blob: 74d3054658c771ed1c8e6f970f969bb2ae81ef70 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry
import net.minecraft.block.Block
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.FurnaceRecipes
import net.minecraft.item.{ItemStack, Item}
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.{OreDictionary, ShapelessOreRecipe, ShapedOreRecipe}
import gregtechmod.api.GregTech_API
import scala.collection.convert.wrapAsScala._
import com.typesafe.config.{ConfigValueType, Config, ConfigFactory}
import{IOException, FileOutputStream, File}
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable
import java.util
object Recipes {
def init() {
val custom = ConfigFactory.parseResources("/assets/opencomputers/recipes/custom.conf")
try {
val defaultFile = new File(Loader.instance.getConfigDir + File.separator + "opencomputers" + File.separator + "default.conf")
val customFile = new File(Loader.instance.getConfigDir + File.separator + "opencomputers" + File.separator + "custom.conf")
var in = Recipes.getClass.getResource("/assets/opencomputers/recipes/default.conf")
inputToFile(in, defaultFile)
if (!customFile.exists()) {
in = Recipes.getClass.getResource("/assets/opencomputers/recipes/custom.conf")
inputToFile(in, customFile)
val config = ConfigFactory.parseFile(customFile).withFallback(custom)
val diskList = config.getConfig("disk")
loadRecipe(config.getConfig("locator"), Items.locator.createItemStack())
loadRecipe(config.getConfig("test"), Items.locator.createItemStack())
def loadRecipe(conf: Config, result: ItemStack) {
conf.getString("type") match {
case "shaped" => addShapedRecipe(result, conf)
case "shapeless" => addShapelessRecipe(result, conf)
case "assembler" =>
case _ => throw new Exception("Don't know what to do with " + conf.getString("type"))
private def addShapedRecipe(output: ItemStack, conf: Config) {
val out = output.copy()
var input = new ListBuffer[Object]()
var recipe = new ListBuffer[String]
var ch = 65
//loop through recipe and get type of entry
for (item <- conf.getList("recipe")) {
var line = ""
item.unwrapped() match {
//got list so we expect a entry with subid
case list: java.util.List[Object] => {
var obj: Object = null
var itemSubID: Int = 0
for (entry <- list) {
entry match {
//found hash value check for type of value
case map: java.util.HashMap[String, Object] => {
for (entrySet <- map.entrySet()) {
entrySet.getKey match {
case "oreDict" => {
entrySet.getValue match {
case value: String => obj = value
case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
case "item" => {
entrySet.getValue match {
case value: String => obj = getItemFromName(value)
case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
case "block" =>
entrySet.getValue match {
case value: String => obj = getBlockFromName(value)
case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
case "subID" => {
entrySet.getValue match {
case value: Integer => itemSubID = value
case value: String => itemSubID = Integer.valueOf(value)
case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
//only found a string so just add this
case value: String => obj = getNameOrStackFromName(value)
line += ch.toChar
//alright now add recipe to list, with subid if found
obj match {
case item: Item => {
input += (ch.toChar: Character)
input += new ItemStack(item, 1, itemSubID)
case block: Block => {
input += (ch.toChar: Character)
input += new ItemStack(block, 1, itemSubID)
case value: String => {
input += (ch.toChar: Character)
input += value
case null=>
ch += 1
// case list: java.util.HashMap[String, Object] => {
// for (entrySet <- list.entrySet()) {
// entrySet.getKey match {
// case "oreDict" => {
// entrySet.getValue match {
// case value: String => input += value
// case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
// }
// }
// case "item" => {
// entrySet.getValue match {
// case value: String => input += getItemFromName(value)
// case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
// }
// }
// case "block" =>
// entrySet.getValue match {
// case value: String => input += getBlockFromName(value)
// case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
// }
// }
// }
// }
// case value: String => input += getNameOrStackFromName(value)
// case _ => println(item.unwrapped())
recipe += line
//try to get number of outputted stacks, ignore if not present
try {
out.stackSize = conf.getInt("result")
} catch {
case _: Throwable => // ignore
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapedOreRecipe(out, (recipe ++ input): _*))
private def addShapelessRecipe(output: ItemStack, conf: Config) {
var out = output.copy()
var input = new ListBuffer[Object]()
//loop through recipe and get type of entry
for (item <- conf.getList("recipe")) {
item.unwrapped() match {
//got list so we expect a entry with subid
case list: java.util.List[Object] => {
var obj: Object = null
var itemSubID: Int = 0
for (entry <- list) {
entry match {
//found hash value check for type of value
case map: java.util.HashMap[String, Object] => {
for (entrySet <- map.entrySet()) {
entrySet.getKey match {
case "oreDict" => {
entrySet.getValue match {
case value: String => obj = value
case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
case "item" => {
entrySet.getValue match {
case value: String => obj = getItemFromName(value)
case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
case "block" =>
entrySet.getValue match {
case value: String => obj = getBlockFromName(value)
case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
case "subID" => {
entrySet.getValue match {
case value: Integer => itemSubID = value
case value: String => itemSubID = Integer.valueOf(value)
case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
//only found a string so just add this
case value: String => obj = getNameOrStackFromName(value)
//alright now add recipe to list, with subid if found
obj match {
case item: Item => input += new ItemStack(item, 1, itemSubID)
case block: Block => input += new ItemStack(block, 1, itemSubID)
case value: String => input += value
case list: java.util.HashMap[String, Object] => {
for (entrySet <- list.entrySet()) {
entrySet.getKey match {
case "oreDict" => {
entrySet.getValue match {
case value: String => input += value
case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
case "item" => {
entrySet.getValue match {
case value: String => input += getItemFromName(value)
case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
case "block" =>
entrySet.getValue match {
case value: String => input += getBlockFromName(value)
case _ => throw new Exception("This case is not implemented please try adding a different way ore report the recipe you tried to add. " + entrySet)
case value: String => input += getNameOrStackFromName(value)
case _ => println(item.unwrapped())
//try to get number of outputted stacks, ignore if not present
try {
out.stackSize = conf.getInt("result")
} catch {
case _: Throwable => // ignore
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapelessOreRecipe(out, input: _*))
private def addShapelessRecipe(output: ItemStack, params: List[String]) {
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapelessOreRecipe(output, _*))
private def addShapedRecipe(output: ItemStack, params: List[String]) = {
params match {
case List(a, b, c) => {
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapedOreRecipe(output,
Seq("abc") ++ List(
('a': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(a)),
('b': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(b)),
('c': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(c))
).collect {
case (a, b: String) if !b.isEmpty => Seq(a, b)
case (a, b@(_: Item | _: Block | _: ItemStack)) => Seq(a, b)
}.flatten: _*))
case List(a, b, c, d, e, f) => GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapedOreRecipe(output,
"def") ++ List(
('a': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(a)),
('b': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(b)),
('c': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(c)),
('d': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(d)),
('e': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(e)),
('f': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(f))
).collect {
case (a, b: String) if !b.isEmpty => Seq(a, b)
case (a, b@(_: Item | _: Block | _: ItemStack)) => Seq(a, b)
}.flatten: _*))
case List(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) => {
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapedOreRecipe(output,
"ghi") ++ List(
('a': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(a)),
('b': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(b)),
('c': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(c)),
('d': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(d)),
('e': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(e)),
('f': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(f)),
('g': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(g)),
('h': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(h)),
('i': Character, getNameOrStackFromName(i))
).collect {
case (a, b: String) if !b.isEmpty => Seq(a, b)
case (a, b@(_: Item | _: Block | _: ItemStack)) => Seq(a, b)
}.flatten: _*
case _ => OpenComputers.log.warning("invalid recipe for item " + output)
private def addAssemblingMachineRecipe(output: ItemStack, input1: String, input2: String, count: List[Int], duration: Int, eu: Int) {
for (items <- cartesianProduct(List(OreDictionary.getOres(input1).toList, OreDictionary.getOres(input2).toList))) {
val stacks = (items, count).zipped.toList
var (itemCopy, amount) = stacks(0)
itemCopy = itemCopy.copy()
itemCopy.stackSize = amount
var (itemCopy2, amount2) = stacks(1)
itemCopy2 = itemCopy2.copy()
itemCopy2.stackSize = amount2
GregTech_API.sRecipeAdder.addAssemblerRecipe(output, itemCopy, itemCopy2, duration, eu)
val blazeRod = new ItemStack(Item.blazeRod)
val boneMeal = new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder, 1, 15)
val cactusGreen = new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder, 1, 2)
val clock = new ItemStack(Item.pocketSundial)
val comparator = new ItemStack(Item.comparator)
val craftingTable = new ItemStack(Block.workbench)
val diamond = new ItemStack(Item.diamond)
val dispenser = new ItemStack(Block.dispenser)
val emerald = new ItemStack(Item.emerald)
val enderPearl = new ItemStack(Item.enderPearl)
val glass = new ItemStack(
val glowstoneDust = new ItemStack(Item.glowstone)
val goldIngot = new ItemStack(Item.ingotGold)
val goldNugget = new ItemStack(Item.goldNugget)
val ironBars = new ItemStack(Block.fenceIron)
val ironIngot = new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron)
val lapis = new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder, 1, 4)
val lever = new ItemStack(Block.lever)
val minecartHopper = new ItemStack(Item.minecartHopper)
val netherQuartz = new ItemStack(Item.netherQuartz)
val obsidian = new ItemStack(Block.obsidian)
val paper = new ItemStack(Item.paper)
val piston = new ItemStack(Block.pistonBase)
val redstoneBlock = new ItemStack(Block.blockRedstone)
val redstoneDust = new ItemStack(
val redstoneTorch = new ItemStack(Block.torchRedstoneActive)
val repeater = new ItemStack(Item.redstoneRepeater)
val roseRed = new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder, 1, 1)
val slimeBall = new ItemStack(Item.slimeBall)
val spiderEye = new ItemStack(Item.spiderEye)
val stick = new ItemStack(Item.stick)
val sugar = new ItemStack(Item.sugar)
val acid = Items.acid.createItemStack()
val alu = Items.alu.createItemStack()
val cable = Blocks.cable.createItemStack()
val card = Items.card.createItemStack()
val chip1 = Items.chip1.createItemStack()
val chip2 = Items.chip2.createItemStack()
val chip3 = Items.chip3.createItemStack()
val board = Items.circuitBoard.createItemStack()
val cpu = Items.cpu.createItemStack()
val cu =
val disk = Items.disk.createItemStack()
val floppy = Items.floppyDisk.createItemStack()
val gpu1 = Items.gpu1.createItemStack()
val gpu2 = Items.gpu2.createItemStack()
val gpu3 = Items.gpu3.createItemStack()
val hdd1 = Items.hdd1.createItemStack()
val hdd2 = Items.hdd2.createItemStack()
val hdd3 = Items.hdd3.createItemStack()
val lanCard = Items.lan.createItemStack()
val pcb = Items.pcb.createItemStack()
val ram1 = Items.ram1.createItemStack()
val ram2 = Items.ram2.createItemStack()
val ram3 = Items.ram3.createItemStack()
val rawBoard = Items.rawCircuitBoard.createItemStack()
val redstoneCard =
val transistor = Items.transistor.createItemStack()
val wlanCard = Items.wlan.createItemStack()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
if (Settings.get.dynamicRecipes) {
val existsAluminum = !OreDictionary.getOres("plateAluminium").isEmpty
var m: Map[String, Array[Any]] = Map()
if (existsAluminum) {
// m += ("disk" ->(disk,
// " A ",
// "A A",
// " A ",
// 'A', "plateAluminium"))
} else {
if (Loader.isModLoaded("gregtech_addon")) {
for (plate <- OreDictionary.getOres("plateIron")) {
val plateCopy = plate.copy()
plateCopy.stackSize = 2
GregTech_API.sRecipeAdder.addAssemblerRecipe(new ItemStack(, 1), plateCopy, Items.transistor.createItemStack(4), 500, 16)
GregTech_API.sRecipeAdder.addAssemblerRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.comparator, 3), chip1, alu, 500, 24)
GregTech_API.sRecipeAdder.addAssemblerRecipe(Items.transistor.createItemStack(6), chip1,, 750, 32)
// "cu" ->(cu,
// "gtg",
// "scs",
// "gdg",
// 'g', goldNugget,
// 't', redstoneTorch,
// 's', transistor,
// 'c', clock,
// 'd', redstoneDust),
// "cpu" ->(cpu,
// "cdc",
// "bub",
// "cac",
// 'c', chip1,
// 'd', redstoneDust,
// 'b', ironBars,
// 'u', cu,
// 'a', alu),
// "card" ->(card,
// "ict",
// "ibb",
// "igg",
// 'i', "nuggetIron",
// 'c', chip1,
// 't', transistor,
// 'b', pcb,
// 'g', goldNugget),
// "buttonGroup" ->(Items.buttonGroup.createItemStack(),
// "bbb",
// "bbb",
// 'b', new ItemStack(Block.stoneButton)),
// "arrowKeys" ->(Items.arrowKeys.createItemStack(),
// " b ",
// "bbb",
// 'b', new ItemStack(Block.stoneButton)),
// "numPad" ->(Items.numPad.createItemStack(),
// "bbb",
// "bbb",
// "bbb",
// 'b', new ItemStack(Block.stoneButton)),
// // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// "case1" ->(Blocks.case1.createItemStack(),
// "ipi",
// "bcb",
// "imi",
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 'p', pcb,
// 'b', ironBars,
// 'c', cpu,
// 'm', chip1),
// "case2" ->(Blocks.case2.createItemStack(),
// "gpg",
// "mcm",
// "gpg",
// 'g', goldIngot,
// 'p', pcb,
// 'm', chip2,
// 'c', Blocks.case1.createItemStack()),
// "case3" ->(Blocks.case3.createItemStack(),
// "mpm",
// "dcd",
// "mpm",
// 'm', chip3,
// 'p', pcb,
// 'd', diamond,
// 'c', Blocks.case2.createItemStack()),
// "screen1" ->(Blocks.screen1.createItemStack(),
// "iig",
// "rtg",
// "iig",
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 'g', glass,
// 'r', redstoneDust,
// 't', transistor),
// "screen2" ->(Blocks.screen2.createItemStack(),
// "iri",
// "cgs",
// "ibi",
// 'i', goldIngot,
// 'r', roseRed,
// 'c', chip2,
// 'g', cactusGreen,
// 's', Blocks.screen1.createItemStack(),
// 'b', lapis),
// "screen3" ->(Blocks.screen3.createItemStack(),
// "opc",
// "bqs",
// "opc",
// 'o', obsidian,
// 'p', pcb,
// 'c', chip3,
// 'b', blazeRod,
// 'q', netherQuartz,
// 's', Blocks.screen2.createItemStack()),
// "capacitor" ->(Blocks.capacitor.createItemStack(),
// "iti",
// "gpg",
// "ibi",
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 't', transistor,
// 'g', goldNugget,
// 'p', paper,
// 'b', pcb),
// "powerConverter" ->(Blocks.powerConverter.createItemStack(),
// "iwi",
// "gcg",
// "ibi",
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 'c', chip1,
// 'w', cable,
// 'g', goldIngot,
// 'b', pcb),
// "diskDrive" ->(Blocks.diskDrive.createItemStack(),
// "ici",
// "ps ",
// "ici",
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 'c', chip1,
// 'p', piston,
// 's', stick),
// "adapter" ->(Blocks.adapter.createItemStack(),
// "iwi",
// "wcw",
// "ibi",
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 'w', cable,
// 'c', chip1,
// 'b', pcb),
// "redstone" ->(,
// "iri",
// "rcr",
// "ibi",
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 'r', redstoneBlock,
// 'c', redstoneCard,
// 'b', pcb),
// "powerDistributor" ->(Blocks.powerDistributor.createItemStack(),
// "igi",
// "wcw",
// "ibi",
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 'g', goldIngot,
// 'w', cable,
// 'c', chip1,
// 'b', pcb),
// "router" ->(Blocks.router.createItemStack(),
// "iwi",
// "wnw",
// "ibi",
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 'w', cable,
// 'n', lanCard,
// 'b', pcb),
// "charger" ->(Blocks.charger.createItemStack(),
// "igi",
// "pcp",
// "ibi",
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 'g', goldIngot,
// 'p', Blocks.capacitor.createItemStack(),
// 'c', chip2,
// 'b', pcb),
// "robotProxy" ->(Blocks.robotProxy.createItemStack(),
// "sgf",
// "dcr",
// "bmb",
// 's', Blocks.screen1.createItemStack(),
// 'g', gpu1,
// 'f', Blocks.diskDrive.createItemStack(),
// 'd', dispenser,
// 'c', Blocks.case1.createItemStack(),
// 'r', ram1,
// 'b', Blocks.capacitor.createItemStack(),
// 'm', minecartHopper),
// "keyboard" ->(Blocks.keyboard.createItemStack(),
// "ggg",
// "gan",
// 'g', Items.buttonGroup.createItemStack(),
// 'a', Items.arrowKeys.createItemStack(),
// 'n', Items.numPad.createItemStack()),
// "cable" ->(Blocks.cable.createItemStack(4),
// " i ",
// "iri",
// " i ",
// 'i', "nuggetIron",
// 'r', redstoneDust),
// // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// "cuttingWire" ->(Items.cuttingWire.createItemStack(),
// "sis",
// 's', stick,
// 'i', "nuggetIron"),
// "analyzer" ->(Items.analyzer.createItemStack(),
// " r ",
// "tcg",
// "tpg",
// 'r', redstoneTorch,
// 't', transistor,
// 'c', chip1,
// 'g', goldNugget,
// 'p', pcb),
// "ram1" ->(ram1,
// "ccc",
// "bbb",
// 'c', chip1,
// 'b', pcb),
// "ram2" ->(ram2,
// "ccc",
// "rbr",
// 'c', chip2,
// 'r', ram1,
// 'b', pcb),
// "ram3" ->(ram3,
// "ccc",
// "rbr",
// 'c', chip3,
// 'r', ram2,
// 'b', pcb),
// "floppy" ->(floppy,
// "ili",
// "bdb",
// "ipi",
// 'i', "nuggetIron",
// 'l', lever,
// 'b', board,
// 'd', disk,
// 'p', paper),
// "hdd1" ->(hdd1,
// "cdi",
// "bdp",
// "cdi",
// 'c', chip1,
// 'd', disk,
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 'b', pcb,
// 'p', piston),
// "hdd2" ->(hdd2,
// "gdg",
// "cbc",
// "gdg",
// 'g', goldIngot,
// 'd', hdd1,
// 'c', chip2,
// 'b', pcb),
// "hdd3" ->(hdd3,
// "cdc",
// "rbr",
// "cdc",
// 'c', chip3,
// 'd', hdd2,
// 'r', ram1,
// 'b', pcb),
// "gpu1" ->(gpu1,
// "car",
// " b ",
// 'c', chip1,
// 'a', alu,
// 'r', ram1,
// 'b', card),
// "gpu2" ->(gpu2,
// "ccr",
// " g ",
// 'c', chip2,
// 'r', ram2,
// 'g', gpu1),
// "gpu3" ->(gpu3,
// "ccr",
// " g ",
// 'c', chip3,
// 'r', ram3,
// 'g', gpu2),
// "redstoneCard" ->(redstoneCard,
// "tc ",
// " b ",
// 't', redstoneTorch,
// 'c', chip1,
// 'b', card),
// "lanCard" ->(lanCard,
// "wc ",
// " b ",
// 'w', cable,
// 'c', chip1,
// 'b', card),
// "wlanCard" ->(wlanCard,
// "pc ",
// " b ",
// 'p', enderPearl,
// 'c', chip2,
// 'b', lanCard),
// "generator" ->(Items.generator.createItemStack(),
// "i i",
// "cpc",
// "bib",
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 'c', chip1,
// 'p', piston,
// 'b', pcb),
// "crafting" ->(Items.crafting.createItemStack(),
// "ipi",
// "cwc",
// "ibi",
// 'i', ironIngot,
// 'p', piston,
// 'c', chip1,
// 'w', craftingTable,
// 'b', pcb)
// )
else {
//use vanilla
val standardRecipes = Map(
"ironIngot" ->(ironIngot,
'x', "nuggetIron"),
"disk" ->(disk,
" i ",
"i i",
" i ",
'i', "nuggetIron"),
"transistor" ->(transistor,
" t ",
'i', "nuggetIron",
'g', goldNugget,
'r', redstoneDust,
't', redstoneTorch),
"chip1" ->(chip1,
'i', "nuggetIron",
'b', ironBars,
'r', redstoneDust,
't', transistor),
"chip2" ->(chip2,
'g', goldNugget,
'l', lapis,
'c', chip1,
'd', diamond),
"chip3" ->(chip3,
'd', glowstoneDust,
'm', comparator,
'c', chip2,
'e', emerald),
"alu" ->(alu,
'r', repeater,
's', transistor,
't', redstoneTorch,
'i', "nuggetIron",
'd', redstoneDust),
"cu" ->(cu,
'g', goldNugget,
't', redstoneTorch,
's', transistor,
'c', clock,
'd', redstoneDust),
"cpu" ->(cpu,
'c', chip1,
'd', redstoneDust,
'b', ironBars,
'u', cu,
'a', alu),
"card" ->(card,
'i', "nuggetIron",
'c', chip1,
't', transistor,
'b', pcb,
'g', goldNugget),
"buttonGroup" ->(Items.buttonGroup.createItemStack(),
'b', new ItemStack(Block.stoneButton)),
"arrowKeys" ->(Items.arrowKeys.createItemStack(),
" b ",
'b', new ItemStack(Block.stoneButton)),
"numPad" ->(Items.numPad.createItemStack(),
'b', new ItemStack(Block.stoneButton)),
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
"case1" ->(Blocks.case1.createItemStack(),
'i', ironIngot,
'p', pcb,
'b', ironBars,
'c', cpu,
'm', chip1),
"case2" ->(Blocks.case2.createItemStack(),
'g', goldIngot,
'p', pcb,
'm', chip2,
'c', Blocks.case1.createItemStack()),
"case3" ->(Blocks.case3.createItemStack(),
'm', chip3,
'p', pcb,
'd', diamond,
'c', Blocks.case2.createItemStack()),
"screen1" ->(Blocks.screen1.createItemStack(),
'i', ironIngot,
'g', glass,
'r', redstoneDust,
't', transistor),
"screen2" ->(Blocks.screen2.createItemStack(),
'i', goldIngot,
'r', roseRed,
'c', chip2,
'g', cactusGreen,
's', Blocks.screen1.createItemStack(),
'b', lapis),
"screen3" ->(Blocks.screen3.createItemStack(),
'o', obsidian,
'p', pcb,
'c', chip3,
'b', blazeRod,
'q', netherQuartz,
's', Blocks.screen2.createItemStack()),
"capacitor" ->(Blocks.capacitor.createItemStack(),
'i', ironIngot,
't', transistor,
'g', goldNugget,
'p', paper,
'b', pcb),
"powerConverter" ->(Blocks.powerConverter.createItemStack(),
'i', ironIngot,
'c', chip1,
'w', cable,
'g', goldIngot,
'b', pcb),
"diskDrive" ->(Blocks.diskDrive.createItemStack(),
"ps ",
'i', ironIngot,
'c', chip1,
'p', piston,
's', stick),
"adapter" ->(Blocks.adapter.createItemStack(),
'i', ironIngot,
'w', cable,
'c', chip1,
'b', pcb),
"redstone" ->(,
'i', ironIngot,
'r', redstoneBlock,
'c', redstoneCard,
'b', pcb),
"powerDistributor" ->(Blocks.powerDistributor.createItemStack(),
'i', ironIngot,
'g', goldIngot,
'w', cable,
'c', chip1,
'b', pcb),
"router" ->(Blocks.router.createItemStack(),
'i', ironIngot,
'w', cable,
'n', lanCard,
'b', pcb),
"charger" ->(Blocks.charger.createItemStack(),
'i', ironIngot,
'g', goldIngot,
'p', Blocks.capacitor.createItemStack(),
'c', chip2,
'b', pcb),
"robotProxy" ->(Blocks.robotProxy.createItemStack(),
's', Blocks.screen1.createItemStack(),
'g', gpu1,
'f', Blocks.diskDrive.createItemStack(),
'd', dispenser,
'c', Blocks.case1.createItemStack(),
'r', ram1,
'b', Blocks.capacitor.createItemStack(),
'm', minecartHopper),
"keyboard" ->(Blocks.keyboard.createItemStack(),
'g', Items.buttonGroup.createItemStack(),
'a', Items.arrowKeys.createItemStack(),
'n', Items.numPad.createItemStack()),
"cable" ->(Blocks.cable.createItemStack(4),
" i ",
" i ",
'i', "nuggetIron",
'r', redstoneDust),
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
"cuttingWire" ->(Items.cuttingWire.createItemStack(),
's', stick,
'i', "nuggetIron"),
"analyzer" ->(Items.analyzer.createItemStack(),
" r ",
'r', redstoneTorch,
't', transistor,
'c', chip1,
'g', goldNugget,
'p', pcb),
"ram1" ->(ram1,
'c', chip1,
'b', pcb),
"ram2" ->(ram2,
'c', chip2,
'r', ram1,
'b', pcb),
"ram3" ->(ram3,
'c', chip3,
'r', ram2,
'b', pcb),
"floppy" ->(floppy,
'i', "nuggetIron",
'l', lever,
'b', board,
'd', disk,
'p', paper),
"hdd1" ->(hdd1,
'c', chip1,
'd', disk,
'i', ironIngot,
'b', pcb,
'p', piston),
"hdd2" ->(hdd2,
'g', goldIngot,
'd', hdd1,
'c', chip2,
'b', pcb),
"hdd3" ->(hdd3,
'c', chip3,
'd', hdd2,
'r', ram1,
'b', pcb),
"gpu1" ->(gpu1,
" b ",
'c', chip1,
'a', alu,
'r', ram1,
'b', card),
"gpu2" ->(gpu2,
" g ",
'c', chip2,
'r', ram2,
'g', gpu1),
"gpu3" ->(gpu3,
" g ",
'c', chip3,
'r', ram3,
'g', gpu2),
"redstoneCard" ->(redstoneCard,
"tc ",
" b ",
't', redstoneTorch,
'c', chip1,
'b', card),
"lanCard" ->(lanCard,
"wc ",
" b ",
'w', cable,
'c', chip1,
'b', card),
"wlanCard" ->(wlanCard,
"pc ",
" b ",
'p', enderPearl,
'c', chip2,
'b', lanCard),
"generator" ->(Items.generator.createItemStack(),
"i i",
'i', ironIngot,
'c', chip1,
'p', piston,
'b', pcb),
"crafting" ->(Items.crafting.createItemStack(),
'i', ironIngot,
'p', piston,
'c', chip1,
'w', craftingTable,
'b', pcb)
if (!Loader.isModLoaded("gregtech_addon")) {
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapelessOreRecipe(Items.ironNugget.createItemStack(9), ironIngot))
// GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(rawBoard, Items.cuttingWire.createItemStack(), new ItemStack(Block.blockClay), cactusGreen)
// FurnaceRecipes.smelting().addSmelting(rawBoard.itemID, rawBoard.getItemDamage, board, 0)
// GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapelessOreRecipe(acid, Item.bucketWater, sugar, roseRed, slimeBall, spiderEye, boneMeal))
// GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapelessOreRecipe(pcb, acid, Item.goldNugget, board))
//GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapelessOreRecipe(Items.locator.createItemStack(), new ItemStack(, 1, OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE), pcb))
private def addRecipe(output: ItemStack, args: Any*) = {
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapedOreRecipe(output,[AnyRef]): _*))
def inputToFile(is: URL, f: {
FileUtils.copyURLToFile(is, f)
def getItemFromName(name: String) = {
Item.itemsList.find(item => item != null && (item.getUnlocalizedName == name || item.getUnlocalizedName == "item." + name)) match {
case Some(item) => {
case _ => throw new Exception("No item found for name: " + name)
def getBlockFromName(name: String) = {
Block.blocksList.find(block => block != null && (block.getUnlocalizedName == name || block.getUnlocalizedName == "tile." + name)) match {
case Some(block) => {
case _ => throw new Exception("No block found for name: " + name)
def getNameOrStackFromName(name: String) = {
if (name.isEmpty)
else if (!OreDictionary.getOres(name).isEmpty) name
else {
var list = Item.itemsList
list.find(item => item != null && (item.getUnlocalizedName == name || item.getUnlocalizedName == "item." + name)) match {
case Some(item) => {
case _ => {
Block.blocksList.find(block => block != null && (block.getUnlocalizedName == name || block.getUnlocalizedName == "tile." + name)) match {
case Some(block) => block
case _ => {
throw new Exception("No item / block found for name: " + name)
def cartesianProduct[T](xss: List[List[T]]): List[List[T]] = xss match {
case Nil => List(Nil)
case h :: t => for (xh <- h;
xt <- cartesianProduct(t)) yield xh :: xt