blob: 7d4104112a6203ce92407855b4a77d32495d28bc [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.api
* This interface specifies the structure of a driver for a component.
* A driver is essentially the glue code that allows arbitrary objects to be
* used as computer components. They specify an API that is injected into the
* Lua state when the driver is installed, and provide general information used
* by the computer.
trait IDriver {
* The name of the component type.
* This is used to allow computer programs to check the type of a component.
* Components attached to a computer are identified by a number. This value
* is returned when the type for such an ID is requested, so it should be
* unique for each driver.
def componentName: String
* The name of the API this component exposes to computers.
* The component may return null or an empty string if it does not wish to
* define an API. If this is the case, we will not look for methods marked
* with the {@link Callback} annotation.
* This should be unique for individual component types. If not, functions
* in that API table may block another component's API from being installed
* properly: existing entries are not overwritten.
* @return the name of the API made available to Lua.
def apiName: String
* Some initialization code that is run when the driver is installed.
* This is run after the driver's API table has been installed. It is loaded
* into the Lua state in a temporary environment that has access to the
* globals table and is discarded after the script has run.
* This can be null or an empty string to do nothing. Otherwise this is
* expected to be valid Lua code.
* @return the Lua code to run after installing the API table.
def apiCode: String
* This is called when a component is removed from a computer.
* The component should remove all handles it currently provides to the
* computer. For example, it should close any open files if it provides some
* form of file system.
* @param component a handle to the component, as it was provided by the
* driver in its {@link IBlockDriver#getComponent} or
* {@link IItemDriver#getComponent} function.
def close(component: Object)