blob: 6b2d8cd7b1c3975871be536fee09251fd1ee2462 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.server.component
import li.cil.oc.api.Network
import li.cil.oc.api.component.TextBuffer
import li.cil.oc.api.component.TextBuffer.ColorDepth
import li.cil.oc.api.machine.{Arguments, Callback, Context}
import li.cil.oc.common.component
import li.cil.oc.util.PackedColor
import li.cil.oc.{Localization, Settings}
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
abstract class GraphicsCard extends component.ManagedComponent {
val node = Network.newNode(this, Visibility.Neighbors).
protected val maxResolution: (Int, Int)
protected val maxDepth: ColorDepth
private var screenAddress: Option[String] = None
private var screenInstance: Option[TextBuffer] = None
private def screen(f: (TextBuffer) => Array[AnyRef]) = screenInstance match {
case Some(screen) => screen.synchronized(f(screen))
case _ => Array(Unit, "no screen")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override val canUpdate = true
override def update() {
if ( != null && screenInstance.isEmpty && screenAddress.isDefined) {
Option( match {
case Some(node: Node) if[TextBuffer] =>
screenInstance = Some([TextBuffer])
case _ =>
// This could theoretically happen after loading an old address, but
// if the screen either disappeared between saving and now or changed
// type. The first scenario is more likely, and could happen if the
// chunk the screen is in isn't loaded when the chunk the GPU is in
// gets loaded.
screenAddress = None
@Callback(doc = """function(address:string):boolean -- Binds the GPU to the screen with the specified address.""")
def bind(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
val address = args.checkString(0) match {
case null => result(Unit, "invalid address")
case node: Node if[TextBuffer] =>
screenAddress = Option(address)
screenInstance = Some([TextBuffer])
screen(s => {
val (gmw, gmh) = maxResolution
val smw = s.getMaximumWidth
val smh = s.getMaximumHeight
s.setResolution(math.min(gmw, smw), math.min(gmh, smh))
s.setColorDepth(ColorDepth.values.apply(math.min(maxDepth.ordinal, s.getMaximumColorDepth.ordinal)))
case _ => result(Unit, "not a screen")
@Callback(direct = true, doc = """function():string -- Get the address of the screen the GPU is currently bound to.""")
def getScreen(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = screen(s => result(s.node.address))
@Callback(direct = true, doc = """function():number, boolean -- Get the current background color and whether it's from the palette or not.""")
def getBackground(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] =
screen(s => result(s.getBackgroundColor, s.isBackgroundFromPalette))
def setBackground(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
val color = args.checkInteger(0)
screen(s => {
val oldValue = s.getBackgroundColor
val (oldColor, oldIndex) =
if (s.isBackgroundFromPalette) {
(s.getPaletteColor(oldValue), oldValue)
else {
(oldValue, Unit)
s.setBackgroundColor(color, args.count > 1 && args.checkBoolean(1))
result(oldColor, oldIndex)
@Callback(direct = true, doc = """function():number, boolean -- Get the current foreground color and whether it's from the palette or not.""")
def getForeground(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] =
screen(s => result(s.getForegroundColor, s.isForegroundFromPalette))
def setForeground(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
val color = args.checkInteger(0)
screen(s => {
val oldValue = s.getForegroundColor
val (oldColor, oldIndex) =
if (s.isForegroundFromPalette) {
(s.getPaletteColor(oldValue), oldValue)
else {
(oldValue, Unit)
s.setForegroundColor(color, args.count > 1 && args.checkBoolean(1))
result(oldColor, oldIndex)
@Callback(direct = true, doc = """function(index:number):number -- Get the palette color at the specified palette index.""")
def getPaletteColor(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
val index = args.checkInteger(0)
screen(s => try result(s.getPaletteColor(index)) catch {
case _: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException => throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid palette index")
@Callback(doc = """function(index:number, color:number):number -- Set the palette color at the specified palette index. Returns the previous value.""")
def setPaletteColor(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
val index = args.checkInteger(0)
val color = args.checkInteger(1)
screen(s => try {
val oldColor = s.getPaletteColor(index)
s.setPaletteColor(index, color)
catch {
case _: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException => throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid palette index")
@Callback(direct = true, doc = """function():number -- Returns the currently set color depth.""")
def getDepth(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] =
screen(s => result(PackedColor.Depth.bits(s.getColorDepth)))
@Callback(doc = """function(depth:number):number -- Set the color depth. Returns the previous value.""")
def setDepth(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
val depth = args.checkInteger(0)
screen(s => {
val oldDepth = s.getColorDepth
depth match {
case 1 => s.setColorDepth(ColorDepth.OneBit)
case 4 if maxDepth.ordinal >= ColorDepth.FourBit.ordinal => s.setColorDepth(ColorDepth.FourBit)
case 8 if maxDepth.ordinal >= ColorDepth.EightBit.ordinal => s.setColorDepth(ColorDepth.EightBit)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported depth")
@Callback(direct = true, doc = """function():number -- Get the maximum supported color depth.""")
def maxDepth(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] =
screen(s => result(PackedColor.Depth.bits(ColorDepth.values.apply(math.min(maxDepth.ordinal, s.getMaximumColorDepth.ordinal)))))
@Callback(direct = true, doc = """function():number, number -- Get the current screen resolution.""")
def getResolution(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] =
screen(s => result(s.getWidth, s.getHeight))
@Callback(doc = """function(width:number, height:number):boolean -- Set the screen resolution. Returns true if the resolution changed.""")
def setResolution(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
val w = args.checkInteger(0)
val h = args.checkInteger(1)
val (mw, mh) = maxResolution
// Even though the buffer itself checks this again, we need this here for
// the minimum of screen and GPU resolution.
if (w < 1 || h < 1 || w > mw || h > mw || h * w > mw * mh)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported resolution")
screen(s => result(s.setResolution(w, h)))
@Callback(direct = true, doc = """function():number, number -- Get the maximum screen resolution.""")
def maxResolution(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] =
screen(s => {
val (gmw, gmh) = maxResolution
val smw = s.getMaximumWidth
val smh = s.getMaximumHeight
result(math.min(gmw, smw), math.min(gmh, smh))
@Callback(direct = true, doc = """function(x:number, y:number):string, number, number, number or nil, number or nil -- Get the value displayed on the screen at the specified index, as well as the foreground and background color. If the foreground or background is from the palette, returns the palette indices as fourth and fifth results, else nil, respectively.""")
def get(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
val x = args.checkInteger(0) - 1
val y = args.checkInteger(1) - 1
screen(s => {
val fgValue = s.getForegroundColor(x, y)
val (fgColor, fgIndex) =
if (s.isForegroundFromPalette(x, y)) {
(s.getPaletteColor(fgValue), fgValue)
else {
(fgValue, Unit)
val bgValue = s.getBackgroundColor(x, y)
val (bgColor, bgIndex) =
if (s.isBackgroundFromPalette(x, y)) {
(s.getPaletteColor(bgValue), bgValue)
else {
(bgValue, Unit)
result(s.get(x, y), fgColor, bgColor, fgIndex, bgIndex)
def set(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
val x = args.checkInteger(0) - 1
val y = args.checkInteger(1) - 1
val value = args.checkString(2)
val vertical = args.count > 3 && args.checkBoolean(3)
screen(s => {
if (consumePower(value.length, Settings.get.gpuSetCost)) {
s.set(x, y, value, vertical)
else result(Unit, "not enough energy")
def copy(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
val x = args.checkInteger(0) - 1
val y = args.checkInteger(1) - 1
val w = args.checkInteger(2)
val h = args.checkInteger(3)
val tx = args.checkInteger(4)
val ty = args.checkInteger(5)
screen(s => {
if (consumePower(w * h, Settings.get.gpuCopyCost)) {
s.copy(x, y, w, h, tx, ty)
else result(Unit, "not enough energy")
def fill(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
val x = args.checkInteger(0) - 1
val y = args.checkInteger(1) - 1
val w = args.checkInteger(2)
val h = args.checkInteger(3)
val value = args.checkString(4)
if (value.length == 1) screen(s => {
val c = value.charAt(0)
val cost = if (c == ' ') Settings.get.gpuClearCost else Settings.get.gpuFillCost
if (consumePower(w * h, cost)) {
s.fill(x, y, w, h, value.charAt(0))
else {
result(Unit, "not enough energy")
else throw new Exception("invalid fill value")
private def consumePower(n: Double, cost: Double) = node.tryChangeBuffer(-n * cost)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def onMessage(message: Message) {
if ( == "computer.stopped" && node.isNeighborOf(message.source)) {
screen(s => {
val (gmw, gmh) = maxResolution
val smw = s.getMaximumWidth
val smh = s.getMaximumHeight
s.setResolution(math.min(gmw, smw), math.min(gmh, smh))
s.setColorDepth(ColorDepth.values.apply(math.min(maxDepth.ordinal, s.getMaximumColorDepth.ordinal)))
val w = s.getWidth
val h = s.getHeight match {
case machine: li.cil.oc.server.machine.Machine if machine.lastError != null =>
if (s.getColorDepth.ordinal > ColorDepth.OneBit.ordinal) s.setBackgroundColor(0x0000FF)
else s.setBackgroundColor(0x000000)
s.fill(0, 0, w, h, ' ')
try {
val wrapRegEx = s"(.{1,${math.max(1, w - 2)}})\\s".r
val lines = wrapRegEx.replaceAllIn(Localization.localizeImmediately(machine.lastError).replace("\t", " ") + "\n", m => + "\n").lines.toArray
val firstRow = ((h - lines.length) / 2) max 2
val message = "Unrecoverable Error"
s.set((w - message.length) / 2, firstRow - 2, message, false)
val maxLineLength =
val col = ((w - maxLineLength) / 2) max 0
for ((line, idx) <- lines.zipWithIndex) {
val row = firstRow + idx
s.set(col, row, line, false)
catch {
case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace()
case _ =>
s.fill(0, 0, w, h, ' ')
null // For screen()
override def onDisconnect(node: Node) {
if (node == this.node || screenAddress.contains(node.address)) {
screenAddress = None
screenInstance = None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
if (nbt.hasKey("screen")) {
nbt.getString("screen") match {
case screen: String if !screen.isEmpty => screenAddress = Some(screen)
case _ => screenAddress = None
screenInstance = None
override def save(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
if (screenAddress.isDefined) {
nbt.setString("screen", screenAddress.get)
object GraphicsCard {
// IMPORTANT: usually methods with side effects should *not* be direct
// callbacks to avoid the massive headache synchronizing them ensues, in
// particular when it comes to world saving. I'm making an exception for
// screens, though since they'd be painfully sluggish otherwise. This also
// means we have to use a somewhat nasty trick in common.component.Buffer's
// save function: we wait for all computers in the same network to finish
// their current execution and then pause them, to ensure the state of the
// buffer is "clean", meaning the computer has the correct state when it is
// saved in turn. If we didn't, a computer might change a screen after it was
// saved, but before the computer was saved, leading to mismatching states in
// the save file - a Bad Thing (TM).
class Tier1 extends GraphicsCard {
protected val maxDepth = Settings.screenDepthsByTier(0)
protected val maxResolution = Settings.screenResolutionsByTier(0)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 1, doc = """function(x:number, y:number, width:number, height:number, tx:number, ty:number):boolean -- Copies a portion of the screen from the specified location with the specified size by the specified translation.""")
override def copy(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.copy(context, args)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 1, doc = """function(x:number, y:number, width:number, height:number, char:string):boolean -- Fills a portion of the screen at the specified position with the specified size with the specified character.""")
override def fill(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.fill(context, args)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 4, doc = """function(x:number, y:number, value:string[, vertical:boolean]):boolean -- Plots a string value to the screen at the specified position. Optionally writes the string vertically.""")
override def set(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.set(context, args)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 2, doc = """function(value:number[, palette:boolean]):number, number or nil -- Sets the background color to the specified value. Optionally takes an explicit palette index. Returns the old value and if it was from the palette its palette index.""")
override def setBackground(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.setBackground(context, args)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 2, doc = """function(value:number[, palette:boolean]):number, number or nil -- Sets the foreground color to the specified value. Optionally takes an explicit palette index. Returns the old value and if it was from the palette its palette index.""")
override def setForeground(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.setForeground(context, args)
class Tier2 extends GraphicsCard {
protected val maxDepth = Settings.screenDepthsByTier(1)
protected val maxResolution = Settings.screenResolutionsByTier(1)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 2, doc = """function(x:number, y:number, width:number, height:number, tx:number, ty:number):boolean -- Copies a portion of the screen from the specified location with the specified size by the specified translation.""")
override def copy(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.copy(context, args)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 4, doc = """function(x:number, y:number, width:number, height:number, char:string):boolean -- Fills a portion of the screen at the specified position with the specified size with the specified character.""")
override def fill(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.fill(context, args)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 8, doc = """function(x:number, y:number, value:string[, vertical:boolean]):boolean -- Plots a string value to the screen at the specified position. Optionally writes the string vertically.""")
override def set(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.set(context, args)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 4, doc = """function(value:number[, palette:boolean]):number, number or nil -- Sets the background color to the specified value. Optionally takes an explicit palette index. Returns the old value and if it was from the palette its palette index.""")
override def setBackground(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.setBackground(context, args)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 4, doc = """function(value:number[, palette:boolean]):number, number or nil -- Sets the foreground color to the specified value. Optionally takes an explicit palette index. Returns the old value and if it was from the palette its palette index.""")
override def setForeground(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.setForeground(context, args)
class Tier3 extends GraphicsCard {
protected val maxDepth = Settings.screenDepthsByTier(2)
protected val maxResolution = Settings.screenResolutionsByTier(2)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 4, doc = """function(x:number, y:number, width:number, height:number, tx:number, ty:number):boolean -- Copies a portion of the screen from the specified location with the specified size by the specified translation.""")
override def copy(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.copy(context, args)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 8, doc = """function(x:number, y:number, width:number, height:number, char:string):boolean -- Fills a portion of the screen at the specified position with the specified size with the specified character.""")
override def fill(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.fill(context, args)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 16, doc = """function(x:number, y:number, value:string[, vertical:boolean]):boolean -- Plots a string value to the screen at the specified position. Optionally writes the string vertically.""")
override def set(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.set(context, args)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 8, doc = """function(value:number[, palette:boolean]):number, number or nil -- Sets the background color to the specified value. Optionally takes an explicit palette index. Returns the old value and if it was from the palette its palette index.""")
override def setBackground(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.setBackground(context, args)
@Callback(direct = true, limit = 8, doc = """function(value:number[, palette:boolean]):number, number or nil -- Sets the foreground color to the specified value. Optionally takes an explicit palette index. Returns the old value and if it was from the palette its palette index.""")
override def setForeground(context: Context, args: Arguments) = super.setForeground(context, args)