| package li.cil.oc.server.component |
| |
| import li.cil.oc.Settings |
| import li.cil.oc.api |
| import li.cil.oc.api.driver.EnvironmentHost |
| import li.cil.oc.api.event.GeolyzerEvent |
| import li.cil.oc.api.event.GeolyzerEvent.Analyze |
| import li.cil.oc.api.internal |
| import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Arguments |
| import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Callback |
| import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Context |
| import li.cil.oc.api.network.Message |
| import li.cil.oc.api.network.Visibility |
| import li.cil.oc.api.prefab |
| import li.cil.oc.util.BlockPosition |
| import li.cil.oc.util.DatabaseAccess |
| import li.cil.oc.util.ExtendedArguments._ |
| import li.cil.oc.util.ExtendedWorld._ |
| import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer |
| import net.minecraft.item.Item |
| import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack |
| import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound |
| import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge |
| import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection |
| |
| import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsJava._ |
| import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsScala._ |
| import scala.language.existentials |
| |
| class Geolyzer(val host: EnvironmentHost) extends prefab.ManagedEnvironment { |
| override val node = api.Network.newNode(this, Visibility.Network). |
| withComponent("geolyzer"). |
| withConnector(). |
| create() |
| |
| @Callback(doc = """function(x:number, z:number[, y:number, w:number, d:number, h:number][, ignoreReplaceable:boolean|options:table]):table -- Analyzes the density of the column at the specified relative coordinates.""") |
| def scan(computer: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = { |
| val (minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, optIndex) = getScanArgs(args) |
| val volume = (maxX - minX + 1) * (maxZ - minZ + 1) * (maxY - minY + 1) |
| if (volume > 64) throw new IllegalArgumentException("volume too large (maximum is 64)") |
| val options = if (args.isBoolean(optIndex)) mapAsJavaMap(Map("includeReplaceable" -> !args.checkBoolean(optIndex))) else args.optTable(optIndex, Map.empty[AnyRef, AnyRef]) |
| if (math.abs(minX) > Settings.get.geolyzerRange || math.abs(maxX) > Settings.get.geolyzerRange || |
| math.abs(minY) > Settings.get.geolyzerRange || math.abs(maxY) > Settings.get.geolyzerRange || |
| math.abs(minZ) > Settings.get.geolyzerRange || math.abs(maxZ) > Settings.get.geolyzerRange) { |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException("location out of bounds") |
| } |
| |
| if (!node.tryChangeBuffer(-Settings.get.geolyzerScanCost)) |
| return result(Unit, "not enough energy") |
| |
| val event = new GeolyzerEvent.Scan(host, options, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ) |
| MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(event) |
| if (event.isCanceled) result(Unit, "scan was canceled") |
| else result(event.data) |
| } |
| |
| private def getScanArgs(args: Arguments) = { |
| val minX = args.checkInteger(0) |
| val minZ = args.checkInteger(1) |
| if (args.isInteger(2) && args.isInteger(3) && args.isInteger(4) && args.isInteger(5)) { |
| val minY = args.checkInteger(2) |
| val w = args.checkInteger(3) |
| val d = args.checkInteger(4) |
| val h = args.checkInteger(5) |
| val maxX = minX + w - 1 |
| val maxY = minY + h - 1 |
| val maxZ = minZ + d - 1 |
| |
| (math.min(minX, maxX), math.min(minY, maxY), math.min(minZ, maxZ), |
| math.max(minX, maxX), math.max(minY, maxY), math.max(minZ, maxZ), |
| 6) |
| } |
| else { |
| (minX, -32, minZ, minX, 31, minZ, 2) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @Callback(doc = """function(side:number[,options:table]):table -- Get some information on a directly adjacent block.""") |
| def analyze(computer: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = if (Settings.get.allowItemStackInspection) { |
| val side = args.checkSideAny(0) |
| val globalSide = host match { |
| case rotatable: internal.Rotatable => rotatable.toGlobal(side) |
| case _ => side |
| } |
| val options = args.optTable(1, Map.empty[AnyRef, AnyRef]) |
| |
| if (!node.tryChangeBuffer(-Settings.get.geolyzerScanCost)) |
| return result(Unit, "not enough energy") |
| |
| val globalPos = BlockPosition(host).offset(globalSide) |
| val event = new Analyze(host, options, globalPos.x, globalPos.y, globalPos.z) |
| MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(event) |
| if (event.isCanceled) result(Unit, "scan was canceled") |
| else result(event.data) |
| } |
| else result(Unit, "not enabled in config") |
| |
| @Callback(doc = """function(side:number, dbAddress:string, dbSlot:number):boolean -- Store an item stack representation of the block on the specified side in a database component.""") |
| def store(computer: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = { |
| val side = args.checkSideAny(0) |
| val globalSide = host match { |
| case rotatable: internal.Rotatable => rotatable.toGlobal(side) |
| case _ => side |
| } |
| |
| if (!node.tryChangeBuffer(-Settings.get.geolyzerScanCost)) |
| return result(Unit, "not enough energy") |
| |
| val blockPos = BlockPosition(host).offset(globalSide) |
| val block = host.world.getBlock(blockPos) |
| val item = Item.getItemFromBlock(block) |
| if (item == null) result(Unit, "block has no registered item representation") |
| else { |
| val metadata = host.world.getBlockMetadata(blockPos) |
| val damage = block.damageDropped(metadata) |
| val stack = new ItemStack(item, 1, damage) |
| DatabaseAccess.withDatabase(node, args.checkString(1), database => { |
| val toSlot = args.checkSlot(database.data, 2) |
| val nonEmpty = database.getStackInSlot(toSlot) != null |
| database.setStackInSlot(toSlot, stack) |
| result(nonEmpty) |
| }) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| override def onMessage(message: Message): Unit = { |
| super.onMessage(message) |
| if (message.name == "tablet.use") message.source.host match { |
| case machine: api.machine.Machine => (machine.host, message.data) match { |
| case (tablet: internal.Tablet, Array(nbt: NBTTagCompound, stack: ItemStack, player: EntityPlayer, blockPos: BlockPosition, side: ForgeDirection, hitX: java.lang.Float, hitY: java.lang.Float, hitZ: java.lang.Float)) => |
| if (node.tryChangeBuffer(-Settings.get.geolyzerScanCost)) { |
| val event = new Analyze(host, Map.empty[AnyRef, AnyRef], blockPos.x, blockPos.y, blockPos.z) |
| MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(event) |
| if (!event.isCanceled) { |
| for ((key, value) <- event.data) value match { |
| case number: java.lang.Number => nbt.setDouble(key, number.doubleValue()) |
| case string: String if !string.isEmpty => nbt.setString(key, string) |
| case _ => // Unsupported, ignore. |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| case _ => // Ignore. |
| } |
| case _ => // Ignore. |
| } |
| } |
| } |