| package li.cil.oc.server.driver |
| |
| import java.util |
| |
| import li.cil.oc.OpenComputers |
| import li.cil.oc.api |
| import li.cil.oc.api.driver.Converter |
| import li.cil.oc.api.driver.EnvironmentProvider |
| import li.cil.oc.api.driver.InventoryProvider |
| import li.cil.oc.api.driver.item.HostAware |
| import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Value |
| import li.cil.oc.api.network.EnvironmentHost |
| import li.cil.oc.api.network.ManagedEnvironment |
| import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer |
| import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory |
| import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack |
| import net.minecraft.world.World |
| import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection |
| |
| import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsJava._ |
| import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsScala._ |
| import scala.collection.mutable |
| import scala.math.ScalaNumber |
| |
| /** |
| * This class keeps track of registered drivers and provides installation logic |
| * for each registered driver. |
| * |
| * Each component type must register its driver with this class to be used with |
| * computers, since this class is used to determine whether an object is a |
| * valid component or not. |
| * |
| * All drivers must be installed once the game starts - in the init phase - and |
| * are then injected into all computers started up past that point. A driver is |
| * a set of functions made available to the computer. These functions will |
| * usually require a component of the type the driver wraps to be installed in |
| * the computer, but may also provide context-free functions. |
| */ |
| private[oc] object Registry extends api.detail.DriverAPI { |
| val blocks = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[api.driver.Block] |
| |
| val sidedBlocks = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[api.driver.SidedBlock] |
| |
| val items = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[api.driver.Item] |
| |
| val converters = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[api.driver.Converter] |
| |
| val environmentProviders = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[api.driver.EnvironmentProvider] |
| |
| val inventoryProviders = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[api.driver.InventoryProvider] |
| |
| val blacklist = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(ItemStack, mutable.Set[Class[_]])] |
| |
| /** Used to keep track of whether we're past the init phase. */ |
| var locked = false |
| |
| override def add(driver: api.driver.Block) { |
| if (locked) throw new IllegalStateException("Please register all drivers in the init phase.") |
| if (!blocks.contains(driver)) { |
| OpenComputers.log.debug(s"Registering block driver ${driver.getClass.getName}.") |
| blocks += driver |
| } |
| } |
| |
| override def add(driver: api.driver.SidedBlock) { |
| if (locked) throw new IllegalStateException("Please register all drivers in the init phase.") |
| if (!sidedBlocks.contains(driver)) { |
| OpenComputers.log.debug(s"Registering block driver ${driver.getClass.getName}.") |
| sidedBlocks += driver |
| } |
| } |
| |
| override def add(driver: api.driver.Item) { |
| if (locked) throw new IllegalStateException("Please register all drivers in the init phase.") |
| if (!items.contains(driver)) { |
| OpenComputers.log.debug(s"Registering item driver ${driver.getClass.getName}.") |
| items += driver |
| } |
| } |
| |
| override def add(converter: Converter) { |
| if (locked) throw new IllegalStateException("Please register all converters in the init phase.") |
| if (!converters.contains(converter)) { |
| OpenComputers.log.debug(s"Registering converter ${converter.getClass.getName}.") |
| converters += converter |
| } |
| } |
| |
| override def add(provider: EnvironmentProvider): Unit = { |
| if (locked) throw new IllegalStateException("Please register all environment providers in the init phase.") |
| if (!environmentProviders.contains(provider)) { |
| OpenComputers.log.debug(s"Registering environment provider ${provider.getClass.getName}.") |
| environmentProviders += provider |
| } |
| } |
| |
| override def add(provider: InventoryProvider): Unit = { |
| if (locked) throw new IllegalStateException("Please register all inventory providers in the init phase.") |
| if (!inventoryProviders.contains(provider)) { |
| OpenComputers.log.debug(s"Registering inventory provider ${provider.getClass.getName}.") |
| inventoryProviders += provider |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // TODO Remove in OC 1.7 |
| override def driverFor(world: World, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) = { |
| driverFor(world, x, y, z, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN) match { |
| case driver: api.driver.SidedBlock => new api.driver.Block { |
| override def worksWith(world: World, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): Boolean = driver.worksWith(world, x, y, z, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN) |
| |
| override def createEnvironment(world: World, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): ManagedEnvironment = driver.createEnvironment(world, x, y, z, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN) |
| } |
| case _ => null |
| } |
| } |
| |
| override def driverFor(world: World, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, side: ForgeDirection) = |
| (sidedBlocks.filter(_.worksWith(world, x, y, z, side)), blocks.filter(_.worksWith(world, x, y, z))) match { |
| case (sidedDrivers, drivers) if sidedDrivers.nonEmpty || drivers.nonEmpty => new CompoundBlockDriver(sidedDrivers.toArray, drivers.toArray) |
| case _ => null |
| } |
| |
| override def driverFor(stack: ItemStack, host: Class[_ <: EnvironmentHost]) = |
| if (stack != null) { |
| val hostAware = items.collect { |
| case driver: HostAware if driver.worksWith(stack) => driver |
| } |
| if (hostAware.nonEmpty) { |
| hostAware.find(_.worksWith(stack, host)).orNull |
| } |
| else driverFor(stack) |
| } |
| else null |
| |
| override def driverFor(stack: ItemStack) = |
| if (stack != null) items.find(_.worksWith(stack)).orNull |
| else null |
| |
| @Deprecated |
| override def environmentFor(stack: ItemStack): Class[_] = { |
| environmentProviders.map(provider => provider.getEnvironment(stack)).collectFirst { |
| case clazz: Class[_] => clazz |
| }.orNull |
| } |
| |
| override def environmentsFor(stack: ItemStack): util.Set[Class[_]] = environmentProviders.map(_.getEnvironment(stack)).filter(_ != null).toSet[Class[_]] |
| |
| override def inventoryFor(stack: ItemStack, player: EntityPlayer): IInventory = { |
| inventoryProviders.find(provider => provider.worksWith(stack, player)). |
| map(provider => provider.getInventory(stack, player)). |
| orNull |
| } |
| |
| override def blockDrivers = blocks.toSeq |
| |
| override def itemDrivers = items.toSeq |
| |
| def blacklistHost(stack: ItemStack, host: Class[_]) { |
| blacklist.find(_._1.isItemEqual(stack)) match { |
| case Some((_, hosts)) => hosts += host |
| case _ => blacklist.append((stack, mutable.Set(host))) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def convert(value: Array[AnyRef]) = if (value != null) value.map(arg => convertRecursively(arg, new util.IdentityHashMap())) else null |
| |
| def convertRecursively(value: Any, memo: util.IdentityHashMap[AnyRef, AnyRef], force: Boolean = false): AnyRef = { |
| val valueRef = value match { |
| case number: ScalaNumber => number.underlying |
| case reference: AnyRef => reference |
| case null => null |
| case primitive => primitive.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] |
| } |
| if (!force && memo.containsKey(valueRef)) { |
| memo.get(valueRef) |
| } |
| else valueRef match { |
| case null | Unit | None => null |
| |
| case arg: java.lang.Boolean => arg |
| case arg: java.lang.Byte => arg |
| case arg: java.lang.Character => arg |
| case arg: java.lang.Short => arg |
| case arg: java.lang.Integer => arg |
| case arg: java.lang.Long => arg |
| case arg: java.lang.Float => arg |
| case arg: java.lang.Double => arg |
| case arg: java.lang.Number => Double.box(arg.doubleValue()) |
| case arg: java.lang.String => arg |
| |
| case arg: Array[Boolean] => arg |
| case arg: Array[Byte] => arg |
| case arg: Array[Character] => arg |
| case arg: Array[Short] => arg |
| case arg: Array[Integer] => arg |
| case arg: Array[Long] => arg |
| case arg: Array[Float] => arg |
| case arg: Array[Double] => arg |
| case arg: Array[String] => arg |
| |
| case arg: Value => arg |
| |
| case arg: Array[_] => convertList(arg, arg.zipWithIndex.iterator, memo) |
| case arg: Product => convertList(arg, arg.productIterator.zipWithIndex, memo) |
| case arg: Seq[_] => convertList(arg, arg.zipWithIndex.iterator, memo) |
| |
| case arg: Map[_, _] => convertMap(arg, arg, memo) |
| case arg: mutable.Map[_, _] => convertMap(arg, arg.toMap, memo) |
| case arg: java.util.Map[_, _] => convertMap(arg, arg.toMap, memo) |
| |
| case arg: Iterable[_] => convertList(arg, arg.zipWithIndex.toIterator, memo) |
| case arg: java.lang.Iterable[_] => convertList(arg, arg.zipWithIndex.iterator, memo) |
| |
| case arg => |
| val converted = new util.HashMap[AnyRef, AnyRef]() |
| memo += arg -> converted |
| converters.foreach(converter => try converter.convert(arg, converted) catch { |
| case t: Throwable => OpenComputers.log.warn("Type converter threw an exception.", t) |
| }) |
| if (converted.isEmpty) { |
| memo += arg -> arg.toString |
| arg.toString |
| } |
| else { |
| // This is a little nasty but necessary because we need to keep the |
| // 'converted' value up-to-date for any reference created to it in |
| // the following convertRecursively call. For example: |
| // - Converter C is called for A with map M. |
| // - C puts A into M again. |
| // - convertRecursively(M) encounters A in the memoization map, uses M. |
| // That M is then 'wrong', as in not fully converted. Hence the clear |
| // plus copy action afterwards. |
| memo += converted -> converted // Makes convertMap re-use the map. |
| convertRecursively(converted, memo, force = true) |
| memo -= converted |
| if (converted.size == 1 && converted.containsKey("oc:flatten")) { |
| val value = converted.get("oc:flatten") |
| memo += arg -> value // Update memoization map. |
| value |
| } |
| else { |
| converted |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def convertList(obj: AnyRef, list: Iterator[(Any, Int)], memo: util.IdentityHashMap[AnyRef, AnyRef]) = { |
| val converted = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[AnyRef] |
| memo += obj -> converted |
| for ((value, index) <- list) { |
| converted += convertRecursively(value, memo) |
| } |
| converted.toArray |
| } |
| |
| def convertMap(obj: AnyRef, map: Map[_, _], memo: util.IdentityHashMap[AnyRef, AnyRef]) = { |
| val converted = memo.getOrElseUpdate(obj, mutable.Map.empty[AnyRef, AnyRef]) match { |
| case map: mutable.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef]@unchecked => map |
| case map: java.util.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef]@unchecked => mapAsScalaMap(map) |
| } |
| map.collect { |
| case (key: AnyRef, value: AnyRef) => converted += convertRecursively(key, memo) -> convertRecursively(value, memo) |
| } |
| memo.get(obj) |
| } |
| } |