blob: 917de78f387e5caae91e4dd5aa33b5af8dea722b [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.server.component
import java.util.UUID
import li.cil.oc.Settings
import li.cil.oc.api.machine._
import li.cil.oc.api.prefab.AbstractValue
import li.cil.oc.common.EventHandler
import li.cil.oc.util.InventoryUtils
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityVillager
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import net.minecraft.village.MerchantRecipe
import net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import ref.WeakReference
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
class Trade(info: TradeInfo) extends AbstractValue {
def this() = this(new TradeInfo())
def this(upgr: UpgradeTrading, villager: EntityVillager, recipeID: Int) = {
this(new TradeInfo(, villager, recipeID))
override def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound) = {
EventHandler.scheduleServer(() => {
//Tell the info to load from NBT, behind EventHandler because when load is called we can't access the world yet
//and we need to access it to get the Robot/Drone TileEntity/Entity
override def save(nbt: NBTTagCompound) = {
//Tell info to save to nbt
def inventory = info.inventory
@Callback(doc="function():table, table -- returns the items the villager wants for this trade")
def getInput(context: Context, arguments: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
info.recipe.hasSecondItemToBuy match {
case true => info.recipe.getSecondItemToBuy.copy()
case false => null
@Callback(doc = "function():table -- returns the item the villager offers for this trade")
def getOutput(context: Context, arguments: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
@Callback(doc="function():boolean -- returns whether the villager currently wants to trade this")
def isEnabled(context: Context, arguments: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
Array(info.villager.exists((villager: EntityVillager) => // Make sure villager is neither dead/gone nor the recipe
!info.recipe.isRecipeDisabled // has been disabled
val maxRange = Settings.get.tradingRange
def inRange = info.villager.isDefined && distance.exists((distance: Double) => distance < maxRange)
def distance = info.villager match {
case Some(villager: EntityVillager) => match {
case Some(h: EnvironmentHost) => Some(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(villager.posX - h.xPosition, 2) + Math.pow(villager.posY - h.yPosition, 2) + Math.pow(villager.posZ - h.zPosition, 2)))
case _ => None
case None => None
@Callback(doc="function():boolean, string -- returns true when trade succeeds and nil, error when not")
def trade(context: Context, arguments: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = {
//Make sure we can access an inventory
val inventory = info.inventory match {
case Some(i) => i
case None => return result(false, "trading requires an inventory upgrade to be installed")
//Make sure villager hasn't died, it somehow gone or moved out of range
if (info.villager.isEmpty)
return result(false, "trade has become invalid")
else if (!info.villager.get.isEntityAlive)
return result(false, "trader died")
if (!inRange) {
return result(false, "out of range")
//Make sure villager wants to trade this
if (info.recipe.isRecipeDisabled)
return result(false, "recipe is disabled")
//Now we'll check if we have enough items to perform the trade, caching first
val firstItem = info.recipe.getItemToBuy
val secondItem = info.recipe.hasSecondItemToBuy match {
case true => Some(info.recipe.getSecondItemToBuy)
case false => None
//Check if we have enough of the first item
var extracting: Int = firstItem.stackSize
for (slot <- 0 until inventory.getSizeInventory) {
val stack = inventory.getStackInSlot(slot)
if (stack != null && stack.isItemEqual(firstItem) && extracting > 0)
//Takes the stack in the slot, extracts up to limit and calls the function in the first argument
//We don't actually consume anything, we just count that we have extracted as much as we need
InventoryUtils.extractFromInventorySlot((stack: ItemStack) => extracting -= stack.stackSize, inventory, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN, slot, extracting)
//If we had enough, the left-over amount will be 0
if (extracting != 0)
return result(false, "not enough items to trade")
//Do the same with the second item if there is one
if (secondItem.isDefined) {
extracting = secondItem.orNull.stackSize
for (slot <- 0 until inventory.getSizeInventory) {
val stack = inventory.getStackInSlot(slot)
if (stack != null && stack.isItemEqual(secondItem.orNull) && extracting > 0)
InventoryUtils.extractFromInventorySlot((stack: ItemStack) => extracting -= stack.stackSize, inventory, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN, slot, extracting)
if (extracting != 0)
return result(false, "not enough items to trade")
//Now we need to check if we have enough inventory space to accept the item we get for the trade
val outputItemSim = info.recipe.getItemToSell.copy()
InventoryUtils.insertIntoInventory(outputItemSim, inventory, None, 64, simulate = true)
if (outputItemSim.stackSize != 0)
return result(false, "not enough inventory space to trade")
//We established that out inventory allows to perform the trade, now actaully do the trade
extracting = firstItem.stackSize
for (slot <- 0 until inventory.getSizeInventory) {
if (extracting != 0) {
val stack = inventory.getStackInSlot(slot)
if (stack != null && stack.isItemEqual(firstItem))
//Pretty much the same as earlier (but counting down, and not up now)
//but this time we actually consume the stack we get
InventoryUtils.extractFromInventorySlot((stack: ItemStack) => {
extracting -= stack.stackSize
stack.stackSize = 0
}, inventory, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN, slot, extracting)
//Do the same for the second item
if (secondItem.isDefined) {
extracting = secondItem.orNull.stackSize
for (slot <- 0 until inventory.getSizeInventory) {
if (extracting != 0) {
val stack = inventory.getStackInSlot(slot)
if (stack != null && stack.isItemEqual(secondItem.orNull))
InventoryUtils.extractFromInventorySlot((stack: ItemStack) => {
extracting -= stack.stackSize
stack.stackSize = 0
}, inventory, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN, slot, extracting)
//Now put our output item into the inventory
val outputItem = info.recipe.getItemToSell.copy()
while (outputItem.stackSize != 0)
InventoryUtils.insertIntoInventory(outputItem, inventory, None, outputItem.stackSize)
//Tell the villager we used the recipe, so MC can disable it and/or enable more recipes
class TradeInfo() {
def this(host: EnvironmentHost, villager: EntityVillager, recipeID: Int) = {
_vilRef = new WeakReference[EntityVillager](villager)
_recipeID = recipeID = host
def getEntityByUUID(dimID: Int, uuid: UUID) = DimensionManager.getProvider(dimID).worldObj.getLoadedEntityList.asScala.find {
case entAny: net.minecraft.entity.Entity if entAny.getPersistentID == uuid => true
case _ => false
def getTileEntity(dimID: Int, posX: Int, posY: Int, posZ: Int) = Option(DimensionManager.getProvider(dimID).worldObj.getTileEntity(posX, posY, posZ) match {
case robot : li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.Robot => robot
case robotProxy : li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.RobotProxy => robotProxy.robot
case null => None
def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound): Unit = {
val dimID = nbt.getInteger("dimensionID")
val _hostIsDrone = nbt.getBoolean("hostIsDrone")
//If drone we find it again by its UUID, if Robot we know the X/Y/Z of the TileEntity
host = Option(_hostIsDrone match {
case true => getEntityByUUID(dimID, UUID.fromString(nbt.getString("hostUUID"))).orNull.asInstanceOf[EnvironmentHost]
case false => getTileEntity(
_recipeID = nbt.getInteger("recipeID")
_vilRef = new WeakReference[EntityVillager](getEntityByUUID(dimID, UUID.fromString(nbt.getString("villagerUUID"))).orNull.asInstanceOf[EntityVillager])
def save(nbt: NBTTagCompound): Unit = {
host match {
case Some(h) =>
hostIsDrone match {
case true => nbt.setString("hostUUID", h.asInstanceOf[li.cil.oc.common.entity.Drone].getPersistentID.toString)
case false =>
nbt.setInteger("hostX", h.xPosition.floor.toInt)
nbt.setInteger("hostY", h.yPosition.floor.toInt)
nbt.setInteger("hostZ", h.zPosition.floor.toInt)
case None =>
villager match {
case Some(v) => nbt.setString("villagerUUID", v.getPersistentID.toString)
case None =>
nbt.setBoolean("hostIsDrone", hostIsDrone)
nbt.setInteger("recipeID", _recipeID)
def hostIsDrone = host.orNull match {
case h : li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.Robot => false
case h : li.cil.oc.common.entity.Drone => true
case _ => false
private var _host: Option[EnvironmentHost] = None
private var _recipeID: Int = _
private var _vilRef: WeakReference[EntityVillager] = new WeakReference[EntityVillager](null)
def host = _host
private def host_= (value: EnvironmentHost): Unit = _host = Option(value)
private def host_= (value: Option[EnvironmentHost]): Unit = _host = value
def villager = _vilRef.get
def recipeID = _recipeID
def recipe : MerchantRecipe = villager.orNull.getRecipes(null).get(recipeID).asInstanceOf[MerchantRecipe]
def inventory = host match {
case Some(h) => hostIsDrone match {
case true => Some(h.asInstanceOf[li.cil.oc.common.entity.Drone].mainInventory)
case false => Some(h.asInstanceOf[li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.Robot].mainInventory)
case None => None