blob: e456b32306cafbe97ef5c201b88290aa85f4878d [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.common.block
import codechicken.lib.vec.Cuboid6
import codechicken.multipart.JNormalOcclusion
import codechicken.multipart.NormalOcclusionTest
import codechicken.multipart.TFacePart
import codechicken.multipart.TileMultipart
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly
import li.cil.oc.Settings
import li.cil.oc.client.Textures
import li.cil.oc.common.tileentity
import li.cil.oc.integration.Mods
import li.cil.oc.integration.fmp.CablePart
import li.cil.oc.util.Color
import net.minecraft.block.Block
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
class Cable extends SimpleBlock with traits.SpecialBlock {
// For Immibis Microblock support.
val ImmibisMicroblocks_TransformableBlockMarker = null
// For FMP part coloring.
var colorMultiplierOverride: Option[Int] = None
override protected def customTextures = Array(
override def registerBlockIcons(iconRegister: IIconRegister) {
Textures.Cable.iconCap = iconRegister.registerIcon(Settings.resourceDomain + ":CableCap")
override def colorMultiplier(world: IBlockAccess, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) =
colorMultiplierOverride.getOrElse(super.colorMultiplier(world, x, y, z))
override def shouldSideBeRendered(world: IBlockAccess, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, side: ForgeDirection) = true
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def hasTileEntity(metadata: Int) = true
override def createTileEntity(world: World, metadata: Int) = new tileentity.Cable()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def onNeighborBlockChange(world: World, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, block: Block) {
world.markBlockForUpdate(x, y, z)
super.onNeighborBlockChange(world, x, y, z, block)
override protected def doSetBlockBoundsBasedOnState(world: IBlockAccess, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): Unit = {
setBlockBounds(Cable.bounds(world, x, y, z))
object Cable {
val cachedBounds = {
// 6 directions = 6 bits = 11111111b >> 2 = 0xFF >> 2
(0 to 0xFF >> 2).map(mask => {
val bounds = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(-0.125, -0.125, -0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125)
for (side <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) {
if ((side.flag & mask) != 0) {
if (side.offsetX < 0) bounds.minX += side.offsetX * 0.375
else bounds.maxX += side.offsetX * 0.375
if (side.offsetY < 0) bounds.minY += side.offsetY * 0.375
else bounds.maxY += side.offsetY * 0.375
if (side.offsetZ < 0) bounds.minZ += side.offsetZ * 0.375
else bounds.maxZ += side.offsetZ * 0.375
bounds.minX + 0.5, bounds.minY + 0.5, bounds.minZ + 0.5,
bounds.maxX + 0.5, bounds.maxY + 0.5, bounds.maxZ + 0.5)
def neighbors(world: IBlockAccess, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) = {
var result = 0
val tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)
for (side <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) {
val (tx, ty, tz) = (x + side.offsetX, y + side.offsetY, z + side.offsetZ)
if (world match {
case world: World => world.blockExists(tx, ty, tz)
case _ => !world.isAirBlock(tx, ty, tz)
}) {
val neighborTileEntity = world.getTileEntity(tx, ty, tz)
val neighborHasNode = hasNetworkNode(neighborTileEntity, side.getOpposite)
val canConnectColor = canConnectBasedOnColor(tileEntity, neighborTileEntity)
val canConnectFMP = !Mods.ForgeMultipart.isAvailable ||
(canConnectFromSideFMP(tileEntity, side) && canConnectFromSideFMP(neighborTileEntity, side.getOpposite))
val canConnectIM = canConnectFromSideIM(tileEntity, side) && canConnectFromSideIM(neighborTileEntity, side.getOpposite)
if (neighborHasNode && canConnectColor && canConnectFMP && canConnectIM) {
result |= side.flag
def bounds(world: IBlockAccess, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) = Cable.cachedBounds(Cable.neighbors(world, x, y, z)).copy()
private def hasNetworkNode(tileEntity: TileEntity, side: ForgeDirection) =
tileEntity match {
case robot: tileentity.RobotProxy => false
case host: SidedEnvironment =>
if (host.getWorldObj.isRemote) host.canConnect(side)
else host.sidedNode(side) != null
case host: Environment => true
case host if Mods.ForgeMultipart.isAvailable => hasMultiPartNode(tileEntity)
case _ => false
private def hasMultiPartNode(tileEntity: TileEntity) =
tileEntity match {
case host: TileMultipart => host.partList.exists(_.isInstanceOf[CablePart])
case _ => false
private def cableColor(tileEntity: TileEntity) =
tileEntity match {
case cable: tileentity.Cable => cable.color
case _ =>
if (Mods.ForgeMultipart.isAvailable) cableColorFMP(tileEntity)
else Color.LightGray
private def cableColorFMP(tileEntity: TileEntity) =
tileEntity match {
case host: TileMultipart => (host.partList collect {
case cable: CablePart => cable.color
case _ => Color.LightGray
private def canConnectBasedOnColor(te1: TileEntity, te2: TileEntity) = {
val (c1, c2) = (cableColor(te1), cableColor(te2))
c1 == c2 || c1 == Color.LightGray || c2 == Color.LightGray
private def canConnectFromSideFMP(tileEntity: TileEntity, side: ForgeDirection) =
tileEntity match {
case host: TileMultipart =>
host.partList.forall {
case part: JNormalOcclusion if !part.isInstanceOf[CablePart] =>
import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsScala._
val ownBounds = Iterable(new Cuboid6(cachedBounds(side.flag)))
val otherBounds = part.getOcclusionBoxes
NormalOcclusionTest(ownBounds, otherBounds)
case part: TFacePart => !part.solid(side.ordinal) || (part.getSlotMask & codechicken.multipart.PartMap.face(side.ordinal).mask) == 0
case _ => true
case _ => true
private def canConnectFromSideIM(tileEntity: TileEntity, side: ForgeDirection) =
tileEntity match {
case im: tileentity.traits.ImmibisMicroblock => im.ImmibisMicroblocks_isSideOpen(side.ordinal)
case _ => true