| OpenComputers uses APIs from a couple of other mods. |
| To support accepting energy from their respective power systems: |
| - BuildCraft [1], license: Minecraft Mod Public License, see homepage. |
| - Universal Electricity [3], license: Lesser General Public License [4]. |
| To support bundled redstone input and output: |
| - RedLogic [6], license: MIT License, see thread. |
| - MineFactory Reloaded [7], license: custom, see thread. |
| - Project: Red [9], license: Restricted Public Software License [10]. |
| For providing a peripheral and reading their floppy disks: |
| - ComputerCraft [8], copyright Daniel Ratcliffe. |
| [1] http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/ |
| [3] http://universalelectricity.com/ |
| [4] http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html |
| [6] http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1852277-162-redlogic-wip-replacement-for-rp2-wiringlogiccontrollighting/ |
| [7] http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2016680-162164-powercrystals-mods-minefactoryreloaded-powercrystalscore-and-netherores-updated/ |
| [8] http://www.computercraft.info/ |
| [9] http://projectredwiki.com/ |
| [10] https://github.com/MrTJP/ProjectRed/blob/master/LICENSE.md |