| # This is the english master file for localizations. It will always be the most |
| # up-to-date version, so other localizations should be based on this one. |
| # Use [nl] to for a line break. |
| |
| # Blocks |
| oc:block.Adapter.name=Adapter |
| oc:block.Cable.name=Cable |
| oc:block.Capacitor.name=Capacitor |
| oc:block.Case0.name=Basic Case |
| oc:block.Case1.name=Advanced Case |
| oc:block.Case2.name=Superior Case |
| oc:block.Charger.name=Charger |
| oc:block.DiskDrive.name=Disk Drive |
| oc:block.Keyboard.name=Keyboard |
| oc:block.PowerConverter.name=Power Converter |
| oc:block.PowerDistributor.name=Power Distributor |
| oc:block.Redstone.name=Redstone I/O |
| oc:block.Robot.name=Robot |
| oc:block.RobotAfterimage.name=Robot |
| oc:block.Router.name=Router |
| oc:block.Screen0.name=Basic Screen |
| oc:block.Screen1.name=Advanced Screen |
| oc:block.Screen2.name=Superior Screen |
| |
| # Items |
| oc:item.ALU.name=Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) |
| oc:item.Analyzer.name=Analyzer |
| oc:item.ArrowKeys.name=Arrow Keys |
| oc:item.ButtonGroup.name=Button Group |
| oc:item.CardBase.name=Card Base |
| oc:item.CircuitBoard.name=Circuit Board |
| oc:item.ControlUnit.name=Control Unit (CU) |
| oc:item.CPU.name=Central Processing Unit (CPU) |
| oc:item.Crafting.name=Crafting Upgrade |
| oc:item.CuttingWire.name=Cutting Wire |
| oc:item.Disk.name=Disk Platter |
| oc:item.FloppyDisk.name=Floppy Disk |
| oc:item.Generator.name=Generator Upgrade |
| oc:item.GraphicsCard0.name=Basic Graphics Card |
| oc:item.GraphicsCard1.name=Advanced Graphics Card |
| oc:item.GraphicsCard2.name=Superior Graphics Card |
| oc:item.Acid.name=Grog |
| oc:item.HardDiskDrive.name=Hard Disk Drive |
| oc:item.IronNugget.name=Iron Nugget |
| oc:item.Memory.name=Memory |
| oc:item.Microchip0.name=Simple Microchip |
| oc:item.Microchip1.name=Advanced Microchip |
| oc:item.Microchip2.name=Superior Microchip |
| oc:item.NetworkCard.name=Network Card |
| oc:item.NumPad.name=Numeric Keypad |
| oc:item.PrintedCircuitBoard.name=Printed Circuit Board (PCB) |
| oc:item.RawCircuitBoard.name=Raw Circuit Board |
| oc:item.RedstoneCard.name=Redstone Card |
| oc:item.Transistor.name=Transistor |
| oc:item.WirelessNetworkCard.name=Wireless Network Card |
| |
| # GUI |
| oc:gui.Analyzer.Address=Address |
| oc:gui.Analyzer.ComponentName=Component name |
| oc:gui.Analyzer.LastError=Last error |
| oc:gui.Analyzer.RobotName=Name |
| oc:gui.Analyzer.RobotOwner=Owner |
| oc:gui.Analyzer.RobotXp=Experience |
| oc:gui.Analyzer.StoredEnergy=Stored energy |
| oc:gui.Analyzer.TotalEnergy=Total stored energy |
| oc:gui.Analyzer.Users=Users |
| oc:gui.Robot.Power=Energy |
| oc:gui.Robot.TurnOff=Turn off |
| oc:gui.Robot.TurnOn=Turn on |
| |
| # Containers |
| oc:container.Case=Computer |
| oc:container.DiskDrive=Disk Drive |
| |
| # Item / Block Tooltips |
| oc:tooltip.Acid=A highly toxic pseudo-liquid, usually only consumed by certain pirates. Thanks to its corrosive nature it is perfectly suited for etching circuit boards. |
| oc:tooltip.Adapter=Used to control non-component blocks, such as vanilla blocks or blocks from other mods. |
| oc:tooltip.ALU=Adds number so you don't have to. It might be better this way. |
| oc:tooltip.Analyzer=Used to display information about blocks, such as their §faddress§7 and §fcomponent name§7.[nl] Also displays the error that caused a computer to crash if it did not shut down normally. |
| oc:tooltip.Cable=A cheap way of connecting blocks. |
| oc:tooltip.Capacitor=Stores energy for later use. Can be filled and emptied very quickly. |
| oc:tooltip.CardBase=As the name indicates, this is the basic building block for all expansion cards. |
| oc:tooltip.Case=The Computer Case is the basic building block for computers and houses the computer's §fextension cards§7, §fRAM§7 and §fhard disks§7.[nl] Slots: §f%s§7. |
| oc:tooltip.Charger=Transfers energy from capacitors into adjacent robots. The transfer rate depends on the incoming §fredstone signal§7, where no signal means don't charge robots, and maximum strength means charge at full speed. |
| oc:tooltip.CircuitBoard=Now we're getting somewhere. Can be etched to obtain a printed circuit board. |
| oc:tooltip.ControlUnit=This is the unit that... controls... stuff. You need it to build a CPU. So yeah, totally important. |
| oc:tooltip.CPU=An essential component of all computers. The clock rate is a bit unreliable, but what do you expect when it runs on a pocket sundial? |
| oc:tooltip.Crafting=Enables robots to use the top left area of their inventory for crafting objects. Items have to be aligned as they would be in a crafting table. |
| oc:tooltip.CuttingWire=Used to cut clay blocks into circuit board shape. Breaks after one use, which probably makes it the most inefficient tool ever. |
| oc:tooltip.Disk=Primitive medium that can be used to build persistent storage devices. |
| oc:tooltip.DiskDrive.CC=ComputerCraft floppies are §asupported§7. |
| oc:tooltip.DiskDrive=Allows reading and writing floppies. |
| oc:tooltip.Generator=Can be used to generate energy from fuel on the go. Burns items to generate energy over time, based on their fuel value.[nl] §fEfficiency§7: §a%s%%§7 |
| oc:tooltip.GraphicsCard=Used to change what's displayed on screens.[nl] Maximum resolution: §f%sx%s§7.[nl] Maximum color depth: §f%s§7.[nl] Operations/tick: §f%s§7. |
| oc:tooltip.Keyboard=Can be attached to screens to allow typing on them. |
| oc:tooltip.Memory=Required to get computers to run. The more you have, the more complex the programs you can run. |
| oc:tooltip.Microchip=The chip formerly known as Integrated Circuit. I have no idea why this works with redstone, but it does. |
| oc:tooltip.NetworkCard=Allows distant computers connected by other blocks (such as cable) to communicate by sending messages to each other. |
| oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.BC=§fBuildCraft MJ§7: §a%s:%s§7. |
| oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.IC2=§fIndustrialCraft² EU§7: §a%s:%s§7. |
| oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.TE=§fThermal Expansion RF§7: §a%s:%s§7. |
| oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.UE=§fUniversal Electricity Joules§7: §a%s:%s§7. |
| oc:tooltip.PowerConverter=Converts power from other mods to the internal energy type. Conversion rates: |
| oc:tooltip.PowerDistributor=Distributes energy among different networks. This is useful for sharing power fed into your system from one converter among different sub-networks that should remain separate. |
| oc:tooltip.PrintedCircuitBoard=The basic building block for expansion cards and memory and such. |
| oc:tooltip.RawCircuitBoard=Can be hardened in any furnace compatible oven. |
| oc:tooltip.Redstone=Allows reading and emitting redstone signals around the block. Can be controlled by any computer the block is connected to. This is basically like an external redstone card. |
| oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard.RedLogic=§fRedLogic§7 is §asupported§7. |
| oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard.RedNet=§fRedNet§7 is §asupported§7. |
| oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard=Allows reading and emitting redstone signals around the computer or robot. |
| oc:tooltip.Robot=Unlike computers, robots can move around and interact with the world much like a player can. They can §onot§r§7 interact with external components, however! |
| # The underscore makes sure this isn't hidden with the rest of the tooltip. |
| oc:tooltip.Robot_Level=§fLevel§7: §a%s§7. |
| oc:tooltip.Robot_StoredEnergy=§fStored energy§7: §a%s§7. |
| oc:tooltip.Router=Allows connecting different networks to each other. Only network messages will be passed along, components will not be visible through this. Use this to separate networks while still allowing communication using Network Cards, for example. |
| oc:tooltip.Screen=Display text, controlled by a Graphics Card in a Case.[nl] Maximum resolution: §f%sx%s§7.[nl] Maximum color depth: §f%s§7. |
| oc:tooltip.TooLong=Hold shift for a detailed tooltip. |
| oc:tooltip.Transistor=A basic element in most other computer parts. It's a bit twisted, but it does the job. |
| oc:tooltip.WirelessNetworkCard=Allows wireless sending of network messages in addition to normal ones. Make sure to set the §fsignal strength§7 or no wireless packet will be sent! |