| package li.cil.oc |
| |
| import com.typesafe.config.{ConfigRenderOptions, Config, ConfigFactory} |
| import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader |
| import java.io._ |
| import li.cil.oc.util.PackedColor |
| import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsScala._ |
| |
| class Settings(config: Config) { |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // client |
| |
| val screenTextFadeStartDistance = config.getDouble("client.screenTextFadeStartDistance") |
| val maxScreenTextRenderDistance = config.getDouble("client.maxScreenTextRenderDistance") |
| val textLinearFiltering = config.getBoolean("client.textLinearFiltering") |
| val textAntiAlias = config.getBoolean("client.textAntiAlias") |
| val pasteShortcut = config.getStringList("client.pasteShortcut").toSet |
| val rTreeDebugRenderer = false // *Not* to be configurable via config file. |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // computer |
| val threads = config.getInt("computer.threads") max 1 |
| val timeout = config.getDouble("computer.timeout") max 0 |
| val startupDelay = config.getDouble("computer.startupDelay") max 0.05 |
| val activeGC = config.getBoolean("computer.activeGC") |
| val ramSizes = Array(config.getIntList("computer.ramSizes"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2, tier3) => |
| // For compatibility with older config files. |
| Array(tier1: Int, tier2: Int, tier3: Int, tier3 * 2: Int, tier3 * 4: Int) |
| case Array(tier1, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5) => |
| Array(tier1: Int, tier2: Int, tier3: Int, tier4: Int, tier5: Int) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warning("Bad number of RAM sizes, ignoring.") |
| Array(64, 128, 256, 512, 1024) |
| } |
| val ramScaleFor64Bit = config.getDouble("computer.ramScaleFor64Bit") max 1 |
| val cpuComponentSupport = Array(config.getIntList("computer.cpuComponentCount"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2, tier3) => |
| Array(tier1: Int, tier2: Int, tier3: Int) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warning("Bad number of CPU component counts, ignoring.") |
| Array(8, 12, 16) |
| } |
| val canComputersBeOwned = config.getBoolean("computer.canComputersBeOwned") |
| val maxUsers = config.getInt("computer.maxUsers") max 0 |
| val maxUsernameLength = config.getInt("computer.maxUsernameLength") max 0 |
| val allowBytecode = config.getBoolean("computer.allowBytecode") |
| val logLuaCallbackErrors = config.getBoolean("computer.logCallbackErrors") |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // robot |
| |
| val canPlaceInAir = config.getBoolean("robot.canPlaceInAir") |
| val allowActivateBlocks = config.getBoolean("robot.allowActivateBlocks") |
| val allowUseItemsWithDuration = config.getBoolean("robot.allowUseItemsWithDuration") |
| val canAttackPlayers = config.getBoolean("robot.canAttackPlayers") |
| val screwCobwebs = config.getBoolean("robot.notAfraidOfSpiders") |
| val swingRange = config.getDouble("robot.swingRange") |
| val useAndPlaceRange = config.getDouble("robot.useAndPlaceRange") |
| val itemDamageRate = config.getDouble("robot.itemDamageRate") max 0 min 1 |
| val nameFormat = config.getString("robot.nameFormat") |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // robot.xp |
| |
| val baseXpToLevel = config.getDouble("robot.xp.baseValue") max 0 |
| val constantXpGrowth = config.getDouble("robot.xp.constantGrowth") max 1 |
| val exponentialXpGrowth = config.getDouble("robot.xp.exponentialGrowth") max 1 |
| val robotActionXp = config.getDouble("robot.xp.actionXp") max 0 |
| val robotExhaustionXpRate = config.getDouble("robot.xp.exhaustionXpRate") max 0 |
| val robotOreXpRate = config.getDouble("robot.xp.oreXpRate") max 0 |
| val bufferPerLevel = config.getDouble("robot.xp.bufferPerLevel") max 0 |
| val toolEfficiencyPerLevel = config.getDouble("robot.xp.toolEfficiencyPerLevel") max 0 |
| val harvestSpeedBoostPerLevel = config.getDouble("robot.xp.harvestSpeedBoostPerLevel") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // robot.delays |
| |
| // Note: all delays are reduced by one tick to account for the tick they are |
| // performed in (since all actions are delegated to the server thread). |
| val turnDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.turn") - 0.06) max 0.05 |
| val moveDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.move") - 0.06) max 0.05 |
| val swingDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.swing") - 0.06) max 0 |
| val useDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.use") - 0.06) max 0 |
| val placeDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.place") - 0.06) max 0 |
| val dropDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.drop") - 0.06) max 0 |
| val suckDelay = (config.getDouble("robot.delays.suck") - 0.06) max 0 |
| val harvestRatio = config.getDouble("robot.delays.harvestRatio") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // power |
| |
| val pureIgnorePower = config.getBoolean("power.ignorePower") |
| val ignorePower = pureIgnorePower || !Loader.isModLoaded("UniversalElectricity") |
| val tickFrequency = config.getDouble("power.tickFrequency") max 1 |
| val chargeRate = config.getDouble("power.chargerChargeRate") |
| val generatorEfficiency = config.getDouble("power.generatorEfficiency") |
| val solarGeneratorEfficiency = config.getDouble("power.solarGeneratorEfficiency") |
| |
| // power.buffer |
| val bufferCapacitor = config.getDouble("power.buffer.capacitor") max 0 |
| val bufferCapacitorAdjacencyBonus = config.getDouble("power.buffer.capacitorAdjacencyBonus") max 0 |
| val bufferComputer = config.getDouble("power.buffer.computer") max 0 |
| val bufferRobot = config.getDouble("power.buffer.robot") max 0 |
| val bufferConverter = config.getDouble("power.buffer.converter") max 0 |
| val bufferDistributor = config.getDouble("power.buffer.distributor") max 0 |
| |
| // power.cost |
| val computerCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.computer") max 0 |
| val robotCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.robot") max 0 |
| val sleepCostFactor = config.getDouble("power.cost.sleepFactor") max 0 |
| val screenCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.screen") max 0 |
| val hddReadCost = (config.getDouble("power.cost.hddRead") max 0) / 1024 |
| val hddWriteCost = (config.getDouble("power.cost.hddWrite") max 0) / 1024 |
| val gpuSetCost = (config.getDouble("power.cost.gpuSet") max 0) / Settings.basicScreenPixels |
| val gpuFillCost = (config.getDouble("power.cost.gpuFill") max 0) / Settings.basicScreenPixels |
| val gpuClearCost = (config.getDouble("power.cost.gpuClear") max 0) / Settings.basicScreenPixels |
| val gpuCopyCost = (config.getDouble("power.cost.gpuCopy") max 0) / Settings.basicScreenPixels |
| val robotTurnCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.robotTurn") max 0 |
| val robotMoveCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.robotMove") max 0 |
| val robotExhaustionCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.robotExhaustion") max 0 |
| val wirelessCostPerRange = config.getDouble("power.cost.wirelessStrength") max 0 |
| val abstractBusPacketCost = config.getDouble("power.cost.abstractBusPacket") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // filesystem |
| val fileCost = config.getInt("filesystem.fileCost") max 0 |
| val bufferChanges = config.getBoolean("filesystem.bufferChanges") |
| val hddSizes = Array(config.getIntList("filesystem.hddSizes"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2, tier3) => |
| Array(tier1: Int, tier2: Int, tier3: Int) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warning("Bad number of HDD sizes, ignoring.") |
| Array(1024, 2048, 4096) |
| } |
| val floppySize = config.getInt("filesystem.floppySize") max 0 |
| val tmpSize = config.getInt("filesystem.tmpSize") max 0 |
| val maxHandles = config.getInt("filesystem.maxHandles") max 0 |
| val maxReadBuffer = config.getInt("filesystem.maxReadBuffer") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // internet |
| val httpEnabled = config.getBoolean("internet.enableHttp") |
| val tcpEnabled = config.getBoolean("internet.enableTcp") |
| val httpHostBlacklist = Array(config.getStringList("internet.blacklist"): _*) |
| val httpHostWhitelist = Array(config.getStringList("internet.whitelist"): _*) |
| val httpThreads = config.getInt("internet.requestThreads") max 1 |
| val httpTimeout = (config.getInt("internet.requestTimeout") max 0) * 1000 |
| val maxConnections = config.getInt("internet.maxTcpConnections") max 0 |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| // misc |
| val maxScreenWidth = config.getInt("misc.maxScreenWidth") max 1 |
| val maxScreenHeight = config.getInt("misc.maxScreenHeight") max 1 |
| val inputUsername = config.getBoolean("misc.inputUsername") |
| val maxClipboard = config.getInt("misc.maxClipboard") max 0 |
| val maxNetworkPacketSize = config.getInt("misc.maxNetworkPacketSize") max 0 |
| val maxWirelessRange = config.getDouble("misc.maxWirelessRange") max 0 |
| val rTreeMaxEntries = 10 |
| val terminalsPerTier = Array(config.getIntList("misc.terminalsPerTier"): _*) match { |
| case Array(tier1, tier2, tier3) => |
| Array(tier1: Int, tier2: Int, tier3: Int) |
| case _ => |
| OpenComputers.log.warning("Bad number of Remote Terminal counts, ignoring.") |
| Array(2, 4, 8) |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| object Settings { |
| val resourceDomain = "opencomputers" |
| val namespace = "oc:" |
| val savePath = "opencomputers/" |
| val scriptPath = "/assets/" + resourceDomain + "/lua/" |
| val screenResolutionsByTier = Array((50, 16), (80, 25), (160, 50)) |
| val screenDepthsByTier = Array(PackedColor.Depth.OneBit, PackedColor.Depth.FourBit, PackedColor.Depth.EightBit) |
| |
| // From UniversalElectricity's CompatibilityType class, to avoid having to |
| // ship the UE API (causes weird issues because the way we build the mod it |
| // gets obfuscated which some other mods don't seem to like). |
| val ratioTE = 5628.0 |
| val ratioIC2 = 22512.0 |
| val ratioBC = 56280.0 |
| |
| def basicScreenPixels = screenResolutionsByTier(0)._1 * screenResolutionsByTier(0)._2 |
| |
| private var settings: Settings = _ |
| |
| def get = settings |
| |
| def load(file: File) = { |
| // typesafe config's internal method for loading the reference.conf file |
| // seems to fail on some systems (as does their parseResource method), so |
| // we'll have to load the default config manually. This was reported on the |
| // Minecraft Forums, I could not reproduce the issue, but this version has |
| // reportedly fixed the problem. |
| val defaults = { |
| val in = classOf[Settings].getResourceAsStream("/reference.conf") |
| val config = ConfigFactory.parseReader(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))) |
| in.close() |
| config |
| } |
| try { |
| val config = ConfigFactory.parseFile(file).withFallback(defaults) |
| settings = new Settings(config.getConfig("opencomputers")) |
| |
| val renderSettings = ConfigRenderOptions.defaults.setJson(false).setOriginComments(false) |
| val out = new PrintWriter(file) |
| out.write(config.root.render(renderSettings).lines. |
| // Indent two spaces instead of four. |
| map(line => """^(\s*)""".r.replaceAllIn(line, m => m.group(1).replace(" ", " "))). |
| // Finalize the string. |
| filter(_ != "").mkString("\n"). |
| // Newline after values. |
| replaceAll( """((?:\s*#.*\n)(?:\s*[^#\s].*\n)+)""", "$1\n")) |
| out.close() |
| } |
| catch { |
| case e: Throwable => |
| OpenComputers.log.warning("Failed loading config, using defaults. The reason was: " + e.getMessage) |
| settings = new Settings(defaults.getConfig("opencomputers")) |
| } |
| } |
| } |