| local pipes = require("pipes") |
| local blinkState = false |
| local args = {...} |
| |
| --local screen = component.list('screen')() |
| --for address in component.list('screen') do |
| -- if #component.invoke(address, 'getKeyboards') > 0 then |
| -- screen = address |
| -- end |
| --end |
| |
| local gpu = args[1] --component.list("gpu", true)() |
| local screen = args[2] |
| local blink = true |
| local w, h |
| if gpu then |
| --component.invoke(gpu, "bind", screen) |
| w, h = component.invoke(gpu, "getResolution") |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setResolution", w, h) |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", 0x000000) |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", 0xFFFFFF) |
| component.invoke(gpu, "fill", 1, 1, w, h, " ") |
| end |
| local y = 1 |
| local x = 1 |
| |
| local function checkCoord() |
| if x < 1 then x = 1 end |
| if x > w then x = w end |
| if y < 1 then y = 1 end |
| if y > h then y = h end |
| end |
| |
| local preblinkbg = 0x000000 |
| local preblinkfg = 0x000000 |
| |
| local function unblink() |
| if blinkState then |
| blinkState = not blinkState |
| local char, fg, bg = component.invoke(gpu, "get", x, y) |
| preblinkbg = blinkState and bg or preblinkbg |
| preblinkfg = blinkState and fg or preblinkfg |
| local oribg, obpal = component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", blinkState and 0xFFFFFF or preblinkbg) |
| local orifg, ofpal = component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", blinkState and 0x000000 or preblinkfg) |
| component.invoke(gpu, "set", x, y, char or " ") |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", oribg) |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", orifg) |
| end |
| end |
| |
| local function reblink() |
| if not blinkState then |
| blinkState = not blinkState |
| local char, fg, bg = component.invoke(gpu, "get", x, y) |
| preblinkbg = blinkState and bg or preblinkbg |
| preblinkfg = blinkState and fg or preblinkfg |
| local oribg, obpal = component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", blinkState and 0xFFFFFF or preblinkbg) |
| local orifg, ofpal = component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", blinkState and 0x000000 or preblinkfg) |
| component.invoke(gpu, "set", x, y, char or " ") |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", oribg) |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", orifg) |
| end |
| end |
| |
| local scrTop = 1 |
| local scrBot = nil |
| |
| local function scroll() |
| unblink() |
| scrBot = scrBot or h |
| x = 1 |
| if y == h then |
| component.invoke(gpu, "copy", 1, scrTop + 1, w, scrBot - scrTop, 0, -1) |
| component.invoke(gpu, "fill", 1, scrBot, w, 1, " ") |
| else |
| y = y + 1 |
| end |
| reblink() |
| end |
| |
| local printBuf = "" |
| |
| local function printBuffer() |
| if #printBuf < 1 then return end |
| component.invoke(gpu, "set", x, y, printBuf) |
| if x == w then |
| scroll() |
| else |
| x = x + unicode.len(printBuf) |
| checkCoord() |
| end |
| printBuf = "" |
| if pipes.shouldYield() then |
| os.sleep() |
| end |
| end |
| |
| local function backDelChar() |
| if #printBuf > 0 then |
| printBuf = unicode.sub(printBuf, 1, unicode.len(printBuf) - 1) |
| else |
| x = x - 1 |
| unblink() |
| component.invoke(gpu, "set", x, y, " ") |
| reblink() |
| end |
| end |
| |
| ---Char handlers |
| |
| local charHandlers = {} |
| |
| function charHandlers.base(char) |
| if char == "\n" then |
| printBuffer() |
| scroll() |
| elseif char == "\r" then |
| unblink() |
| printBuffer() |
| x = 1 |
| reblink() |
| elseif char == "\t" then |
| printBuf = printBuf .. " " |
| elseif char == "\b" then |
| backDelChar() |
| elseif char == "\x1b" then |
| charHandlers.active = charHandlers.control |
| charHandlers.control(char) |
| elseif char:match("[%g%s]") then |
| printBuf = printBuf .. char |
| end |
| end |
| |
| local mcommands = {} |
| local swap = false |
| |
| mcommands["7"] = function() |
| local fc, fp = component.invoke(gpu, "getForeground") |
| local bc, bp = component.invoke(gpu, "getBackground") |
| |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", bc, bp) |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", fc, fp) |
| swap = true |
| end |
| |
| mcommands["0"] = function() |
| if swap then |
| local fc, fp = component.invoke(gpu, "getForeground") |
| local bc, bp = component.invoke(gpu, "getBackground") |
| |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", bc, bp) |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", fc, fp) |
| end |
| swap = false |
| end |
| |
| mcommands["1"] = function()end --Bold font |
| mcommands["2"] = function()end --Dim font |
| mcommands["3"] = function()end --Italic |
| mcommands["4"] = function()end --Underscore |
| mcommands["10"] = function()end --Select primary font (LA100) |
| |
| mcommands["30"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", 0x000000)end |
| mcommands["31"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", 0xFF0000)end |
| mcommands["32"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", 0x00FF00)end |
| mcommands["33"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", 0xFFFF00)end |
| mcommands["34"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", 0x0000FF)end |
| mcommands["35"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", 0xFF00FF)end |
| mcommands["36"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", 0x00FFFF)end |
| mcommands["37"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", 0xFFFFFF)end |
| |
| mcommands["40"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", 0x000000)end |
| mcommands["41"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", 0xFF0000)end |
| mcommands["42"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", 0x00FF00)end |
| mcommands["43"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", 0xFFFF00)end |
| mcommands["44"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", 0x0000FF)end |
| mcommands["45"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", 0xFF00FF)end |
| mcommands["46"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", 0x00FFFF)end |
| mcommands["47"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", 0xFFFFFF)end |
| |
| mcommands["39"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", 0xFFFFFF)end |
| mcommands["49"] = function()component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", 0x000000)end |
| |
| local lcommands = {} |
| |
| lcommands["4"] = function()end --Reset to replacement mode |
| |
| local ncommands = {} |
| |
| ncommands["6"] = function()io.write("\x1b[" .. math.floor(y) .. ";" .. math.floor(x) .. "R")end |
| |
| local commandMode = "" |
| local commandBuf = "" |
| local commandList = {} |
| |
| --TODO \x1b[C -- reset term to initial state |
| |
| --TODO: p9-codes: |
| -- \x1b9[H];[W]R - set resolution |
| -- \x1b9[Row];[Col];[Height];[Width]F -- fill |
| -- \x1b9[Row];[Col];[Height];[Width];[Dest Row];[Dest Col]c -- copy |
| |
| --Add fake gpu component for compat(?) |
| |
| local control = {} |
| |
| control["\x1b"] = function(char) --Begin |
| commandList = {} |
| commandBuf = "" |
| commandMode = "" |
| unblink() |
| return true |
| end |
| |
| control["["] = function(char) |
| if commandMode ~= "" or commandBuf ~= "" then |
| charHandlers.active = charHandlers.base |
| reblink() |
| return true |
| end |
| commandMode = "[" |
| return true |
| end |
| |
| control["("] = function(char) |
| if commandMode ~= "" or commandBuf ~= "" then |
| charHandlers.active = charHandlers.base |
| reblink() |
| return true |
| end |
| commandMode = "(" |
| return true |
| end |
| |
| control["9"] = function(char) |
| if commandMode == "" and commandBuf == "" then |
| commandMode = "9" |
| else |
| commandBuf = commandBuf .. char |
| return true |
| end |
| return true |
| end |
| |
| control[";"] = function(char) |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| commandBuf = "" |
| return true |
| end |
| |
| control["m"] = function(char) |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| if not commandList[1] or commandList[1] == "" then |
| commandList[1] = "0" |
| end |
| for _, command in ipairs(commandList) do |
| if not mcommands[command] then |
| pipes.log("Unknown escape code: " .. tostring(command)) |
| break |
| end |
| mcommands[command]() |
| end |
| end |
| |
| control["l"] = function(char) |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| if not commandList[1] or commandList[1] == "" then |
| commandList[1] = "0" |
| end |
| for _, command in ipairs(commandList) do |
| if not lcommands[command] then |
| pipes.log("Unknown escape code: " .. tostring(command)) |
| break |
| end |
| lcommands[command]() |
| end |
| end |
| |
| control["n"] = function(char) |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| if not commandList[1] or commandList[1] == "" then |
| commandList[1] = "0" |
| end |
| for _, command in ipairs(commandList) do |
| if not ncommands[command] then |
| pipes.log("Unknown escape code: " .. tostring(command)) |
| break |
| end |
| ncommands[command]() |
| end |
| end |
| |
| control["d"] = function(char) |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| local n = tonumber(commandList[1]) or 1 |
| y = math.max(n, 1) |
| checkCoord() |
| end |
| |
| control["R"] = function(char) --Set resolution |
| if commandMode == "9" then |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| local nh, nw = tonumber(commandList[1]) or h, tonumber(commandList[2]) or w |
| if x > nw then x = math.max(nw, 1) end |
| if y > nh then y = math.max(nw, 1) end |
| if component.invoke(gpu, "setResolution", nw, nh) then |
| w = nw |
| h = nh |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| control["I"] = function(char) --Term info |
| if commandMode == "9" then |
| io.write("\x1b9" .. gpu .. ";" .. screen .. "I") |
| end |
| end |
| |
| control["!"] = function(char) --Disable |
| if commandMode == "9" then |
| charHandlers.active = function(c) |
| if c == "\255" or c == "!" then |
| commandList = {} |
| commandBuf = "" |
| commandMode = "" |
| charHandlers.active = charHandlers.base |
| blink = true |
| end |
| end |
| blink = false |
| return true |
| end |
| end |
| |
| control["r"] = function(char) --Set scroll region |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| local nt, nb = tonumber(commandList[1]) or 1, tonumber(commandList[2]) or h |
| scrTop = nt |
| scrBot = nb |
| end |
| |
| control["H"] = function(char) --set pos |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| local ny, nx = tonumber(commandList[1]), tonumber(commandList[2]) |
| x = math.min(nx or 1, w) |
| y = math.min(ny or 1, h) |
| checkCoord() |
| end |
| control["f"] = control["H"] |
| |
| |
| control["A"] = function(char) --Move up |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| local n = tonumber(commandList[1]) or 1 |
| y = y - n |
| checkCoord() |
| end |
| |
| control["B"] = function(char) --Move down |
| if commandMode == "(" then |
| charHandlers.active = charHandlers.base |
| reblink() |
| return true |
| end |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| local n = tonumber(commandList[1]) or 1 |
| y = math.max(y - n, 1) |
| checkCoord() |
| end |
| |
| control["C"] = function(char) --Move forward |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| local n = tonumber(commandList[1]) or 1 |
| x = x + n |
| checkCoord() |
| end |
| |
| control["D"] = function(char) |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| local n = tonumber(commandList[1]) or 1 |
| x = math.max(x - n, 1) |
| checkCoord() |
| end |
| |
| control["G"] = function(char) --Cursor Horizontal position Absolute |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| x = tonumber(commandList[1]) or 1 |
| checkCoord() |
| end |
| |
| control["J"] = function(char) --Clear |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| if commandList[1] == "2" then |
| component.invoke(gpu, "fill", 1, 1, w, h, " ") |
| x, y = 1, 1 |
| end |
| end |
| |
| control["K"] = function(char) --Erase to end of line |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| component.invoke(gpu, "fill", x, y, w - x, 1, " ") |
| end |
| |
| control["X"] = function(char) --Erase next chars |
| commandList[#commandList + 1] = commandBuf |
| component.invoke(gpu, "fill", x, y, tonumber(commandList[1]) or 1, 1, " ") |
| end |
| |
| function charHandlers.control(char) |
| if control[char] and not control[char](char) then |
| charHandlers.active = charHandlers.base |
| reblink() |
| commandList = {} |
| commandBuf = "" |
| commandMode = "" |
| elseif not control[char] then |
| commandBuf = commandBuf .. char |
| end |
| end |
| |
| ---Char handler end |
| |
| charHandlers.active = charHandlers.base |
| |
| local function _print(msg) |
| if gpu then |
| |
| for char in msg:gmatch(".") do |
| charHandlers.active(char) |
| end |
| |
| printBuffer() |
| end |
| end |
| |
| pipes.setTimer(function() |
| if blink then |
| blinkState = not blinkState |
| local char, fg, bg = component.invoke(gpu, "get", x, y) |
| preblinkbg = blinkState and bg or preblinkbg |
| preblinkfg = blinkState and fg or preblinkfg |
| local oribg, obpal = component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", blinkState and 0xFFFFFF or preblinkbg) |
| local orifg, ofpal = component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", blinkState and 0x000000 or preblinkfg) |
| component.invoke(gpu, "set", x, y, char or " ") |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setBackground", oribg) |
| component.invoke(gpu, "setForeground", orifg) |
| end |
| end, 0.5) |
| |
| while true do |
| local data = io.read(1) |
| if io.input().remaining() > 0 then |
| data = data .. io.read(io.input().remaining()) |
| end |
| unblink() |
| _print(data) |
| end |