blob: 05ccf3a388c1533168f328449043f5463a49bbc7 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.server.component
import com.naef.jnlua.{LuaRuntimeException, LuaMemoryAllocationException, LuaType, LuaState}
import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
import java.util.concurrent._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import java.util.logging.Level
import li.cil.oc.api
import li.cil.oc.api.Persistable
import{Message, Visibility, Node}
import li.cil.oc.common.tileentity
import li.cil.oc.server.driver
import li.cil.oc.util.ExtendedLuaState.extendLuaState
import li.cil.oc.util.LuaStateFactory
import li.cil.oc.{OpenComputers, Config}
import net.minecraft.nbt._
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeSubscribe
import scala.Array.canBuildFrom
import scala.Some
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* Wrapper class for Lua states set up to behave like a pseudo-OS.
* <p/>
* This class takes care of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>Creating a new Lua state when started from a previously stopped state.</li>
* <li>Updating the Lua state in a parallel thread so as not to block the game.</li>
* <li>Synchronizing calls from the computer thread to other game components.</li>
* <li>Saving the internal state of the computer across chunk saves/loads.</li>
* <li>Closing the Lua state when stopping a previously running computer.</li>
* </ul>
* <p/>
* Computers are relatively useless without drivers. Drivers are a combination
* of Lua and Java/Scala code that allows the computer to interact with the
* game world, or more specifically: with other components, by sending messages
* across the component network the computer is connected to (see `Network`).
* <p/>
* Host code (Java/Scala) cannot directly call Lua code. It can only queue
* signals (events, messages, packets, whatever you want to call it) which will
* be passed to the Lua state one by one and processed there (see `signal`).
* <p/>
class Computer(val owner: Computer.Environment) extends Persistable with Runnable {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// General
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private var state = Computer.State.Stopped
private val stateMonitor = new Object() // To synchronize access to `state`.
private var future: Option[Future[_]] = None
private var lua: LuaState = null
private var kernelMemory = 0
private val signals = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Computer.Signal](256)
private val rom = api.FileSystem.
fromClass(OpenComputers.getClass, Config.resourceDomain, "lua/rom").
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private var timeStarted = 0L // Game-world time [ms] for os.uptime().
private var worldTime = 0L // Game-world time for os.time().
private var lastUpdate = 0L // Real-world time [ms] for pause detection.
private var cpuTime = 0L // Pseudo-real-world time [ns] for os.clock().
private var cpuStart = 0L // Pseudo-real-world time [ns] for os.clock().
private var sleepUntil = Double.PositiveInfinity // Real-world time [ms].
private var wasRunning = false // To signal stops synchronously.
private var message: Option[String] = None // For error messages.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def recomputeMemory() = if (lua != null)
lua.setTotalMemory(kernelMemory + Config.baseMemory + owner.installedMemory)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def start() = stateMonitor.synchronized(
(state == Computer.State.Stopped) && init() && {
// Initial state. Will be switched to State.Yielded in the next update()
// due to the signals queue not being empty (
state = Computer.State.Suspended
// Remember when we started, for os.clock().
timeStarted =
// Mark state change in owner, to send it to clients.
// Inject component added signals for all nodes in the network. => signal("component_added", node.address.get)))
// All green, computer started successfully., "computer.started"))
def stop() = stateMonitor.synchronized(state match {
case Computer.State.Stopped => false // Nothing to do.
case _ if future.isEmpty => close(); true // Not executing, kill it.
case _ =>
// If the computer is currently executing something we enter an
// intermediate state to ensure the executor or synchronized call truly
// stopped, before switching back to stopped to allow starting the
// computer again. The executor and synchronized call will check for
// this state and call close(), thus switching the state to stopped.
state = Computer.State.Stopping
def isRunning = state != Computer.State.Stopped && lastUpdate != 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def signal(name: String, args: Any*) = stateMonitor.synchronized(state match {
case Computer.State.Stopped | Computer.State.Stopping => false
case _ => signals.offer(new Computer.Signal(name, {
case null | Unit | None => Unit
case arg: Boolean => arg
case arg: Byte => arg.toDouble
case arg: Char => arg.toDouble
case arg: Short => arg.toDouble
case arg: Int => arg.toDouble
case arg: Long => arg.toDouble
case arg: Float => arg.toDouble
case arg: Double => arg
case arg: String => arg
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException()
def update() {
// Update last time run to let our executor thread know it doesn't have to
// pause.
lastUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis
// TODO This seems to be the "run time", not the elapsed ingame time. For example, when doing /time set 0 the game
// should jump to the next day, but this value does not jump. Is this just Forge or do we have to find some other
// way around this? CC seems to use getWorldTime, which is really odd, since that should be only within the range
// of a single day (0 to 24000), which it *is*... perhaps vanilla Minecraft (not re-compiled) behaves different?
// Update world time for computer threads.
worldTime =
// Signal stops to the network. This is used to close file handles, for example.
if (wasRunning && !isRunning) {, "computer.stopped"))
// Clear any screens we use while we're at it., "gpu.fill",
1.0, 1.0, Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity, " ".getBytes("UTF-8")))
wasRunning = isRunning
// If there was an error message (i.e. the computer crashed) display it on
// any screens we used (stored in GPUs).
if (message.isDefined) { => {
for ((line, row) <- message.get.replace("\t", " ").lines.zipWithIndex) {
network.sendToNeighbors(owner, "gpu.set", 1.0, 1.0 + row, line.getBytes("UTF-8"))
message = None
// Check if we should switch states.
stateMonitor.synchronized(state match {
// Computer is rebooting.
case Computer.State.Rebooting => {
state = Computer.State.Stopped, "computer.stopped")), "computer.started"))
// Resume from pauses based on signal underflow.
case Computer.State.Suspended if !signals.isEmpty => execute(Computer.State.Yielded)
case Computer.State.Sleeping if lastUpdate >= sleepUntil || !signals.isEmpty => execute(Computer.State.Yielded)
// Resume in case we paused because the game was paused.
case Computer.State.Paused => execute(Computer.State.Yielded)
case Computer.State.SynchronizedReturnPaused => execute(Computer.State.SynchronizedReturn)
// Perform a synchronized call (message sending).
case Computer.State.SynchronizedCall => {
// These three asserts are all guaranteed by run().
assert(lua.getTop == 2)
// We switch into running state, since we'll behave as though the call
// were performed from our executor thread.
state = Computer.State.Running
try {
// Synchronized call protocol requires the called function to return
// a table, which holds the results of the call, to be passed back
// to the coroutine.yield() that triggered the call., 1)
lua.checkType(2, LuaType.TABLE)
// Nothing should have been able to trigger a future.
// If the call lead to stop() being called we stop right now,
// otherwise we return the result to our executor.
if (state == Computer.State.Stopping)
else {
assert(state == Computer.State.Running)
} catch {
case _: LuaMemoryAllocationException =>
// This can happen if we run out of memory while converting a Java
// exception to a string (which we have to do to avoid keeping
// userdata on the stack, which cannot be persisted).
message = Some("not enough memory")
case e: java.lang.Error if e.getMessage == "not enough memory" =>
message = Some("not enough memory")
case e: Throwable => {
OpenComputers.log.log(Level.WARNING, "Faulty Lua implementation for synchronized calls.", e)
message = Some("protocol error")
case _ => // Nothing special to do, just avoid match errors.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
state = nbt.getInteger("state") match {
case id if id >= 0 && id < Computer.State.maxId => Computer.State(id)
case _ => Computer.State.Stopped
if (state != Computer.State.Stopped && init()) {
// Unlimit memory use while unpersisting.
try {
// Try unpersisting Lua, because that's what all of the rest depends
// on. First, clear the stack, meaning the current kernel.
if (!nbt.hasKey("kernel") || !unpersist(nbt.getByteArray("kernel")) || !lua.isThread(1)) {
// This shouldn't really happen, but there's a chance it does if
// the save was corrupt (maybe someone modified the Lua files).
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid kernel.")
if (state == Computer.State.SynchronizedCall || state == Computer.State.SynchronizedReturn) {
if (!nbt.hasKey("stack") || !unpersist(nbt.getByteArray("stack")) ||
(state == Computer.State.SynchronizedCall && !lua.isFunction(2)) ||
(state == Computer.State.SynchronizedReturn && !lua.isTable(2))) {
// Same as with the above, should not really happen normally, but
// could for the same reasons.
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid stack.")
assert(signals.size == 0)
val signalsNbt = nbt.getTagList("signals")
signals.addAll((0 until signalsNbt.tagCount()).
map(signalNbt => {
val argsNbt = signalNbt.getCompoundTag("args")
val argsLength = argsNbt.getInteger("length")
new Computer.Signal(signalNbt.getString("name"),
(0 until argsLength).map("arg" + _).map(argsNbt.getTag).map {
case tag: NBTTagByte if == -1 => Unit
case tag: NBTTagByte => == 1
case tag: NBTTagDouble =>
case tag: NBTTagString =>
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid signal.")
kernelMemory = nbt.getInteger("kernelMemory")
timeStarted = nbt.getLong("timeStarted")
cpuTime = nbt.getLong("cpuTime")
if (nbt.hasKey("message"))
message = Some(nbt.getString("message"))
// Clean up some after we're done and limit memory again.
lua.gc(LuaState.GcAction.COLLECT, 0)
// Ensure the executor is started in the next update if necessary.
state match {
case Computer.State.Yielded =>
state = Computer.State.Paused
case Computer.State.SynchronizedReturn =>
state = Computer.State.SynchronizedReturnPaused
case _ => // Will be started by update() if necessary.
} catch {
case e: IllegalStateException => {
OpenComputers.log.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not restore computer.", e)
case e: LuaRuntimeException => {
OpenComputers.log.warning("Could not restore computer.\n" + e.toString + "\tat " + e.getLuaStackTrace.mkString("\n\tat "))
// Init failed, or we were already stopped.
else state = Computer.State.Stopped
def save(nbt: NBTTagCompound): Unit = this.synchronized {
assert(state != Computer.State.Running) // Lock on 'this' should guarantee this.
assert(state != Computer.State.Stopping) // Only set while executor is running.
nbt.setInteger("state", (state match {
case Computer.State.Paused => Computer.State.Yielded
case Computer.State.Sleeping => Computer.State.Yielded
case Computer.State.SynchronizedReturnPaused => Computer.State.SynchronizedReturn
case other => other
if (state == Computer.State.Stopped) {
// Unlimit memory while persisting.
val memory = lua.getTotalMemory
try {
// Try persisting Lua, because that's what all of the rest depends on.
// While in a driver call we have one object on the global stack: either
// the function to call the driver with, or the result of the call.
if (state == Computer.State.SynchronizedCall || state == Computer.State.SynchronizedReturn || state == Computer.State.SynchronizedReturnPaused) {
assert(if (state == Computer.State.SynchronizedCall) lua.isFunction(2) else lua.isTable(2))
nbt.setByteArray("stack", persist(2))
// Save the kernel state (which is always at stack index one).
nbt.setByteArray("kernel", persist(1))
val list = new NBTTagList
for (s <- signals.iterator) {
val signal = new NBTTagCompound
val args = new NBTTagCompound
args.setInteger("length", s.args.length)
s.args.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (Unit, i) => args.setByte("arg" + i, -1)
case (arg: Boolean, i) => args.setByte("arg" + i, if (arg) 1 else 0)
case (arg: Double, i) => args.setDouble("arg" + i, arg)
case (arg: String, i) => args.setString("arg" + i, arg)
signal.setCompoundTag("args", args)
nbt.setTag("signals", list)
val romNbt = new NBTTagCompound()
nbt.setCompoundTag("rom", romNbt)
nbt.setInteger("kernelMemory", kernelMemory)
nbt.setLong("timeStarted", timeStarted)
nbt.setLong("cpuTime", cpuTime)
if (message.isDefined)
nbt.setString("message", message.get)
catch {
case e: Throwable => {
finally {
// Clean up some after we're done and limit memory again.
lua.gc(LuaState.GcAction.COLLECT, 0)
private def persist(index: Int): Array[Byte] = {
lua.getGlobal("persist") // ... obj persist?
if (lua.isFunction(-1)) {
// ... obj persist
lua.pushValue(index) // ... obj persist obj, 1) // ... obj str?
if (lua.isString(-1)) {
// ... obj str
val result = lua.toByteArray(-1)
lua.pop(1) // ... obj
return result
} // ... obj :(
} // ... obj :(
lua.pop(1) // ... obj
private def unpersist(value: Array[Byte]): Boolean = {
lua.getGlobal("unpersist") // ... unpersist?
if (lua.isFunction(-1)) {
// ... unpersist
lua.pushByteArray(value) // ... unpersist str, 1) // ... obj
return true
} // ... :(
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private def init(): Boolean = {
// Creates a new state with all base libraries and the persistence library
// loaded into it. This means the state has much more power than it
// rightfully should have, so we sandbox it a bit in the following.
LuaStateFactory.createState() match {
case None =>
lua = null
return false
case Some(value) => lua = value
try {
// Push a couple of functions that override original Lua API functions or
// that add new functionality to it.
// Push a couple of functions that override original Lua API functions or
// that add new functionality to it.
// Custom os.clock() implementation returning the time the computer has
// been actively running, instead of the native library...
lua.pushScalaFunction(lua => {
lua.pushNumber((cpuTime + (System.nanoTime() - cpuStart)) * 10e-10)
lua.setField(-2, "clock")
// Return ingame time for os.time().
lua.pushScalaFunction(lua => {
// Game time is in ticks, so that each day has 24000 ticks, meaning
// one hour is game time divided by one thousand. Also, Minecraft
// starts days at 6 o'clock, so we add those six hours. Thus:
// timestamp = (time + 6000) / 1000[h] * 60[m] * 60[s] * 1000[ms]
lua.pushNumber((worldTime + 6000) * 60 * 60)
lua.setField(-2, "time")
// The time the computer has been running, as opposed to the CPU time.
lua.pushScalaFunction(lua => {
// World time is in ticks, and each second has 20 ticks. Since we
// want os.uptime() to return real seconds, though, we'll divide it
// accordingly.
lua.pushNumber((worldTime - timeStarted) / 20.0)
lua.setField(-2, "uptime")
// Allow the system to read how much memory it uses and has available.
lua.pushScalaFunction(lua => {
lua.pushInteger(lua.getTotalMemory - kernelMemory)
lua.setField(-2, "totalMemory")
lua.pushScalaFunction(lua => {
// This is *very* unlikely, but still: avoid this getting larger than
// what we report as the total memory.
lua.pushInteger(lua.getFreeMemory min (lua.getTotalMemory - kernelMemory))
lua.setField(-2, "freeMemory")
// Allow the computer to figure out its own id in the component network.
lua.pushScalaFunction(lua => {
owner.address match {
case None => lua.pushNil()
case Some(address) => lua.pushString(address)
lua.setField(-2, "address")
// And it's ROM address.
lua.pushScalaFunction(lua => {
rom.foreach(_.address match {
case None => lua.pushNil()
case Some(address) => lua.pushString(address)
lua.setField(-2, "romAddress")
// Pop the os table.
// Until we get to ingame screens we log to Java's stdout.
lua.pushScalaFunction(lua => {
for (i <- 1 to lua.getTop) lua.`type`(i) match {
case LuaType.NIL => print("nil")
case LuaType.BOOLEAN => print(lua.toBoolean(i))
case LuaType.NUMBER => print(lua.toNumber(i))
case LuaType.STRING => print(lua.toString(i))
case LuaType.TABLE => print("table")
case LuaType.FUNCTION => print("function")
case LuaType.THREAD => print("thread")
case LuaType.LIGHTUSERDATA | LuaType.USERDATA => print("userdata")
// Set up functions used to send network messages.
def parseArgument(lua: LuaState, index: Int) = lua.`type`(index) match {
case LuaType.BOOLEAN => lua.toBoolean(index)
case LuaType.NUMBER => lua.toNumber(index)
case LuaType.STRING => lua.toByteArray(index)
case _ => Unit
def parseArguments(lua: LuaState, start: Int) =
for (index <- start to lua.getTop) yield parseArgument(lua, index)
def pushResult(lua: LuaState, value: Any): Unit = value match {
case value: Boolean => lua.pushBoolean(value)
case value: Byte => lua.pushNumber(value)
case value: Short => lua.pushNumber(value)
case value: Int => lua.pushNumber(value)
case value: Long => lua.pushNumber(value)
case value: Float => lua.pushNumber(value)
case value: Double => lua.pushNumber(value)
case value: String => lua.pushString(value)
case value: Array[Byte] => lua.pushByteArray(value)
case value: Array[_] => {
value.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (entry, index) =>
pushResult(lua, entry)
lua.rawSet(-2, index)
// TODO maps, tuples/seqs?
// TODO I fear they are, but check if the following are really necessary for Java interop.
case value: java.lang.Byte => lua.pushNumber(value.byteValue)
case value: java.lang.Short => lua.pushNumber(value.shortValue)
case value: java.lang.Integer => lua.pushNumber(value.intValue)
case value: java.lang.Long => lua.pushNumber(value.longValue)
case value: java.lang.Float => lua.pushNumber(value.floatValue)
case value: java.lang.Double => lua.pushNumber(value.doubleValue)
case _ => lua.pushNil()
lua.pushScalaFunction(lua => Option[Array[Any]])(_.
sendToAddress(owner, lua.checkString(1), lua.checkString(2), parseArguments(lua, 3): _*)) match {
case Some(Array(results@_*)) =>
results.foreach(pushResult(lua, _))
case _ => 0
lua.pushScalaFunction(lua => { Option[Node])(_.node(lua.checkString(1))) match {
case None => 0
case Some(node) => lua.pushString(; 1
// How long programs may run without yielding before we stop them.
// Provide driver API code.
lua.pushScalaFunction(lua => {
val apis = driver.Registry.apis
lua.newTable(apis.length, 0)
for ((name, code) <- apis) {
lua.setField(-2, name)
// Run the boot script. This sets up the permanent value tables as
// well as making the functions used for persisting/unpersisting
// available as globals. It also wraps the message sending functions
// so that they yield a closure doing the actual call so that that
// message call can be performed in a synchronized fashion.
lua.load(classOf[Computer].getResourceAsStream(Config.scriptPath + "boot.lua"), "=boot", "t"), 0)
// Load the basic kernel which sets up the sandbox, loads the init script
// and then runs it in a coroutine with a debug hook checking for
// timeouts.
lua.load(classOf[Computer].getResourceAsStream(Config.scriptPath + "kernel.lua"), "=kernel", "t")
lua.newThread() // Left as the first value on the stack.
// Run to the first yield in kernel, to get a good idea of how much
// memory all the basic functionality we provide needs.
lua.pop(lua.resume(1, 0))
// Run the garbage collector to get rid of stuff left behind after the
// initialization phase to get a good estimate of the base memory usage
// the kernel has. We remember that size to grant user-space programs a
// fixed base amount of memory, regardless of the memory need of the
// underlying system (which may change across releases). Add some buffer
// to avoid the init script eating up all the rest immediately.
lua.gc(LuaState.GcAction.COLLECT, 0)
kernelMemory = (lua.getTotalMemory - lua.getFreeMemory) + 24 * 1024
// Clear any left-over signals from a previous run.
// Connect the ROM node to our owner.
rom.foreach(rom =>, rom)))
return true
catch {
case ex: Throwable => {
OpenComputers.log.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed initializing computer.", ex)
private def close(): Unit = stateMonitor.synchronized(
if (state != Computer.State.Stopped) {
state = Computer.State.Stopped
lua = null
kernelMemory = 0
timeStarted = 0
cpuTime = 0
cpuStart = 0
future = None
sleepUntil = Long.MaxValue
// Mark state change in owner, to send it to clients.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
private def execute(value: Computer.State.Value) {
sleepUntil = Long.MaxValue
state = value
future = Some(Computer.Executor.pool.submit(this))
// This is a really high level lock that we only use for saving and loading.
override def run(): Unit = this.synchronized {
val callReturn = stateMonitor.synchronized {
val oldState = state
state = Computer.State.Running
// See if the game appears to be paused, in which case we also pause.
if (System.currentTimeMillis - lastUpdate > 200) {
state = oldState match {
case Computer.State.SynchronizedReturn => Computer.State.SynchronizedReturnPaused
case _ => Computer.State.Paused
future = None
} match {
case Computer.State.SynchronizedReturn => true
case Computer.State.Yielded | Computer.State.Sleeping => false
case s =>
OpenComputers.log.warning("Running computer from invalid state " + s.toString + ". This is a bug!")
// The kernel thread will always be at stack index one.
try {
// Resume the Lua state and remember the number of results we get.
cpuStart = System.nanoTime()
val results = if (callReturn) {
// If we were doing a synchronized call, continue where we left off.
assert(lua.getTop == 2)
lua.resume(1, 1)
else Option(signals.poll()) match {
case None => lua.resume(1, 0)
case Some(signal) => {
signal.args.foreach {
case Unit => lua.pushNil()
case arg: Boolean => lua.pushBoolean(arg)
case arg: Double => lua.pushNumber(arg)
case arg: String => lua.pushString(arg)
lua.resume(1, 1 + signal.args.length)
cpuTime += System.nanoTime() - cpuStart
// Check if the kernel is still alive.
stateMonitor.synchronized(if (lua.status(1) == LuaState.YIELD) {
// Intermediate state in some cases. Satisfies the assert in execute().
future = None
// Someone called stop() in the meantime.
if (state == Computer.State.Stopping)
// If we have a single number that's how long we may wait before
// resuming the state again.
else if (results == 1 && lua.isNumber(2)) {
val sleep = lua.toNumber(2) * 1000
// But only sleep if we don't have more signals to process.
if (signals.isEmpty) {
state = Computer.State.Sleeping
sleepUntil = System.currentTimeMillis + sleep
else execute(Computer.State.Yielded)
// If we get one function it must be a wrapper for a synchronized call.
// The protocol is that a closure is pushed that is then called from
// the main server thread, and returns a table, which is in turn passed
// to the originating coroutine.yield().
else if (results == 1 && lua.isFunction(2))
state = Computer.State.SynchronizedCall
// Check if we are shutting down, and if so if we're rebooting. This is
// signalled by boolean values, where `false` means shut down, `true`
// means reboot (i.e shutdown then start again).
else if (results == 1 && lua.isBoolean(2)) {
val reboot = lua.toBoolean(2)
if (reboot)
state = Computer.State.Rebooting
else {
// Something else, just pop the results and try again.
if (signals.isEmpty)
state = Computer.State.Suspended
// State has inevitably changed, mark as changed to save again.
// The kernel thread returned. If it threw we'd we in the catch below.
else {
// We're expecting the result of a pcall, if anything, so boolean + (result | string).
if (!lua.isBoolean(2) || !(lua.isString(3) || lua.isNil(3))) {
OpenComputers.log.warning("Kernel returned unexpected results.")
// The pcall *should* never return normally... but check for it nonetheless.
if (lua.toBoolean(2)) {
OpenComputers.log.warning("Kernel stopped unexpectedly.")
else {
val error = lua.toString(3)
if (error != null)
message = Some(error)
message = Some("unknown error")
catch {
case e: LuaRuntimeException =>
OpenComputers.log.warning("Kernel crashed. This is a bug!\n" + e.toString + "\tat " + e.getLuaStackTrace.mkString("\n\tat "))
message = Some("kernel panic")
case e: LuaMemoryAllocationException =>
message = Some("not enough memory")
case e: java.lang.Error if e.getMessage == "not enough memory" =>
message = Some("not enough memory")
object Computer {
trait Environment extends Node {
protected val computer: Computer
def world: World
def installedMemory: Int
* Called when the computer state changed, so it should be saved again.
* <p/>
* This is called asynchronously from the Computer's executor thread, so the
* computer's owner must make sure to handle this in a synchronized fashion.
def markAsChanged(): Unit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def name = "computer"
override def visibility = Visibility.Network
override def receive(message: Message) = {
super.receive(message) match {
// The isRunning check is here to avoid component_* signals being
// generated while loading a chunk.
case Array() if == "network.connect" && computer.isRunning =>
computer.signal("component_added", message.source.address.get); None
case Array() if == "network.disconnect" && computer.isRunning =>
computer.signal("component_removed", message.source.address.get); None
case Array(oldAddress: Integer) if == "network.reconnect" && computer.isRunning =>
computer.signal("component_changed", message.source.address.get, oldAddress); None
// Arbitrary signals, usually from other components.
case Array(name: String, args@_*) if == "computer.signal" =>
computer.signal(name, List(message.source.address.get) ++ args: _*); None
// Remote control.
case Array() if == "computer.start" =>
case Array() if == "computer.stop" =>
case Array() if == "computer.running" =>
case _ => None
override protected def onConnect() {
computer.rom.foreach(rom => network.foreach(_.connect(this, rom)))
override protected def onDisconnect() {
computer.rom.foreach(rom =>
override def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
override def save(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
val computerNbt = new NBTTagCompound
nbt.setCompoundTag("computer", computerNbt)
def onChunkUnload(e: ChunkEvent.Unload) =
private def onUnload(w: World, tileEntities: Iterable[TileEntity]) = if (!w.isRemote) {
/** Signals are messages sent to the Lua state from Java asynchronously. */
private class Signal(val name: String, val args: Array[Any])
/** Possible states of the computer, and in particular its executor. */
private object State extends Enumeration {
/** The computer is not running right now and there is no Lua state. */
val Stopped = Value("Stopped")
/** The computer is running but yielded and there were no more signals to process. */
val Suspended = Value("Suspended")
/** The computer is running but yielded but will resume as soon as possible. */
val Yielded = Value("Yielded")
/** The computer is running but yielding for a longer amount of time. */
val Sleeping = Value("Sleeping")
/** The computer is paused and waiting for the game to resume. */
val Paused = Value("Paused")
/** The computer is up and running, executing Lua code. */
val Running = Value("Running")
/** The computer is currently shutting down (waiting for executor). */
val Stopping = Value("Stopping")
/** The computer executor is waiting for a synchronized call to be made. */
val SynchronizedCall = Value("SynchronizedCall")
/** The computer should resume with the result of a synchronized call. */
val SynchronizedReturn = Value("SynchronizedReturn")
/** The computer is paused and waiting for the game to resume. */
val SynchronizedReturnPaused = Value("SynchronizedReturnPaused")
/** Computer is currently rebooting. */
val Rebooting = Value("Rebooting")
/** Singleton for requesting executors that run our Lua states. */
private object Executor {
val pool = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(Config.threads,
new ThreadFactory() {
private val threadNumber = new AtomicInteger(1)
private val group = System.getSecurityManager match {
case null => Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup
case s => s.getThreadGroup
def newThread(r: Runnable): Thread = {
val name = OpenComputers.getClass.getSimpleName + "-" + threadNumber.getAndIncrement
val thread = new Thread(group, r, name)
if (!thread.isDaemon)
if (thread.getPriority != Thread.MIN_PRIORITY)
thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler {
def uncaughtException(t: Thread, e: Throwable) {
OpenComputers.log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unhandled exception in worker thread.", e)