blob: 039cedcd5a811716eacc6b8dfdaf3cabdc698712 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.server.components
import li.cil.oc.common.util.TextBuffer
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
* Graphics cards are what we use to render text to screens. They have an
* internal text buffer that can be manipulated from the Lua side via the
* GPU driver. These changes are forwarded to any monitors the card is bound
* to, if any. Note that the screen component on the server does not have an
* internal state. It merely generates packets to be sent to the client, whose
* screen component in turn has a state similar to a graphics card which is
* used by the GUI to display the text in the buffer.
* TODO minimize NBT updates, i.e. only write what really changed?
class GraphicsCard(val nbt: NBTTagCompound) extends IComponent {
id = 1
val resolutions = List(List(40, 24), List(80, 24))
private val buffer = new TextBuffer(80, 24)
var screen: Option[Screen] = None
def resolution = buffer.size
def resolution_=(value: (Int, Int)) =
if (resolutions.contains(value)) {
buffer.size = value
screen.foreach(_.resolution = value)
else throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported resolution")
def set(x: Int, y: Int, s: String): Unit = {
// Make sure the string isn't longer than it needs to be, in particular to
// avoid sending too much data to our clients.
val truncated = s.substring(0, buffer.width min s.length)
buffer.set(x, y, truncated)
screen.foreach(_.set(x, y, truncated))
def fill(x: Int, y: Int, w: Int, h: Int, c: Char) = {
buffer.fill(x, y, w, h, c)
screen.foreach(_.fill(x, y, w, h, c))
def copy(x: Int, y: Int, w: Int, h: Int, tx: Int, ty: Int) = {
buffer.copy(x, y, w, h, tx, ty)
screen.foreach(_.copy(x, y, w, h, tx, ty))
def bind(value: Option[Screen]): Unit = {
screen = value
screen.foreach(screen => {
screen.resolution = resolution
fill(0, 0, buffer.width, buffer.height, ' ')
def readFromNBT(): Unit = {
// A new instance has no data written to its NBT tag compound.
if (!nbt.hasKey("monitor.x")) return
val x = nbt.getInteger("monitor.x")
val y = nbt.getInteger("monitor.y")
val z = nbt.getInteger("monitor.z")
// TODO get tile entity in world, get its screen component
def writeToNBT(): Unit = {
if (screen.isDefined) {
val owner = screen.get.owner
nbt.setInteger("monitor.x", owner.xCoord)
nbt.setInteger("monitor.y", owner.yCoord)
nbt.setInteger("monitor.z", owner.zCoord)