for network cards by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 53aff13 Merge branch 'master' of cil.li:oc by Johannes Lohrer · 11 years ago
- 1ca4b92 some changes (upload for pull) by Johannes Lohrer · 11 years ago
- 2dadc4b adapter block and driver for command block by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago
- 1e8d48c added textures for power blocks and reworked rendering of tile entity overlays a little (better way of ignoring lighting now) by Florian Nücke · 11 years ago