blob: 2ed562f804332aeda3156de4942d74fab80e5eec [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
package li.cil.oc.client
import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler
import java.util.{TimerTask, Timer, UUID}
import li.cil.oc.{OpenComputers, Settings}
import li.cil.oc.common.tileentity
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.sound.SoundLoadEvent
import{WorldEvent, ChunkEvent}
import paulscode.sound.{SoundSystem, SoundSystemConfig}
import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsScala._
import scala.collection.mutable
import java.util.logging.Level
import{SoundPoolEntry, SoundManager, SoundCategory}
import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ReflectionHelper
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation
import{MalformedURLException, URLConnection, URLStreamHandler, URL}
object Sound {
private val sources = mutable.Map.empty[TileEntity, PseudoLoopingStream]
private val commandQueue = mutable.PriorityQueue.empty[Command]
private var lastVolume = FMLClientHandler.instance.getClient.gameSettings.getSoundLevel(SoundCategory.BLOCKS)
private val updateTimer = new Timer("OpenComputers-SoundUpdater", true)
if (Settings.get.soundVolume > 0) {
updateTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask {
override def run() {
}, 500, 50)
// Set in init event.
var manager: SoundManager = _
def soundSystem: SoundSystem = ReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(classOf[SoundManager], manager, "sndSystem", "field_148620_e", "e")
private def updateVolume() {
val volume = FMLClientHandler.instance.getClient.gameSettings.getSoundLevel(SoundCategory.BLOCKS)
if (volume != lastVolume) {
lastVolume = volume
sources.synchronized {
for (sound <- sources.values) {
private def processQueue() {
if (!commandQueue.isEmpty) {
commandQueue.synchronized {
while (!commandQueue.isEmpty && commandQueue.head.when < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
try commandQueue.dequeue()() catch {
case t: Throwable => OpenComputers.log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error processing sound command.", t)
def startLoop(tileEntity: TileEntity, name: String, volume: Float = 1f, delay: Long = 0) {
if (Settings.get.soundVolume > 0) {
commandQueue.synchronized {
commandQueue += new StartCommand(System.currentTimeMillis() + delay, tileEntity, name, volume)
def stopLoop(tileEntity: TileEntity) {
if (Settings.get.soundVolume > 0) {
commandQueue.synchronized {
commandQueue += new StopCommand(tileEntity)
def updatePosition(tileEntity: TileEntity) {
if (Settings.get.soundVolume > 0) {
commandQueue.synchronized {
commandQueue += new UpdatePositionCommand(tileEntity)
def onSoundLoad(event: SoundLoadEvent) {
manager = event.manager
def onChunkUnload(event: ChunkEvent.Unload) {
def onWorldUnload(event: WorldEvent.Unload) {
private def cleanup[_](list: Iterable[_]) {
sources.synchronized {
list.foreach {
case robot: tileentity.RobotProxy => stahp(robot.robot)
case tileEntity: TileEntity => stahp(tileEntity)
case _ =>
private def stahp(tileEntity: TileEntity) = sources.remove(tileEntity) match {
case Some(sound) => sound.stop()
case _ =>
private abstract class Command(val when: Long, val tileEntity: TileEntity) extends Ordered[Command] {
def apply()
override def compare(that: Command) = (that.when - when).toInt
private class StartCommand(when: Long, tileEntity: TileEntity, val name: String, val volume: Float) extends Command(when, tileEntity) {
override def apply() {
sources.synchronized {
sources.getOrElseUpdate(tileEntity, new PseudoLoopingStream(tileEntity, volume)).play(name)
private class StopCommand(tileEntity: TileEntity) extends Command(0, tileEntity) {
override def apply() {
sources.synchronized {
sources.remove(tileEntity) match {
case Some(sound) => sound.stop()
case _ =>
commandQueue.synchronized {
// Remove all other commands for this tile entity from the queue. This
// is inefficient, but we generally don't expect the command queue to
// be very long, so this should be OK.
commandQueue ++= commandQueue.dequeueAll.filter(_.tileEntity != tileEntity)
private class UpdatePositionCommand(tileEntity: TileEntity) extends Command(0, tileEntity) {
override def apply() {
sources.synchronized {
sources.get(tileEntity) match {
case Some(sound) => sound.updatePosition()
case _ =>
private class PseudoLoopingStream(val tileEntity: TileEntity, val volume: Float, val source: String = UUID.randomUUID.toString) {
var initialized = false
def updateVolume() {
soundSystem.setVolume(source, lastVolume * volume * Settings.get.soundVolume)
def updatePosition() {
soundSystem.setPosition(source, tileEntity.xCoord, tileEntity.yCoord, tileEntity.zCoord)
def play(name: String) {
val resourceName = s"${Settings.resourceDomain}:$name"
val sound = Minecraft.getMinecraft.getSoundHandler.getSound(new ResourceLocation(resourceName))
val resource = (sound.func_148720_g: SoundPoolEntry).getSoundPoolEntryLocation
if (!initialized) {
initialized = true
soundSystem.newSource(false, source, toUrl(resource), resource.toString, true, tileEntity.xCoord, tileEntity.yCoord, tileEntity.zCoord, SoundSystemConfig.ATTENUATION_LINEAR, 16.0f)
def stop() {
// This is copied from SoundManager.getURLForSoundResource, which is private.
private def toUrl(resource: ResourceLocation): URL = {
val name = s"mcsounddomain:${resource.getResourceDomain}:${resource.getResourcePath}"
try {
new URL(null, name, new URLStreamHandler {
protected def openConnection(url: URL): URLConnection = new URLConnection(url) {
def connect() {
override def getInputStream = Minecraft.getMinecraft.getResourceManager.getResource(resource).getInputStream
catch {
case _: MalformedURLException => null