blob: 477b3bc028b3f33fe770f373ac0dad0e5922988a [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.common.tileentity
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.{SideOnly, Side}
import li.cil.oc._
import li.cil.oc.api.Driver
import li.cil.oc.api.driver.Slot
import li.cil.oc.api.event.{RobotAnalyzeEvent, RobotMoveEvent}
import li.cil.oc.client.gui
import li.cil.oc.common.block.Delegator
import li.cil.oc.server.component.robot
import li.cil.oc.server.{PacketSender => ServerPacketSender, driver}
import li.cil.oc.util.ExtendedNBT._
import li.cil.oc.util.ItemUtils
import net.minecraft.block.{BlockFlowing, Block}
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import net.minecraft.util.ChatMessageComponent
import net.minecraftforge.common.{MinecraftForge, ForgeDirection}
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.{BlockFluidBase, FluidRegistry}
import scala.collection.mutable
import li.cil.oc.common.InventorySlots.Tier
import li.cil.oc.server.component.robot.Inventory
// Implementation note: this tile entity is never directly added to the world.
// It is always wrapped by a `RobotProxy` tile entity, which forwards any
// necessary calls to this class. This is done to make moves efficient: when a
// robot moves we only create a new proxy tile entity, hook the instance of this
// class that was held by the old proxy to it and can then safely forget the
// old proxy, which will be cleaned up by Minecraft like any other tile entity.
class Robot(val isRemote: Boolean) extends traits.Computer with traits.PowerInformation with api.machine.Robot {
def this() = this(false)
var proxy: RobotProxy = _
val info = new ItemUtils.RobotData()
val bot = if (isServer) new robot.Robot(this) else null
val inventory = new Inventory(this)
if (isServer) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
val actualInventorySize = 86
def maxInventorySize = actualInventorySize - 1 - containerCount - componentCount
var inventorySize = -1
var selectedSlot = actualSlot(0)
// For client.
var renderingErrored = false
// Fixed number of containers (mostly due to GUI limitation, but also because
// I find three to be a large enough number for sufficient flexibility).
override def containerCount = 3
override def componentCount = info.components.length
override def getComponentInSlot(index: Int) = components(index).orNull
override def player() = player(facing, facing)
override def synchronizeSlot(slot: Int) = if (slot >= 0 && slot < getSizeInventory) this.synchronized {
val stack = getStackInSlot(slot)
components(slot) match {
case Some(component) =>
// We're guaranteed to have a driver for entries.
save(component, Driver.driverFor(stack), stack)
case _ =>
ServerPacketSender.sendRobotInventory(this, slot, stack)
def containerSlots = 1 to info.containers.length
def componentSlots = getSizeInventory - componentCount until getSizeInventory
def inventorySlots = actualSlot(0) until actualSlot(0) + inventorySize
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def node = if (isServer) computer.node else null
var globalBuffer, globalBufferSize = 0.0
var maxComponents = 0
var owner = "OpenComputers"
var animationTicksLeft = 0
var animationTicksTotal = 0
var moveFromX, moveFromY, moveFromZ = Int.MaxValue
var swingingTool = false
var turnAxis = 0
private lazy val player_ = new robot.Player(this)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def name =
override def onAnalyze(player: EntityPlayer, side: Int, hitX: Float, hitY: Float, hitZ: Float) = {
Settings.namespace + "gui.Analyzer.RobotOwner", owner))
Settings.namespace + "gui.Analyzer.RobotName", player_.getCommandSenderName)) RobotAnalyzeEvent(this, player))
super.onAnalyze(player, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ)
def player(facing: ForgeDirection = facing, side: ForgeDirection = facing) = {
player_.updatePositionAndRotation(facing, side)
def actualSlot(n: Int) = n + 1 + containerCount
def move(direction: ForgeDirection): Boolean = {
val (ox, oy, oz) = (x, y, z)
val (nx, ny, nz) = (x + direction.offsetX, y + direction.offsetY, z + direction.offsetZ)
if (!world.blockExists(nx, ny, nz)) {
return false // Don't fall off the earth.
if (isServer) {
val event = new RobotMoveEvent.Pre(this, direction)
if (event.isCanceled) return false
val blockId = world.getBlockId(nx, ny, nz)
val metadata = world.getBlockMetadata(nx, ny, nz)
try {
// Setting this will make the tile entity created via the following call
// to setBlock to re-use our "real" instance as the inner object, instead
// of creating a new one.
// Do *not* immediately send the change to clients to allow checking if it
// worked before the client is notified so that we can use the same trick on
// the client by sending a corresponding packet. This also saves us from
// having to send the complete state again (e.g. screen buffer) each move.
world.setBlockToAir(nx, ny, nz)
// In some cases (though I couldn't quite figure out which one) setBlock
// will return true, even though the block was not created / adjusted.
val created = Blocks.robotProxy.setBlock(world, nx, ny, nz, 1) &&
world.getBlockTileEntity(nx, ny, nz) == proxy
if (created) {
assert(x == nx && y == ny && z == nz)
world.setBlock(ox, oy, oz, 0, 0, 1)
Blocks.robotAfterimage.setBlock(world, ox, oy, oz, 1)
assert(Delegator.subBlock(world, ox, oy, oz).exists(_ == Blocks.robotAfterimage))
// Here instead of Lua callback so that it gets called on client, too.
val moveTicks = math.max((Settings.get.moveDelay * 20).toInt, 1)
setAnimateMove(ox, oy, oz, moveTicks)
if (isServer) {
ServerPacketSender.sendRobotMove(this, ox, oy, oz, direction)
checkRedstoneInputChanged() RobotMoveEvent.Post(this, direction))
else {
// If we broke some replaceable block (like grass) play its break sound.
if (blockId > 0) {
val block = Block.blocksList(blockId)
if (block != null) {
if (FluidRegistry.lookupFluidForBlock(block) == null &&
!block.isInstanceOf[BlockFluidBase] &&
!block.isInstanceOf[BlockFlowing]) {
world.playAuxSFX(2001, nx, ny, nz, blockId + (metadata << 12))
else {
world.playSound(nx + 0.5, ny + 0.5, nz + 0.5, "liquid.water",
world.rand.nextFloat * 0.25F + 0.75F, world.rand.nextFloat * 1.0F + 0.5F, false)
world.markBlockForRenderUpdate(ox, oy, oz)
world.markBlockForRenderUpdate(nx, ny, nz)
finally {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def isAnimatingMove = animationTicksLeft > 0 && (moveFromX != Int.MaxValue || moveFromY != Int.MaxValue || moveFromZ != Int.MaxValue)
def isAnimatingSwing = animationTicksLeft > 0 && swingingTool
def isAnimatingTurn = animationTicksLeft > 0 && turnAxis != 0
def animateSwing(duration: Double) = if (items(0).isDefined) {
setAnimateSwing((duration * 20).toInt)
def animateTurn(clockwise: Boolean, duration: Double) = {
setAnimateTurn(if (clockwise) 1 else -1, (duration * 20).toInt)
def setAnimateMove(fromX: Int, fromY: Int, fromZ: Int, ticks: Int) {
animationTicksTotal = ticks
moveFromX = fromX
moveFromY = fromY
moveFromZ = fromZ
def setAnimateSwing(ticks: Int) {
animationTicksTotal = ticks
swingingTool = true
def setAnimateTurn(axis: Int, ticks: Int) {
animationTicksTotal = ticks
turnAxis = axis
private def prepareForAnimation() {
animationTicksLeft = animationTicksTotal
moveFromX = Int.MaxValue
moveFromY = Int.MaxValue
moveFromZ = Int.MaxValue
swingingTool = false
turnAxis = 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def shouldRenderInPass(pass: Int) = true
override def getRenderBoundingBox =
getBlockType.getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(world, x, y, z).expand(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def updateEntity() {
if (animationTicksLeft > 0) {
animationTicksLeft -= 1
if (animationTicksLeft == 0) {
moveFromX = Int.MaxValue
moveFromY = Int.MaxValue
moveFromZ = Int.MaxValue
swingingTool = false
turnAxis = 0
if (isServer) {
globalBuffer = bot.node.globalBuffer
globalBufferSize = bot.node.globalBufferSize
info.totalEnergy = globalBuffer.toInt
info.robotEnergy = bot.node.localBuffer.toInt
else if (isRunning && isAnimatingMove) {
override protected def initialize() {
if (isServer) {
Option(getStackInSlot(0)) match {
case Some(item) => player_.getAttributeMap.applyAttributeModifiers(item.getAttributeModifiers)
case _ =>
// Ensure we have a node address, because the proxy needs this to initialize
// its own node to the same address ours has.
// Flush excess energy to other components (mostly relevant for upgrading
// robots from 1.2 to 1.3, to move energy to the experience upgrade).
override protected def dispose() {
if (isClient) {
Minecraft.getMinecraft.currentScreen match {
case robotGui: gui.Robot if robotGui.robot == this =>
case _ =>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def readFromNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
bot.load(nbt.getCompoundTag(Settings.namespace + "robot"))
if (nbt.hasKey(Settings.namespace + "owner")) {
owner = nbt.getString(Settings.namespace + "owner")
if (inventorySize > 0) {
selectedSlot = nbt.getInteger(Settings.namespace + "selectedSlot") max inventorySlots.min min inventorySlots.max
animationTicksTotal = nbt.getInteger(Settings.namespace + "animationTicksTotal")
animationTicksLeft = nbt.getInteger(Settings.namespace + "animationTicksLeft")
if (animationTicksLeft > 0) {
moveFromX = nbt.getInteger(Settings.namespace + "moveFromX")
moveFromY = nbt.getInteger(Settings.namespace + "moveFromY")
moveFromZ = nbt.getInteger(Settings.namespace + "moveFromZ")
swingingTool = nbt.getBoolean(Settings.namespace + "swingingTool")
turnAxis = nbt.getByte(Settings.namespace + "turnAxis")
// Side check for Waila (and other mods that may call this client side).
override def writeToNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) = if (isServer) this.synchronized {
// Note: computer is saved when proxy is saved (in proxy's super writeToNBT)
// which is a bit ugly, and may be refactored some day, but it works.
nbt.setNewCompoundTag(Settings.namespace + "robot",
nbt.setString(Settings.namespace + "owner", owner)
nbt.setInteger(Settings.namespace + "selectedSlot", selectedSlot)
if (isAnimatingMove || isAnimatingSwing || isAnimatingTurn) {
nbt.setInteger(Settings.namespace + "animationTicksTotal", animationTicksTotal)
nbt.setInteger(Settings.namespace + "animationTicksLeft", animationTicksLeft)
nbt.setInteger(Settings.namespace + "moveFromX", moveFromX)
nbt.setInteger(Settings.namespace + "moveFromY", moveFromY)
nbt.setInteger(Settings.namespace + "moveFromZ", moveFromZ)
nbt.setBoolean(Settings.namespace + "swingingTool", swingingTool)
nbt.setByte(Settings.namespace + "turnAxis", turnAxis.toByte)
override def readFromNBTForClient(nbt: NBTTagCompound) {
selectedSlot = nbt.getInteger("selectedSlot")
animationTicksTotal = nbt.getInteger("animationTicksTotal")
animationTicksLeft = nbt.getInteger("animationTicksLeft")
moveFromX = nbt.getInteger("moveFromX")
moveFromY = nbt.getInteger("moveFromY")
moveFromZ = nbt.getInteger("moveFromZ")
if (animationTicksLeft > 0) {
swingingTool = nbt.getBoolean("swingingTool")
turnAxis = nbt.getByte("turnAxis")
override def writeToNBTForClient(nbt: NBTTagCompound) = this.synchronized {
nbt.setInteger("selectedSlot", selectedSlot)
if (isAnimatingMove || isAnimatingSwing || isAnimatingTurn) {
nbt.setInteger("animationTicksTotal", animationTicksTotal)
nbt.setInteger("animationTicksLeft", animationTicksLeft)
nbt.setInteger("moveFromX", moveFromX)
nbt.setInteger("moveFromY", moveFromY)
nbt.setInteger("moveFromZ", moveFromZ)
nbt.setBoolean("swingingTool", swingingTool)
nbt.setByte("turnAxis", turnAxis.toByte)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def onMachineConnect(node: Node) {
if (node == this.node) {
override def onMachineDisconnect(node: Node) {
if (node == this.node) {
for (slot <- componentSlots) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override protected def onItemAdded(slot: Int, stack: ItemStack) {
if (isServer) {
if (isToolSlot(slot)) {
ServerPacketSender.sendRobotInventory(this, slot, stack)
if (isUpgradeSlot(slot)) {
ServerPacketSender.sendRobotInventory(this, slot, stack)
if (isFloppySlot(slot)) {
if (isComponentSlot(slot)) {
super.onItemAdded(slot, stack)
if (isInventorySlot(slot)) {
computer.signal("inventory_changed", - actualSlot(0) + 1))
override protected def onItemRemoved(slot: Int, stack: ItemStack) {
super.onItemRemoved(slot, stack)
if (isServer) {
if (isToolSlot(slot)) {
ServerPacketSender.sendRobotInventory(this, slot, null)
if (isUpgradeSlot(slot)) {
ServerPacketSender.sendRobotInventory(this, slot, null)
if (isFloppySlot(slot)) {
if (isInventorySlot(slot)) {
computer.signal("inventory_changed", - actualSlot(0) + 1))
override def onInventoryChanged() {
renderingErrored = false
override protected def connectItemNode(node: Node) {
if (node != null) match {
case buffer: api.component.TextBuffer =>
buffer.setMaximumResolution(48, 14)
for (slot <- componentSlots) {
getComponentInSlot(slot) match {
case keyboard: api.component.Keyboard => buffer.node.connect(keyboard.node)
case _ =>
case keyboard: api.component.Keyboard =>
for (slot <- componentSlots) {
getComponentInSlot(slot) match {
case buffer: api.component.TextBuffer => keyboard.node.connect(buffer.node)
case _ =>
case _ =>
override def isComponentSlot(slot: Int) = (containerSlots ++ componentSlots) contains slot
def containerSlotType(slot: Int) = if (containerSlots contains slot) {
val stack = info.containers(slot - 1)
Option(Driver.driverFor(stack)) match {
case Some(driver: api.driver.UpgradeContainer) => driver.providedSlot(stack)
case _ => Slot.None
else Slot.None
def containerSlotTier(slot: Int) = if (containerSlots contains slot) {
val stack = info.containers(slot - 1)
Option(Driver.driverFor(stack)) match {
case Some(driver: api.driver.UpgradeContainer) => driver.providedTier(stack)
case _ => Tier.None
else Tier.None
def isToolSlot(slot: Int) = slot == 0
def isContainerSlot(slot: Int) = containerSlots contains slot
def isInventorySlot(slot: Int) = inventorySlots contains slot
def isFloppySlot(slot: Int) = isComponentSlot(slot) && (Option(getStackInSlot(slot)) match {
case Some(stack) => Option(Driver.driverFor(stack)) match {
case Some(driver) => driver.slot(stack) == Slot.Disk
case _ => false
case _ => false
def isUpgradeSlot(slot: Int) = false // slot == 3 TODO upgrade synching for rendering
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def installedMemory = (containerSlots ++ componentSlots).foldLeft(0)((acc, slot) => acc + (Option(getStackInSlot(slot)) match {
case Some(stack) => Option(Driver.driverFor(stack)) match {
case Some(driver: api.driver.Memory) => driver.amount(stack)
case _ => 0
case _ => 0
override def hasRedstoneCard = (containerSlots ++ componentSlots).exists(slot => Option(getStackInSlot(slot)).fold(false)(driver.item.RedstoneCard.worksWith))
private def computeInventorySize() = math.min(maxInventorySize, (containerSlots ++ componentSlots).foldLeft(0)((acc, slot) => acc + (Option(getStackInSlot(slot)) match {
case Some(stack) => Option(Driver.driverFor(stack)) match {
case Some(driver: api.driver.Inventory) => driver.inventoryCapacity(stack)
case _ => 0
case _ => 0
private def computeMaxComponents() = (containerSlots ++ componentSlots).foldLeft(0)((sum, slot) => sum + (Option(getStackInSlot(slot)) match {
case Some(stack) => Option(Driver.driverFor(stack)) match {
case Some(driver: api.driver.Processor) => driver.supportedComponents(stack)
case _ => 0
case _ => 0
private var updatingInventorySize = false
def updateInventorySize() = this.synchronized(if (!updatingInventorySize) try {
updatingInventorySize = true
val newInventorySize = computeInventorySize()
if (newInventorySize != inventorySize) {
inventorySize = newInventorySize
val realSize = 1 + containerCount + inventorySize
val oldSelected = selectedSlot - actualSlot(0)
val removed = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[ItemStack]
for (slot <- realSize until getSizeInventory - componentCount) {
val stack = getStackInSlot(slot)
setInventorySlotContents(slot, null)
if (stack != null) removed += stack
Array.copy(components, getSizeInventory - componentCount, components, realSize, componentCount)
for (slot <- getSizeInventory - componentCount until getSizeInventory if slot < realSize || slot >= realSize + componentCount) {
components(slot) = None
getSizeInventory = realSize + componentCount
if (world != null && isServer) {
for (stack <- removed) {
spawnStackInWorld(stack, facing)
} // else: save is screwed and we potentially lose items. Life is hard.
selectedSlot = math.max(actualSlot(0), math.min(actualSlot(inventorySize) - 1, actualSlot(oldSelected)))
finally {
updatingInventorySize = false
def updateMaxComponentCount() {
maxComponents = computeMaxComponents()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def getInvName = Settings.namespace + "container.Robot"
var getSizeInventory = actualInventorySize
override def getInventoryStackLimit = 64
override def getStackInSlot(slot: Int) = {
if (slot >= getSizeInventory) null // Required to always show 16 inventory slots in GUI.
else if (slot >= getSizeInventory - componentCount) {
info.components(slot - (getSizeInventory - componentCount))
else super.getStackInSlot(slot)
override def setInventorySlotContents(slot: Int, stack: ItemStack) {
if (slot < getSizeInventory - componentCount) {
if (stack != null && stack.stackSize > 1 && isComponentSlot(slot)) {
super.setInventorySlotContents(slot, stack.splitStack(1))
if (stack.stackSize > 0 && isServer) {
spawnStackInWorld(stack, facing)
else super.setInventorySlotContents(slot, stack)
override def isUseableByPlayer(player: EntityPlayer) =
world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z) match {
case t: RobotProxy if t == proxy && computer.canInteract(player.getCommandSenderName) =>
player.getDistanceSq(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5) <= 64
case _ => false
override def isItemValidForSlot(slot: Int, stack: ItemStack) = (slot, Option(Driver.driverFor(stack))) match {
case (0, _) => true // Allow anything in the tool slot.
case (i, Some(driver)) if isContainerSlot(i) =>
// Yay special cases! Dynamic screens kind of work, but are pretty derpy
// because the item gets send around on changes, including the screen
// state, which leads to weird effects. Also, it's really illogical that
// a screen (and keyboard) could be attached to the robot on the fly.
// Since these are very special (as they have special behavior in the
// GUI) I feel it's OK to handle it like this, instead of some extra API
// logic making the differentiation of assembler and containers generic.
driver != server.driver.item.Screen &&
driver != server.driver.item.Keyboard &&
driver.slot(stack) == containerSlotType(i) &&
driver.tier(stack) <= containerSlotTier(i)
case (i, _) if isInventorySlot(i) => true // Normal inventory.
case _ => false // Invalid slot.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
override def canExtractItem(slot: Int, stack: ItemStack, side: Int) =
override def canInsertItem(slot: Int, stack: ItemStack, side: Int) =
getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(side).contains(slot) &&
isItemValidForSlot(slot, stack)
override def getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(side: Int) =
toLocal(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(side)) match {
case ForgeDirection.WEST => Array(0) // Tool
case ForgeDirection.EAST => containerSlots.toArray
case _ => inventorySlots.toArray