blob: c4d5f0b36c47f4fea2c97951633dccb55d9c4866 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.common
import{DataInputStream, InputStream}
import io.netty.buffer.{ByteBuf, ByteBufInputStream}
import li.cil.oc.{Blocks, OpenComputers}
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}
abstract class PacketHandler {
/** Top level dispatcher based on packet type. */
protected def onPacketData(data: ByteBuf, player: EntityPlayer) {
// Don't crash on badly formatted packets (may have been altered by a
// malicious client, in which case we don't want to allow it to kill the
// server like this). Just spam the log a bit... ;)
try {
val stream = new ByteBufInputStream(data)
if ( == 0) dispatch(new PacketParser(stream, player))
else dispatch(new PacketParser(new GZIPInputStream(stream), player))
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
OpenComputers.log.warn("Received a badly formatted packet.", e)
* Gets the world for the specified dimension.
* For clients this returns the client's world if it is the specified
* dimension; None otherwise. For the server it returns the world for the
* specified dimension, if such a dimension exists; None otherwise.
protected def world(player: EntityPlayer, dimension: Int): Option[World]
protected def dispatch(p: PacketParser)
protected class PacketParser(stream: InputStream, val player: EntityPlayer) extends DataInputStream(stream) {
val packetType = PacketType(readByte())
def getTileEntity[T: ClassTag](dimension: Int, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): Option[T] = {
world(player, dimension) match {
case None => // Invalid dimension.
case Some(world) =>
val t = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)
if (t != null && classTag[T].runtimeClass.isAssignableFrom(t.getClass)) {
return Some(t.asInstanceOf[T])
// In case a robot moved away before the packet arrived. This is
// mostly used when the robot *starts* moving while the client sends
// a request to the server.
Blocks.robotAfterimage.findMovingRobot(world, x, y, z) match {
case Some(robot) if classTag[T].runtimeClass.isAssignableFrom(robot.proxy.getClass) =>
return Some(robot.proxy.asInstanceOf[T])
case _ =>
def readTileEntity[T: ClassTag](): Option[T] = {
val dimension = readInt()
val x = readInt()
val y = readInt()
val z = readInt()
getTileEntity(dimension, x, y, z)
def readDirection() = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(readInt())
def readItemStack() = {
val haveStack = readBoolean()
if (haveStack) {
else null
def readNBT() = CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed(this)