blob: e30554a40eeddd196486b90976aa9397a9e8db24 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.common.tileentity
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
import{PoweredNode, Visibility, Node}
import net.minecraftforge.common.{ForgeDirection, MinecraftForge}
import{EnergyTileLoadEvent, EnergyTileUnloadEvent}
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler
import buildcraft.api.power.{PowerHandler, IPowerReceptor}
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import universalelectricity.core.block.IElectrical
import universalelectricity.core.electricity.ElectricityPack
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: lordjoda
* Date: 30.09.13
* Time: 20:37
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class PowerSupply extends Rotatable with PoweredNode with IEnergySink with IPowerReceptor with IElectrical{
var addedToEnet = false
var powerHandler:PowerHandler = null
override def name = "powersupply"
override def visibility = Visibility.Network
override def onChunkUnload(){
def onUnload(){
if(addedToEnet){ EnergyTileUnloadEvent(this))
addedToEnet = false
override def updateEntity(){
if(!addedToEnet) {
override def readFromNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) = {
storedEnergy = nbt.getDouble("storedEnergy")
override def writeToNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) = {
* Notification that the TileEntity finished loaded, for advanced uses.
* Either onUpdateEntity or onLoaded have to be used.
def onLoaded() {
if (!addedToEnet && !FMLCommonHandler.instance.getEffectiveSide.isClient) { EnergyTileLoadEvent(this))
addedToEnet = true
var storedEnergy = 0.0;
var lastInjectedEnergy =0.0;
var MAXENERGY = 1000;
//IC2 stuff
* Determine how much energy the sink accepts.
* This value is unrelated to getMaxSafeInput().
* Make sure that injectEnergy() does accepts energy if demandsEnergy() returns anything > 0.
* @return max accepted input in eu
override def demandedEnergyUnits: Double={
val needed = MAXENERGY-storedEnergy
return needed/2
* Transfer energy to the sink.
* It's highly recommended to accept all energy by letting the internal buffer overflow to
* increase the performance and accuracy of the distribution simulation.
* @param directionFrom direction from which the energy comes from
* @param amount energy to be transferred
* @return Energy not consumed (leftover)
override def injectEnergyUnits(directionFrom: ForgeDirection, amount: Double): Double ={
lastInjectedEnergy = amount*2;
* Determine the amount of eu which can be safely injected into the specific energy sink without exploding.
* Typical values are 32 for LV, 128 for MV, 512 for HV and 2048 for EV. A value of Integer.MAX_VALUE indicates no
* limit.
* This value is unrelated to demandsEnergy().
* @return max safe input in eu
override def getMaxSafeInput: Int =Integer.MAX_VALUE
* Determine if this acceptor can accept current from an adjacent emitter in a direction.
* The TileEntity in the emitter parameter is what was originally added to the energy net,
* which may be normal in-world TileEntity, a delegate or an IMetaDelegate.
* @param emitter energy emitter
* @param direction direction the energy is being received from
override def acceptsEnergyFrom(emitter: TileEntity, direction: ForgeDirection): Boolean = true
* Get the PowerReceiver for this side of the block. You can return the same PowerReceiver for
* all sides or one for each side.
* You should NOT return null to this method unless you mean to NEVER receive power from that
* side. Returning null, after previous returning a PowerReceiver, will most likely cause pipe
* connections to derp out and engines to eventually explode.
* @param side
* @return
def getPowerReceiver(side: ForgeDirection): PowerHandler#PowerReceiver={
return getPowerProvider().getPowerReceiver
def getPowerProvider():PowerHandler=
if (powerHandler == null)
powerHandler = new PowerHandler(this, PowerHandler.Type.STORAGE);
if (powerHandler != null) {
powerHandler.configure(1.0F, 320.0F, 800.0F, 640.0F);
return powerHandler;
* Call back from the PowerHandler that is called when the stored power exceeds the activation
* power.
* It can be triggered by update() calls or power modification calls.
* @param workProvider
def doWork(workProvider: PowerHandler){
def getWorld: World=worldObj
/** * UE*************************
* Adds electricity to an block. Returns the quantity of electricity that was accepted. This
* should always return 0 if the block cannot be externally charged.
* @param from Orientation the electricity is sent in from.
* @param receive Maximum amount of electricity to be sent into the block.
* @param doReceive If false, the charge will only be simulated.
* @return Amount of energy that was accepted by the block.
def receiveElectricity(from: ForgeDirection, receive: ElectricityPack, doReceive: Boolean): Float={
if (receive == null) return 0.0F;
if (doReceive)
val energy = receive.getWatts() / 0.2F;
storedEnergy += energy;
return receive.getWatts();
* Adds electricity to an block. Returns the ElectricityPack, the electricity provided. This
* should always return null if the block cannot be externally discharged.
* @param from Orientation the electricity is requested from.
* @param request Maximum amount of energy to be sent into the block.
* @param doProvide If false, the charge will only be simulated.
* @return Amount of energy that was given out by the block.
def provideElectricity(from: ForgeDirection, request: ElectricityPack, doProvide: Boolean): ElectricityPack =null
* @return How much energy does this TileEntity want?
def getRequest(direction: ForgeDirection): Float ={
val diff = Math.floor((MAXENERGY - storedEnergy) * 0.2F)
return diff.toFloat max 0
* @return How much energy does this TileEntity want to provide?
def getProvide(direction: ForgeDirection): Float = 0.0F
* Gets the voltage of this TileEntity.
* @return The amount of volts. E.g 120v or 240v
def getVoltage: Float =120.0F
def canConnect(direction:ForgeDirection):Boolean = true